Female Protagonist Is A Blackened Villainess

Chapter 21: The Next Course of Action

Chapter 21: The Next Course of Action

Yu Qingrou was an extremely unlucky person. Even though she had a political marriage, less than a year later, her husband died of a sudden illness. Instead of relying on the political power she gained from the marriage, she used her family"s a.s.sets and made her family"s restaurant famous. Afterward, her Yufeng restaurant boomed worldwide.

Long Shiyan tried the soup, and it was certainly delicious. She looked up at Yu Qingrou, who was conversing happily with Long Yuqing. Right now, she shouldn"t have opened the restaurant to the whole world yet, or perhaps, she had just started to implement it.

After a few years, it would become formidable.

In the original book, Yu Qingrou was bathing in the jungle when she was discovered by Long Aotian, who caught her in surprise. He rushed over and directly conquered Yu Qingrou as she became Long Aotian"s second woman.

After that, Yu Qingrou completely fell under his tiger-like body.

She fell in love with him very quickly. It could be said that Stockholm syndrome was not an exaggeration.

Around that time, Long Aotian went into seclusion and re-invented Go, football, poker, modern underwear, and so on and so forth. Later, he partic.i.p.ated in Long Zhentian"s 100-year-old birthday. He recited the poem "Bring in the Wine", defeated the emperor, protected Long Yuqing, had an affair with the princess, and then "devoured" the original Long Shiyan.

(TLN: This poem:)

After that, he began to embark on his journey.

During his journey, he encountered Yu Qingrou, who was bathing, and forced himself on her. After the incident, Yu Qingrou listened as he explained his reasons. When she found out that he did not do it intentionally, she planned on never mentioning the matter again. He was later known as the great poet of the Fengyun Empire, ans Yu Qingrou continued to treat him like a little brother.

In short, Long Aotian obtained another beauty.

After Long Aotian gained Yu Qingrou, he went to the Magical Beast Forest. After getting a bunch of treasures and encountering the Radiant Saint Christina, he went to the center of the continent, the Holy Spirit Magic School.

During this arc, a group of individuals was saved.

Needless to say, Long Aotian gained a sufficient amount of beauties from the Holy Spirit Magic School, and Long Aotian ended up pa.s.sing his time there.

“Yan Yan, what are you thinking about?” Long Yuqing"s chopsticks stopped, and her beautiful eyes stared at the slightly dazed Long Shiyan.

“Auntie, I am fine,” Long Shiyan shook her head. “I was just thinking about where to go in the future.”

Long Yuqing"s body froze; her jade hand shook as she barely squeezed out a smile. “Yan Yan, is staying here no good?”

“Not at all.” Long Shiyan sipped the fish soup, not caring about Zi Linglong, who was watching her eat. She persuaded, “Yan Yan feels that staying here will burden Auntie, Moreover, she doesn"t feel safe. Yan Yan feels that it won"t be advantageous to stay here."

“Auntie doesn"t need to treat Yan Yan like a child.” Long Shiyan snorted and curled her lips. She then feigned innocence by pouting her cheeks like a spoiled child. “I have been wandering with my parents all over the continent since I was a child. I have experienced and seen many things in person.”

“Where will Yan Yan go?” Yu Qingrou asked. At this moment, Long Shiyan froze from Yu Qingrou"s question.

Zi Linglong also stopped eating and secretly looked at Long Shiyan"s position; System Qian Qian was flashing blue light, but Long Yuqing and others could not see it. It was shocking enough for Long Shiyan to say that she wanted to leave. So, it was really unexpected for Long Shiyan to have to decide where to go right away.

Now was time for her to choose.

Long Shiyan put down her chopsticks and looked at Long Yuqing with an optimistic expression. “Auntie, I want to go study at the Holy Spirit Magic School.”

The scene was quiet for a few seconds and then, Long Shiyan was asked another question. “Why are you going to the Holy Spirit Magic School? Do you know how far the Holy Spirit Magic School is from here and what kind of place it is…”

Yu Qingrou worriedly tugged at her clothing. Long Yuqing quivered in vexation. Why would Long Shiyan ever want to go there and go against her wishes? But……

It was obviously impossible for Long Shiyan to leave immediately. The distance from here to the Holy Spirit Magic School was great. Who could take the difficult task of escorting Long Shiyan all the way there safely? Moreover, she was uneasy over the fact that Long Shiyan wanted to leave her.

The Holy Spirit Magic School was not completely safe.

Unexpectedly, Long Shiyan could easily answer her question. “Of course, I know! The Holy Spirit Magic School and our home are separated by the Magical Beast Forest. It will take at least half a year to get there. After half a year, I will be eleven years old.”

Long Yuqing still wanted to say something, but Yu Qingrou interrupted her. “Well, Yan Yan"s decision is very good. The Holy Spirit Magic School is in the center of the continent. It is a great honor to study there. It was your aunt"s and my former school. While it was very beautiful and interesting, it was also dangerous, but we still liked it there. Shu Shu is almost six years old and her innate skills are sufficient to enter the Holy Spirit Magic School. In the past, I was also planning to take her there. If you could go with her together, then it would be great," Yu Qingrou said, touching her daughter, Yu Shu"s, head.

When the little girl listened to her mother"s words, she could not help but lower her head without answering. But from her lowered head, Long Shiyan could see her crystal-like tears.

Like the original, this girl was thrown into the Holy Spirit Magic School early. Furthermore, Yu Qingrou did not want her daughter to repeat her previous tragedy.

She wanted her daughter to be the master of her own life.

At the end of lunch, Long Shiyan quickly returned to her room. Zi Linglong didn"t follow but also didn"t know where to go.

As soon as she returned to her room, System Qian Qian shouted. “Long Shiyan, why did you suddenly want to go to the Holy Spirit Magic School to learn? You should know that this is not following the original novel"s plot at all! Long Aotian"s tracks aren"t even close to where you want to go. By suddenly letting him run freely, what would you do if he captures other characters?”

Long Shiyan drank a gla.s.s of water, sat in a chair, and took out a book to read.

“I really don"t know what you are thinking! Right now, shouldn"t the first thing you should do be finding out why your family was destroyed before deciding your next step?” System Qian Qian incessantly yelled beside her.

“Because of that, I will choose this path. Even if I find out which Saint had destroyed my family and figure out where Long Aotian is, the result will be the same. I can"t stop them.” Long Shiyan finally opened her mouth. She continued reading the book while saying, “So, I will go to the Holy Spirit Magic School.”

“Then why are you going to such a faraway place like the Holy Spirit Magic School? The plot is completely out of reach there.” System Qian Qian flew at her, falling on top of the paper and preventing her from reading.

“The Long family is gone, do you think the plot is still focused on here?” Long Shiyan did not care about the system"s actions and continued to turn the page.

“Oh…” System Qian Qian was speechless. After a while, it asked, “Then what are you going to do? Tell me so that I have a clue.”

Long Shiyan pushed her hair aside and very calmly said, “Although the Long family is ruined, I still think that there shouldn"t be a big difference between the present and the original plot. Long Aotian will definitely find a place to stay safe. The Long family died. When he grows up, there will be no Long family plot. Instead, he will directly go to the Magical Beast Forest, and then head to the Holy Spirit Magic School. And I can wait for him at the Holy Spirit Magic School. "

“Right now, the story"s plot may have been broken, and it might be better to follow after the storyline. I also feel that it is better to create my own plot. The Holy Spirit Magic School is a key to Long Aotian"s rise. As long as I am there, I can keep track of the many beauties over there. Furthermore, he won"t be there to create changes like waves in a stormy sea. Moreover, my current combat effectiveness is indeed very low, and I have no teacher to guide me. If I don"t go to the Holy Spirit Mage School, I won"t learn about Long Aotian"s capture targets. I also will not know the cause of my death if I happen to die in the future. "

System Qian Qian"s blue light continued to flash slowly. After a while, it said, “You mean that you have to stir up the whole story like mixing porridge?”

“You can put it that way as well.” Long Shiyue paused. “Instead of following after the protagonist"s footsteps, it"s better to destroy those footsteps and find a better way,” she said and turned forward, “But there are also flaws to this plan. While he is in the Magical Beast Forest, there is no way to save the people he will meet there.”

“Are you going to give up on those women?”

“When there is no way, you need to give up or have no choice but to give up. Before going to the Holy Spirit Magic School, I will have to go to the auction,” Long Shiyan said. She then closed the book, trapping System Qian Qian inside. After, it slipped out of the book and left.

System Qian Qian felt resentful.

Long Shiyan carried the book and walked toward the gate. She asked some people for the location of the Yu Family members. She was led into a room where she saw Zi Linglong chatting with a bunch of people. She looked very happy.

Long Shiyan walked straight in, took Zi Linglong"s hand, and dragged her back to her room, regardless of everyone"s astonishment.

“Master, what are you doing? It hurts.” Zi Linglong twisted her arm out of Long Shiyan"s grip, rubbing her hurting arm. Long Shiyan"s cold eyes swept at her.

Zi Linglong looked down and didn"t dare to look at Long Shiyan. “Master, I am learning about the responsibility of being a maid with my sisters. I was suddenly called me over. Did anything happen?”

Long Shiyan wrinkled her brow into a cute frown. She said with a deep voice, “Nothing. Is it that difficult for you to answer my calls?”

“No, Master can call me at any time.” Zi Linglong kept her head lowered.

“Then, do you still have to ask me?” Long Shiyan sat down in her chair, crossed her legs and raised her eyebrows at her. “You have been learning together with them for so long, yet you still don"t understand that a servant has to always unconditionally obey her master"s orders? When I ask you to come over, do I need a reason? Isn"t that right? What d.a.m.nable things did you learn during this time period?”

Zi Linglong was stunned and panic-stricken. She didn"t know what to do. She had studied for so long, yet why would she disobey her master"s inclinations? Obviously, she should obey her master unconditionally…

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