Chapter 132

Editor: Casey

…Alas, this Shi Qing only has money to spare.

Did words that were more infuriating exist??

Father Jiang was so angry that he almost fainted in the Shi family manor.

Wait a minute.

That’s right, he could faint at the Shi family manor!

Then his Jiang family would have an excuse to pay a visit and act domineeringly.

In addition, Shi Qing has been busy stirring up trouble in Crane City these days. Everyone knew that he was targeting the Jiang family. Once Father Jiang fainted here, the Shi family wouldn’t be able to talk their way out even if they had eight mouths.

So Father Jiang put a hand to his chest and slowly collapsed.

He thought that Shi Qing and his father would more or less panic and rush to help him, but to his surprise, they were indifferent and just watched him fall. Left with no choice, Father Jiang could only grit his teeth and commit, falling to the ground with a thud.

Playing dead.jpg

Shi Qing: “Father, Uncle Jiang has pa.s.sed out. Let’s quickly carry him into the street.”

Father Shi: “What, why?”

Shi Qing: “Uncle Jiang has already fainted from hunger, but Jiang Liye still refuses to sign the divorce papers. It is our duty to make sure everyone knows what an unfilial person he is, to let his own father starve to the point of pa.s.sing out for his own selfish desires.”

Father Jiang, who was playing dead: “……”

He opened his eyes and got up with a dark and sullen expression.

The little master below them was surprised: “Uncle Jiang, you’re awake again!”

Father Jiang: “Shameless!!”

The little master smiled happily: “Uncle, you are right. I am shameless. This youngster apologizes.”

Father Jiang: “……”

He was wrong. He was wrong to think that the most shameless person in the world was the Shi family head.

In this world, the most shameless person was clearly Shi Qing!

He couldn’t outplay him, he couldn’t outtalk him, and he couldn’t even pretend to be dead.

Father Jiang really had no choice but to retreat.

With a cold snort, he flung his sleeves and walked out.

When he reached the door, he ran into Jiang Bieyu who was waiting outside.

Jiang Bieyu didn’t salute when he saw his father. He just silently looked at him with those light-coloured eyes that Father Jiang had always believed to represent his son’s cold-heartedness.

He looked Jiang Bieyu over, noting the fine clothes he was wearing and the rosy flush of his cheeks from eating and drinking well. Even his body looked st.u.r.dier and taller than ever

Father Jiang became even more furious.

He coldly laughed: “I heard that you’re now Shi Qing’s servant? Looks like you’re beginning to act like him as well, judging by how disrespectful you are towards your elders. I should’ve drowned you when I had the chance.”

Jiang Bieyu coldly raised his eyes and smiled at Father Jiang, “I have to thank Father and elder brother for sending me to such a place as good as the Shi family manor.”

Father Jiang: “k2026;k2026;”

He was so frustrated. Even a mere concubine-born son who used to silently let himself be berated was so infuriating now.

Father Jiang set aside all pretences and growled darkly, “Do you actually believe the Shi family is a good place? Sooner or later, that little beast Shi Qing will…”

Jiang Bieyu’s demeanour rapidly froze over. His fists slowly clenched.

“–So what if I’m a beast? Then I can at least eat and sleep my days away without a worry in the world. Nor would I have to care what others say about me.”

Shi Qing came out from inside, his pretty face br.i.m.m.i.n.g with confidence. He smiled at Father Jiang: “But I’m curious Uncle. If beasts could speak and had to argue with others, then what does that make a person like you, who can’t even outtalk a beast?”

Jiang Bieyu, whose clenched fists had loosened from the moment he saw the little master strutting out, said in a deep voice.

“Something even lowlier.”

“You two!!”

Father Jiang might actually faint right now. He pointed a shaking finger at Shi Qing and then at Jiang Bieyu, but he couldn’t squeeze out a word.

Shi Qing kindly spoke for him.

The little master made a respectful bow of farewell and said in a crisp voice, “This junior respectfully sends off Uncle.”

This was basically kicking him out.

Father Jiang could not take such a great insult.

He looked at the young boy in front of him, whose face was still a bit tender. His fist slowly clenched as he came closer to lashing out.

Jiang Bieyu stepped in front of Shi Qing.

On his cold, hard face, his light-coloured eyes aloofly bore into Father Jiang.

Looking at his tall and strong body and awe-inspiring aura, Father Jiang: “……”

Forget it!

I’m not going to bother with these people!

Father Jiang slunk away.

Shi Qing’s head popped up from behind Jiang Bieyu. He gave the man a tap on the arm. “He’s your father. Aren’t you afraid of people calling you unfilial if you help me?”

Jiang Bieyu looked down slightly. “I was saved by you.”

The implication was that he was definitely going to help Shi Qing.

“So you do have a conscience.”

The little master didn’t bat around the bush. He giggled happily and jumped on the man. “This young master is too tired from squabbling with that person to walk back to my courtyard. Carry me there.”

Jiang Bieyu grew used to the little master’s spoiled behaviour already. He smoothly bent down and brought that delicate body into his arms.

Shi Qing was still a growing boy, and he was shooting up like a sprout recently. Jiang Bieyu suspected that maybe his insistence on drinking milk had some merit. After all, he’s never seen another person get tall as quickly as Shi Qing.

But drinking too much milk gave his body a milky scent.

Shi Qing didn’t like applying perfumes to himself, and he left what he wore up to the maidservants. They thought that the milky scent suited him so they didn’t put any more fragrances into Shi Qing’s brocade bag.

Even his favourite osmanthus flowers were only placed under his pillow.

As a result, the area around the little master’s body smelled like milk lately.

It made Jiang Bieyu felt more and more settled around him as well.

This wasn’t just because he thought it smelled good. When he was a child, he lived with his aunt in a dilapidated courtyard. There was a time when there were too many young masters in the house and the kitchens neglected the unfavoured ones. In his younger years, Jiang Bieyu would often starve. His most loyal maid heard how one of the horses in the stables had recently given birth, so she secretly milked it in the night and snuck it to him.

Naturally, the raw milk that was already cold when it got to him didn’t taste that great. But to Jiang Bieyu, who was always hungry, it was a rare delicacy.

Even as an adult, he could not help but feel a sense of peace when he smelt the milky scent of Shi Qing’s body.

Jiang Bieyu carried the little master all the way back to the courtyard under broad daylight.

If it was any other household, a boy of Shi Qing’s age asking to be carried back would have been a hot topic of discussion.

But when it came to the little master of the Shi family, no one saw anything wrong with this.

After all, their little master was delicate and had been brought up with the utmost attention and care.

It was only normal for such a little master to have someone carry him back to his courtyard.

Even if he couldn’t sleep at night and asked for someone to hold him, so what?

When they returned, the maidservants became busy again.

But Jiang Bieyu had long since monopolized the task of taking care of Shi Qing. They could only watch from the side as the tall man gently wiped the little master’s face and took off his shirt while they worked on their own, unwilling but not daring to go forward.

He even sat at the little master’s bedside and peeled peanuts for him after everything was done.

That used to be our job!

The maidservants, who felt robbed of their jobs, were all feeling uneasy.

One brought over the cat. The little master who was eating peanuts immediately smiled and reached out to take the fat Persian cat in his arms.

“Oh kitty, my dearest kitty. Did you miss me?”

Judging by the affectionate look on his face, he couldn’t wait to give this Persian cat a good smooch.

The maidservant holding the cat smiled and said, “Qing-er, Kitty has been quite busy today. Someone even saw it hook up with a female cat. Maybe Kitty will get to be a father next spring.”

The little master’s hand stopped stroking the cat’s long fur.

The happy smile on his face dropped slightly.

Jiang Bieyu sensed that something was wrong and looked over, only to see the little master frowning slightly and gently putting the cat aside. “How did it get out? Didn’t I say that Kitty should only be allowed to be close to me?”

The maidservant also sensed his displeasure. She was a little confused: “B-but that was only a female cat.”

“Even if it was a mouse. Once they come into contact with each other, it will no longer have time for me, its master.”

Shi Qing’s face sank as he seemed to lose all interest in playing. He waved a hand. “Take it away.”

The maidservant opened her mouth to say something, but she didn’t dare after seeing his expression. So she hastily bowed and took the cat away.

Jiang Bieyu thought for a moment, but he didn’t say anything after seeing that the little master was sleepy after eating.

When Shi Qing had fallen asleep, he left the room and heard a few girls whispering in the corridor.

“Is Qing-er unhappy today?”

“I think so. But why is Qing-er so angry? Kitty only ran out once.”

Jiang Bieyu looked down slightly, recalling the little master’s every move and emotion just now.

Shi Qing did not like his cat to come into contact with other cats or people.

To be precise, he wanted to be the only one in that cat’s eyes.

Jiang Bieyu could understand the little master’s train of thought.

After all, he thought that way too.

How could he allow others to get their hands on something he truly liked?

A smile tugged at the corners of Jiang Bieyu’s lips as he dismissed the matter.

The next day, when Jiang Bieyu stepped into the room again…

He heard the little master’s sweet, soft voice coo happily: “Come here, Kitty Kitty. Let me feed you some dried fish.”

He raised his eyebrows slightly.

Shi Qing isn’t angry anymore?

The man looked over. The spoiled little master was still dressed lavishly and had the same sweet smile on his face. He was softly pampering the cat in his arms with a lazy indulgence.

However, said cat was no longer the Persian cat from before.

Instead, it was replaced by an even more fierce-looking lion cat that was currently going to town on the dried fish.

Jiang Bieyu came to a stop. He looked at a nearby maidservant, who whispered, “Last night, Qing-er sent someone to give the cat to his cousin, who loves cats. He also had them bring over this cat and named it Kitty too.”

She muttered, “That young master has always loved Kitty. He asked Qing-er for it many times and swore he would treat it right but Qing-er refused. But he actually gave it away this time…”

“Oh, you’re here? Come and ma.s.sage my shoulders. I didn’t sleep well last night because they were so sore.”

When Shi Qing looked up, he found that Jiang Bieyu had arrived and greeted him with a smile.

The man slowly stepped forward. His long, slender hands fell onto the little master’s shoulders, gently kneading them.

Through the cover of the curtain, Jiang Bieyu’s body gradually moved closer and closer, almost embracing the entirety of Shi Qing, who was teasing the cat, into his arms.

This could already be described as insubordination.

The little master who was holding the cat only turned to him with a smile. His eyes were full of joy as he looked at Jiang Bieyu.

His soft words were only half scolding, “You’re always so impertinent.”

His att.i.tude was the same as ever, but Jiang Bieyu’s long, slender hands abruptly stopped squeezing his shoulders with just the right amount of force.

The little master’s eyes revealed a lazy indulgence towards him.

Just like he did with the cat.

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