Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 859 - Weird j.a.panese

Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 859 - Weird j.a.panese

Feng Yu had mentioned to Zhong Qingxianbefore. Although there are many instant noodle companies in China, all thecompanies made the same mistake, which is the flavor. All the instant noodlesin China taste the same. Whatever flavor you are selling, I will also introducethe same flavor.

To be better than the rest, Lehaha must notbe a follower because being a follower of other brands will not make money.Initially, Zhong Qingxian felt it is troublesome to develop new flavors andtexture of instant noodles, and Lehaha does not have any experience in friedfood products.

But now, Zhong Qingxian is determined toproduce instant noodles and get a slice of the cake from the two instantnoodles companies!

At this time, Feng Yu returned to Chinawith two j.a.panese.

Chinese brands of instant noodles tasteawful and cannot be compared to instant noodles from other countries. Asia isthe biggest producer of instant noodles and China consumed the most, but theChinese brands of instant noodles suck.

In Feng Yu"s past life, someone made aranking of the instant noodles produced. Tong Yi is the biggest instant noodleproducer in the world, and Kang Shifu is also on the list. But when it comes totaste, none of the noodles from these two companies made it into the list.

j.a.pan, Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam havethe best noodle texture and flavoring.

But instant noodles from these countriesare more expensive, and in China, people eat instant noodles is to save moneyand consumers will buy the cheapest brand.

I have to eat instant noodles to survivenow. Who cares about the taste or nutrients?

"Old Zhong, let me introduce. This isj.a.pan"s Sixth Sense Company"s Chairman, Kameda Masao. The Sixth Sense Companyis listed on Nasdaq and is the leader in its industry. This is j.a.pan"s QianqianRamen"s President and General Manager, Mugawa Jiro. Their company had justdeveloped a new flavor of instant noodles, and the texture of the noodle isbetter and the flavoring is better. But the production cost is slightly higher.You mentioned that Lehaha"s instant noodle must be better than those twoTaiwanese companies. So, I think we can buy the formula from this company."

Zhong Qingxian frowned and whispered toFeng Yu. "Manager Feng, why did you bring two j.a.panese devils here?"

Kameda Masao"s mouth twitched. f.u.c.k! Iunderstand Chinese! If you want to talk bad about others, at least do it behindtheir backs! My ancestors are all against the war and had never stepped intoChina during WW2!

Furthermore, since ancient times, it is theChinese who bullied j.a.pan. You all had conquered us longer! Why didn"t youbring this up?!

"Cough…" Feng Yu looked embarra.s.sed. "OldZhong, Mr. Kameda, had lived in China for several years and can speak Chinese."

Zhong Qingxian"s face turned black and wa.s.slightly embarra.s.sed. Why didn"t you tell me earlier? How are we going tonegotiate now?

Kameda Masao speaks fluent mandarin. "Mr.Zhong, my family have also been against the war. I am the only person from myfamily to enter China and we should not treat each other as enemies. We are allpeace-loving people, right?"

Zhong Qingxian was stunned. What"s wrongwith this j.a.panese? I had just scolded them, and they did not stomp off or losetheir temper?

I thought all j.a.panese are arrogant in China.Could it be the last time our Chinese Government reprimanded j.a.pan, and thesej.a.panese devils are scare?

"That"s right. We are all peace lovers. DidMr. Mugawa Jiro bring a sample of his new instant noodle?" Zhong Qingxian waspuzzled. Even if Lehaha were to buy the instant noodle"s formula from QianqianRamen, what has it got to do with the Sixth Sense Company?

Also, why does this Sixth Sense Companysound so familiar? It should be a big company since I find the name soundsfamiliar. Manager Feng also said the Sixth Sense Company is the best in itsindustry…

But why is the Chairman of a listed companycoming here as a translator? Is it because of Manager Feng?

Kameda Masao was really here as atranslator and guarantor. This Qianqian Ramen Company had some problems withits cash flow because they had overspent their development funds and require asum of money to tide them over. As they still owe the banks money, they couldnot get loans anymore. So, they had to sell their instant noodle formula toraise funds.

Just happen, Feng Yu called Kameda Masao tohelp him source for an instant noodle company to buy some recipes, and KamedaMasao saw Qianqian Ramen, which is located near his office.

Kameda Masao sent his men to contact themand found out that Qianqian Ramen is looking for a buyer for their new flavorinstant noodle"s recipe. Mugawa Jiro found out that the buyer is from China andis overjoyed, as the buyer will not compete with them in j.a.pan.

Kameda Masao also felt this QianqianRamen"s new instant noodle is delicious and should be profitable. So, heinvested in this company and gave the shares of this company to his children.He knows if this instant noodle is accepted by the Chinese consumers, therewill be high profits, and he doesn"t need to worry about the other Chinesecompanies imitating this flavor.

j.a.panese emphasizes a lot of seniority and status.Kameda Masao"s Sixth Sense Company is much bigger than Qianqian Ramen and MugawaJiro believes Kameda Masao is not cheating his money. Moreover, Kameda hadinvested a sum of money into this company.

After the two cup noodles are cooked, ZhongQingxian"s secretary brought over a few small bowls and served a small portionto everyone at the meeting.

Everyone had tasted instant noodles before.Even now, with Zhong Qingxian"s wealth, he will still eat instant noodles inhis office when he is too busy to go out for lunch.

Zhong Qingxian tasted this new flavorinstant noodles and found that it is more delicious than Kang Shifu!

Mugawa Jiro said something in j.a.panese andZhong Qingxian turned to Kameda Masao.

"Mugawa Jiro says this is seafood flavorand this is beef broth noodles. These are newly developed flavors by theircompany, and even the noodles are made using the most advanced technology. Haveyou all tasted instant noodles with this texture?" Kameda Masao said.

Zhong Qingxian looked at the rest andeveryone shook their heads. This instant noodle"s taste and texture are thebest! If they buy this recipe and introduce it to the market, it will surely bepopular.

"The taste is good, but how much does theproduction cost? Also, how much do you all want for these recipes?" ZhongQingxian asked.

Kameda Masao took a look at Feng Yu and saidto Zhong Qingxian. "The cost can be controlled at around 2 RMB if you areproducing it at large volume. Lehaha is the leader in the Chinese beverageindustry, and I think you will give us a reasonable price."

Zhong Qingxian was shocked. Is this reallya business negotiation? You will agree if I say I want to buy the recipes at 1RMB?!

Why is this j.a.panese so weird, and how come he keeps looking at Manager Feng? They know each other?

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