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If You Dare Say Okay, I"ll Castrate You

After returning to the sleeping quarters, the regent immediately carried the little Emperor down from the carriage and entered the cloakroom. He personally picked out a set of gorgeous red outer garments, before taking out a plain black unlined long gown from the other side for himself.

"Imperial Uncle, why are your clothes in Zhen"s cloakroom?" You really are terrible. Your hands have already stretched into the Emperor"s cloakroom, on another day, wouldn"t you sleep on Zhen"s dragon bed? That wasn"t right…… This thing had already slept on the Emperor"s bed.

"In order to be nearby to take care of Xuan-er, from this day onwards, Imperial Uncle will live in the palace." After the regent changed his clothes, he carried the little Emperor and placed him before the bronze mirror, taking apart the braid he made in the Imperial Study and redoing it again. Once he finished the braided pigtail, he took out something and with the greatest of care, placed it onto the little Emperor"s forehead.

The bronze mirror was somewhat blurred and the reflection couldn"t be seen in great detail, but when Shao Qian felt a slightly cold impression on his forehead, he couldn"t help but use his hand and touch it. This red rhombus jade stone, was exactly the same as the adornment he had worn when he was in the Divine World.

"You……" With a surprised expression, Shao Qian turned to look at the regent. Could it be that he really remembered? But, his reaction wasn"t completely the same as how it should be if he remembered. What in the world was going on?

"As expected, it suits you the best." The regent"s eyes shined with happiness. When his very first dream had begun, the first thing he drew was this forehead adornment. Furthermore, after he drew it, he also got the craftsman in his residence to create it, so that he would not forget that one day, he would be able to meet his treasure once again.

Shao Qian rubbed the adornment on his forehead and smiled, "Of course it does."

At that time, Vincent had specially created this diamond-shaped adornment for him. In the divine world, there wasn"t any material that was scarlet in colour, so Vincent had charged into the abyss of the demon world, and acquired a fire quartz from the depths of the magma from the world"s core. From the fist-sized fire quartz, merely a small piece was taken out from inside of it, and after being polished, it was given to him. It could be said that, the Vincent of that year had pushed all the treasures from the three worlds一Human, Demon and Divine一onto his body.

Although this object his partner had given him couldn"t be compared to the fire quartz, but in this small world, it was also a rare treasure. It could be seen that he had put a lot of thought into this forehead adornment.

After tidying up the little Emperor, the regent directly took off the feather crown on his head, before kneeling onto the ground and looked expectantly at the little Emperor. "Help me braid it."

He remembered, the person with the golden and short hair in his dream, would always braid the black hair of the other person in the dream. When he woke up, he had thought that if he really could meet the person in his dreams, he would definitely get him to braid his own hair, a braid throughout his life.

Shao Qian made the regent turn around, took a ox horn comb and brushed his hair. However, since he had never served anyone before, how could he properly brush the regent"s hair? So, time after time, as he pulled at the hair, he would also drag the regent"s head along with it.

"Does it hurt?" Shao Qian held the ox horn, feeling at a loss. "If it hurts, I"ll get the servants……"

"It doesn"t hurt." Even if it hurt, he could endure. The person with the golden hair wasn"t able to enjoy this, how could he give up the opportunity to enjoy it himself? Moreover, his little Emperor"s body was tender and his flesh was n.o.ble, where could he have done manual work before? It was merely this little bit of pain, a tiny itch. It couldn"t be counted as anything.

The Emperor, with his tender body and n.o.ble flesh, helped the regent braid his hair, but the result was too tragic to look at. But in the regent"s eyes, it was simply the only one of its kind in the Heavens and on Earth, he was even admiring it in the bronze mirror. He absolutely didn"t feel that the slanted braid was unsightly.

"Xuan-er is skillful with his hands." The regent kissed the little Emperor"s claw, and carried him outside, "By chance, Imperial Uncle"s carriage is here and is able to bring Xuan-er out of the palace."

Saying that, going back and forth like this was quite time consuming, how about shifting his residence to beside the Imperial Palace? And incidentally, making a door on the palace wall?

"Imperial Uncle, how much silver do you have in your personal treasury?" Right now, Shao Qian was concerned about this matter. Don"t wait until the river course was halfway dug out before telling me that there"s no more money.

The regent, who was in the midst of indulging in his wild fantasies, hurriedly chased away the ideas of moving his residence. Now, since his personal treasury was intended for his little Emperor, he couldn"t extravagantly spend money as before.

The regent was at a loss, he really didn"t know how much silver was there in his personal treasury. "Let someone count it one day."

"Okay." Shao Qian was thinking, since the person was his, then the personal treasury was also his. Let someone move it one day.

When Shao Qian went out, it was natural for him to bring Xi Fu along, to avoid him going off into flights of fantasy once again and fearing that the regent would eat his master.

The regent did want to eat him, however, it was different from what Xi Fu was thinking about.

From the palace to the regent"s residence, it took around the time a stick of incense takes to burn. Once the regent arrived at the residence, he immediately ordered the steward to make some caramalised haws and send it over. When the steward heard his w.a.n.gye"s command, his thought quickly became muddled. He felt that his w.a.n.gye must be possessed by evil spirits, otherwise, why did he become so different and bizarre these past few days? Even wanting caramelised haws, have you ever seen an imperial cook making this thing?

But, could he not obey his w.a.n.gye"s order? So with a bitter face, the steward went to the meal room. When he conveyed the w.a.n.gye"s orders, that imperial cook held up a knife with a ghastly appearance, "Steward, do you think that I"m a person who makes caramelised haws?"

"Do you wish to become a ghost that makes caramelised haws?" With eyes that seemed like those of a dead fish, the steward stared at the cook.

"……" The imperial cook tightened his grip on the knife over and over again, as if coming to the ends of his patience as he slammed the knife onto the chopping board, before furiously speaking three words, "I"ll do it."

Even If I die, it wouldn"t matter, these words sounded heroic. However, was it worth two sticks of caramelised haws that could be bought for a copper coin? Was it worth it?

At this moment, the imperial cook simply wanted to look up at the sky, let out a long sigh, and think of his lifetime reputation and the caramelised haw that would stain it. In this world, there was actually a food that he didn"t know how to make, he has shamed his forefathers!

"Then do it. Whatever materials you need, hurry and get people to buy." Saying this, the steward walked away with wobbling steps. He liked throwing matters onto other people for them to worry the most.

"Master, why aren"t you using your brain?" The little apprentice who had all along been standing at the side, pointed towards his head, "If we don"t know how to make it, then why don"t we consult the outside?"

"Boy, I knew you were clever." The head cook who always felt like swearing at his apprentice, finally felt that it was worthwhile taking him in.

"Oh, this apprentice will go invite someone." The apprentice slipped away. This time, if he handle the matter well, would his master reward him with some cooking skills? So, how stingy was this imperial cook on ordinary days?

The regent had been already been infected by the "carry the little Emperor and head towards the bedroom" illness. He said that he would bring him to look at the flowers, but in reality, Shao Qian had only gotten to see them for two seconds when they entered. The rest of the time was spent being carried away by the regent as he walked swiftly to the bedroom. The regent placed him onto the bed, before personally dragging over a wooden chest that was half his size and presented it to him.

Shao Qian looked at the opened chest filled with treasures and felt that his eyes was about to be blinded from the shine. How much do you actually like gold? The entire chest was full of gold, golden bottles, golden dishes……

"Does Xuan-er like them?" Previously, he remembered that there was a lot of golden colour in the place from his dream, and thought that his little Emperor would definitely like this colour. That"s why, when he was in the middle of selecting, he specially picked those that were golden.

"No……" He didn"t have a hobby of torturing his eyes. At that time in the divine world, it couldn"t be helped, who asked those angels to like these golden and glittering things? Back then, it wasn"t that they didn"t try to change it. However, being stared at by a group of angels with teary eyes was simply too horrifying, so they changed it back again.

The regent"s face fell. Don"t ask Shao Qian how he could tell that from this emotionless face, when he had said that he didn"t like it, the eyes of this thing just lost their light.

The reagent wasn"t happy. Obviously that golden-haired guy was always in a place that was full of gold, why did his little Emperor not like gold then?

"Bright." The little Emperor shook his head and sighed deeply, "Imperial Uncle, your taste is really…… sigh……"

How can the regent admit that his taste wasn"t good? In fact, he also didn"t like this kind of nouveau riche and dazzling things. From now on, he would definitely not put this sort of dazzling things in his personal treasury ever again.

"These things were prepared to be exchanged into silver, let the two daren, Song and Li to take them away." The regent felt that he was continuously digging holes for himself to jump into, this really wasn"t a good omen.

"Imperial Uncle is more attentive." Shao Qian practically teased the regent before holding out his arms and letting the regent carry him away, "Carry Zhen out."

The regent loved seeing the appearance of his little Emperor tilting his chin up slightly as he commanded him. It really made his heart itch, he couldn"t help but want to kiss him.

Of course, the regent wasn"t someone who practiced patience. He pecked the left cheek and also pecked the right cheek, however when he was about to give in to his desires and place a kiss onto the middle, he was blocked by the little Emperor. "Imperial Uncle, your illness of randomly kissing people needs to be cured. Or should it be said that Imperial Uncle is excessively lonely, should Zhen get people to help Imperial Uncle to look for a girl to marry?"

If you dare say okay, I"ll castrate you.

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