Chapter 983

"What are you doing watching me like this?" Zhao Yuji finally found that the burning eyes in summer were a little unnatural, but this time, her tone was rather gentle, with no smell of anger.

"Goblin wife, I find you look more beautiful." Summer very serious answer.

"What"s the use of being beautiful?" Zhao Yuji said lightly.

"Of course, being beautiful is useful. If you are beautiful, you can be my wife. If you are beautiful, you will be happy all your life. In other words, if you are beautiful, you will be happy all your life." Summer solemnly said.

Zhao Yuji didn"t talk. She didn"t want to talk about this guy"s weird logic. She really wanted to know that she would be happy all her life to be his wife?

Mu Han, the beautiful woman who is one of the four famous flowers in the capital with her, is the so-called wife of this guy. Mu Han and she are not really familiar. Although they should have a close relationship, she does know that Mu Han is living a good life now and seems really happy.

And her younger sister, who is only 16 years old and likes to make trouble all day, has also become the wife of this guy in name. She doesn"t know whether her younger sister can really be happy all her life, but now, she seems to be happier than before. Does it mean that this guy really has a special magic power to make every woman with him live well Very happy?

A cold feeling suddenly came from her cheek. Zhao Yuji woke up from Chen Sizhong, then looked up and saw that flakes of white cotton like snow were falling from the sky.

"It"s snowing." Zhao Yuji mumbles to herself, and then looks at summer involuntarily. This guy said not long ago that it would snow tonight, but it really snowed. She thinks about it carefully, and then finds that what this guy said seems to be true.

"Goblin wife, you can eat it." In summer, he smiled at Zhao Yuji, took the delicious rabbit off the grill, and then tore a piece of it to Zhao Yuji.

"It smells good." This is Zhao Yuji"s heartfelt praise. She was not polite when she was already hungry. She tore a small piece and put it into her mouth. Then she couldn"t help admiring, "it"s delicious."

"Goblin"s wife, eat more if it"s delicious. If it"s not enough, I"ll catch another rabbit later." Summer said with a smile, while he said to his mouth stuffed rabbit meat.

In this way, Zhao Yuji started the most unforgettable dinner in her life again. She didn"t know how much she ate. She only knew that she ate the rabbit together with her summer. Later, those so-called n.o.ble birds were also divided by them and eaten by them. There was no left.

"Goblin wife, do you want to eat?" Summer asked again.

"I"d like to, but I can"t eat. I"m a little full." Zhao Yuji told the truth, and then he said softly, "has the snow stopped?"

Zhao Yuji looked up as she asked, because she seemed to remember that no snowflakes had fallen on her for a long time, but she found that the snow had not stopped, and it had fallen even more heavily. In the light of the fire, she could even see that the snow in some places nearby was several centimeters thick, but what surprised her was that the snowflakes had fallen from the air Fall, but around her and summer, the snow will float away naturally, and will not fall on them at all, which is the reason why she hasn"t felt the snow fall on her face for so long.

There was a lot of snow, but no one fell on her body, and Zhao Yuji also didn"t feel a cold feeling. Although she was sitting next to the fire, it seemed abnormal, because she didn"t even feel a cold wind. On the contrary, she found herself surrounded by a heat instead.

"Why doesn"t snow fall on us?" Zhao Yuji finally asked.

"Because I won"t let them fall on my wife." Summer replied solemnly.

Zhao Yuji immediately determined her own speculation, which was really done in summer, but she really couldn"t understand how this man could be strong to this extent, is this really the ability that human beings may have?

The fire is still burning. I don"t know where to get a lot of wood before summer. It"s estimated that it will be OK to burn it all night. Although the snow is very heavy, the snowflake falling on the fire is not enough to put out the fire, but it seems to make the fire more and more prosperous.

"Goblin wife, are you sleepy?" Summer at this time asked.

"Not sleepy." Zhao Yuji subconsciously replied, and then asked, "what do you want to do?"

"Goblin"s wife, it"s very dark, isn"t it?" Asked the summer.

Zhao Yuji had a bad look at summer: "of course, I know it"s dark. I"m not blind."

"Goblin wife, it"s time to go to bed when it"s dark!" Summer solemnly said.

Zhao Yuji finally understood that this guy was asking her whether to go to bed or not after all. It"s a roundabout question. It"s just unsettling at first sight.

I wanted to say that I don"t want to sleep now, but an idea suddenly flashed through her mind. Would she like to carry out that plan tonight?

Although she was totally unprepared tonight, she got along with him for a day, and she began to think that the longer she got along with him, the more difficult it would be for her to start. It"s better to choose tonight.

What"s more, she has always been worried about a problem, that is, if she really killed summer, and then was informed by those women in summer, especially in case of being known by Muhan, I"m afraid that Muhan"s revenge will follow, but tonight, this snowy night, under this desolate cliff, she killed summer quietly Who will know how he died? Maybe, others just think that summer has been missing.

"Can this place sleep?" Zhao Yuji pretended to be unhappy, "don"t tell me, you"re building a wooden house here to sleep for me."

"Goblin wife, you don"t like sleeping in a wooden house?" Summer thought, "it"s OK not to sleep in a wooden house. How about I dig a stone house and go to sleep together?"

"Dig out a stone house?" Zhao Yuji was a little surprised. "How can you dig a stone house?"

"It"s very simple. Just dig a hole in the stone wall and refit it a little. It will become a stone house." Summer said quickly.

Zhao Yuji looked at the stone wall. For a while, there was a strange feeling in her heart. If there was such a stone house, it would be very interesting to live in it.

Just, is it really about to start planning tonight?

Looking back on what happened today, in fact, except that the rascal hid his clothes in the summer and had to play the way of cowherd chasing weaver girl to chase her, which made her a little annoyed. In other times, for her, the memory is actually very good. In general, this is really a very good day, which is the most wonderful day in her life. She really does not want to be on this day At the end of the day, destroy it.

"Forget it. I"m not ready today. I don"t have much chance of success." Zhao Yuji hesitated for a while, and finally gave up the plan, and found a reason for her inadequate preparation.

"Goblin wife, I"ll find you a place to hide, and then I"ll dig a stone house." By this time in the summer, I was ready to move.

"No more." Zhao Yuji shook her head gently. "I don"t want to sleep in the stone house. Let"s spend the night like this."

"Sitting like this?" I"m a little disappointed in summer.

"Well, just sit like this." Zhao Yuji nodded. She found that she preferred this kind of state. She sat with a man around the fire and snuggled up to each other. But around them, there was a lot of snow. Unfortunately, there was no one nearby. Otherwise, she had to record the scene with a picture, and she knew that the picture would be branded in her heart all the time.

"Then, Goblin wife, if you are sleepy, you can sleep on me." Summer thought, and said.

"Well, good." Zhao Yuji nodded softly.

When does the wind stop? The snow is still very heavy. Zhao Yuji watched the snowflakes fall. She was a little bit crazy for a while. Her heart unexpectedly reached a kind of peace that never existed in this night. Maybe even she could not imagine that the most peaceful time in her heart was not when she was alone or with other people, but just in summer Together now.

Time pa.s.sed slowly, I don"t know when, Zhao Yuji seems to feel sleepy, then, she also subconsciously fell into the summer"s arms, everything is very natural, without any discomfort, so relieved to sleep in his arms.

I don"t know how long it took Zhao Yuji to feel the light was dazzling, then she opened her eyes and the sun appeared. It seems that she had made a mistake before. Under this, you can still see the sun.

The fire is still burning, and a rabbit is still roasting on it, but what makes Zhao Yuji strange is that the rabbit is obviously just caught, but how can she still lie in her summer arms now?

Zhao Yuji sat up in her arms in the summer. She found that the surroundings were still clean and dry without any moisture. However, a few meters away from her, the snow was at least half a foot thick.

"Goblin wife, you wake up!" In summer, Zhao Yuji was also found coming. "Come, I"ll take you to meet someone, and then we can come back for breakfast!"

"See a man?" Zhao Yuji wondered, "is there anyone else down here?"

"Yes, and someone you know very well." Summer seriously replied.

Zhao Yuji is even more confused. It"s strange that someone below is familiar with her. Isn"t it amazing?

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