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The Regent Who Is Being A Coward

"Sigh— Master, we still haven"t read over the memorials to the throne." Xi Fu, who had been by Shao Qian side for a number of years, had also changed to become more shrewd. When he heard his Master"s words, he hurriedly discussed the topic, "Even if you were unwell yesterday, you should already be fine today. Yesterday, we didn"t read through many memorials to the throne, you can"t rest again today."

Shao Qian suddenly paused in his steps, glowering at Xi Fu, "I"m the master, I have the final say."

"Your Majesty, the late Emperor in the royal tomb is watching you." Xi Fu had absolutely nothing to fear.

"Since Xuan-er"s body is unwell, go and rest." The regent was being a qualified "loyal slave", how could he let his treasure he tired? And so, the regent took the matter into his own hands, letting his little Emperor return to his sleeping quarters to rest.

Shao Qian raised a brow, before sweeping his sight over the regent"s expectant eyes…… and turned to leave.

Seeing his little Emperor turning around, the regent"s entire body seemed to turn gloomy, faintly being able to see the dark aura emitting out from behind him.

"Your Highness, Prince regent, I will go see what Master requires." Xi Fu didn"t dare being alone together with the regent, when he saw his master leaving in the distant, he hurriedly gave chase.

The regent"s head drooped as he gradually shifted himself to the Imperial Study. When in the world would his little Emperor pay attention to him?

However, Shao Qian along with Xi Fu didn"t walk too far away. These two had hid themselves behind a corner, watching as the regent, whose whole body was quickly emitting a black aura, walked to the Impedial Study. Xi Fu was somewhat at a loss as he spoke, "Master, isn"t it a bit too much to do this?"

He watched until he didn"t quite have the heart to anymore. The always self-centered regent being in such low spirits was really a rare sight.

"Who is too much?" Shao Qian withstood the impulse to glare scornfully. That day, if it wasn"t for his willpower being firm, it was likely he would have been handled by that thing. Didn"t he say he would wait until he was sixteen?

"His Highness, the Prince regent is too much." Xi Fu followed what is right, just like a stream that followed its course.

"That"s correct. Let"s return to the sleeping quarters." Shao Qian settled that matter and returned to the palace along with Xi Fu. However, during meals, he specially got Xi Fu to send the regent a bowl of green bean soup to reduce internal heat.

The regent drank the green bean soup sent by the Emperor, facing the mountain of memorials to the throne and smiling foolishly. Just like he had said, his little Emperor still cared about him.

Your Highness, Prince regent, could it be you really didn"t notice that your image had collapsed? Where is that expressionless, poker-faced fiend? How did he progress to the point where he started to secretly giggle to himself?

The following days were also pa.s.sed in this lively manner. And like that, a year pa.s.sed. The Emperor had just pa.s.sed his sixteenth birthday, the regent who had been holding back until his eyes turned green, finally had his wishes fulfilled as he cleanly ate the little Emperor inside and out.

After that, the consequences was that the little Emperor couldn"t even get up for the morning court the next day. As for the regent who ended his meatless period, he got dressed before being chased out for the Emperor and was unable to set even a foot into the Emperor"s sleeping quarters for several days.

Spring has come and the flowers are in bloom. with eyes that full of infatuation, the regent looked at the little Emperor that had completely grown up. His Majesty, no matter how he looked, was the most unparalleled beauty.

"What are you looking at me for?" Shao Qian placed the fragrant tea in his hands onto the stone table, "The weather is hot, go get the clothing shop to make you some thin clothing one day."

"Xuan-er, I intend go out to battle." That year, he made a promise to give him the entire continent. Now, his little Emperor had already grown up and could acceptably handle the big and small matters within the court, he could set his mind on ease and go to battle.

Shao Qian was dumbfounded and went silent. After a long while, he nodded his head, "Wait for the clothing store to finish your clothes then go."

"Xuan-er, I"m setting off with the army tomorrow." The regent looked at his little Emperor seriously, "You……"

"Since you already decided, then why are you still telling me?" Shao Qian didn"t know why his heart was indescribably annoyed, he got up, wanting to fling his sleeves and leave. However, he couldn"t even take a step forward before he was pulled into the regent"s embrace.

"Let go." Shao Qian struggled but couldn"t break free, and soon after that, his movements became weaker.

"Xuan-er, don"t be angry." The regent buried his head into Shao Qian"s nape, "That year I had promised to give you a time of peace and prosperity and an united land under the Heavens. And now, as you are proficient in handling the court matters, I should carry out the promise I made."

Shao Qian leaned against the regent"s chest. He looked up at the roof of the wayside pavilion, not saying anything. After a long time, he let out a sigh and gradually spoke, "Go then. Without me by your side, be more careful."

"Of course." The regent kissed the Emperor"s neck, his lower body dropping a hint about his desire by rising up. "Tomorrow, Imperial Uncle is leaving. Xuan-er has to properly send Imperial Uncle off."

"……." Your mother! Whatever sentimental mood had been blasted into non-existence. This thing with the brain of a sperm, if he ever gets the chance, it would be better to castrate him.

In the end, Shao Qian wasn"t able to send the regent off to battle. On that day, he wasn"t able to get up, to the extent that when the regent was leaving, he was still in the midst of his sleep.

When he heard the news, the regent"s army had already set off. Shao Qian hastily changed his clothes and brought Xi Fu along to the Imperial City"s gate, looking into the distant from a high place. However, the army had already marched very far away. Don"t even mention seeing the regent, they couldn"t even see the tail end of the army.

"Master……" Xi Fu understood that the regent had a relationship with the Emperor, his heart ached somewhat as he looked at his master. "The regent left behind a letter for you."

"Where"s the letter?" Shao Qian hastily inquired when he heard that.

"The regent let your servant place it in the Imperial Study. He said to let you go back and read it." Perhaps the regent was scared that His Majesty would stay outside for a long time and catch a cold, therefore he repeatedly urged him not to take the letter out of the study.

Shao Qian once again brought Xi Fu back to the Imperial Palace, hurriedly going to the Imperial Study and taking the letter. Upon seeing the contents, he got he was angered until his face became red. However, he still burst into laughter, "This pervert."

Seeing his master laugh, Xi Fu let out a sigh of relief. His also extremely admired the regent. Only he knew how exactly to make his master happy.

Shao Qian earnestly placed the letter in his clothes, snugly beside his chest. Placing a hand over the location of the letter, he muttered to himself, "Don"t let me wait too long. If you don"t, then I"ll gather a hundred and eighty beauties in the palace."

Of course, he didn"t really mean those words. First, don"t even talk about him being able to get hard towards female or not. The most that he would dare do was to place the females in the imperial harem and wait for that petty man to return. Perhaps he would put those pitiful women to death? At that time, it was likely that he wouldn"t receive any nice consequences.

And for the same reason, if the regent dared to fool around outside, he would definitely make this person unable to use a certain place anymore.

The regent campaign lasted for a period of two years. Although in the beginning, when they attacked the small country in the centre, the enemy was caught unprepared. However, the other three small countries had rapidly allied together to fight their enemy. Even if the regent had prepared early on, but it still created much trouble for him.

As for Shao Qian in the far away Imperial City, he received reports after reports of their success. However, the latest report of victory that was sent over made his heart unbearably anxious.

The letter said that the regent had set off and was expected to return back to the Imperial City in a span of two weeks. According to the time that had pa.s.sed, he should have already reached, so why isn"t there any sight of him entering the Imperial Palace to find him?

After waiting for two more days, Shao Qian couldn"t wait any longer. He immediately wore his imperial robe and brought Xi Fu along with him, taking the imperial carriage to the regent"s residence.

If this guy had really returned, then he would definitely go to his own residence. But since he came back, why did he not come to see him? Is it possible that he really has a woman……

No, he won"t. He definitely wouldn"t betray him, that was a totally different thing.

A vast and mighty group hurriedly arrived at the regent"s residence. How could the gate house dare to obstruct the Emperor"s carriage? They could only loudly greet His Majesty in order to warn the people within the regent"s residence. After a short while, the labouring steward knelt before Shao Qian, blocking his path.

"Paying respect to Your Majesty." The steward wiped away his cold sweat and knelt on the ground.

"Scram." Shao Qian directly walked past the steward and headed to the regent"s bedroom.

The steward still wanted to step forward and obstruct him. However, how could the imperial bodyguards, that Shao Qian had brought along, allow him to obstruct His Majesty"s path? He couldn"t even get up before he was pressed down by two bodyguards.

The steward who failed in obstructing the path, could only anxiously watch as the Emperor opened the regent"s bedroom door and intruded inside.

Shao Qian looked around the room and noticed a bloodstained cloth on the table. When he saw this sight, his heart tightened in an instant. Was it possible……

"Your Highness, first, don"t worry." Seeing his master getting worried to the extent that he was perspiring, Xi Fu took out a handkerchief to wipe away his sweat. "Since there"s a bloodstained cloth, but no one in sight, the regent"s movement must definitely not be hindered."

When Shao Qian heard this, he felt that it was very logical. His originally anxious heart also calmed down. He swept his sight over the room once, before speaking in a loud and clear voice, "Imperial Uncle, if you still don"t come out, Zhen will burn down your room."

The regent who was hiding in the hidden chamber, could naturally hear what was going on outside. He sat on the chair, his hand holding the portrait of the Emperor when he was younger, and running a finger over it bit by bit. Right now, his appearance was that of a ghost that didn"t look like a ghost, of a human that didn"t look like a human. If Xuan-er were to see him, he"ll definitely be scared. Rather than letting him see this abomination of a face, it would better to not appear before him……

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