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The Regent Who Ate A Caramalised Haw For The First Time

When the regent heard the little Emperor"s words, he revealed a rarely-seen different expression. He pulled back the corners of his mouth, intending on smiling, although in the end the result was somewhat unsatisfactory……

This person hugged the little Emperor and retreated a step back, directly pressing the other onto the bed. His right hand rubbed back and forth on the little Emperor"s waist, moving closer to his ear and speaking softly, "What did Xuan-er say just now? Imperial Uncle couldn"t hear clearly."

Shao Qian inwardly cursed this thing as indecent, but his actions had stolen away the greater part of his attention. Being rubbed and kissed by the regent like this, the words he wanted to say were swallowed down.

Just now, he also seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. How could he not know about this thing"s behaviour? He had even tried to probe him out, he had no choice but to say, he had been with this fool for such a long time that his IQ was pulled down below the average standard.

"Don"t make a fuss anymore." Shao Qian pushed at the regent"s shoulder, "Just now, I was in the wrong."

"Baby, from now on, don"t say those kind of words ever again, I don"t like to hear it." When the regent heard the little Emperor say that he wanted to place him with another person, from the bottom of his heart, something ruthless and tyrannical was born. It seemed like a kind of violent rage that wanted to destroy everything.

He had undoubtedly wanted to grab this person before him, and ask him whether or not he took him seriously, but in his mind, there was something that warned him over and over that he couldn"t hurt him.

"Of course," Shao Qian hugged the regent"s neck and smiled. "Then can we go out now, my regent?"

"As you command, My Majesty." The regent kissed the corner of the little Emperor"s lips, his sinister mood also reverted to normal. However, upon seeing the stick of caramelised haw being carried in on a plate by a peddler through the side door of the residence, this fine feeling of his immediately vanished.

"Imperial Uncle, your residence cook is also a peddler?" Shao Qian"s memory was very strong, and he immediately recognised that this peddler was the one that sold the caramalised haws to Xi Fu.

The regent felt that today was the start of his unlucky year. The boasting that he just did was once again seen through. He felt that it was necessary for him to go lie in the royal tomb, offer himself up to his forefathers, and let them bless him to decrease the amount of time of him losing face.

Your Majesty, regent, as a matter of fact, I feel that if you were to dare go to the royal tomb and say that you have taken a fancy to the little Emperor, do you believe that all of your forefathers would rise from the dead, and kill you, their unworthy descendant?

The little apprentice, who was leading the peddler in from the side gate, trembled as he knelt on the ground. He never expected that the regent would actually pa.s.s by this place at this time. This, this, this…… arbitrarily leading outsiders into the residence, even if he had several lives, it still wouldn"t be enough.

"w.a.n.g…… w.a.n.gye, spare me……" The little apprentice knelt on the ground, trembling.

"Go get that stick for me," Shao Qian nodded his chin towards that little apprentice and laughed, "Let me taste how different the caramelised haw that your residence"s head cook made is from the others."

Right now, the little apprentice only knew how to kneel on the ground and tremble, how could he have clearly heard what the little Emperor said? The regent glared at the little apprentice kneeling on the floor, before personally stepping forward and plucking off a stick to give to the little Emperor. "I"ll help Xuan-er try first."

And so, he watched as a certain shameless person extended the tip of his tongue out and licked the sugar coating of the caramelised haw, and in the end, even making a show of being very much earnest as he nodded his head. "The flavour is not bad, however Xuan-er can only eat a bit, if not later you can"t eat your meal."

Shao Qian wasn"t a genuine greedy little child so he naturally wouldn"t take this snacks and get full on them. He only felt that this bright red caramelised haw looked very enticing, and when he saw it, he would have the desire to eat it.

Shao Qian took the caramalised haw and bit into it. The sugar coating wasn"t little, and the acerbic taste was also ample. However, only enjoying it by himself wasn"t right, since Imperial Uncle said that the taste wasn"t bad, he should share it right?

He bit off the top-most bit, before pinching off the second bit and got the regent to bend down before shoving it into his mouth.

Not only was there a pleasantly sweet taste in the regent"s mouth, but his heart also felt pleasant. His little Emperor, who usually protected his food, had personally fed him a bit, so he must carefully savour this. He definitely had to keep it in his mouth, and wait for it to gradually dissolve.

Dissolve…… Eh? Why wasn"t it sweet anymore? The regent"s tongue licked, it seemed that all the sugar had dissolved. And so, a certain person who had never eaten a caramelised haw before, bit down on it…… before his entire body stiffened, the face that always didn"t have any expression immediately creased into a circle, and his brow tightened to the extent that it looked like it could squeeze a fly to death.

"Pftt, hahahaha!" Shao Qian watched the regent"s changing face and laughed loudly. He didn"t expect that this person actually couldn"t stand sour things.

The regent swallowed the thing in his mouth whole, baring his teeth as he carried the little Emperor up, kissing the corner of his mouth, "Little brat, knowing how to laugh at Imperial Uncle."

"Then, a joke is required to be worth seeing," Shao Qian held the caramelised haw in his hand and looked at his partner with sparkling eyes, "Still want to eat?"

The regent didn"t even think as he moved closer and kissed him, "If you feed me, then I"ll eat."

Shao Qian bit off a piece of sugar coating and held it in his mouth, moving towards the regent"s mouth and feeding him, "Eat a bit of the sugar coating, then it won"t be sour anymore."

Right now, the regent felt as if he was floating. His little Emperor"s lips were soft and sweet, and when he licked that little tongue, the sweetness intensified. This really made the regent feel as if he was drunk.

If Shao Qian were to know of the regent"s thinking, he would definitely tell him that the flavour was due to the sugar, it had nothing to do with his lips and tongue……

The regent carried his little Emperor out of the Prince"s residence. Furthermore, when he left the residence, he also didn"t forget to tell the steward to block that shadow, Xi Fu, to stop him from always staggering along behind his little Emperor.

When Shao Qian heard the regent"s instructions, he couldn"t help glancing scornfully at him, "Don"t listen to his nonsense, if my little eunuch asks, tell him I have some important matter to handle, and let him wait in the Prince"s residence for my return.

"Understood." The steward was brought out from the Imperial Palace by the regent, and so naturally he recognised this individual. Although he wasn"t clear on why his w.a.n.gye suddenly doted on the little Emperor now, but as a loyal steward, he should not ask, definitely couldn"t ask.

Also, w.a.n.gye, going out with a head that seems like a chicken coop, tomorrow, won"t you be reduced to the Imperial City"s laughing stock? Of course, as a subordinated steward, he also definitely couldn"t ask this question.

The regent carried his little Emperor out of the door, but when they arrived onto the streets, the little Emperor said that he didn"t want the regent to carry him anymore. This made the regent unhappy.

"I"m not small anymore, it isn"t comfortable being carried all the time." When Shao Qian saw the regent look as if an abandoned puppy and his whole body turning gloomy, he hurriedly explained, "You"re tired from carrying me too."

It could be said that Shao Qian grasped his mood very well. From "being carried is uncomfortable", the regent immediately changed it into his little Emperor being concerned for him. In an instant, the obviously gloomy mood of his changed into a sunny day. That speed was definitely faster than when others flipped a page in a book.

"It seems like there are more people coming and going within the Imperial City." When he had came out with Xi Fu that day, there weren"t many people, or was it that they had come out at the wrong timing then?

"There are two places suffering severely, from drought and waterlogging. Those wealthy people left behind all their household servants and left with their children and wife." The regent shielded the little Emperor to prevent others from accidentally touching him.

"Are they not worried that when they go back, their house will be carved up by those servants?" Shao Qian walked forward whilst being shielded by the regent. Looking at the people wearing bright and new clothing, coming and going on the streets, within his brain he thought, the South and the Northeast, it was very likely that the victims were already sallow and emaciated.

"They hold the servant"s contract, if somehow the servants dare to disobey them, even if they directly kill them, no one would say anything." The regent let the little Emperor walk in front of him by a small distance, "This kind of people that dare to immediately throw away their houses and leave, how can they treat their servants kindly? They aren"t afraid that those servants would carve up their residence, perhaps their household"s punishment is extremely harsh, causing the servants to be scared and do not dare to act recklessly."

Shao Qian didn"t quite understand although he nodded his head, "Now, these people are crowding into the Imperial City, you definitely have to dispatch more guards."

Who knew what kind of person all these people entering the Imperial City were? He"d rather be prepared for all possibilities, it was better to dispatch more people to keep a lookout.

"Of course," the regent expressed his understanding. His little Emperor"s territory, he naturally had to protect it well.

Just when the regent shielded the little Emperor and headed towards the teahouse he usually frequented, a ruckus could be heard from the front, to the extent that people crying out in pain could be heard. The regent"s face immediately turned terrifyingly black as he hastily protected the little Emperor and retreated backwards, scared that his treasure might he touched by something without eyes.

In the midst of the chaos, Shao Qian"s foot was stepped on and he became unstable in his feet, falling onto the ground. The regent was pushed against by others, leaving the little Emperor"s side. He looked on helplessly as the little Emperor fell down, even seeing few people stepping onto him in the flurry.

Caramalised Haws:

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