[_Rushes to Ivory"s arms._]

IVORY. Oh! My daughter! My child! My child!

MISS IVORY. Yes, father, I will, cost me what it may. I will.

[_She reads last line flatly._]

SUD. Miss Ivory! Show some feeling! Think how you feel when you read those lines!

MISS IVORY. I know how I feel [_impudently. Then with some feeling._]

Yes, father, I will. Cost me what it may, I will, Mr. Inkwell!

SUD. Abandonment, Miss Ivory--abandonment--

MISS IVORY [_nods intelligently_]. Mr. Inkwell! Mr. Ink--we--all--!

IVORY [_rushing after Miss Ivory_]. Wait--think--consider--

[_Inkwell and Ruler enter right._]

INKWELL [_takes her hand_]. Ah, My dear!

IVORY [_with bowed head_]. Oh!

RULER [_in alarm, to Miss Ivory_]. My dear--what is it?

SUD. Now, there"s your line of "what is it?" I tucked it in there.

MISS IVORY [_goes left to Mr. Ruler. Ivory is up center. Inkwell is right_]. I can"t keep my promise to you--Mr. Ruler--please don"t ask for an explanation.

RULER [_excited, rushing up to Mr. Ivory_]. What is it, Mr. Ivory?

IVORY [_in despair, taking Ruler"s arm for support_]. Oh--I--am broken-hearted--she is going to marry Inkwell!

RULER. No!--no!--not while I live!

IVORY. It must be! Come with me--I"ll tell you--alone!

RULER. Not while I live!

SUD [_excitedly_]. Mr. Ruler! Mr. Ruler! You go out too easily! Wait! I remember a precious line I cut out of one of my last year"s plays. It is perfectly fresh! No novelty worn off and incontestably original! "I am coming back."

RULER [_deferentially Ruler writes the line_]. I am coming back--yes, sir. I am coming back.

SUD. There is no, "yes, sir," in it.

RULER. No, sir.

SUD. Do you wish to retire for a few minutes and commit to memory?

[_Ruler repeats the line._] Now that we are reaching the climax I want as few interruptions and references to the book as possible--

RULER. I think I have it. [_All resume former positions. Sud climbs on his stool._] Cue please, Mr. Ivory.

IVORY [_drags Ruler across to go out right_]. Come with me--I"ll tell you!--alone!

RULER. Not while I live! I am coming back! I am coming back!!!--I am coming back!

[_Exeunt Ivory and Ruler right. Sud tiptoes up center to make sure Mrs. Pencil is ready for her cue._]

INKWELL [_to Miss Ivory_]. Now that they have left us alone--my darling--let me tell you how I have waited for this moment--

MISS IVORY [_in despair and tears she tries to rush by to right, but he catches her_]. No, let me pa.s.s--now, now. I have said yes, let it go at that--I cannot talk now--not now--

[_Exit right weeping._]

MRS. PENCIL [_in fury of jealousy opens door and enters in rage_].

Coward! Villain!--I have been listening behind that door--all your false vows to me!

INKWELL [_he tries to choke her_]. Don"t yell so!

MRS. PENCIL [_in ordinary tone_]. I will yell!

SUD [_delighted_]. Of course, she will! Shriek good, Mrs. Pencil.

MRS. PENCIL [_shrieks_]. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!

INKWELL [_they struggle. Grabs Mrs. Pencil to put his hand over her mouth_]. Stop--! Stop!

SUD. Tussle! Tussle! The audience loves it!

[_They fight._]

WOULDBY. But what did Inkwell do?

SUD [_talks fast over shoulder to Wouldby like a man in a fast auto talks to another pa.s.sing_]. Can"t you tell. Haven"t decided yet!

Explanation in last act. No time now. Reaching climax of play. Keep it up! Keep it up!

MRS. PENCIL [_yelling_]. Oh! The treachery--perjury--You are not fit to live! I"ll have my revenge--Revenge! Bing! Bang! [_She grabs revolver from table and shoots Inkwell. He falls back and obligingly lies upon the table._] I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!

MISS IVORY [_having heard the shot and shrieks, runs in from the wing_].

Oh--who"s hurt?

MRS. PENCIL [_turning and aiming revolver at Miss Ivory_]. Don"t come near him or I"ll shoot you!

RULER [_enters from right_]. What"s the matter?

MISS IVORY [_screams at Ruler_]. _Don"t_ move or she"ll shoot _you_.

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