Finding Stardust

Chapter 94

Haoran"s mother"s face lit up at the gift boxes from Haoran. Even though for her, Haoran"s presence was still the best gift in her life. Nevertheless, she smiled and nodded as Haoran opened the first box and took out the coat Emma had chosen at the shop for her.

"Emma chose this for you, Mom," Haoran said, turning his head to his fiancee. His mother nodded happily. She took the coat from Haoran"s hands and put it on.

"This is great. Thank you," Haoran"s mother said joyfully, and then she hugged Emma. "I"m glad to meet you, Emma. You are a good girl."

Emma returned Haoran"s mother"s embrace rather awkwardly. She missed her mother terribly, and Haoran"s mother"s embrace made her chest feel tight with sadness. However, she tried to remain sweet to her.

"I"m also happy to meet you, Auntie," Emma said with a smile.

"Uhm ... you should call mother, not Auntie," Haoran said, correcting Emma.

Emma"s face suddenly blushed at Haoran"s words.

"Mother?" Haoran"s mother was not a fool. She could immediately guess what her son meant. She released Emma from her arms and looked at her carefully. Her face was filled with curiosity. "You"re going to get married?"

Haoran scratched his head. His face did not look shy or blus.h.i.+ng like Emma. In fact, he seemed rather proud.

"That"s right ... I hope you will give us your blessing," the young man said, holding Emma"s hand.

"Why are you in such a hurry? You are still young ..." asked Haoran"s mother in amazement. She hurriedly added. "I don"t disagree. I"m just curious."

Haoran now hugged Emma"s waist before answering his mother"s question. "Emma and I are sure of our feelings. We have been together for a year, and I don"t feel like waiting anymore."

He would not tell his mother that the reason he wanted to rush in marrying Emma was that he and the girl would soon leave Earth. He did not want to make his mother sad.

He initially planned to marry Emma in 5 years. He had planned everything. Haoran was a planner and perfectionist. However, if he had to choose, he would not hesitate to change his plans and make quick decisions.

He and Emma would not be separated if they were married. He would go with the girl even to the end of the universe.

Although Haoran"s mother still felt there was something her son was hiding, she did not press on the issue. She hugged Emma again and then hugged Haoran.

"Congratulations, I"m happy for you both," she said, looking emotional. She tiptoed and kissed her son"s cheek. "I"m so glad you came here and introduced Emma to me."

"Uhm .. I also want to ask you to be our witness," said Haoran. "We have decided to get married here, tomorrow."

"Wait... what?" Emma turned around in surprise. She didn"t expect Haoran would move so quickly and plan their wedding. Wasn"t it just two days ago that the man proposed to her?

"Gosh ... this is really a big surprise!" exclaimed Haoran"s mother. She was very surprised but did not mind at all. She was delighted that Haoran had involved her on his big day.

"I don"t know when I will see you again, Mom. I thought we should just formalize it as soon as possible and make you part of our big day," Haoran said. He squeezed Emma"s hand gently.

For some reason, at that time, Emma"s chest felt so warm. She became reminded of her own parents. They both loved each other very much and got married in a foreign place, after escaping from their home planet, just the two of them.

Now, she and Haoran would get married just so that Haoran could go with her to Akkadia.

"You want to get married in the Civil Affairs Office?" Haoran"s mother asked attentively. "Have you checked all the requirements?"

"I did yesterday. I already asked someone from the hotel to handle the registration and other stuff for me. If you are don"t mind, we would like to invite you to come to our wedding tomorrow and be our witness."

"You didn"t tell me ..." Emma said, staring at Haoran. "How come I only know now that we are getting married tomorrow?"

The young man only shrugged, smiling mischievously. "I want to surprise you. It works!"

"Gosh... I"m shocked. When did you plan this?"

"Two nights ago, after you accepted my proposal. I checked the requirements, and I thought Shanghai would be a good place to do it. My mother is here, and she can give us her blessings." Haoran looked at Emma intently. "You don"t like it?"

"I"m just surprised." Emma"s face flushed red. "I like it."

"Oh, thank G.o.d!" exclaimed Haoran, hugging Emma happily. His action made her mother furrowed her brows in surprise.

"Thank G.o.d, why? I don"t understand what"s going on ..." she said.

Haoran and Emma soon realized that they were communicating secretly just now. This certainly made his mother puzzled. The young man quickly hugged his mother.

"Thank G.o.d you are giving us your blessings. I can"t wait!"

Haoran"s mother just shook her head at her child"s weird att.i.tude. "You haven"t changed. Always love giving your mother a shock."

"Ahh ... it"s because I love you," Haoran said with a laugh. He opened the box containing the scarf and draped it lovingly around his mother"s neck. "This is the next gift from Emma and me. We want you to always keep warm."

"Thank you, my dear son," said Haoran"s mother hoa.r.s.ely. Tears almost drip from her eyes. She was so happy because, after all these years, her child had not changed at all. He was always caring and loving.

Ahh ... she was delighted to see Haoran finding a woman he loved at such a young age. Emma looked like a nice girl, thought Haoran"s mother.

"And lastly ... this is the most special gift. I know that you love pearls," Haoran opened the last box and took out the salt.w.a.ter pearl necklace he bought from Ruby u0026 Co. The necklace was very long and could be wrapped three times around his mother"s neck. Each pearl was perfectly round and emanated a dim white light. It looked so elegant and perfect.

"Ah ... this is beautiful.. so beautiful," said Haoran"s mother. She touched her necklace many times and chuckled in admiration. "I like everything you got me."

"I"m glad to hear that," Haoran said.

The three of them were very happy about the reunion. Haoran"s mother invited the two to lunch together, and they continued chatting and while enjoying food.

When Haoran saw his mother in the backyard and spent private time with her, he had told her a little bit about Emma and her background. So, when they had lunch together, his mother didn"t ask unnecessary questions about Emma"s family.

She only asked about their school, hobbies, and interests. Throughout the warm lunch, Haoran"s mother kept watching her son with a beaming face.

She would never get bored, staring at that handsome face. Ah ... Emma was so beautiful too. Ms. Haoran smiled inwardly, imagining that she would soon have a grandchild who inherited its parents" good looks. She couldn"t wait!

Out of politeness, Emma didn"t read Haoran"s mother"s thoughts. If only she knew what her mother-in-law was thinking...


From the author:

I got this voucher code that you can redeem for 50 coins in Webnovel. I don"t know if you can still redeem it (since 20-s people already did), but there is nothing to lose if you try. I will delete this code in 4 hours. The coin is valid for 1 year. Good luck!


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