Chapter 1272

A few minutes later, Liu Meng pulled Liu Meng to the theatre group in summer. Just after they entered the room, several people greeted Liu Meng and greeted him warmly.

After a while, Wu Anfeng and others came out and saw Liu Meng appeared. Wu Anfeng was relieved at last.

"Dream sister, you are here!" Zhai yuan ran over. She is really familiar with Liu Meng now.

"Miss Liu, you are just in time. I have something to discuss with you." Although Wu Anfeng is a director, he is always polite to Liu Meng. "In terms of script, do you think you can make some minor changes?"

"How to change it?" Liu Meng asked casually. It"s normal for the cast to change the script. It"s usually because Liu Meng is so confused that the script has to be changed. So Liu Meng didn"t think it was strange to hear about the change.

"It"s like this. The rival plays of the leading men and women seem to be too few. I always feel that there"s something missing. Yesterday Lu Qian made a proposal. I think it"s very good. He said that he would add more emotional plays to the leading men and women, and then he would have a kiss at the end. In this way, it would be more perfect. The audience would also like to see the happy ending." Wu Anfeng said without hesitation.

"Oh, that"s the nonsense of the guy who wants to dive on land?" Liu Meng was not happy. "Is there something wrong with his brain? No wonder it"s called land diving. It"s just fantastic! "

"Cough..." There was a cough nearby, but no one else. It was the land diver.

"Why? Are you really sick? What else do you cough? " Liu Meng stares at Lu Qian. "Do you want to make a kissing scene? You want to take advantage of me. Believe it or not, I"ll let the little villain beat you. Eh, what about the little villain? "

Liu MENGZHENG thinks it"s a little strange that someone wants to take advantage of her. How can the little villain not react? But she turned to look, but found that summer actually did not beside her, do not know where to run.

"Sister Mengmeng, where is summer!" Zhai yuan pulled laliumeng and pointed to the corner of the room.

Liu Mengyi sees, it is not, summer is sitting on a chair in the corner, in that big sleep, no wonder he didn"t respond, this person fell asleep, can have what reaction.

"Hey, little rascal, wake up!" Liu Meng is not happy at once. He runs towards summer and pulls it up from his chair.

"Sister Meng, you make your movie and let me sleep." Summer finally woke up, some helplessly said, he is really sleepy. From the night before to yesterday, he not only didn"t sleep much, but also didn"t rest much. Now he really wants to sleep.

"Hey, little villain, I"ll kiss you when you go to bed!" Liu Meng cried out unhappily.

Summer immediately woke up: "sister dream, who are you going to kiss?"? I"m going to kill that idiot! "

"That"s the guy diving on land!" Liu Meng pointed to Lu Qian, who was not very good-looking when he stood nearby. "He actually asked the director to change the script, wanted to make a kiss with me, and obviously wanted to take advantage of me..."

"Er!" Before Liu Menghua finished speaking, Lu Qian groaned and flew out of the gate.

But in summer, it seems that I didn"t move: "sister Meng, I"ve kicked that idiot out. Now I"m going to sleep!"

Summer said sleep, fall on the chair, less than 10 seconds, once again fell asleep.

"Who told you to stay up with sister Yue last night?" Liu Meng mumbled, but didn"t wake up in summer, just looking at Wu Anfeng, "director, I also want to change the script, I don"t want the hero!"

Hearing this, all the people in the room are a little dizzy. Don"t you want the hero? Then land diving will be out of the question?

"Sister Mengmeng, it"s not so good without a leading actor. You don"t want to make any love scenes or kissing scenes with him." Zhai Yuan said softly.

Wu Anfeng took a look at Zhai yuan with grat.i.tude. Although the real protagonist of the movie is Liu Meng, if there is no leading actor, there will always be something missing in a movie.

"Anyway, I"m not going to make a movie with him if I want to replace the guy who is diving on land and his brain is sick." Liu Meng is very dissatisfied with Lu Qian. This man obviously wants to take advantage of her. He actually said to add a kiss!

Wu Anfeng has a headache for a while. We need to know that Lu Qian is also a popular student now. In fact, his pay is very high. If we want to replace him, we will have some trouble.

"Liu Meng, don"t go too far!" The angry voice came from the door.

Naturally, the voice came from Lu Qian. He was just kicked out in summer. This time, he would not die. However, he looks rather embarra.s.sed now. His nose is blue and his face is swollen. Obviously, he just made a bird man who landed on the ground first, and was not lightly thrown.

"Why are you in again?" Liu Meng is not happy at once. "Can you believe I wake up and beat you up?"

"Liu Meng, you let your boyfriend beat me, but now you have to change my role. Don"t you think you are unreasonable?" Lu Qian looks at Liu Meng angrily.

"I was unreasonable!" Liu Meng looks very strange, "and oh, the money for making a movie is from me. I will change whoever I want, so I must change you. You can go now. If you don"t, I"ll let the villain beat you!"

"Liu Meng, you dare to change me, I will not let your crew have a good life!" Lu Qian"s threats are fierce.

Others didn"t speak, including director Wu Anfeng, who didn"t speak up, and who knew that she didn"t make sense when she made such a long movie with Liu Meng. As for saying that she would change anyone she wanted, it was basically true. Although nominally, the investment came from Qiao"s family, Wu Anfeng knew that Qiao"s family and Liu Meng were together.

"Little villain Come on, the little rascal is still sleeping. I won"t call him Liu Meng shouted a sentence in summer. He found that he didn"t respond, so he flew up and kicked Lu Qian out. At the same time, he shouted, "you"re fired!"

When they saw Lu Qian flying out again, they all felt sorry for him. At the same time, they all thought that Lu Qian"s brain was really not so good. No wonder many people said that most of the actors were not very smart. Everyone knew that Liu Meng was the last one to offend the cast. How could this guy not be funny?

Wu Anfeng also understood that the hero is bound to change, but the shots that Lu Qian took before should not be used now?

"Sister Mengmeng, there is no leading actor now. It"s hard to deal with it." Zhai yuan attaches great importance to the film, because she is no longer a complete dragon in the film, and there are many scenes. She thinks that if the film can be popular, she can really live forever.

"Or I"ll make a kiss with the little villain." Liu Meng giggles and points to the sleeping summer. "Let the little villain be the hero!"

"Miss Liu, Mr. Xia, I"m afraid he doesn"t have much time to make a movie?" Huo Yan couldn"t help saying a word.

"It seems to be the same." Liu dreamt about it and nodded. "He only likes to shoot bed scenes with me, but how can he do it? I"ll think about it again. Let"s change the script! "

"Sister Mengmeng, how do you want to change it?" Zhai yuan asked, and then reminded, "sister Mengmeng, if there is no leading actor at all, it"s not very good. You can make the leading actor appear less and don"t make any intimate drama."

"Oh, it"s OK to add a hero. He can like me and want to chase me all the time. It"s normal that I"m so beautiful. I"m sure everyone likes me, but I don"t like him. At the end of the movie, when the hero comes back to the city, I"ll go back to the mountain and make a kiss with the little villain. That"s it. I think it"s good." Liu Mengfei said quickly.

Looking at the summer still sleeping there, Liu Meng was a little unhappy: "well, the little villain sleeps all day, or in the movie, turn him into a patient who sleeps all day, hee hee, I"m a fairy who takes care of the sick husband. Although there are handsome men out there, I still don"t like them. I"ll go back to the mountain to accompany my husband. I"m a fairy like you, and I"m sure everyone will like me , you think so? "

"Wow, sister Mengmeng, I think your idea is really good. Everyone is used to getting together. We will feel very fresh in this way!" Zhai yuan exclaimed, then turned to look at Wu Anfeng, "director Wu, what do you think?"

"Well, I think Miss Liu"s idea is also very good. We can sum it up and modify it a little. It shouldn"t be a big problem." Wu Anfeng also nodded.

"I said yes, come here and shoot the last scene. The little villain is sleeping. I"ll make a kiss with him first!" Liu Meng seems a little excited.

Wu Anfeng was stunned, hesitated a little, then nodded: "OK, take this shot first!"

"Well, another place." Liu mengpao picked up summer, and Wu Anfeng and others began to prepare. In summer, this guy slept soundly and didn"t respond at all.

After ten minutes, everyone is ready. Liu Meng and the kissing drama of summer finally start shooting. But when Liu Meng kisses summer, summer finally wakes up, and turns pa.s.sive into active immediately.

“OK!” A few minutes later, Wu Anfeng made a satisfactory gesture, and the kissing ended. It was only the summer kiss with Liu Meng, but it was obviously not over.

After kissing for tens of seconds, Liu Meng suddenly broke free, and then shouted, "Hey, you"re all out. We need to play a bed play first. No filming!"

They all looked at each other, then left the room for summer and Liu Meng, and the two of them also began to perform bed drama. Although they were sleepy before summer, they would never be sleepy when they were practicing with Liu Meng.

The performance of the bed play lasted all day. Of course, they didn"t exercise in bed all the time, but they slept together in the evening after exercising.

"Little villain, are we going to play on the mountain tonight?" They had dinner together, and then Liu Meng asked.

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