Sweet, sweet, sweet

In this different world, does the dragon b.r.e.a.s.t.stroke begin to become a familiar scene in the daytime?
Perhaps, it should reflect something strange.
Although I do not only b.r.e.a.s.t.stroke but also crawl and b.u.t.terfly.
On the contrary, it has also been developed to jet swimming that rotates the tail in the water and propels it forward.

Three days after reincarnation.
I was familiar with the canyon of death for a long time.
Because I can not fly the sky yet, I decided to take it easy here.
The bed is ok anywhere and I am not troubled with food.
No, there is not much food here. But my body is reasonably fuel efficient and I am fine without having to eat anything. If it is the three major desires, the desire for sleep is the most expensive.
Of course, there are times when I miss the taste, regardless of hungry reduction.

“Fut, swim today as well”

I swam for about 5 hours, so decided to go up to the ground soon.


Look, that’s it. Half of the face of a bear and a monkey beat up with full power.
Because it is troublesome, instantly kill it with a head thrust.
As usual, it was everyday being attacked by demons.
Next time, I do not get tired of truth.
Even now, there is a similar aim aiming for my life from the sky.
Yes, the same kind.

It’s a dragon.
It is a bright red dragon, but it is much bigger than me. If you look at only size, what you think is probably the top species.
Anyway, for that red dragon, It did not seem to be friendly as it charged toward me with a crazy eyes filled with killing intent. Seriously, let’s rest a bit more.

“Oh no, Ryuke is like a bracelet, it’s a cla.s.sic one.

I feel like deki. I messed up.
Let’s try the fire brace which is too standard.
Oh, but that dragon, body red and fire resistance seems to be … …. Try it. After all, do it.
I imagine a flame breath on my head and I exhale to the a.s.saulting red dragon.

— Everything in sight dyed red crimson

A flame that could only be expressed as a terrible fire spread from my mouth. Burning breath sprinkled in the end spread lightly like a sweet red dragon and even the entire sky illuminates red.
If this is in town, ten or twenty of the house will burn lightly.

Oh yeah … yeah.
Do you shoot at this level?
A meat block which was a former red dragon fell from the sky and sinks in the dogbone and water. My condolences.
This dragon race, can you spit a water system?
In the unlikely event, I am thankful that water can be brought out when I become a firebug.

“… ….”

I do not want to do it. Is the suitability of water watery?
How about ice? Imagine trying to frozen breath, I tried,

The river in front of me was frozen … ….
Yeah, I thought that something whitish breath was able to vomit and the bikiki and the surface of the water freeze.
It is a momentum that I can enjoy even skating.
As I tried various other things, it turns out that it is possible to use quite a kind.
Thunder system is also cool, but what surprised me is to fire some flame system as well.
Round fire in front of the mouth and gigantic, firing it. Try to let other flames do not spread out.

After practicing a breath for a long time, move on a high rocky mountain. It is to do the routine.
Standing on the scaffolds, Pyo and I jump without hesitation. Of course, it will fall rapidly.

“Happy, hot, Ya!”

I’m strangely voicing, but I’m a pretty voice.
The wings slowly but flapping — but I have already arrived at the ground with one flapping.
Glooming roar! In the case of
A ridiculous sound makes a dip in the earth.

Well, maybe this will fail as well.
Everything else goes well, but flight alone has a high degree of difficulty.
But I will not give up. Whoever would be longing for former human beings to fly in the sky without relying on vehicles.
“I got tired a little and I should do it even for a nap.”

Lay down with Goron Boyarri Think about the future.
The target list is currently two.

I want to fly in the sky.
Second, I will be able to fight with fewer hands.

It is mainly these two points. About two things, I want to remember the attack which does not kill the opponent.
From now on, you will encounter someone who has information like human beings. This neighborhood seems to manage somehow if I do a number.

“… … Enviable”

While looking up at the hawk that allowed me to freely ride the sky, I was going out.
◇ ◆ ◇

Bashi Bashibashi Bashibashi Bashibashi Bashibashi Bashibashi Bashibashi –

Oh, oh … … what …?
I remembered the feeling of being hit by the whole body I opened my eyes.

Gold money Gold money Gold money Gold

A golden goblin whose eyes are shaky? He uses a gold stick to make me octopus beat.
It is common to be struck asleep, but I saw gold goblins for the first time. The face is crazy and ugly. It is short but my muscles seem to be pretty.
“Hey, you can do a lot again”

Since it was flocked by dozens of animals, I will smash my head with a tail.
Pashchush, and as the sound rang, it ruptured at the same time. There is no sympathy. I hate those who wanted to leave and who care for one person.

“But this gold stick … … it is going to be a good price to sell”

In the human age I was jumping. Since the dragon has no big meaning now ignore it and move.
Ahh, how can somehow not be aimed at by demons?

The figure is also outstanding so much that it stands out.
Mimicry can not be done.

“I want to be trampled steadily becoming super huge, I want to be small to fly level”

While releasing his own solve, I imagine ur ○ ○ man who love everyone.
Yes, it was useless. That’s right.
I thought it was in vain, but imagine that it’s getting smaller.
Yes, in case it is not good ………… Stop.
Now my eyes got a bit lower.

I try to imagine a place to be seriously small.
My body will shrink more and more!
When I noticed, I was touched by the eye of a small dog. About thirty centimeters in height.
It seems I can not have a minimum any more, but enough. There are many places where you can hide in small quant.i.ties.
It seems that you can return to the original size with your will. It is too convenient.

Somehow, I tried spitting out breath after becoming a chibi dragon.

“Ooooooooooo, I’m downgrading!”

The power is clearly weakening. I also tried other physical attacks, and the power was decreasing regardless of how it looked.
Is it okay to clear the target list 2nd for the time being?
Although it is likely that the way of fighting itself will change in this size.
Look for places where I can sleep, I can run. The distance to the ground is much closer.

Oh, you should over there. There is a s.p.a.ce that I can put in the gap between the rock and the rock.
I’m trying to enter there immediately, and I can call out to himself unexpectedly.

“Oh, oy, that little dragon, this way!”

I turned my body to the owner of a slightly trembling voice.
A man resembling a man stood while watching the surroundings.
The similarity is not it. First of all, it has rich brown wings. Face and hand are the same as human, but foot is a claw like a bird.
I got such an impression that eagle and human being fused.
Is he an animal or a beast?
You can see her face about twenty years old. Her looks like a foreigner and the moat is deep enough, it’s a handsome guy.
The only regret is … …

“Oh, oh, you have something I want to ask you a little, for you, omen, eh,”

Somehow, from the top of the line of sight it is that it is rolling.
It seems that I am frightened by something else rather than me.
Which conversation would you like to try?

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