Chapter 1270

"Hey, wait..." Yunqing shouts, but it"s late. In the summer and LIUMENG, they run away in a flash.

Yunqing suddenly has a headache. It"s hard to rest a.s.sured that her husband who likes to mess up with her dream sister who also likes to do whatever she wants. This time, those rogues and unreasonable people will meet even more unreasonable people.

In fact, Yunqing really didn"t want to let summer get involved in this matter. After all, she is also a lawyer. She is the first to consider the legal means for more things. But now she and LIUMENG are going to beat each other in summer, and she can"t stop it.

After thinking about it, Yunqing decides to go to the company first. After all, she estimates that she will work and live here for a lot of time. It is also necessary to deal well with the government here.

Yunqing soon came to the office of the construction company, and then to Secretary Yang of the county government, a man in his thirties, who looked gentle.

"h.e.l.lo, Miss cloud. I"ve heard a lot about your name." When meeting Yunqing, Secretary Yang takes the initiative to say h.e.l.lo to Yunqing, which is very polite.

It"s not surprising. Actually, Muyang county government already knows that Yunqing and Qiao Xiaoqiao have a good personal relationship. Although Qiao Xiaoqiao"s tourism development company is not in charge of Yunqing, in fact, when Qiao Xiaoqiao is not here, Yunqing can also act as Qiao Xiaoqiao"s spokesman.

On the other hand, the tan family, which has always had a great influence in Muyang County, also takes good care of Yunqing. It is said that the relationship between Yunqing and Tan family is also unusual.

In this way, no one here in Muyang County who really knows the origin of Yunqing dare to offend her. Secretary Yang, who also knows the origin of Yunqing, is naturally very polite to her.

"Secretary Yang, I think you already know the reason for this?" Yunqing said directly.

"Miss Yun, in fact, Wu county chief is also very clear. It"s not your fault. But, you know, what"s the biggest fear now is what kind of group incidents and so on. Wu county chief means that after all, people die at home, so we also hold the idea of humanitarianism and give some humanitarian compensation. It doesn"t need too much money. It"s almost within 100000 yuan." Secretary Yang said apologetically, "I know it"s not fair to your company, but you"re a big company. This time, you"ll suffer a little loss, and it shouldn"t have a big impact. Wu County mayor also said that in the future, construction will give priority to your company, which is your compensation."

"Secretary Yang, I"m afraid we can"t satisfy them. We need to know that they are talking for millions." Said Yunqing, shaking his head.

"At this point, Miss cloud can rest a.s.sured that the government can come forward to negotiate for you, and I promise that it will not exceed 100000 compensation." Secretary Yang seemed confident, "I know them quite well. To be honest, they just want some money. Despite their big talk, the figures are exaggerated, but they will be satisfied with tens of thousands of them in the end."

"Elder sister, if it"s a hundred thousand yuan, it"s better to give it to them, but they have to promise that they won"t continue to make trouble." He said softly.

"If they had been willing to make such a settlement before, I might have agreed, but now, I"m afraid, there"s no chance." Yun Qing shakes his head. "Your brother-in-law has pa.s.sed by. I think it"s been fighting now."

"Ah?" Yunzhiguang was stunned. "Brother in law used to hit people?"

"Well, sister Meng is not very happy. If you want to beat people up, your brother-in-law will lead sister Meng to the gate of the county government." "At their speed, I think it should be finished by now."

Secretary Yang at one side was confused, and finally asked, "Miss cloud, what you said is..."

Before he finished speaking, Secretary Yang"s cell phone rang. He quickly took out his cell phone and answered the phone: "it"s me, county magistrate Wu Huh? I see. I"ll be back in a minute! "

Hung up the phone, Secretary Yang looked at Yunqing a little apologetically: "I"m sorry, there"s something urgent in the county government, I have to go first!"

Before Yunqing could reply, Secretary Yang turned and left in a hurry. At this time, he knew what it meant to fight.

At the gate of the county government, it"s true that there has been a fight, but to be precise, there is a person who is beating a group of people, and this person is not in summer, but Liu Meng.

Liu Meng likes the beautiful white dress she is wearing. She just had a game on the fairy bed in the tree today. The dress got dirty. After a long time of washing, it seems that she didn"t clean it. The little fairy is not happy. She needs to find a target to breathe. She wanted to play in summer, but she didn"t let her play in summer, so she was reluctant to play in summer Heaven said that when the county government wanted to beat some people, she immediately came here and started a group beating. No, it should be a group beating, a group beating!

Liu Meng usually doesn"t make sense. When she is angry, she doesn"t make sense. In addition, she didn"t make it clear to her in summer. She just said that there are people who need to be beaten, but didn"t say who. So, the unhappy fairy began to attack indiscriminately.

Therefore, not only the dozen people who needed to be beaten were beaten by Liu Meng, but also the police and government staff who just watched them do nothing, even the innocent onlookers were beaten, and even the most innocent pa.s.sers-by who beat soy sauce was also hurt by the fish in the pond, and Liu Meng kicked the soy sauce to the ground and broke it.

Before long, there was a large number of people lying at the door. The only people standing were summer and Liu Meng. Some of them wanted to see the bustle. They had been far away when they saw this posture. As for those who fell on the ground, if they saw the situation was not right, they would have been able to climb up, so they simply continued to lie down.

"Sister Meng, are you happy now?" Asked the summer.

"I"m not very happy, little villain. Let"s have a fight!" Liu Meng is obviously not satisfied. These people are really too easy to fight.

"Sister Meng, it seems that you really want to be spanked!" In summer, he put Liu Meng in his arms and said, "let"s go home and fight!"

"No......" Liu Meng began to protest again, but the protest was ineffective. She was immediately carried away by summer.

Seeing the two of them leave, the two policemen get up, and the older one takes a long breath: "it"s very dangerous. Fortunately, I fell down without hitting myself."

The younger police couldn"t think: "master, who are these two? Why do you seem to be afraid of them? "

"You haven"t been here long. You don"t know them. They are both invincible in summer and LIUMENG. They are very violent. In a word, it"s right to stay away from them." Said the old policeman with a heavy heart.

"And what now?" The young policeman was a little embarra.s.sed. "So many people have been beaten, do you have to solve it? And the coffin... "

"Don"t worry, someone will deal with it. We don"t need to carry the black pot." The older police are not worried at all.


it"s not a good thing for a person to have too much energy. Liu Meng is a typical example of that kind of energy. He always has endless strength. He always wants to vent these strength, such as beating someone or something.

Fortunately, Liu Meng also has conquering stars. No, when her steamed bread was eaten in summer, she became weak. So this afternoon, Liu Meng beat dozens of people at the gate of the county government and failed to vent their strength. Finally, after a fight in bed and summer, she was subdued in summer.

Of course, Liu Meng"s beating up the people there is still useful. It"s not that the family of Yun Qingguo is afraid of being beaten up. In fact, after being beaten up, those people are more likely to lie at the gate of the county government and claim that the county government is responsible for it. In fact, it"s true that so many policemen can"t protect the citizens there, and they are indeed responsible for it. This time, Yunqingguo"s wife and children are not unreasonable.

But the problem is that Zhao Mingchao, a senior county official, learned something about it. He came to Muyang County in the summer, and immediately realized that if he didn"t solve the problem quickly, it would make things worse. So he immediately came out and did it by himself. He did it by both ways. That afternoon, he solved the problem , but Yunqing and her company didn"t pay a cent at all, and those family members of yunqingguo seem to have gained some benefits, but the details are unknown to outsiders.

Knowing the news, Yunqing can"t help shaking his head secretly. As many people said, many things can"t be solved, just like they want to or don"t want to. She also knows whether her family man is more powerful. As soon as he appears, things will be settled naturally.

"Husband, what happened to sister Meng?" In the evening, when Yunqing returned home, he found that he walked out of the room with Liu Meng in his arms in summer. Liu Meng seemed to be unconscious.

"It"s OK. It"s just sleeping." Summer replied: "sister Yunqing, I promised sister Shenxian to go back to Qingfeng mountain tonight, so I will take sister Meng back."

"Oh, well." Yunqing is a little lost, but he nods. At the end of the day, he can"t help asking, "honey, are you still coming to Muyang county?"

"If you were here, sister Yunqing, I would definitely come." Summer quickly said: "but, sister Yunqing, you still don"t want to stay here, in a few months, you also go back to Jianghai City, we will live in the Fairy Island together."

"Well, I know." Yun Qing nodded, "honey, go first, don"t let sister Yue wait too long."

Summer a nod, also didn"t say anything, embrace the sleeping Liu dream to flash away, the moment disappeared in the cloud clear line of sight.

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