Five Way Heaven

Chapter 22: Duanmu Huanghun’s Roar

Chapter 22: Duanmu Huanghun’s Roar

It was impossible to describe what Duanmu Huanghun felt the instant he opened his eyes, but in reality, his head was completely blank at that time.

His entire body was chilly, and a man was pressing both hands on his chest, and was even panting roughly. He didn’t even clearly see the man’s face before his head buzzed, like he had been heavily punched consecutively in the head, as his mind blanked out.

Ai Hui saw that Duanmu Huanghun opened his eyes, but… his pupils were unfocused?

Ai Hui immediately became a bit worried, he had seen many life and death situations. When he had first entered the Savage Territories, there were two thousand coolies, but only two had made it out alive. The others had all eternally fallen within the Savage Territories’ mud and dirt. Ai Hui had personally seen them inside a pool of blood, seen their pupils become increasingly unfocused until they lost all expression.

“Loulan, what’s wrong with him?”

Ai Hui asked as he slapped Duanmu Huanghun’s cheek: “Hey, dude, you okay? Wake up! Don’t sleep!”

Loulan was a bit puzzled at the current situation before him, but still said frankly: “Nothing’s wrong with him.”

Pa pa pa!

Ai Hui’s palms forcefully slapped Duanmu Huanghun’s cheek.

Duanmu Huanghun’s unfocused pupils gradually recovered their focus. As soon as his line of sight gradually recovered, a face changed from fuzzy to clear. When he clearly saw this face, his eyes widened into circles.

Wasn’t he that d.a.m.ned b.a.s.t.a.r.d?

That guy whose innate talent was obviously terrible, yet didn’t go to cla.s.s, didn’t cultivate, who was dragging the entire cla.s.s down, the mud who couldn’t be built into a wall?

That guy who wasted so much of his time, sullied his genius name, the main offender who caused him to be infected with a cold?

Rage rushed to his head and hate was born beside his gall bladder. Duanmu Huanghun suddenly sat up. Just as he was about dismember this extremely hateful b.a.s.t.a.r.d into ten thousand pieces, his movements paused.


His entire body was chilly…

His expression was frozen, his movements froze. After a while, he looked down, stupified.

From top to bottom, only his underwear remained on his entire body. His arms and legs all had bright red handprints, forming a bright contrast to the other parts of his body that were pale white.

Oh no!

The depths of his roundly widened eyes instantly revealed a terrified expression. What did this d.a.m.ned b.a.s.t.a.r.d do to him?

Duanmu Huanghun, whose head had blanked out once again, seemed to have subconsciously grabbed at his clothes on the side. Crawling and stumbling, he frantically rushed out of the training hall.

Ai Hui and Loulan unanimously tilted their heads, looking in the direction of the main entrance.

“Looks like he’s better, Loulan’s really awesome.” Happiness penetrated through his voice, he could finally go cultivate.

“Even though there was a brief period of time where Loulan didn’t understand the situation, it looks like he’s better.” Hearing Ai Hui’s praise, Loulan also appeared happy.

“Thanks Loulan, I’m going to go cultivate.”

“See you later, Ai Hui.”

As Duanmu Huanghun walked on the street, a bleak cold wind blew past his soul. He was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with despair. He didn’t dare to remember the scene he had seen just a moment ago, didn’t dare to imagine what had happened during the time he had lost conscious.

The darkest period of his life, was precisely right now.

After a while, Duanmu Huanghun gradually calmed down from his terror. He suddenly discovered that he had actually already recovered from his cold. After all, he was from a large influential family, added with his own extraordinary remarkable innate talent, his family had nurtured him carefully; his knowledge could not be compared with any ordinary person’s.

Now that he had regained his calm, he pieced together the reason why he had those extremely red handprints on his legs and arms, roughly understanding how he had completely recovered from his cold.

He was a bit shocked, that trash actually understood that kind of technique? Even he, who was experienced and knowledgeable, had to rack and bend his mind around to piece it together. The other party had actually used this kind of special technique to cure his cold.

Many intellectuals have heard of it, but actually being capable of using it in practice was a whole different matter, you know.

Maybe this guy wasn’t as bad as he thought he was?

A metal elementalist good in medical treatment?

Even though this was extraordinary weird, it wasn’t as if there were none that appeared in Five Way Heaven’s history. Maybe he had underestimated him, after all, with his bad apt.i.tude, there was no way he would’ve been accepted into the Induction Ground. If he had some other kind of talent, the Induction Ground might allow him in.

After calming down and knowing that the other party had cured his cold, Duanmu Huanghun no longer minded what had happened earlier. However, knowing that he had been knocked unconscious by such a weak guy, Duanmu Huanghun’s face couldn’t help but darken.

Even if he was sick at that time, with his physical strength exhausted, with the other party’s attack being so sudden, and so on, he could not calmly accept the fact that he had been knocked unconscious by a trash.

Too humiliating!

Especially when he thought back to the request the Master had given him, his face heated. The Master had asked him to guide a trash, but he ended up being knocked unconscious by that trash.

Yes, he could give a ton of reasons why.

He had been careless, underestimated the enemy, was muddled by his rage, was so weak that he caught a cold from a little wind, was completely at the end of his ropes from the night training that exhausted him…

But none of these justifications were one that Duanmu Huanghun was capable of accepting.

He was a genius!

Geniuses are those who are able to do things others can’t do!

Duanmu Huanghun cursed himself to death in his heart.

Suddenly, he noticed that the pedestrians on the street were pointing at him, among them were many girls. Seeing him turn his head, those girls covered their mouths and giggled.

That’s not right!

Duanmu Huanghun had never experienced this kind of situation before in his entire life. No matter where he went, no matter what time it was, those women would greet him with scorching, infatuated gazes. He had never seen such an expression on those women that looked at him.

Was there something dirty on his face?

Walking past a weapon shop, he stopped, picked up a polished shiny blade, and used its body as a mirror to reflect his own face.

Afterwards, he became dumbfounded.

Who’s the guy with a face that was as swollen as a pig’s head?

A flash of lightning struck him in the brain as a vague fragmented memory intruded his mind without warning. A vague figure seemed to have been yelling something. Both hands shot out and forcefully slapped his cheek, and seemed to have been continuously slapping him in the face.

Pa pa pa…

Crisp sounds of slapping, his cheeks seemed to resemble a baked steamed bun, then slowly expanded, then…

The face in his head and the face that was currently being reflected by the blade surface overlapped.

The hand that was gripping the blade handle shook, Duanmu Huanghun’s mouth trembled uncontrollably. After a short while, like a volcanic eruption, he roared with extreme anger and almost overturned the weapon shop’s roof.

“Ai Hui, I’m going to tear you from limb to limb!”

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