Chapter 34

M-my name is Anessa Nizzet . I , I am is the sole daugther of an Earl household of the Azolias kingdom .  

My age . . . is eighteeen . Right now, I am still studying in the Azolias kingdom"s Magic School . . .  
Senior year of the Enchantment Magic cla.s.s .
I live at, the school dormitory . . . My school life . . . is, not really that, fun .

. . . My friend, is , none .  
The reason, I can already guess, . . . probably, it"s due to the three reasons below . . .

First, its . . . my magical apt.i.tude . It"s not really high . . . but, I have two sorcery traits .
Perhaps, those who learned a bit about magic will know about it . But by the characteristic of their sorcery trait, their hair and eye color will change depending on their sorcery .
Futhermore . . . the base color of the Nizzet household is gold and eyecolour is ashen grey .
Just like this, the paler the base colour, the stronger the sorcery color will come to surface .
If I only have the water sorcery apt.i.tude just like my father, then , my hair . . . will become beautifully glittering with, gradation of gold and blue .

My sorcery colour is [ black ] and [ deep blue ] 
The result, these two colors mashed up together over my hair and eyes: my hair ended up in a gloomy gradation of those two color and my eyes became a dull deep blue, the colour of the depth of the sea .
Since I was a little kid, I have an inferiority complex with this eye colour of mine . So I grow my hair "till it covers my face . And so, I was deemed as a weirdo who never showed their eyes to others .
. . . this is the first reason .

The next one, is something in relation with one of my sorcery traits, which is the [ sorcery trait of curse ]

. . .  
Just by that name, you will think this sorcery as some evil-like sorcery , ri, right ? 
Actually, it"s not really different from enchantment magic . . .
Enchancing the target"s body power . . . and giving minus effect . . . to the opponent or monster . . . Something like that . . .
The only difference that this sorcery trait has is . . . that I am able to evoke the magic without using the proper aria of the said enchantment magic . . . and [ using a special short chant to evoke the magic ] instead . . .

Since there is not really that much difference with enchantement magic, the effect of this sorcery trait is not really apparent . So there"re not many sorcerers who research upon this kind of sorcery . Thus, with just the impression that came from the name of [ sorcery trait of curse], many of sorcerers misunderstood that this sorcery trait is something that"s dangerous .  
Of course, the student of this magic school, too . . .  
This is . . . the second reason . . .  

And the last one . . .

[ Nizzet-san, Annesa Nizzet-san? ]

[Ah . . . Ye, yes . . . ? ]

[ You still haven"t submitted your report about the unknown magic spot that was due last week . . . I wonder what happened ?]

[ Ah, yes . . . I "m sorry . . . I forgot . . . to submit , it . . . I will, submit it, this after, noon . . . kuhihi . . . ]

[ Ah, is that so . Please submit it as fast as possible, "kay? . . . ]

. . . I know . I know that teacher who talked to me in the corridor just, just now, didn"t think well about me . . . I can sense

sense that he thought of me as eerie, with the slight fear from his body . . . This is because of the second sorcery trait that I possess . . . [ sorcery trait of psycological sensor] . . .

Just like how its name said, this sorcery allows me to roughly perceive the opponent"s emotion and feelings . . .
Because of that, I know about it, the impression that everyone has towards me the first time we met are the first two reasons-disgust and hate .

Because of that, naturally, . . .   I ended up taking a distance from everyone around me . . . .  
And so, I don"t have any friends . Even at this age, I still don"t have any fiancee . . .
I have already given up . I have accepted that I will live alone, forever .  
. . . I already gave up, or so I thought .

Until father told me about my marriage interview .

[ Anessa ! The date of your marriage interview is already decided ! It"ll be held this week . . . and to your surprise, your partner will be the eldest son of the Ractos, Jake Ractos-kun ! ]

[ Hah . . . eh ? ]

[ Waah ! That"s a relief . Right, anessa ?! ]

As I arrived to my house from the dorm for summer vacation, honoured father happily said so to me .

And honoured mother is also happy hearing this news .
Marriage interview . . . for me ?
Rurthermore, the partner is . . . it"s lie right ? Jake Ractos-sama ?
The grandson of the [ Sorcery King of the Dusk ], that [ Incarnation of the Devil Snake ] ? 
. . . I can only think of this as some kind of a mistake .
Jake-sama is someone that"s so famous that every person who studies magic will know of his name whenever they"re from the Azolias kingdom or not .  
One of the only two users of the [ sorcery trait of the shadow] that"s alive and ever confirmed .
Furthermore, he"s the eldest of an Azolias" Duke

Azolias" Duke household . . . the next head of the duke house .  
. . . though there"re several dark rumours surrouding him, there"s no other fault that I can find in him . . .  
In other words, I think he"s someone that"s fit to be called as a supreme object .

If I have to add, I heard from honoured father that all of those rumours are only baseless rumours . . .

Why did such person become the candidate for my marriage . . .
And so, I asked honoured father about it and then he explained the details to me .  
Telling it in short . . . from what i heard, Jake-sama seems to be in the same circ.u.mstance as me . And so, he still doesn"t have anyone as candidate for fiancee .  
Just a little bit, I felt some kind of intimacy with him .
. . . . . . However . . .

[ Yaah~ With this, our household will be fine .   Well, although Anessa will become the bride of that house . In our household, the house name is just a secondary thing . . . As long as you are able to succeed the sorcerer"s blood, then there will be no problems . If you guys will do your best to make lotd of descendants, in the end, there will be someone who will take over the Nizzet household, right ! ] - Sir Nizzet

[ That"s true! . . . Even if that didn"t happen, the kid that"s born between the father that possess the sorcery trait of shadow and a mother who possess several sorcery traits ! ! What should we do if there"s a Sorcery King born from the blood of the Nizzet household ! ? ] - Madam Nizzet

[ Ah, umm . . . Father, Mother . . . Why, suddenly such . . . ]

[ Ooh ! that"s true . Sorcery trait and magic apt.i.tude will not always be inherited to their child . So its not really good to expect too much right now  . . . But! As longBut! As long as there"s a kid who will diligently continue the magical experiment that our house has done for generations, then it"s already an extremly joyous thing ! ! ] - Madam Nizzet

[ N, no . . . Not about that . . . Why are you guys . . . already having a talk with the premise that I will, ma ,marry  . . . and have kids . . . Why ? ]

[ It"s gonna be alright ! Though Annesa usually acts like, umm , like that . . . But as long as we gave you a little bit of make up, Annesa will surely become a beauty ! ! That"s right . First, we need to do something about that hair . And make it so that you are showing your face . . . Ah, I also have to prepare a dress that is suited for Annesa, right ! ! The one that is totally pretty ! !  ]

[ No, wait ! My dear wife, just wait a moment ! . . . I think that Jake-kun will prefer someone who has moderate looks rather than those who dress up gawdily . . . Let"s make Annesa wear a dress robe, taking into account that our household is a sorcerer family . How about it ! ?]

[ Good . . . That"s a really nice idea ! Then a magic stone brooch instead the one that"s made with a gem ! ! Aah, it"s gonna be busy ! ! ]

Aah . . . I felt like they"ve left me behind, alone, and is advancing their conversation by their own will . . .

But even so, Jake-sama . . . huh 
If we"re in the same situation . . . Perhaps, even someone like, me . . . .  
As I thought that, I realize that I have actually still not totally gave up the future where I can live together with someone else . . .

That"s why . . . perhaps, I should also be doing my best, maybe . . . ?

M my name is Anessa Nizzet . I , I am is the sole daugther of an Earl household of the Azolias kingdom . My age . . . is eighteeen . Right now, I am still studying in the Azolias kingdom 39 s Magic School . . . Senior year of the Enchantment Magic cla.s.s . I live at, the school dormitory . . . My school life . . . is, not really that, fun . . . . My friend, is , none . The reason, I can already guess, . . . probably, it 39 s due to the three reasons below . . . First, its . . . my magical apt.i.tude . It 39 s not really high . . . but, I have two sorcery traits . Perhaps, those who learned a bit about magic will know about it . But by the characteristic of their sorcery trait, their hair and eye color will change depending on their sorcery . Futhermore . . . the base color of the Nizzet household is gold and eyecolour is ashen grey . Just like this, the paler the base colour, the stronger the sorcery color will come to surface . If I only have the water sorcery apt.i.tude just like my father, then , my hair . . . will become beautifully glittering with, gradation of gold and blue . My sorcery colour is black and deep blue The result, these two colors mashed up together over my hair and eyes my hair ended up in a gloomy gradation of those two color and my eyes became a dull deep blue, the colour of the depth of the sea . Since I was a little kid, I have an inferiority complex with this eye colour of mine . So I grow my hair 39 till it covers my face . And so, I was deemed as a weirdo who never showed their eyes to others . . . . this is the first reason . The next one, is something in relation with one of my sorcery traits, which is the sorcery trait of curse . . . Just by that name, you will think this sorcery as some evil like sorcery , ri, right Actually, it 39 s not really different from enchantment magic . . . Enchancing the target 39 s body power . . . and giving minus effect . . . to the opponent or monster . . . Something like that . . . The only difference that this sorcery trait has is . . . that I am able to evoke the magic without using the proper aria of the said enchantment magic . . . and using a special short chant to evoke the magic instead . . . Since there is not really that much difference with enchantement magic, the effect of this sorcery trait is not really apparent . So there 39 re not many sorcerers who research upon this kind of sorcery . Thus, with just the impression that came from the name of sorcery trait of curse , many of sorcerers misunderstood that this sorcery trait is something that 39 s dangerous . Of course, the student of this magic school, too . . . This is . . . the second reason . . . And the last one . . . Nizzet san, Annesa Nizzet san Ah . . . Ye, yes . . . You still haven 39 t submitted your report about the unknown magic spot that was due last week . . . I wonder what happened Ah, yes . . . I 39 m sorry . . . I forgot . . . to submit , it . . . I will, submit it, this after, noon . . . kuhihi . . . Ah, is that so . Please submit it as fast as possible, 39 kay . . . . . . I know . I know that teacher who talked to me in the corridor just, just now, didn 39 t think well about me . . . I can sense that he thought of me as eerie, with the slight fear from his body . . . This is because of the second sorcery trait that I possess . . . sorcery trait of psycological sensor . . . Just like how its name said, this sorcery allows me to roughly perceive the opponent 39 s emotion and feelings . . . Because of that, I know about it, the impression that everyone has towards me the first time we met are the first two reasons disgust and hate . Because of that, naturally, . . . I ended up taking a distance from everyone around me . . . . And so, I don 39 t have any friends . Even at this age, I still don 39 t have any fiancee . . . I have already given up . I have accepted that I will live alone, forever . . . . I already gave up, or so I thought . Until father told me about my marriage interview . Anessa The date of your marriage interview is already decided It 39 ll be held this week . . . and to your surprise, your partner will be the eldest son of the Ractos, Jake Ractos kun Hah . . . eh Waah That 39 s a relief . Right, anessa As I arrived to my house from the dorm for summer vacation, honoured father happily said so to me . And honoured mother is also happy hearing this news . Marriage interview . . . for me Rurthermore, the partner is . . . it 39 s lie right Jake Ractos sama The grandson of the Sorcery King of the Dusk , that Incarnation of the Devil Snake . . . I can only think of this as some kind of a mistake . Jake sama is someone that 39 s so famous that every person who studies magic will know of his name whenever they 39 re from the Azolias kingdom or not . One of the only two users of the sorcery trait of the shadow that 39 s alive and ever confirmed . Furthermore, he 39 s the eldest of an Azolias 39 Duke household . . . the next head of the duke house . . . . though there 39 re several dark rumours surrouding him, there 39 s no other fault that I can find in him . . . In other words, I think he 39 s someone that 39 s fit to be called as a supreme object . If I have to add, I heard from honoured father that all of those rumours are only baseless rumours . . . Why did such person become the candidate for my marriage . . . And so, I asked honoured father about it and then he explained the details to me . Telling it in short . . . from what i heard, Jake sama seems to be in the same circ.u.mstance as me . And so, he still doesn 39 t have anyone as candidate for fiancee . Just a little bit, I felt some kind of intimacy with him . . . . . . . However . . . Yaah With this, our household will be fine . Well, although Anessa will become the bride of that house . In our household, the house name is just a secondary thing . . . As long as you are able to succeed the sorcerer 39 s blood, then there will be no problems . If you guys will do your best to make lotd of descendants, in the end, there will be someone who will take over the Nizzet household, right Sir Nizzet That 39 s true . . . Even if that didn 39 t happen, the kid that 39 s born between the father that possess the sorcery trait of shadow and a mother who possess several sorcery traits What should we do if there 39 s a Sorcery King born from the blood of the Nizzet household Madam Nizzet Ah, umm . . . Father, Mother . . . Why, suddenly such . . . Ooh that 39 s true . Sorcery trait and magic apt.i.tude will not always be inherited to their child . So its not really good to expect too much right now . . . But As long as there 39 s a kid who will diligently continue the magical experiment that our house has done for generations, then it 39 s already an extremly joyous thing Madam Nizzet N, no . . . Not about that . . . Why are you guys . . . already having a talk with the premise that I will, ma ,marry . . . and have kids . . . Why It 39 s gonna be alright Though Annesa usually acts like, umm , like that . . . But as long as we gave you a little bit of make up, Annesa will surely become a beauty That 39 s right . First, we need to do something about that hair . And make it so that you are showing your face . . . Ah, I also have to prepare a dress that is suited for Annesa, right The one that is totally pretty No, wait My dear wife, just wait a moment . . . I think that Jake kun will prefer someone who has moderate looks rather than those who dress up gawdily . . . Let 39 s make Annesa wear a dress robe, taking into account that our household is a sorcerer family . How about it Good . . . That 39 s a really nice idea Then a magic stone brooch instead the one that 39 s made with a gem Aah, it 39 s gonna be busy Aah . . . I felt like they 39 ve left me behind, alone, and is advancing their conversation by their own will . . . But even so, Jake sama . . . huh If we 39 re in the same situation . . . Perhaps, even someone like, me . . . . As I thought that, I realize that I have actually still not totally gave up the future where I can live together with someone else . . . That 39 s why . . . perhaps, I should also be doing my best, maybe . . .

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