Female Protagonist Is A Blackened Villainess

Chapter 22: The Lolita Weeps Because of the System

Chapter 22: The Lolita Weeps Because of the System

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In the guest room, Long Shiyan sat on her chair with her legs crossed, and Zi Linglong stood in front of her like a child who did something wrong. She simply listened to Long Shiyan speaking, “What do you do when someone else asks you to do something, but instead of listening to my request, you choose theirs. I really don"t understand what has become of my servant.”

“Master, I am sorry!” Zi Linglong bit her lip and bowed her head.

“I"m sorry?” Long Shiyan snorted. “I will go to the Holy Spirit Magic School in a few days. You have three choices now. The first one is to stay with my aunt and you don"t listen to your master"s words anymore. In that case, you will be useless to me.”

“In the event that you make this choice, get out of here now. Our master and servant relationship has been exhausted. You can do whatever you want or you may leave,” Long Shiyan heartlessly said.

Zi Linglong trembled, bit her lip, widened her eyes, and looked at Long Shiyan incredulously. “You, you, don"t you want me?”

“You are the servant of my aunt and not my servant. What do you want me to do?” Long Shiyan glanced at her for a second. She then closed her eyes and ignored her.

Zi Linglong"s mind seemed to have broken as if her strings were cut. Her mind was blank and she didn"t know how to answer Long Shiyan.

She had originally thought Long Shiyan was close to her and may have even taken a fancy to her special physique. But because of her rejection, Zi Linglong felt heartbroken and miserable. She understood that if it wasn"t for Long Shiyan, then she wouldn"t be alive right now.

Therefore, Zi Linglong always wanted to follow her silently, and then learn how to serve her master by learning from her family. Did she possibly make a mistake?

Long Shiyan suddenly did not want her. How could she accept this?

After settling her mind down, she said, “Is it difficult for Master to give orders to me? You aren"t interested in my special const.i.tution anymore so you"re abandoning me? ” She gritted her teeth and mustered enough courage to spill her inner thoughts out.

“Hmph” Long Shiyan sneered in disdain. "That is your problem! Now, the relationship between us has balanced out. I have helped you, and you have saved me. So now, you can feel free to go wherever you want to go. There aren"t any contracts to stop you. You are free."

“Leave or stay, or even if you choose to follow my aunt, there is no problem. Whatever your choice is, I promise not to stop you. As for your physique, whether you have it or not makes no difference to me. In fact, your berserk state will only bring trouble to me.”

Zi Linglong was falling apart as she almost slipped and fell. She wasn"t aware that she was so worthless. She thought she could become a weapon in Long Shiyan"s hands and worked hard to do so.

“Do you wish to leave?” Long Shiyan swept her eyes and walked to the door. Moving toward Zi Linglong, she took out a small golden bag and threw it at her. “This contains a hundred gold coins. If you plan to leave, take it. It"s a gift.” With her eyes closed, she leaned against her seat, saying nothing else.

“Money for travel expenses…” Zi Linglong took the gold coin bag and looked at it for a long time. Her eyes were filled with tears that were ready to fall out.

Long Shiyan did not move.

Zi Linglong grabbed the gold coin bag in her hands and strode towards the gate. After a while, she disappeared from the gate and didn"t even close the door.

Long Shiyan opened her eyes and sighed for a long time. Forget it. She had already left, although unexpected, it was her own decision and Long Shiyan could not stop her.

Besides, Long Shiyan did not have enough energy to deal with her.

Getting down from her chair, she walked towards the gate, holding the door as she tried to close it. But in halfway through shutting it, it became firmly stuck in place.

Long Shiyan finally gave in and let Zi Linglong come back. With dissatisfaction, she asked, “What are you doing? Aren"t you going now?”

“I don"t want to!” Zi Linglong clenched the gold coin bag in her hands as tears fell out. She said, “You said that you needed me! You needed a friend who would grow up with you. You needed someone to help you! You wished for me to stay, but now you backed out of the deal! You"re a liar!”

“I needed a friend who would support me, not a servant who only listened to other people"s words instead of mine. Since you listened to my aunt and my aunt"s servants" words and followed their lead, what"s the point of staying with me in the future?" Long Shiyan suppressed her anger. "They are your masters now, not me. Okay now, get out!" she said, pushing her away and slamming the door.

“It doesn"t matter if you don"t obey her and that she called you useless. The host actually wants you to become useful for her!” At this moment, System Qian Qian suddenly came out. “Zi Linglong, you are too ignorant. If you leave now, then the host will get truly angry.”

Zi Linglong stood still, rubbing her tears away and then, she looked at it.

“Really! What little girls are thinking is really hard for me to understand. What the host said was correct. But I don"t understand anything about you two. I don"t understand anything at all!” System Qian Qian"s blue light flashed. “You, Zi Linglong, should try to figure out what she meant by yourself. Look at how your current appearance and then think about how you used to be. The host saved you, but you"re now leaving her?”

“But she doesn"t want me,” Zi Linglong said, sobbing.

“Don"t listen to her words. Instead, think about it for a while. If you don"t learn how to change and catch up with her, she really will drive you away for good. My IQ is high, yet I still don"t understand that little girl.”

“You are not allowed to talk to the host!” System Qian Qian glared at her.

“Did you know?” System Qian Qian was disappointed in her. “Her parents had died, and now her family is shattered. There are a lot of things in her mind and I don"t know what it"s like for her. No one knows how she feels.”

“She has a lot of things to do, but you still don"t understand what to do yourself and you are always problematic. You have already faced the consequences of your actions, yet you still rebel against her. But you were still given a choice. Even if you chose to leave, she will not get angry nor blame you.”

“How am I problematic? I just went to go learn from the older generation on how to help the master, how to serve her, and how I can make her happy. I am still learning, so of course, I am problematic!” She cried, refusing to resign against System Qian Qian.

“Cry a little louder!” System Qian Qian secretly released the sound barrier, allowing her crying attract the attention of Long Yuqing, Long Shiyan, and the others.

“I know that I am just her tool. Although I don"t want to, I have to fulfill my responsibility as a tool. I will turn into a sharp sword and kill all the enemies that come for her. But… I haven"t been able to become her sword yet. Was this why she threw me away?” Zi Linglong burst into tears, obviously very puzzled.

“You"re wrong!” System Qian Qian suddenly refuted her words.


“The host doesn"t need you to be her sword, because she already has her own sword. So even if you don"t become her sword, it doesn"t matter to her.” System Qian Qian paused and said, “I know why you are so confused. Isn"t it because you know that the host uses dark magic and Douqi, so your wonderful delusions of her became shattered?”

“Then, you a.s.sumed that the owner was using you and wanted to use you as a tool. Although you always appeared to not care, you actually still do. But since she did save you, you decided to learn how to be a maid and obtain skills to help her. 

But unfortunately, you are wrong, the host didn"t intend to make you her sword at first nor did she want to use you as a tool. The ident.i.ty of a maid only made it easier for her to teach you certain things. But you because of this, you have been misled. 

There is another thing that I have to tell you. Your previous berserk incident had nothing to do with her. It was my own decision. I was going to give up on you, but I didn"t think that idiot Long Shiyan would risk her life to save you in return. Now that she has things to take care of, she can"t always watch over you.” System Qian Qian decided to tell the whole story and directly explained everything.


System Qian Qian"s words. .h.i.t her like a clap of thunder as those words pierced through her heart. The words were so shocking to her that she couldn"t help but cry. 

“You have already awakened the Red Yin Demon Star, so I don"t believe that your intelligence is still that of a ten-year-old child"s. Although you are still a small child, you should still be able to understand what I am talking about.” System Qian Qian sighed for a long while and said, “Be an obedient child and go back. She actually needs you. She didn"t give up on you because you couldn"t become her sword. She only needs soul support. When she asks, you will properly give her tea and listen to her words. You can do it.”

“But she had already abandoned me…”

“Stupid!” System Qian Qian groaned. “Long Shiyan was just talking about it. In truth, she is actually very kind and sincere. Right now, she is definitely acting vexed and strange in her room while I have to go and preach to this silly girl. 

But don"t expect her to look for you in the future. After all, she sometimes doesn"t know whether staying with her or leaving would be better for you. If you decide to leave, then she will accept your decision. 

Therefore, you can continue to kneel down here and weep. She will definitely come out when she hears it, then you have to be obedient by admitting your mistake. But I won"t come out to help you. I believe that you know how to do it on your own with your own ability. 

Finally, I am warning you. Don"t just blindly obey her orders because of this incident. You have to redefine your ident.i.ty. Either be friends, sisters, partners, or servants. Sometimes it may be necessary to tease her."

Zi Linglong said, “Then…what is my ident.i.ty?”

“You can play any role she needs when required. She herself doesn"t really care about which ident.i.ty you take on. She only wanted you to call her sister so you could realize that you aren"t actually a real servant. 

But who knows if you are good enough. Because of the berserk incident, you mistakenly believed that she was using you. You then turned into her servant and when you still acted as her obedient maid, she did not blame you."

(TLN: Long Shiyan has it rough. She lost so many loved ones that she didn"t want Zi Linglong to be swallowed up by the plot as well. Although she could have worded it better instead of acting like a tsundere…)

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