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Saying These Touching Words With A Straight Face……

The regent obviously didn"t understand his meaning and frowned for a moment before saying, "Pig skin isn"t as delicious as pork. Pork belly, in particular, is mouth-watering."

Shao Qian watched as his wooden face spoke these words, and couldn"t help laughing again, "Imperial Uncle, pig skin is thick, most definitely as thick as your face."

Could the regent still not understand that the little Emperor was making fun of him? He pinched Shao Qian"s nose and said softly, "Imperial Uncle"s face can still be a lot thicker."

Shao Qian felt that a certain person"s claws shifted to his dragon b.u.t.tocks, directly pinching it. During these kinds of moments, he would always have the urge to bite this person.

In fact, he actually did it. Leaning towards the person"s face, he nibbled his cheek. The regent"s eyes started to shine in an instant. A hand encircled the little Emperor, while the other hand pulled the said person"s head towards him. At first, he tested it out by kissing the corners of the little Emperor"s mouth, and upon seeing no rejection, he immediately reached for a yard after getting an inch, and kissed him.

Shao Qian"s face quickly became as black as the regent"s face. He slapped the person away, "Imperial Uncle, you dared to defy the Emperor."

"Then Xuan-er can just punish Imperial Uncle." A certain shameless person grabbed the little Emperor"s hand and placed it a small distance away, further down his belly, "Imperial Uncle"s weakness is here… Xuan-er is welcomed to hit as he pleases."

I believe that I"m able to beat you till you become impotent… Shao Qian"s face was filled with black lines as he drew back his hand, "Imperial Uncle, Zhen finds that you"ve become a fool!"

"Imperial Uncle is a fool," the regent pecked the little Emperor"s tender lips once again, "That"s why, Xuan-er needs to treat Imperial Uncle well."

Shao Qian gracelessly threw a scornful look at him. Whenever he thought that this shameless thing had reached the bottom line, he would always refresh his understanding. So, it was better if he didn"t cause a fuss with him again. "I have something to say to you."

"What is it?" The regent looked at the little Emperor"s face and felt happy. After all, it was himself who had done the deed. Wherever he looked, it was pleasing to the eye.

"Send people to reinforce the border patrols. We can"t let others take advantage of this opportunity to invade that important location and thus, enter my territory." Shao Qian remembered that when he had first seen the plot, three small countries had allied together and were hara.s.sing the border. Although the damage that resulted from it wasn"t big, the fact that the Emperor didn"t intervene in the matter had caused many of the ministers to grieve.

The regent"s hand that was eating tofu [1] paused, before he placed his hands on the table and trapped the little Emperor within his arms. "Xuan-er, who told you about this matter?"

A few days ago, a scout had reported that three small countries around the border had formed an alliance and were hara.s.sing it. Just the day before, he had given the order to strengthen the vigilance secretly, but this matter was actually known by the little Emperor… Who informed him?

"Right now, two places in the country are in disarray. There will definitely be other countries who will take advantage of this fact," Shao Qian glanced at the regent, "This country is named Helian. How can I let others hara.s.s it?"

The regent looked at Shao Qian expressionlessly, before abruptly tightening his embrace. "You really aren"t my Xuan-er for nothing. You are really attentive… Imperial Uncle didn"t expect this."

With a wooden face, Shao Qian allowed the regent to rub him, "Imperial Uncle, let"s talk about important matters."

"Whatever Xuan-er wants to do, just do it. Imperial Uncle will support everything." The regent took off the little Emperor"s inconvenient Imperial Crown and placed it aside. He then pulled apart the headful of hair that was tied up, causing it to slide down, before he hugged the little Emperor and brushed his hair skillfully.

Shao Qian partially leaned onto the table to ease his movements. In the previous world, what Vincent had liked the most was to hug him and braid his hair. He wore his hair in a braided pigtail for thousands of years and so, when he arrived into this small world, he still felt that a braided pigtail was the most comfortable.

"If I want your life, you"ll also support it with all your strength?" Shao Qian threw a scornful glance. These words were rather big… If you want to do something, then do it.

The regent"s movements didn"t stop. However, he seriously considered the little Emperor"s question, before he replied somewhat vexed, "If I lose my life, then I can"t hug you… But my reason for living [2] can be left behind."

When Shao Qian heard that, he turned his head sideways to look at the regent"s lower abdomen, "Imperial Uncle, even if you want to enter the palace, it"s not necessary to throw away your reason for living."

"Brat, what are you thinking of?" If he didn"t have this reason for living, how could he love his little Emperor? Finishing the braided pigtail, he kissed the little Emperor"s nose bridge, smiling as he spoke, "Are you not my reason for living?"

His lowered voice which carried a laughing undertone was simply a killing tool. If he went out to flirt, he would definitely fascinate even the dead. When Shao Qian heard those words, he glanced at him scornfully. He really didn"t know what kind of strange b.u.t.ton his partner had pressed in this world… How could he change so much?

"Be more decent," Shao Qian kneaded his elbow into the regent"s waist, "These two years, handle the South and the Northwest properly. As for those restless small countries…"

"Destroy them," the regent pulled at the little Emperor sitting in his embrace, "When you are a bit older, Imperial Uncle will personally lead an army and conquer the entire country."

Shao Qian gradually leaned onto the regent"s large chest. Looking up, he could see his firm lower jaw. He didn"t know why, but he suddenly felt indescribably forlorn. This person, if he could bring him back to the XingHai s.p.a.ce, could he accompany him forever? He wouldn"t need to worry about him vanishing at any given moment.

"What"s wrong?" When the regent looked down, he could see the little Emperor staring at him dazedly, the sadness in his eyes unable to be concealed.

The regent was somewhat anxious… Could it be that he had said something bad and made his little Emperor unhappy?

"Helian Jing Qi, if I leave one day, would you be willing to leave with me?" If he could really bring this person away, he would do it at all costs.

"You are my treasure, and also my reason for leaving. Wherever you go, I will also go." The regent had the ability to say these touching words with a straight face. At least, when Shao Qian looked at this poker-faced regent as he said those words, whatever sadness he felt vanished.

"Remember your words." When this world ended, he would try to see whether or not it was possible to use his soul power to bring him out. Even if his soul power suffered some damage, it didn"t matter. So long as he could bring him to the XingHai s.p.a.ce.

"These few days, the flowers within my residence have bloomed and look beautiful. Does Xuan-er want to go with Imperial Uncle to take a look?" Today, when he had returned back in the morning, he had wanted the gardener to pull out all the flowers. The entire time, he had a black face on as he told the gardener to relocate the beautiful flowers to the palace. The pitiful gardener clad only in innerwear had knelt on the ground, wanting to cry but could not allow any tears to form, trembling as he stammered out an explanation after a long time. With great difficulty, he finally managed to get the regent to understand that right now, if he were to pull out the flowers, it was certain that they would die.

Since they couldn"t transport the flowers, then he would send his little Emperor other things. He sent someone to pull away his trusted steward from the bed, and had him open his personal treasury and select the treasures within.

The steward, whose eye corners were still crusted, was also muddled. In this manner, he watched his w.a.n.gye walk back and forth inside his personal treasury as he searched for precious objects, placing the ones he found together at one side. If someone wanted to help him, he also wouldn"t let them.

The size of the regent"s personal treasury was comparable with the Emperor"s national treasury. However, the gold and silver, pearl and jewelries within it, when compared to the Emperor"s national treasury, were still several times more abundant. If his wealth was to be seen by others, it wouldn"t be strange for them to declare that he took bribes and bent the law.

After selecting the treasures, he placed them into a chest and ordered some servants to haul it into his bedroom. He intended to abduct his little Emperor home after court to see the treasures.

The regent whose heart was perfectly content didn"t see the confused expression on the steward"s face by his side. His w.a.n.gye finally couldn"t take it and also filled his room full with treasures?

When Shao Qian saw that expression of his, he understood that he had other thoughts. Coincidentally, he had wanted to see the condition of the Imperial City. Shao Qian nodded his head, "Alright, Zhen still hasn"t eaten the caramelized haw that Xi Fu had bought."

The regent immediately interrupted, "The cook"s ability in Imperial Uncle"s residence isn"t bad. Allegedly, his ancestors should have been able to make this sort of small snack too."

Regent, your cook was pulled out from the Imperial Palace. Would the imperial cook"s ancestors make caramelised haws? Could you think of a logical reason?

The regent couldn"t care less about these things… In his eyes, if they couldn"t do it, then they should go learn it. Since Benw.a.n.g"s words had already been said, if you let Benw.a.n.g lose face, then Benw.a.n.g will let you die.

Right now, as Shao Qian was wearing the imperial robes, he couldn"t go out. He also declined the regent"s proposal to carry him out. This was the Imperial Palace… If the Emperor was to be seen being carried, how would people view it? Even if his legs were short, he also had to walk back to his sleeping quarters step by step.

The regent was able to let the little short legs walk back before he started plotting. The little Emperor didn"t even take two steps, before he was carried by the regent and placed onto the imperial carriage.

Seeing His Majesty along with the regent coming out, Xi Fu hastily moved towards them. His eyes scanned his master"s body before letting out a sigh of relief. Only his hair was let down, and there wasn"t anything else that changed. Very good, very good.

[1] Eating tofu [吃豆腐] – Taking liberties

[2] Reason for living[命根子] – 命根子 can also mean d*ck.

[3]w.a.n.gye [王爷] – His Highness (Not refering to the Emperor)

Sleepy: Totally wasn"t procrastinating.

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