Upon arriving home, he saw his son and daughter confronting each other

Zhang GuoQiang frowned when he saw Zhang Qing slamming the door being as she left. These few years, as he seldom returned home, he didn"t really acquaint himself with this daughter that much. However, that action of hers made him feel concerned. Could it be that when he normally wasn"t at home, his son and daughter interacted in this sort of way?

Shao Qian finished washing up and walked out. Seeing the breakfast laid on the table, he immediately pulled out a chair and sat down. Placing a bun in his mouth and chewing a mouthful of it, he carelessly asked, "My sister?"

"She left for work already." When Zhang GuoQiang saw his son"s bulging cheeks as he diligently chewed his bun, his eyes grew warm. This was his son. The son he and Ah Yun had together. But because he himself was a b.a.s.t.a.r.d, he actually missed his son"s childhood when growing up. If Ah Yun had a soul up in the heavens, she must definitely blame him too.

Therefore, from now on he would diligently make it up to his son. He would carefully guide him, and definitely not let him return back to his previous manner where he always ran out to fool around.


Zhang GuoQiang swept his eyes across the place they were currently living in. There was a bit of a dilemma. This place could be regarded as the C City"s slum district. In the old district"s apartment building, all sorts of waste people could be found. His darling son definitely couldn"t learn anything good from this place. So, it seemed like it was time to give his son a different environment.

"Son, papa wants to go out. Wait for me obediently in the house, okay?" Zhang GuoQiang sat with his chest against the back of the chair. His lower jaw was resting on the back of the chair as he looked at his son, who seemed like a greedy hamster as he ate.

"No, I want to go out." He intended to look for some temporary jobs today. Get some money and go to the bank to open an account. You need money in your hands before being able to contend with the male and female lead, wasn"t that right?

"What are you going to do?" Zhang GuoQiang"s face immediately became strict. Was his son going to go mingle with those bad guys? That couldn"t happen, if by any chance his son was injured, what should he do?

If Shao Qian was aware of Zhang GuoQiang"s thoughts, he would have definitely sprayed him with a face full of spit. Originally when Zhang ZiHui was still small, didn"t you ignore him and leave? Right now, he was scared of his son getting injured. Yet, that year when he had tossed his children to one side and didn"t return home for a few months, how could he not think of the two piteously starving children in the house?

"Work." Shao Qian swallowed the bun in his mouth, not in a good mood as he answered, "My sister hasn"t given me money for half a month, I don"t have anymore money on me now. If I don"t find work to do, won"t I starve to death?"

The reason why Shao Qian knew what to do so clearly, was still because there was still a somewhat higher being here. Because Zhang Qing didn"t give Zhang ZiHui any allowance for half a month, he couldn"t bring the group of gangsters to go eat and was immediately ridiculed by them. Zhang ZiHui had flown into a rage from shame, and the moment he returned home he had charged at Zhang Qing, demanding for money. Zhang Qing had delicately and piteously cried for a while as she tried to speak, finally, the result was two words; no money.

This made Zhang ZiHui who was originally still in a fit of anger, even more angrier. He immediately shoved Zhang Qing. It was unsure whether he had used too much strength or not, but Zhang Qing fell down weakly. When she fell, her forehead b.u.mped onto the edge of the table, splitting skin and causing blood to flow out.

When Zhang ZiHui saw that Zhang Qing was injured, he immediately panicked. He fled and didn"t dare return home for three days. The female lead had also relied on this wound to firmly establish her presence with the male lead. After all, the always diligent a.s.sistant suddenly had a bruise on her forehead, it was hard for anyone not to notice. Furthermore, Zhang Qing had under the male lead"s "repeated inquiries" informed him candidly…

Towards such a plot, Shao Qian had chuckled, the world actually had such a timely matter? Say b.u.mp and would b.u.mp? How could it be that accurate?

Upon hearing those words, Zhang GuoQiang"s brows creased. For half a month he didn"t have any living expenses, how did his darling son pa.s.s that time?

"Good son, later, father will get some money for you." How could he even lack money for his own darling son.

"Find you for money? That time, didn"t you yourself not have any money and came home to ask for money?" Although the frequency wasn"t high, generally there would be two to three times he would return home, but he also couldn"t bear that this father always didn"t listen to him.

Zhang GuoQiang heard those words and his face turned awkward. At that time, he had been muddle-headed and ignorant, repeatedly searching for death, where would he have the heart to make money? Moreover, his daughter was able to make money, whenever he returned home, his daughter would always take the initiative to give him money. This had also immediately led to him to degenerate further.

When Shao Qian saw the man"s reveal an unhappy face, he threw a scornful glance at him. Luckily he didn"t count on this father. Later, he should go to a internet cafe and programme a small software to sell first. After getting the money he would buy a computer before researching a bit on this world"s stocks.

"Good son, wait for your father to get money, you don"t need to go out." Zhang GuoQiang looked warmly at his adorable son. Originally he didn"t want to return to that house, however because of his adorable son, he must return.

Besides, one third of that house itself belonged to him. That year he didn"t know which part of his brain wasn"t in good condition, he actually ran away with his wife, and in the end it gave rise to the result of his wife dying of a sickness outside.

"You won"t steal?" Shao Qian put down the bowl in his hand, glaring at Zhang GuoQiang.

"Daddy won"t do those kind of things." Zhang GuoQiang took off his ap.r.o.n and patted Shao Qian"s head, "Listen to me, don"t go out."

Shao Qian threw a scornful glance at him but nodded his head, agreeing. In his mind however, he thought that once Zhang GuoQiang left, he himself wasn"t at home, how would he be able to stop him?

However, Shao Qian was still too naive. It had only been a while since Zhang GuoQiang left when he tried to go out. In the end, no matter how hard he looked, he couldn"t find his key. Fine, he thought, if he didn"t have his key, worst comes to worst he could always wait until night to return. His thinking lasted until the moment when, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn"t open the door. He had been locked in…

Shao Qian"s hand rested on the doork.n.o.b, feeling an uncontrollable anger that seemed to want to explode. In his heart he was cursing Zhang GuoQiang with a torrent of abuse. He was also capable of getting angry, okay? [1]

Zhang GuoQiang placed the key he took from his son"s room into his pocket, thinking that his son must be furious to the extent that his whole face was red. Sigh, the appearance of his son"s red face would definitely be cute.

Shao Qian waited for Zhang GuoQiang for an entire day. He saw the sky was already dark, yet Zhang GuoQiang still hasn"t returned. Shao Qian maliciously wondered if he had really stolen something and had been caught?

After a while, a sound came from the door. Shao Qian craned his neck up to see the female lead whose had a happy expression on her face. He gave her a scornful glance before lying back down on the sofa, not paying her any mind.

"What"s with that att.i.tude?" Zhang Qing saw Shao Qian scornful expression and her good mood immediately disappeared. It was this expression again. It was obviously her who earned the money to raise him, for what reason did he look down on her?

"Leave." Shao Qian tilted his chin up, staring at her in disdain, "Why are you throwing your weight around in front of me again."

"What you eat, what you drink, the money you spend all comes from me, tell me for what reason should I not throw my weight around?" Zhang Qing laughed coldly as she looked at Shao Qian, "For more than twenty days, I haven"t given you money yet you actually didn"t starve to death."

"I didn"t starve to death and let you be disappointed. You only say I always take money from you. Yet, why didn"t you say that I had taken 10,000 dollars from "Brother Hairy" and returned it to you?" Shao Qian used his nostrils to look at Zhang Qing.[2] Although right now he didn"t make any moves to kill her, that didn"t mean he had to tolerate her. This kind of vicious appearance, he should really let her future husband come and see.

"You…" When Zhang Qing saw Zhang Zi Hui"s expression, she became extremely angry. Today, she didn"t know from where in her heart expelled evil fire, but when she saw Zhang Zi Hui"s face was even more delicate than hers, she swung her hand.

Shao Qian saw Zhang Qing"s incoming hand and grabbed it, standing up, he fiercely pulled the person in front of him and furiously opened his mouth, "You dare try to hit me?"

Zhang GuoQiang, along with a man he had brought, saw the sight of his son and daughter confronting each other. Zhang Qing"s face got angrier as she flung off his son"s grasp.

[1] Sarcasm

[2] [邵谦拿鼻孔看着张晴] – Basically, he"s looking down on her. Like, a lot.

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