Holding Your Hand And Growing To A Ripe, Old Age Alongside You.

Believe me, your mother will eat you when she comes back.

“My Bai residence isn’t lacking any di husband, but a di wife.” Shao Qian spat the bone in his mouth onto the table. With a smile yet wasn’t a smile, he lifted his head up and looked at the Lu family’s young master. “If you’re willing, you can follow me back to my residence.”


“This di wife, who but myself can do it?” This words sounded very impressive. However, young master Lu, did you ask your parents yet?


Even if someone opposed it, he wouldn’t he separated from this person easily. However, in the end he still hopes that they would be able to receive his parents’ consent. Believing that his parents would approve, this person must definitely be happy.

Shao Qian shook his head and laughed in spite of himself. “Wait until your parents return before saying anything.”


“Whatever Qing Xuan says.” Seeing his beloved person eating, Lu Ao also felt somewhat hungry. Seeing Qing Xuan picking up a piece of meat with his chopsticks, he hurriedly grabbed said person’s hand and guided it towards his mouth.


Chewing on the food in his mouth, young master Lu felt that this was definitely the best meal he had in his entire life. Being fed by his beloved person, naturally the taste would be exceptional.

There was no choice but to say the young master Lu’s face couldn’t be counted as thin. Grabbing someone’s hand and using it to feed himself, this could also be counted as said person feeding him.

However, seeing his appearance of keeping the food in his mouth, reluctant to swallow it, Shao Qian felt that it was funny, along with being somewhat sad. When did his partner also become this careful?

“Swallow it. I’ll feed you again.” Shao Qian picked up a chicken feet and held it beside Lu Ao’s mouth. “Hurry up, my hand’s becoming numb.”


Lu Ao hurriedly swallowed the food within his mouth. Having the chicken feet placed into his mouth, he smiled with narrowed eyes. As expected, his mother wasn’t wrong. It was necessary to give the impression of weakness at times, in order to let others become soft-hearted.

So…… Madame Lu, the reason why you weren’t given the cold-shoulder after acting so valiant, is because after provoking a person, you’ll start acting delicate again?

However, it was just as the head of the Lu family had said. Everyone had their own good and bad points, and in the end, he understood it the most from experience.

In an instant, the two of them finished the food with nothing left. Packing up the bowls and chopsticks, Lu Ao lifted up the meal box, and with a hesitant look in his eyes, he spun around restlessly on the spot. With a mere look at his behaviour, Shao Qian knew what this thing wanted.

“I’ll go together with you.” Shao Qian walked to Lu Ao’s side. He intended to take the meal box in the other’s hand, but who would’ve known that his hand wasn’t even able to touch it, before he was avoided by Lu Ao.


“How can I let you do this kind of heavy manual labour?” As Lu Ao’s right hand held the meal box, his empty claw caught his beloved person’s right hand. “The compound is quite big. If I hold your hand along the way, I won’t have any worries of losing you.”


Shao Qian smiled and followed him. For him, with regards to seeing this person, it was simply a blink of an eye. However, for this person, he stayed in this world for dozens of years. That’s why, he really treasured the time when they were together.

“At that time when saw me, did you feel anything?” In the end, Shao Qian still desired to know. How was this person be able to recognise him with a glance?


“When I saw your back, in my mind I thought that ‘This person’s back is extremely familiar’. As if in some mystical world, the two of us had met before.” Lu Ao diligently recalled what he had felt at that time. “When you turned aroun, and I saw your front, my heart cried out that it was you. And that my very existence was to simply wait for your arrival.


When Shao Qian heard those words, he was stunned. Who else had originally said those words? What memory did he actually lose?

“I…… Was what I said bad?” Lu Ao turned around to look nervously at Shao Qian. He only said what was in his heart. Would he be labled as excessively frivolous by by his beloved person?


You just realised it was frivolous? You had to know that the action of yours at that time was forcefully s.n.a.t.c.hing away a man.

“No. What you said was very good.” Shao Qian felt that when he returned to the XingHai s.p.a.ce this time, it was necessary for him to organise the system again, perhaps there would be a clue to his missing memory.


Hearing Shao Qian’s approval, Lu Ao’s face lit up in a bright smile. Perhaps it wasn’t an unrequited love?

Far away, the housekeeper watched as his young master walked alongside someone. However, why was that lady still dressed in the filthy men’s clothes? Did the young master not remember to prepare clothes for her?

The housekeeper felt worried for his young master, to the extent that his heart might shatter. It looks like he still needed to prepare some clothing for that lady. However, that lady’s struture seriously wasn’t small. Her figure actually wasn’t that different from the yoing master. This, this lady looks really robust……


Being robust was also good though. They are a prominent old family that practices martial arts. If the young master were to find a frail and delicate wife, it was likely that others would feel indisposed.

Thinking about this, the housekeep once again felt that this lady’s figure was slender and beautiful. A nice figure and a perky b.u.t.t. Good for bearing children. The crux of the matter was that she was able to keep the young master under control.

The housekeep thought about it for somewhile, before whilst being very pleased, he went to prepare some clothing for the ‘lady’. Seeing that the lady was wearing white clothing, she ought to like the colour white. Let’s make it all white then!


But, Mr. Housekeeper, praising your young master’s wife in this sort of way, saying that her figure was nice and her b.u.t.t was perky…… are you not afraid that said young master — who was extremely protective — would beat you up? Okay then, so long as he doesn’t find out, then you’ll definitely be safe.

After the meal box was placed back into the meal room, Lu Ao once again brought Shao Qian for a tour around the compound. Only after seeing the gradually darkening sky, did he bring said person back to the room.

Only after Shao Qian took off his clothes, did he realise that he had been wearing this flithy white clothing throughout the entire day. He frowned and threw them to the side. “Get someone to throw them away tomorrow.”


“Oh, okay.” The young master Lu picked up the clothing, before neatly stacking them on top of each other. Just as he was about to say something, he saw his beloved person taking off his upper garment, revealing his smooth back as he walked behind the screen to take a bath.


Standing on the spot, the young master Lu could only feel his heart beating like a drum. The contour of Qing Xuan’s back was smooth and st.u.r.dy. The b.u.t.terfly bone on the back, due to his swinging arms, outlined a beautiful arc.

Sleepy: i’ve never learnt how to describe a back. Or the (detailed) parts of the human body/skeleton. Yet (?).

Below his waistline, which was alternating between tensing and relaxing, it seemed slender when in fact it held a lot of explosive power. Of course, if he stroked, it would definitely feel good.

Within his mind, the image of his beloved’s person back and waistline was flashing by non-stop in his mind. Lu Ao’s nose felt somewhat itchy, and when he went to rub it, he smeared the blood onto his face. He had just wiped it off, when it flowed down again. Just right hand rubbed it off, a stream appeared again.

Shao Qian washed himself in the bath before walking out. With his hair hanging down loosely, and merely wearing his inner garment, Shao Qian just walked out before seeing the young master Lu, whose face was stained with blood, yet still smiling foolishly.

When his beloved went in, he didn’t bring along any inner garment. Behind the screen, there was probably a few sets of clean inner garments, however…… those were his……


The young master Lu felt that everything before his eyes, was filled with fragrant flowers. He grinned widely, to the extent that his white teeth showed, towards Shao Qian, before stiffly falling down.

Seeing him collasping all of a sudden, Shao Qian hurriedly went over to check on him. In a rush, he ripped off his sleeve and blocked the other person’s nose, inquiring, “Where do you feel unwell? I’ll help you call the physician.”


“Just feel a bit light-headed.” The young master Lu breathed through his blocked nose, and spoke obscurely, “When I saw you…… You…… My head felt somewhat hot.”


Shao Qian understood immdiately. Where was there a problem wifh him? Wasn’t it that this thing thought of some forbidden things, and thus his head got congested? That’s why, no matter in what time, this pervert’s inner characteristic would never change.

“Hurry up and go wash up.” Shao Qian couldn’t help but feel that it was funny. He got up and pulled the young master Lu up along with him at the same time. “I’ll go to bed first. If you haven’t finished washing up in half an hour, then spend the night in the concubine’s chamber.”


“Qing Xuan, you go sleep first.” The young master Lu couldn’t bear letting his Qing Xuan wait for him. Simce he had already said that he would take care of his partner, then naturally, everything to do with his partner would come first.


That’s why, when young master Lu finished washing up and walked to the bedside, he saw his beloved person laying down on the bed, the arm that was missing a sleeve over the pillow, and his breathing very stable.

Young master Lu felt the nosebleed, that he had stopped with much difficulty, about to start again. He hurriedly covered his nose, and inhaled deeply. Only after it was somewhat better, did he lift up the brocade and lay down.

After laying down, he looked at his beloved person who was not even a meter away from him. This……. it seems a bit far. Young master Lu inched closer, yet he still feeling that it was still somewhat far, he inched closer again……


Shao Qian wasn’t in a deep sleep. Lu Ao moving closer bit by bit in such manner, in fact his movements were not small. Shao Qian, who had been awaken, was somewhat impatient. He directly pulled the other person towarfs him, hugging his head as he patted it a few times in his daze. “Quickly sleep.”


Young master Lu’s body stiffened and he didn’t dare move. Only after the breathing of the person below him became smooth again did he dare to move in very small movements. Bit by bit, his two hand hugged his beloved’s person back, slowly reversing their position.

He was too heavy, it wouldn’t be good to press down Qing Xuan. Qing Xuan was somewhat lighter than him, letting Qing Xuan press down on him would be better.

The anger of Shao Qian, who was woken up once again, was somewhat large. He was just about to move, when his ear was pressed against a bare chest. Listening to the strongly beating heart below it, and feeling that person’s palm gently patting his back, his anger gradually died down as he slowly drifted to sleep again.

After getting his beloved person to sleep soundly, young master Lu carefully intertwined their hands together: Holding your hand and growing to a ripe, old age alongside you.

Only, may the Heavens have mercy. Let the two of us be together eternally.

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