Chapter 984

"Who are you talking about?" Zhao Yuji couldn"t help asking.

"Goblin wife, you come with me and you will know when you see it." In the summer, Zhao Yuji"s soft jade hand was held. This time, Zhao Yuji did not struggle. He was allowed to hold it like this, and then followed him to the water pool.

However, when she stopped in summer, Zhao Yuji still didn"t see anyone, so she couldn"t help asking again, "where is it?"

"Here it is!" Summer pointed to with finger, "you see, Goblin wife, this person you must be very familiar with it?"? Her name is Xueji! "

Following summer"s finger, Zhao Yuji looked at the past, first stunned, then blushed, this d.a.m.ned hooligan!

Yes, there is indeed a person standing there, but it"s a snowman. The snowman is very tall and lifelike. It looks like a real person. Zhao Yuji just glances at it and immediately confirms that the snowman is made from her.

obviously, as like as two peas, Zhao Yuji was forced to admit that the knack of making snowmen was pretty good. The snowman was definitely a work of art. She even couldn"t understand how this guy could make a snowman pile up like a real person.

But to her shame, the snowman is so much like a work of art. It"s so similar to those art photos that often appear in magazines on the Internet. Because the snowman doesn"t even wear clothes. Anyone can see it at a glance. This is a naked version of the snowman. Its tall chest, long legs are so vivid and familiar with her body Zhao Yuji as like as two peas, and the same size and shape as the place.

There"s no doubt that this guy saw her yesterday and didn"t talk about it. He also remembered it completely. Otherwise, he couldn"t make such a snowman. What"s more, this guy even gave this Snowman a name, what"s Xueji? Isn"t it Zhao Yuji made of snow?

"The goblin"s wife, isn"t Xueji beautiful?" Summer at this time asked.

"If you think she"s beautiful, you can live with her!" Zhao Yuji said something angrily, and then she threw off her summer hand and walked towards the fire angrily.

"Don"t be angry, Goblin wife. In fact, although she is beautiful, you are still beautiful without goblin wife!" Summer rushed after her. "You don"t have to be jealous of her."

"Who said I was jealous of her?" Zhao Yuji stared at summer with a little shame, "Hey, I asked you, when did you make this snowman, how could I not know at all?"

"Oh, Goblin"s wife, it"s dawn. You were asleep!" Summer flies quickly to say: "is sleeping in my arms very comfortable?"? I think it must be. Otherwise, how come I picked you up a rabbit and made a snowman, and you didn"t wake up? Goblin wife, since I am so comfortable in my arms, you will sleep with me every night

Zhao Yuji was speechless for a while. This guy is really a top-notch. He even carried her to hunt rabbits and build snowmen with her? She just couldn"t figure it out. If this guy put her on the ground, she would wake up immediately in such cold weather, but in fact, she didn"t wake up, but I dare say that this guy has been holding her!

Zhao Yuji can"t help but begin to imagine that this guy is making a snowman with one hand holding her and the other, and suddenly a strange idea comes into her mind. This guy is not making a snowman while he is testing the size of some parts of her body with his hand, right? Otherwise, how could this guy keep that Snowman"s body in such a striking line with her real body?

as like as two peas in the snow pile, who was just like herself and without clothes, Zhao Yuji felt very uncomfortable. She always felt that she was standing there without clothes.

"Goblin"s wife, you can have breakfast." In summer, he tore a piece of rabbit and handed it to Zhao Yuji.

"I want water!" Zhao Yuji said angrily.

"Oh, I"ll get it for you." Summer hurriedly said.

"What if there is no water gla.s.s?" Zhao Yuji asked again.

"It"s very simple. Wait for me. I"ll get you a cup right away." Summer said and ran away.

But as soon as he ran, Zhao Yuji also ran. She ran to the snowman at the fastest speed, punched and kicked the snowman, and then turned the beautiful Snowman into a pile of snow.

"Well, it"s much more comfortable!" Zhao Yuji breathed a breath and felt more comfortable.

Just at this time, there was a voice behind her: "no wonder master Fu said that women"s jealousy is terrible. In fact, you don"t have to envy Xueji, the goblin wife. She is just a snowman, and can"t replace you."

"You!" Zhao Yuji suddenly turns around and stares at summer, "who says I"m jealous? I"m not jealous, okay? I"m not jealous of a snowman! "

"The master also said that jealous women often don"t admit that they are jealous." Summer said.

Zhao Yuji glared at summer angrily and said, "your master knows a fart. He doesn"t know a woman at all. I think 90% of him has no wife!"

"That"s right, too!" Summer said to himself, "master seems to have no wife."

"Hey, I"m not talking to you anymore. I"m thirsty!" Zhao Yuji doesn"t want to talk to this guy about these messy problems.

"Goblin wife, drink water if you are thirsty." In summer, I handed Zhao Yuji a gla.s.s of water. Yes, it was really a gla.s.s of water, and that cup was actually made of ice.

Zhao Yuji gave summer a strange look. She was surprised by this man"s performance. She thought this guy would dig a cup out of wood or a cup out of stone, but she didn"t expect that this man actually made an ice water cup.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yuji decided to make things difficult for the summer. She didn"t pick up the cup, and said in a slightly unhappy way: "I don"t drink cold water, I want to drink hot water."

"Hot water?" Summer giggle a smile, "goblin wife, you see again, this is hot water!"

Zhao Yuji is stupid at once, but it"s not, this cup of water is really hot!

Zhao Yuji tentatively took over the ice water cup. Her tentacles were cold. It was really made of ice. Then she tried to drink it, but the water was really hot. For a while, Zhao Yuji felt an unspeakable strange feeling in her heart. She drank hot water from the ice water cup, which is an experience that few people in the world have experienced. At least in her 20 years of life, this kind of experience It was the only experience.

"I want rabbit meat." Zhao Yuji said again, and then, in the summer, he immediately handed her a piece of delicious rabbit meat.

At this moment, Zhao Yuji found that she suddenly enjoyed this feeling. What she wanted made her feel happy. Although it was in the ice and snow, and under the cliff, she still could get whatever she wanted in summer, which made her feel really different.

"It can"t go on like this." Zhao Yuji told herself in her heart that she had to leave him. She could not be with him any more. Otherwise, she would probably be trapped in it and unable to extricate herself.

After eating the breakfast slowly, Zhao Yuji had a nostalgic look around, and then said to summer, "I want to go back."

"Go back?" Summer a bit confused, "goblin wife, where do you want to go?"

"Back..." Zhao Yuji subconsciously wants to say back to the capital city, but when it comes to her mouth, she changes her tongue, "back to the county city."

"Goblin wife, aren"t you used to playing here?" Summer very seriously asked.

"Whether we are used to it or not, we can"t live here all the time. We are not savages." Zhao Yuji said lightly, in fact, from yesterday to now, she didn"t seem to be very unaccustomed to feeling here. Instead, she thought it was novel. But just like this, the more she wanted to leave, because she knew that the reason why she felt novel was not because how good it was, but because summer could provide her with everything. She had a feeling that she was here The longer the time is, the more likely it is to rely on him unconsciously.

"I think it"s great here." In summer, he didn"t want to leave very much. He didn"t live in the stone house with the goblin"s wife. However, since Zhao Yuji wanted to leave, he couldn"t force her to stay, so he continued reluctantly: "the goblin"s wife, if you must go back, I will send you back!"

"Well, let"s go now." Zhao Yuji looks around again, trying to remember the following scene in her mind.

"Good." As soon as summer reaches for her hand, she hugs Zhao Yuji and jumps. Next second, he appears on the stone wall. Then, he can walk as fast as flying. The steep stone wall is as flat as the ground for him.


This is Zhao Yuji"s feeling at the moment. When she jumped off the cliff, she spent most of her time in a dream. For her, the experience of jumping off the cliff is actually more sweet memory, but she basically knows nothing about the specific process. Now, she is awake, seeing that she almost didn"t climb by hand in summer, so she runs directly on the cliff. In her heart Her shock was beyond words. Until this moment, she suddenly understood that the eldest brother was indeed the eldest brother. He had long seen that this man was really invincible. He was so powerful!

For a while, Zhao Yuji"s heart was very confused. Would she continue that plan? Before coming to Muyang County, she was actually determined, but now, she has begun to retreat.

Lying in summer"s arms, Zhao Yuji only felt that she had been advancing rapidly, and her brain was in a mess. Until suddenly, a voice woke her up: "it"s him, he"s the accomplice of the murderer!"

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