Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 740 – You think I am a fool?!

Extraordinary Genius Chapter 740 – You think I am a fool?!

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“OurBeidacang Group have breeding farms and farms for all sort of crops. These arewhat Tai Hua Processed Food Company needs, right?”

Feng Yunodded. He was right. Tai Hua Processed Food Company only has pig farms. TianPeng Pig Farm. The most prominent modern pig farm in China.

“We havemore advantage in this area. The whole of China, or even Asia, we have thebiggest advantage, right?”

Feng Yushook his head. “That is after Beidacang Group grew and developed. But now, canyour cow and goat farms be compared to the Northwest region? Can your cropsfarm be compared to the Shandong region? Don’t talk about Asia. You all are noteven the best in China yet.”

This wasa negotiation. Feng Yu had to pour cold water on the other party. If Feng Yuagrees with whatever the other party said, then he would allow the other partyto set all the conditions…

Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 740 – You think I am a fool?!

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“OurBeidacang Group have breeding farms and farms for all sort of crops. These arewhat Tai Hua Processed Food Company needs, right?”

Feng Yunodded. He was right. Tai Hua Processed Food Company only has pig farms. TianPeng Pig Farm. The most prominent modern pig farm in China.

“We havemore advantage in this area. The whole of China, or even Asia, we have thebiggest advantage, right?”

Feng Yushook his head. “That is after Beidacang Group grew and developed. But now, canyour cow and goat farms be compared to the Northwest region? Can your cropsfarm be compared to the Shandong region? Don’t talk about Asia. You all are noteven the best in China yet.”

This wasa negotiation. Feng Yu had to pour cold water on the other party. If Feng Yuagrees with whatever the other party said, then he would allow the other partyto set all the conditions.

ManagerFeng, you cannot say this. We have the most significant land area andpotential. It’s only a matter of time when we become the biggest agricultureproduction company in Asia.” Niu Kun said. He was slightly p.i.s.sed with whatFeng Yu said.

“Maybe.Continue.” Feng Yu shrugged his shoulders. Even before Feng Yu came to thislife, Beidacang Group’s production had not exceeded the Shandong region.Restoration of the forests and pasture, wetland conservations, etc. had reducedthe number of farms in the Longjiang Province. The wasteland which had beencultivated now will have to be returned back to their original state 10 yearslater.

“We havea variety of products and Tai Hua Processed Food Company only has a fewproducts. That’s why we want a collaboration with our brands. We will print bothour companies’ brands on the packaging for all our products. This way, we canhelp each other increase brand influences.”

“Wait.Help each other increase brand awareness? What brand influence do you all have?How are you all going to help our brand? Even in Longjiang province, yourbrands are not as famous as mine, let alone the rest of the country. Ourproducts are even exported to Europe and Southeast Asia!”

Tian PengHam had been exported to Hong Kong, and it’s considered Southeast Asia. It wasalso sold to Moscow and Moscow was considered Europe!

“ManagerFeng, the selling points of our brand will be products from Black Soil andmodern agriculture, breeding and green ecological farming. There is no othersuch company in China.”

Huh?There is the concept of green ecological farming now!?

Greenecological farming can also be known as safe, organic, and green farm products.China had this food standard, logo, and this name Green Food in the early1990s. But the people then were poor, and no one cares about when the food theyate was green or organic. All they want was to fill their stomachs.

But itwas different now. The average salary had increased a lot in the past twoyears. Private and overseas companies’ salary was the highest. Lots of peoplethere were getting more than 1,000 RMB monthly. Some leaders there were reachingmore than 10,000 RMB.

These fewyears, China’s economy was developing rapidly, and there was an increase inprivate companies. There were more wealthy people, and these people started topay attention to their children’s health. This was the time to promote greenfood products and capture the market share.

Feng Yuhad not expected someone at Beidacang Group to suggest selling marketing theirproducts through Green Food labels. Seems that there were still lots of smartpeople in state-owned enterprises.

“Greenecological agriculture is a good selling point. But can you all get thecertification for green food products?” Feng Yu asked Niu Kun.

“Ourfarms fulfilled environmental requirements. The processes, production, hygiene,quality, etc. are all qualified. We will surely get this certification easily.We have already applied for it, and the approval should be out this month.” NiuKun smiled confidently.

They werea state-owned enterprise, and this certification was issued by the Ministry of.a.griculture. It’s all their own people. Even if there were some issues, they wouldcover it up!

“Ok. I amslightly interested in this Green Ecological farming. But we can also apply forthis certification. This reason is not sufficient for me to agree to thiscooperation.”

Feng Yubelieved that he would also be able to get the certification himself. If anyonein the government purposely prevents him from getting this certification, hewill make sure that person would be fired from the government!

“Also, weare a state-owned enterprise which is funded by the Central Government. We arethe first company and will be setting the benchmark for the industry. We havemuch more subsidies than all of you. If your products printed our logo andbrand, you would be able to enjoy tax subsidies. This is a great benefit.”

“Then canyou tell me how much tax relief we will get if we print your logo on thepackaging? Also, is this legal? I don’t want to get into trouble for taxevasion in the future.” Feng Yu looked at Niu Kun from the corner of his eyes.

Taxrelieves and subsidies were not based on the brands of the products. It wasbased on the companies. Beidacang Group could enjoy tax benefits, but Tai HuaProcessed Food Company were not eligible. If Feng Yu believed what Niu Kun hadsaid and someone reported this in the future, his company would get intotrouble!

“With usaround, this will be legal!”

“That’swhat you say. To be honest, I don’t have any trust in you!” Feng Yu told NiuKun directly.

Niu Kunwas slightly embarra.s.sed, but he continued: “We will be letting your companysell all of our products. The profits from this deal should be quite high.”

“That’sright. If it is all of Beidacang Group’s products, the profits will be veryhigh. But you all can always look for someone else to be your main distributor.Can you all set up sales distribution channels yourselves? Without me helpingyou all to sell your products, all your products will be stocked up in yourwarehouses!” You want to use this matter to negotiate with me? If I do not helpyou all sell your products, your losses will be significant!

“ManagerFeng, didn’t we agree on this last time?”

“Since wehave already agreed on this, why are you still bringing this up?” Feng Yulooked at Niu Kun. Using a condition which had been agreed upon by both partiesto negotiate again? Is there anything wrong with your brains?

“ManagerFeng, this cooperation will be a win-win situation for both of our companies.The green ecological farming and our supplies of raw ingredients to yourcompany show that we will be your best partner!”

If TaiHua Processed Food Company and Beidacang Group could cooperate, Tai HuaProcessed Food Company will get a steady supply of raw ingredients. The demandfor animal feed had increased, and grains were needed for the production ofanimal feed.

“We cancooperate. But have you all thought about how are we going to cooperate?” FengYu asked.

Niu Kunwas delighted. “We had discussed about this. Now, Tai Hua Processed FoodCompany is producing and selling their own products. The packaging must bechanged. Our company’s brand and name must be printed above your brand. Allyour advertis.e.m.e.nts must also include our brand name and logo……”

Niu Kunexcitedly told Feng Yu about all his demands. But after speaking for a while,he noticed Feng Yu not saying a word. He looked up and saw Feng Yu sneering.

“ManagerNiu, do I look like a fool to you?!”

Translator’s notes:

An article on Black Soil in Northeast China.

China Green Food Development Center

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