Absolutely won’t allow Little Hui to reject him

Zhang ZiXuan watched as Shao Qian walked out, his face becoming cold in a split second. Why doesn’t he want to stay by his side? Could it be that staying by his side made him uncomfortable? No, he absolutely won’t allow Little Hui to reject him, and even more than that, he won’t let Little Hui to not like him either.

“Elder sister, can I come in?” Shao Qian opened the office’s gla.s.s door and looked in, smiling at Zhang Qing.

“Come here for what.” Zhang Qing didn’t know why, but when she saw Zhang ZiHui, she felt fed up. In particular, it was when she saw his delicate face. After dad saw this face, he doted even more on him, even elder cousin along with her uncles liked him more. Thinking of the all the different kinds of ‘unfair’ treatment in the residence towards her, Zhang Qing burned with anger. If only…… If only, Zhang ZiHui didn’t have that face…….

With a gloomy face, Zhang Qing pushed down that idea. It wasn’t that she had felt there was something morally wrong with the idea, rather, she just had to find someone to entrust the task to.

“I’m very bored.” Shao Qian walked over to Zhang Qing and stuck out his tongue, “Elder sister, are you often in this office? Really nice-looking!”

“It’s only an office, how does it look nice.” Zhang Qing used a file folder to hit Shao Qian’s hand that was placed on the table. “If you’re bored, then go play with those ‘friends’ of yours, don’t bother me at work.”

“But, daddy said that he won’t let me play with them anymore.” Shao Qian creased his brows in vexation. “That time, it was them that taught me how to wear makeup, and it was also them that dyed my hair, they told me that it a lot of girls liked that stuff. But, after I followed their words, all the girls seem to shy away from me.”

After Shao Qian said this words, he let out a sound filled with grievances as he rubbed his arm which had been hit, grumbling, “Elder sister, had I known earlier, I would have never listened to you.”

“You…” In an instant, Zhang Qing’s face became unsightly. The reason why Zhang ZiHui would know those street gangsters, was because that year, Zhang Qing had ‘casually’ said that ‘Brother Hairy’ was from the same school as her, and had even said a few good words towards him.

So, Zhang ZiHui, who had no one to discipline him, ran to find that ‘Brother Hairy’. It was also this ‘Brother Hairy’ that taught Zhang ZiHui to do all those bad things, until the moment when he died by Zhang ZiXuan’s bodyguard’s hand.

“What do you mean listen to your elder sister?” Zhang ZiXuan didn’t hear the whole conversation, only the part where Little Hui complained that he shouldn’t have listened to his sister.

“Nothing.” Zhang Qing smiled with great difficulty, “Boss, I’ll get Little Hui to go home now.”

“Big brother, why does elder sister call you boss?” Shao Qian asked ‘curiously’ as he looked back and forth between Zhnag ZiXuan and Zhang Qing.

“Later, big brother will explain to you.” Zhang ZiXuan beamed as he patted Shao Qian’s head, “Don’t bother these big brothers and big sisters’ work, I’ll bring you into the office to rest.”

“Oh. Okay.” Shao Qian followed Zhang ZiXuan back into his office. The a.s.sistants in the office felt that it was fishy, to this pair of brother and sister, why was the brother’s treatment so different from the sister? Looking at their BOSS doting on the youth they couldn’t help but wish to be able to dote on him too, as for the elder sister……

Zhang Qing became so angry, her face became bright red. She slapped the file folder down with a ‘bang!’ sound, the doc.u.ments in the folder slid out and scattered all over the floor. Since she was the one that dropped it, she naturally had to pick them up. As she was picking up the doc.u.ments, she suddenly saw a ‘Mao’ [1] word on the top of the page, and with a flash of inspiration, came up with a malicious plan.

After Shao Qian followed Zhang ZiXuan back into the office, he snuggled into the couch before taking out his phone to play games. Only for his phone to be taken away by someone just as he started playing his game. Angrily glaring at the man that s.n.a.t.c.hed his phone, he reached out, trying to get it back, just for Zhang ZiXuan to casually throw his phone onto the table, “Little Hui, let’s talk.”

“Talk about what?” When Shao Qian saw that he wasn’t returning his phone, he looked coldly at him, this person was trying to find trouble for himself in his own office?

“Just now, what did you mean by listening to your sister?” Towards this matter, Zhang ZiXuan felt very concerned. When Zhang GuoQiang had came to him, he had already got people to investigate into Little Hui. However, the gathered information that had been placed before him, was about a gangster with dyed green hair and wore inappropriate clothes. At that time, he had even prepared for people to send Little Hui to a private training camp when he went to bring him home.

In the end however, when he first saw his cousin, he became absent-minded. That was the first time he saw the siblings confronting each other, and with a single glance, he could tell that their relationship wasn’t good. But, when he saw Zhang ZiHui, he didn’t see an attention-seeking youth, but instead a delicate youth freshly dressed in pure white.

If he didn’t have the strange desire to monopolise the youth, it was unlikely that he would care about this things. After all no one would stress over things or people that they do not care about, right?

Looking at Zhang ZiHui for a split second would cause him to feel that this person should rightfully belong to him. So, as he compared the previous Zhang ZiHui in the information to the current one in front of him, he resolved to thoroughly investigate. The adorable and cute Zhang ZiHui’s previous att.i.tude must have definitely been influenced by others.

“Before, elder sister told me that ‘Brother Hairy’ was from the same school as her. At that time, I didn’t want to go to school, so I went to find ‘Brother Hairy’ to play with.” Shao Qian smeared dirt on the female lead ‘s reputation without hesitation.

The plot wasn’t that detailed. After all, Zhang ZiHui was merely just a small cannon fodder, nothing more, so the plot wouldn’t explain what had happened that clearly. Whatever he knew now, was what he had gathered by piecing together the system data bit by bit.

When Zhang ZiXuan heard this, his face became even more icy. He knew it, Zhang ZiHui was this obedient, how could he become a gangster, it was definitely someone that led him astray. The one that induced him however, wasn’t outsiders, but instead his own elder sister that lived under the same roof as him.

“Then, why did little Hui suddenly cut your hair?” The youth had suddenly cut his hair and stopped wearing makeup, there must be some shenanigans involved.

“‘Brother Hairy’ said he wanted me to go steal things. I didn’t want to go.” The words that Shao Qian was saying were true. In the plot, when the female lead was pushed by Zhang ZiHui, she injured her head. After that, she didn’t see Zhang ZiHui for two days, however, when she was at work, she suddenly received a call from the police department, telling her that her little brother had been arrested for stealing and telling her to go bail him out.

After hearing this information, the ‘delicate’ Zhang Qing’s sight immediately became black as she fell backwards, and it just so happened that she was caught by Zhang ZiXuan. After being informed of the circ.u.mstances, Zhang ZiXuan had followed Zhang Qing to the police department to bail the youth out. The male lead’s first impression of the original Zhang ZiHui couldn’t be any worse.

In fact, Shao Qian had always been suspicious, according to Zhang ZiXuan’s ident.i.ty, how could he not check her family? This way, wouldn’t he be able to discover that Zhang Qing’s father was his own biological Second Uncle? But in the original plot, Zhang Qing would still get together with Zhang ZiXuan. This…… Could it be that the author of the plot towards this word, ‘incest’, had rolled it up and ate it? [2]

Listening to this, Zhang ZiXuan remembered this ‘Brother Hairy’ with a deceptive nature. Not only did he guide his family’s little child to become a gangster, he also tried to get him to steal. Very well, he’ll remember this.

“Listen to me, from now on, don’t go to see this ‘Brother Hairy’.” If he did however, then Zhang ZiXuan surely would snap. Right now, he couldn’t bear to send him to a training camp, but locking him in the house was fine with him.

“Okay. I already told dad I wouldn’t play with them anymore too.” When he ‘plays’ with them again, it would be when he sends them to the police department.

However, Shao Qian hadn’t imagined that his chance would come this quickly. But, the consequences were not what he had wished for.

Shao Qian stayed in Zhang ZiXuan’s office until working hours were over. When the two people went out, Zhang Qing had already left, there were only three a.s.sistants left, finishing up their work in the office..

Zhang ZiXuan was the one that brought Shao Qian here, and he also brought Shao Qian back. At the residence, Shao Qian ate before returning to his room. Just as he finished washing up and crawled onto the bed, he received a message on his phone, the sender was the person he had just been warned not to see, ‘Brother Hairy’.

“Gather in an hour, we’re going singing and drinking.” Shao Qian read the message and sneered. Originally, he had expected that the female lead would be able to suppress her anger, but it turned out that, just doing a bit and she already called in reinforcements.

“Dad said I can’t go out at night.” After Shao Qian sent the message, he threw his phone to the side.

When ‘Brother Hairy’ received the message, his anger wasn’t light. When did this b.a.s.t.a.r.d start daring to decline him? He really was tired of living. ‘Brother Hairy’, who had been angered, immediately brought two hooligans to Shao Qian’s front door and pounded on it, yet no one opened the door, on the contrary, they were cursed at by the residents staying on the same floor.

This made ‘Brother Hairy’ thoroughly p.i.s.sed off. Pulling out his phone, he sent the information to a strange number before throwing the cigarette in his mouth down onto the ground and stomping down on it. He didn’t see him for a few days so he dared to trick him. It looks like he should break that b.a.s.t.a.r.d’s bones, and let him know what kind of person he had angered.

As for Zhang Qing, who was in the residence, she received a text message and laughed proudly. Soon, that annoying person would disappear, and at that time, his share of the house, wouldn’t it all be hers?

The following few days, Shao Qian always managed to leave before Zhang ZiXuan could try to stop him, even leaving a note on the door stating his whereabouts. However, when Zhang ZiXuan went to find him, there wasn’t anyone. For those few days, Zhang ZiXuan’s face could be described as getting gloomier by the day, his face turning darker each day.

Today, Zhang ZiXuan finally managed to catch Shao Qian with much difficulty, and grabbed him tightly, “Tell me, these few days, where did you go?

“Why should I tell you?” Shao Qian struggled but couldn’t break free of Zhang ZiXuan’s restraint. “You’re hurting me, quickly let go of me!”

Zhang ZiXuan didn’t let go, but used more strength instead, “Tell me, these few days, where did you go?”

“Daddy, Zhang ZiXuan is bullying me!” When Shao Qian saw he couldn’t break free of Zhang ZiXuan’s restraint, he opened his mouth and started to howl.

How could Zhang GuoQiang stay still when he heard this? After rushing upstairs, he pulled the youth over from Zhang ZiXuan in a single pull and hugged his son, furiously glaring at Zhang ZiXuan, “What are you doing?”

When Zhang ZiXuan saw Zhang GuoQiang hugging the youth in his arms, his face became ugly. How could he let others hug him? Sure enough, he should hide him, don’t let him see others, like that, others can’t touch him too.

In Zhang GuoQiang’s arms, Shao Qian didn’t say anything, aiming a few glances at Zhang ZiXuan. When he saw Zhang ZiXuan’s ugly face, he didn’t know why, but a figure flashed by in his mind. However that feeling wasn’t that clear, making him unable to distinguish whether it was just his own illusion, or whether there really was a person that had shackled themselves to him?

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