Chapter 1271

When I came back to Qingfeng mountain in summer, it was not completely dark. In summer, I went into the house quickly and put the sleeping Liu Meng on the bed. Then I went out of the door again. Looking at the moon and song Yumei sitting together, I asked curiously, "sister fairy, Mei Mei"s wife, are you watching the sunset together?"

"No." Yueqingya shakes her head and waves gently, indicating that she will sit next to her in summer.

In summer, he sat down, but before sitting down, he picked yueqingya up from the chair first, and then he sat in yueqingya"s chair, and put yueqingya on his leg by the way.

"Yes, the sun has gone down. You must not be watching the sunset, but are you waiting for the sunrise? But it will be a long time before the sun comes out. " Summer said.

"No, we are actually looking at Mei Yi." Song Yumei answers softly.

Summer suddenly a little depressed: "see what she does? Besides, she"s not there either! "

"But Aunt Mei"s stone house is in that direction." Song Yumei explained.

"You"ve been to see my wife, haven"t you?" Summer asked, "or I"ll take you back tomorrow."

"Well, little l.u.s.ty wolf, don"t hurry to send Yumei away. She still has something to do here." At this time, Yue Qingya spoke again. She turned to look at Song Yumei and said, "Yumei, you are a little tired today. Let"s have a rest in the advanced room. I have something to talk with this little wolf."

"OK, sister Yue, I"ll go first." Song Yumei nodded softly and walked into the wooden house.

She broke away from the embrace of summer and sat down in the cane chair beside her.

"Little wolf, sister has a very important thing. I need your help." The elegant and soft jade hand of the moon gently holds the hand of summer, and the voice is as gentle and moving as ever.

"Sister immortal, what"s the matter?" Summer is a little strange, the disease of fairy sister has been cured, what else is important?

"Xiaomei has lived here for several months. Although she still needs to stay for more than half a year according to the agreement with me, I know that she wants to leave long ago." "I want you to take her to a place," Yue Qingya said softly

"Good!" Summer a promise, he immediately happy, finally want to night jade Mei this dead woman to send away, is really very good.

"A few months ago, I told you that we came from another world. When we had a duel, Xiao Mei and I got through an unknown channel and came here. But it"s strange that we didn"t appear in the same place in the world together. When Xiao Mei came to the world, the place where she first appeared was relatively close to the capital city, and I came here In fact, this world is not far away from Qingfeng mountain. " Yue Qingya"s voice is still very light. "Xiaomei has always believed that she can go back, but she has always been looking for the way back. She also thinks that if she can go to the place where I just came to the world, maybe she can find the way back."

"Then let her go. Let her go back." It"s a summer"s dream.

Yue Qingya nodded softly: "this is what I want you to do, little wolf. I want you to accompany Xiaomei to that place."

"Good!" Summer is a promise, "sister fairy, you can rest a.s.sured that I will take that to death Well, it was Yumei who went there that night. I can help her find a way to go back and send her back by the way! "

"No, wolf, you"ve got me wrong." Yue Qingya shakes her head. "I want you to accompany her to go there. You must bring her back. You can"t help her find a way to go back. Even if you find it, you can"t tell her. If she finds it, you have to find a way to make it impossible for her to go back. In short, I need you to accompany her, and I need her to accompany you back, satyr. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Sister immortal, I really don"t understand." Summer filled with joy suddenly disappeared, and began to be a little depressed. He just wanted to send the dead woman of yeyumei away, but he didn"t want to bring her back.

"Little wolf, my sister once told you something about Xiaomei. Maybe you don"t understand it very well, but I want you to know that my sister can"t live without you or Xiaomei. I need her to stay in the world with me and us. Do you understand?" Yueqingya looks at summer with her beautiful eyes full of tenderness. "In fact, it"s not only me, but also Yumei. So I asked you to accompany Xiaomei to that place. I didn"t really ask you to send her away, but I hope that you can use the time alone with her to move Xiaomei, let her stay, and let her accompany you back willingly. Now you understand "

Summer listless nodded: "fairy sister, I understand, you are to let me find her as a wife?"

"Well, only in this way, I, Xiaomei, Yumei, and you can really be together, little l.u.s.ty wolf. Although I know you have a little misunderstanding with Xiaomei now, I believe that you will like her later." Yue Qingya looks at summer with expectant eyes, "can you promise to help me do this?"

"Fairy sister, although I don"t like that night Yumei very much, I will definitely do what you want me to do." Although summer is not very happy, but still not hesitate to nod down.

"I know you"ll agree, but you have to promise your sister, you can"t use strong to Xiaomei, you must let her be willing." Yueqingya"s answer to summer is not surprising. This man is always obedient to her.

"All right." In summer, he was a little depressed. He wanted to spank yeyumei until she promised to be his wife. That would not only make sister Shenxian happy, but also make him angry. Now, it"s not good. If he is angry, sister Shenxian will not be happy.

"In fact, although I don"t want Xiaomei to go back, I really don"t want her to leave, but in fact, for our future, we can"t let her go back." Yue Qingya then said: "twenty years ago, Xiaomei and I disappeared together. If Xiaomei went back now, my school would surely find her. I believe that the ethereal immortal sect will find a way to come here. At that time, I"m afraid, I also have to go back. If we don"t get it right, we have to separate."

"Sister immortal, we will not be separated." Summer immediately said: "even if the people of the ethereal immortal sect come to you, I will drive them away. Besides, sister immortal, don"t worry, I won"t let yeyumei go back."

Yueqingya had just said that, and summer finally paid attention to it. He had secretly decided that he would never let yeyumei go back. If he could not coax yeyumei to stay by proper means, he would not hesitate to use any means, even against the wishes of fairy sister, but also force yeyumei to stay in the world, because he could not take any risks The risk of losing his fairy sister.

"Little l.u.s.ty wolf, my sister still needs a few days to persuade Xiaomei to go there with you. So, these days, you will go to the foot of the mountain to accompany them. When there is news, I will let Yumei go down to inform you." Yueqingya got up gently, and at the same time pulled the summer out of the chair. "Come in, let"s have a rest earlier tonight."

Summer mood, also immediately got better, tonight, he will never rest.


the next morning.

In the summer without rest all night, I was trying to get a good sleep on the soft body of fairy sister, but Liu Meng"s voice came in from outside.

"Little villain, get up quickly and accompany me down the mountain for breakfast!" Liu Meng shouted and knocked at the door.

Close your eyes in summer, deliberately not.

"Little villain, you are pretending not to hear. I know you hear me. Come out quickly, or I will go in!" Liu Meng cried again.

"Go ahead, my sister will have a rest." Yue Qingya soft voice said, at this moment, the moon Qingya, it is less of a fairy"s breath, more of a common woman"s charm.

"Sister Meng, I"ll be right out." There is no way in summer, not only because of the immortal sister"s words, but also because he knows that if he doesn"t go out, sister Meng will come in. She hasn"t come in yet, just knowing that the immortal sister is also in it.

Although Liu Meng is not afraid of the earth, she still respects the elegance of the moon. Otherwise, with her character, she would have rushed in and pulled summer out of bed.

"Hurry up!" Liu Meng urged, "they are hungry!"

In the summer, I wanted to linger for a while. Liu Meng urged me to speed up the pace of dressing. Within a minute, he left the room. Then he took less than a minute to wash and wash. Then he was led by Liu Meng and flew down the mountain. A few minutes later, they left a breakfast shop at the foot of the mountain.

There used to be no breakfast shop in Qingfeng Village. Although there is, it is actually a roadside shop, but the business here is quite good.

In summer, I saw that there was not much choice here. It was either flour or noodles, then steamed buns and steamed buns. Fortunately, he was not picky about what he ate. Liu Meng, who was hungry, was not so picky. He killed two bowls of noodles and a cage of steamed buns by himself.

"Sister Meng, where do you want to play today?" After breakfast, I found myself more sleepy in summer. I yawned and asked casually.

"I"m going to make a movie. You"re watching me make a movie!" Liu Meng has made a decision.

Summer suddenly depressed, he mumbled: "I might as well go to make a movie!"

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