Chapter 133.1

Editor: Sahloknir

The room was as warm as spring with the fireplace lit, but Jiang Bieyu’s heart was immediately plunged into the depths of winter.


Noticing that he seemed off, Shi Qing gave him a strange look. He reached out and touched the man’s face with his pale fingers. “What’s wrong?”

Just like before, this outwardly arrogant and delicate little master, treasured by everyone, showed him the soft smile reserved only for him that seemed to be able to melt his whole body.

His sticky voice was quiet, like he was being coquettish. “Why are you angry? I just scolded you a bit.”

The little master lifted his chin and the corner of his mouth. “Fine then, you petty man. This little master won’t scold you anymore if it bothers you so much.”

Even though he was speaking softly, a trace of arrogance remained in the little master’s expression.

In the past, Jiang Bieyu was able to disregard this arrogance.

Because Shi Qing treated him differently than anyone else.

Even though he smiled at the maidservants and joked around with them every now and then, he never stuck to their side like glue, nor had he ever asked them to sit by his bedside and coax him to sleep.

Not to mention what Jiang Bieyu was doing now, holding him in an almost inappropriate way.

Jiang Bieyu had always thought he was someone special to Shi Qing.

But now, in the face of the little master’s pretty smile, the man felt like there was something in his throat that prevented him from speaking.

He was definitely not mistaken just now.

How could he not have noticed it?

Shi Qing’s clear eyes filled with fondness had never been on him alone.

That cat before, this cat now…

Both were treated in the same way as him.

They were all ‘liked’ by this little master.

“Jiang Bieyu? Jiang Bieyu? What are you s.p.a.cing out for?”

Shi Qing was still hugging the cat. When he saw the tall man in front of him staring blankly into the distance, the smile at the corner of his lips grew even bigger. So with a smile on his face, he held the cat with one hand and gave the man a push with the other.

Jiang Bieyu was pushed out of his thoughts.

As soon as he looked up, he met Shi Qing’s gaze.

The little master was still smiling, his face full of indulgence. He didn’t seem displeased by Jiang Bieyu’s inattention at all.

Only he could enjoy such tolerance in all of the Shi family.

Before, his heart would’ve softened because of this.

But now there was only a void there.

“Shi Qing.”

The man opened his mouth. Even after almost two weeks of recuperation, his voice was still hoa.r.s.e, deep and grating on the ears.

Calling Shi Qing’s name for the first time, he asked, “Do you really like me?”

“What do you mean?”

The smiling little master stretched out a white fingertip like a prodigal son and lifted the chin of the man before him so he would have to take a closer look at him.

In the same way he had back in the bamboo forest, Shi Qing beamed as he took the initiative to lean forward.


A clear, crisp sound rang out.

Jiang Bieyu didn’t move a muscle. He only watched as Shi Qing slowly leaned back. In the same way he had back then, the little master pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, still smiling.

“If I didn’t like you, why would I let you be my boytoy?”

His words were as sweet and sticky as honey and filled with self righteousness to boot. It appeared to be a bold confession.

But Jiang Bieyu, who had been utterly still as he watched the little master, couldn’t see even a hint of yearning in those beautiful, clear eyes.

Shi Qing didn’t feel the slightest bit of guilt towards him.

Fed up with Jiang Bieyu’s unresponsiveness, the little master gave him an impatient shove. “What’s with you today? Your block of wood impression is p.i.s.sing me off.”

He smoothly leaned into the man’s chest after shoving him.

Draping himself skillfully across Jiang Bieyu’s lap, the little master yawned and mumbled softly, “I’m going to take a nap. Don’t disturb me.”

As they headed deeper into winter, the Shi family’s little master became sleepier and sleepier. If he wasn’t dealing with the Jiang family at the moment, he would probably spend the entire day in bed.

Naturally, as his ‘boytoy’, Jiang Bieyu was always by his side.

Before, Jiang Bieyu would be at peace with the little master in his arms and the sound of the wind howling outside this warm room that smelt of milk.

But now, his mind was in turmoil.

He had always thought that Shi Qing truly liked him.

Was it…all just his wishful thinking?

Shi Qing had been so easily affectionate and spoiled around him these days.

It wasn’t that Jiang Bieyu had never considered the possibility that all this was fake. But if it really was fake, what could Shi Qing hope to gain from an indentured person like him?

So it wasn’t fake.


The lion cat that just arrived today called out softly, causing the little master to wave his hand in displeasure. His eyes were still closed as he nuzzled deeper into the man’s arms again.

These days, the two of them were basically stuck together all day. Even though his mind was in chaos, Jiang Bieyu’s hand unconsciously fell to Shi Qing’s back and held him closer.

Only when he came into contact with the little master’s clothes did he react to what he had involuntarily done.

After spending so much time together recently, with the little master’s constant stream of demands, Jiang Bieyu was already used to catering to Shi Qing at all times.

Jiang Bieyu was sure that his intuition was not wrong.

Shi Qing did like him.

But only in the way you would like a teacup, a cat or a perfume pouch.

He indulged Jiang Bieyu, allowing his insubordinate actions.

He smiled sweetly and spoke even sweeter words.

As if he was completely smitten with Jiang Bieyu, the little master rolled around in his arms and acted spoiled.

But perhaps, for the Shi family’s little master, this was all no different than him holding and teasing his cat.

The same couldn’t be said for Jiang Bieyu. To him, this was his first time receiving genuine affection. He relished in the comfort this brought him every day.

He occasionally thought about the future as well, about how he would leave the Shi family and acc.u.mulate military power…

And how he would bring his little canary back to his side once he was in power.

To protect and care for him in every way.

Then, he would be capable of making sure everyone cherished Shi Qing the way he deserved to be.

Never again would those tender and pale feet have to touch the ground, for he would personally carry Shi Qing wherever he wanted to go.

But no matter how wonderful that seemed in his head, the man still had to face reality.

To Shi Qing, he was only teasing a favoured pet…that’s all.

The hand Jiang Bieyu had on the youth’s waist slowly tightened.

[Ding! Jiang Bieyu’s animosity value: 70/100]

[Ding! Jiang Bieyu’s animosity value: 75/100]

[Ding! Jiang Bieyu’s animosity value: 80/100]

[Ding! Jiang Bieyu’s animosity value: 99/100]

The System, who thought everything was going well and was twiddling its thumbs, was shocked.

[Host!!! Host, Host!! Host, this is terrible!]

Shi Qing’s eyes remained closed, like he was fast asleep. But he was lazily chatting with the System in his head. [Why are you always in such a panic? Didn’t you learn those whatchamacallit mantras for systems to remain calm in any situation before?]

The system was so anxious that it wanted to jump out. [Host, look at the animosity value!! It suddenly shot up to 99! 99!!]

All of the progress made over the past few days had been for naught!

[Aiya, 99? I thought for sure it would go up to 100.]

Shi Qing was as laid back as ever. [What are you so worried for, Baby System? It hasn’t even reached 100 yet.]

As soon as those words were spoken, a new notification sounded:

[Ding! Jiang Bieyu’s animosity value: 101/100]

The System: […]

The System: [Aahhhhhhh it’s at 100 Host… What should we do, ah… Wuwuwu…]

Shi Qing: [No it’s not. Plus or minus one doesn’t make it 100. Be good and calm down for me.]

The System tried hard to simulate the sound effect of taking a breath: [Phew, a gentleman should not be arrogant or hasty. I’ve calmed down.]

Shi Qing: […]

Where did this little guy learn these phrases? It’s actually kind of funny.

Mere words weren’t enough to stop the System from worrying entirely. It cautiously asked again:

[Host, is this really okay? You’re not going to get into trouble, are you? I’ve been studying the《System’s Self Cultivation》guide for the past few days and there’s so many examples in it of hosts being tortured in various ways by the fated ones after messing up. It’s so sad…One host was tortured so badly that he voluntarily left his system and stayed in that small world forever.]

Shi Qing was all smiles. [Don’t worry. Others may stay behind, but not me. I haven’t even fought the final boss in that game from my actual world yet, so how can I give up already?]

Only then did the System relax a bit. It muttered, [Then how about this? I’ll help take away Host’s sense of pain. That way Jiang Bieyu can’t hurt you no matter what he ends up doing.]

Shi Qing rolled over in Jiang Bieyu’s lap. He felt the man attentively reach out a long, slender hand so that he could be even more comfortable. He was enjoying himself so much that he almost started humming.

[What are you so worried about, Tongtong? It’s not like the animosity value didn’t go over 100 before. You were way calmer then.]

The System ended up blurting out the truth due to anxiety: [But Jiang Bieyu is different, he’s so dangerous…]

It trailed off half way.

Shi Qing: [Pei pei pei. So even you know that he’s dangerous. And here I thought you were also fooled by his little obedient and honest act.]

The System: [A-anyways, he’s a really dangerous guy. Host, you should play it safe and block out all pain, okay?]

But Shi Qing didn’t listen.

[You think he’s going to hurt me?]

The System: …How would it know that.

It said with trepidation: [There’s n-no harm in taking precautions.]

Shi Qing: [Enough. Where’s the fun in that? Be good and go play by yourself again. There’s no need to worry about the animosity value.]

The System: […]

It wasn’t worried about the animosity value, okay?! It was clearly worried about the Host!

The System retreated reluctantly.

Shi Qing was nestled in the man’s arms. He felt the other’s hand stroke his back soothingly.

He opened his eyes and reached out to poke the arm in front of him.

As expected of someone who was a half-blooded Hu, even Jiang Bieyu’s arm was lined with hard muscles.

Feeling a soft force touching him, Jiang Bieyu looked down and met Shi Qing’s gaze.

Almost subconsciously, the little master flashed him a soft smile.

His sticky voice called out sweetly, “Jiang Bieyu.”

The man’s body stiffened.

[Ding! Jiang Bieyu’s animosity value: 80/100]

[Ding! Jiang Bieyu’s animosity value: 60/100]

[Ding! Jiang Bieyu animosity value: 49/100]

Just below the pa.s.sing value.

Shi Qing wasn’t surprised.

He had blocked the path Jiang Bieyu originally intended to take by showing him what would happen if he took that path.

As long as Jiang Bieyu still wanted him, he would naturally take a different path.

As for the possibility of him giving up on Shi Qing?

Shi Qing mentally clicked his tongue.

Would a hungry wolf willingly let go of the meat that was already in his mouth?

On the surface, he continued to smile at Jiang Bieyu just like before.

His eyes seemed to be overflowing with affection, but in truth there was only callous disregard there.

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