Female Protagonist Is A Blackened Villainess

Chapter 20: Yu Qingrou"s Culinary Skills

Chapter 20: Yu Qingrou"s Culinary Skills

After Zi Linglong came, System Qian Qian did not talk about anything about the Long family nor the plot. Long Shiyan also yawned a few times, and after a few words with Zi Linglong, she fell asleep.

In the blink of an eye, Long Shiyan"s body finally improved, and not only did her body recover, but her Douqi was also more refined. Similar to her magic level, she was now a third-level swordsman.

In this world, the number of levels for magic and Douqi were the same, with a grand total of ten levels. For example, the levels for swordsmen were as follows: First-cla.s.s swordsman, second-level swordsman, third-level swordsman, fourth-level swordsman, fifth-level Earth swordsman, sixth-level Sky swordsman, seventh-level Star swordsman, eighth-level Legendary swordsman, ninth-level Immortal swordsman, and the strongest tenth-level Sword Saints.

Long Shiyan became a third-level swordsman when she was ten years old. This showed that she was a prodigy. It was really not easy to achieve this level.

During these past few days, Long Shiyan had also figured out her current situation. Their Long family was attacked by unidentified people. On the bright side, the royal family said that they would help to investigate and avenge the Long family. In fact, they secretly annexed the Long family forces, tried to find the missing Long family members, and promised to bring an end to their suffering.

Long Shiyan and Long Yuqing could only hide secretly and seek ways to find the remaining Long family forces bit by bit. Furthermore, they also had to look for the whereabouts of Long Aotian and Long Pingtian.

She still didn"t know where Long Aotian went, but Long Shiyan was sure that he was absolutely not dead. She just didn"t know where he was nor did she know what he was doing.

As for Long Pingtian, she didn"t know whatever happened to him. Maybe he was escorted out of the city by some of the Long family"s hidden guards. When he grows up, then he will most likely avenge their family. Of course, he might have already died.

After changing her clothes, Long Shiyan left her bed and walked out the door. Pa.s.sing through the curved wooden corridor, she went to the backyard and sought somewhere quiet. She leaned on the pillar of the long pavilion and opened a thick book, reading it silently.

A blue pearl floated around but did not bother her.

The book was really too thick for ordinary ten-year-olds to read.

The contents of the book were extraordinarily rich with its inexhaustible complex symbols and words. To ordinary people, it would seem unfathomable. However, Long Shiyan quickly read half of it with amazing speed.

In less than one morning, she finished the whole book.

“Can you understand that magical grimoire?” A gentle voice sounded, but Long Shiyan didn"t seem surprised. She calmly closed the book, then straightened her crossed legs and looked up. She spoke at a moderate speed, “Yes, I can understand a bit.”

Yu Qingrou stood up and gently caressed Long Shiyan"s hair. “It"s time for a meal. Your aunt has been worrying about you.”

Long Shiyan carried the book and followed her without speaking.

“Yan Yan, do you like reading books about magic spells?” Along the way, Yu Qingrou asked.

Long Shiyan hugged the book and replied as she walked, “I have already seen the primary magic spells, including these magic theorems. I have not read the mid and high-grade spells yet.”

Yu Qingrou paused her steps before she continued to walk again. “Yan Yan, which books have you read? Are there any that you particularly like?”

“I"ve read many books already. The one that I like the most is the "Continental Travel Records".” Long Shiyan followed her absent-mindedly. She was thinking about what she had just read. She had to say that the magic array was really very esoteric, far from what she could currently understand.

“So, you like the "Continental Travel Records". What is that?” Yu Qingrou frowned, the corner of her eyes slightly swept at Long Shiyan, who was behind her.

This girl was really incredible. The books she reads were so complicated. Yu Qingrou wasn"t like her at all back when she was a child!

As the duo stepped into the hall, a pleasant voice suddenly sounded. Long Shiyan saw a little girl in a green dress jumping off her seat and rushing in the direction of Yu Qingrou as she shouted the word "Mommy".

The little girl was around five or six years old, much smaller than Long Shiyan. Her large eyes and thin eyebrows were just like her mother"s. When she grows up, she will definitely become a beautiful woman.

This little girl was called Yu Shu. She was the daughter of Yu Qingrou. She was shy, often afraid of things, and very dependent upon her mother. Like Long Shiyan, she was one of the female harem members in the original book and belonged to one of the mother and daughter pairs of the harem.

Obviously, the beautiful big beauty in front of Long Shiyan was the good friend of Long Yuqing and also one of the many members of Long Aotian"s harem.

She was a part of the beautiful women series of the harem.

In the original work, the character of Yu Qingrou took care of the drama within the harem. Her position was not bad with the main wife, Long Yuqing, and she was the veritable owner of the harem.

Almost every time the group had an internal struggle, she would step out. She was one of Long Aotian"s most important wives.

It could be said that without her, Long Yuqing wouldn"t be able to manage the harem by herself.

Her role in the book was to help the protagonist to build the Crystal Palace. She always said, “Aotian, no matter how many women you have in the future, you can"t forget about me. There aren"t many good men in this world like Aotian. Since there are not many, we must live in harmony. Aotian is too strong, so we need new sisters to supplement your strength.”

In short, she had been completely brainwashed by the protagonist halo.

She and the fox beastwoman, Katherine, were known as the two Crystal Palace builders—Long Shiyan herself confirmed this fact.

However, she was also unlucky, because she and Nangong Lingli were both conquered by the protagonist.

Unlike the original Long Shiyan, while aphrodisiac was still involved, their hearts weren"t as confused as the original Long Shiyan"s and they were new to love. They were completely different from her with their stubborn behavior and ideology that completely disapproved of the harem.

Of course, Long Aotian was weak to beauties. In addition to the female leads, who used drugs like the original Long Shiyan, he sometimes encountered accidents with the women, leading to an inability to control himself—From this, the unyielding Yu Qingrou was conquered.

“Master.” Zi Linglong also ran to Long Shiyan, took the book from her hands, put it away, and then washed Long Shiyan"s hands with a towel.

“Linglong,” Long Shiyan returned to reality as she frowned. “Call me Elder Sister.”

“Hmph!” Zi Linglong puffed her cheeks out and did not answer. She continued to wash Long Shiyan"s hands.

Long Shiyan: "…."

Speaking of this time period, Zi Linglong had been mainly staying with Long Yuqing. Long Shiyan didn"t know what kind of bad ideas were taught by Long Yuqing. Although Long Yuqing was beautiful and had attended the Holy Spirit Magic School, it was difficult to change the ideology of her family"s upbringing.

"Yan Yan," Long Yuqing looked at her and asked, "Is your body okay?"

Some of them returned to their seats while Long Shiyan took Zi Linglong to sit next to her. She smiled and replied, “Yes, it"s okay. I"m now a third-level swordsman.”

Long Yuqing"s pretty face changed in expression as she gritted her teeth and secretly clenched her fist; Yu Qingrou noticed her friend"s strange mood. She gently held her hand and smiled.

When her hand felt that delicate touch, there wasn"t any resistance and it slightly melted the ice off of Long Yuqing"s heart. However, only some pressure was lifted from her, but not all.

Yes! If it wasn"t for her old friend"s help, she would not know what to do. She still had to protect the Long Shiyan, and it was hard to say whether or not the remnants of the Long family could be gathered together.

This burden suddenly fell on her shoulders. It was really heavy, and originally, she could not share it with anyone.

Fortunately, this friend had appeared to support her.

"Everyone, eat up! Try my dishes." Yu Qingrou generously recommended the dishes to everyone.

“It"s delicious!” Long Yuqing tried the fish soup. “I haven"t tasted such wonderful fish soup in a long time. Ever since you finished school and had a child, you never made it again.” Long Yuqing cleared her throat, and curiously asked Yu Qingrou, “But it"s different from the previous one, did you add different ingredients?”

“Qing"er"s tongue is really powerful, it would be strange if she didn"t notice.” Yu Qingrou curled her lips and giggled a little. She asked, “So, Qing"er, can you guess what ingredients there are from the taste?”

“I can"t guess!” Long Yuqing lowered her eyebrows for a while, and finally shook her head and gave up. Then, Long Yuqing"s pupils stared at Yu Qingrou. She asked with a spoiled tone, “Rou"er, can you tell me one or two of the ingredients?”

"Pfft~." Yu Qingrou smiled gently and gave her an answer, "This old soul has a few tricks up her sleeves! The ingredient added this time was a rare chili pepper from the foggy valley of the Purgatory Shenyuan. It is spicy, yet not too spicy, and its quality is excellent. If it wasn"t for you, then I wouldn"t have used it.”

Zi Linglong constantly looked at the dish Long Shiyan was holding. After a while, she had an expression of wanting to try the dish, however, she was incapable of demanding for it. Then, Long Shiyan responded, "Elder Sister Rou Rou"s craftsmanship is topnotch. Linglong has lost a lot of weight, so she should eat some more."

Long Shiyan gave Zi Linglong a dish and watched the other two people exchange their knowledge about the dishes. Then, they silently ate or reflected on different matters.

In addition to being one of the creators of the Crystal Palace, Yu Qingrou had a very strong life skill, which was super good cooking.

Although her combat power and magic weren"t high, she still had a very important ident.i.ty as the owner of the top restaurant in the world. In the original book, her family"s restaurant opened across the entire world with abundant money and connections. She was responsible for secretly cultivating forces and collecting information about important events on the continent.

It could be said that she was the most important female lead in the original book. Without her, Long Aotian"s wife capturing business would definitely collapse.

She had known Long Yuqing ever since childhood, and they always maintained a great relationship. Later, she graduated in advance because of family reasons and got married.

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