Chapter 985

Zhao Yuji, waking up, failed to leave the embrace of summer. She glanced at the nearby area and felt that she had arrived at the foot of Qingfeng mountain. Now she was in the place where she lived for the first night, that is, Zhang Dalan"s home. At this time, the place was quite lively. There were many people standing in the snow at the door, including several others In a police uniform.

"Let me down." Zhao Yuji said softly, she is a little uncomfortable now, a lot of people are looking at her.

In summer, Zhao Yuji was put on the snow this time. At the moment when she was put down, everyone was surprised to find that the snow under Zhao Yuji"s feet melted rapidly, and then the water evaporated in a flash. When her feet landed, the ground was dry.

Zhao Yuji has also found this strange scene herself. However, she is not very surprised now. After all, she has seen more amazing things. Moreover, she knows that this was done for her in summer.

"Officer, he is the one who instigated the murderer to escape. This is the instigation. Maybe they are all together. Catch him quickly. He must know where the murderer is hiding." Then the voice began to shout again.

Zhao Yuji frowned slightly. Actually, she knew the guy who spoke, because this is the Korean star who was beaten twice by summer. But this man really made Zhao Yuji speechless, and beat twice by summer. Every time, she ran away in a gray way. Seeing the police this time, she began to look for summer trouble again?

"Sister Yuji, you can come back!" At this time, another surprise voice also shouted, but this person was Su Su. She ran to Zhao Yuji quickly. "You"re worried about me. I haven"t come back all night. It snowed so hard last night. I want to go to you, but I can"t leave the mountain. I"m discussing with these police officers to ask them for help. Now I see you"re OK It"s so good! "

There was a homicide case here the night before yesterday. The police arrived yesterday afternoon, but the murderer had already run away. Then the police investigated here. Then they were going to leave with the corpse today. They couldn"t help it. This place is too difficult to leave. As a result, there was a heavy snow last night, so they couldn"t leave.

Because Zhao Yuji hasn"t come down, Su Su is worried that she hasn"t slept all night. She runs to find the police and the village head, but no one can. She goes to Qingfeng mountain to find people, or in the snow night. No one dares to go. But Su Su says that Zhao Yuji is a big star. The police attach great importance to her. They use the only phone in the village to contact the county, but even Muyang County, no one dares to come to rescue, they all say that they can only send people in after daybreak, but now the snow is blocking the road, they still haven"t started.

"Ah, don"t talk nonsense. People have nothing to do with murderers. That"s sister Yuji"s friend. Didn"t you see that he just found someone back from the mountain?" Su Su stares at Han Xing again at this time, "you dare not go to the mountain to find someone. Now you know to slander someone here."

"Who slandered? At that time, so many people listened to him. It was he who let Yang Xiaojin run away. Yang Xiaojin disappeared, and he disappeared. I think he helped Yang Xiaojin escape most of the time. " Han Xing looked indignant, and then began to urge the police to arrest them. "Officer, I can be a witness, I can be responsible for my words, no matter what, he can"t escape."

"Goblin wife, do you want to go back to the county now?" Summer asked at this time.

"Well, let"s go." Zhao Yuji doesn"t want to stay in this mountain village any more. What makes her nostalgic for this place is the bottom of the cliff. Now that she has left there, there is no need to stay.

"Ah? Are you going out now? I"ve heard that the road is full of snow. It"s hard to walk. If you don"t take care, you"ll fall into the gully. It"s very dangerous. You"d better wait for the snow to melt before you go out. " Su Su said in a hurry.

"It doesn"t matter. We won"t be in danger." Zhao Yuji said lightly, "we are not in danger on Qingfeng mountain. What are these paths?"

The reason why Zhao Yuji is so sure is not because of herself, but because she knows that she will definitely be able to take her out in summer. Even if she does fall into any ravine, there will be no problem. They have jumped over such a high cliff.

"Goblin wife, let me carry you out!" Summer at this time blinked, said to Zhao Yuji.

"All right." Zhao Yuji hesitated a little and nodded her head. Now she knows that it must be faster to let this guy go out with his back.

"Susu, let"s go first. When you get out, call me when you have time." Zhao Yuji said something to Su Su, and then she fell on her back in summer.

Summer will Zhao Yuji back up, and then ready to leave.

"Stop!" As soon as Korean star saw that he was leaving in summer, he was in a hurry. He suddenly asked the policemen, "what"s the matter with you? How do you become a policeman? It"s clear that there are accomplices of murderers here. You don"t even know Er! "

Summer kicks in Korean star body, kicked this guy down.

"Idiot, don"t you know you"re upset?" Summer discontented stare at the fall of Korean star on the ground, and then carrying Zhao Yuji, a flash disappeared in the eyes of all.

"He hit, he hit, you see?" Han Xing got up from the ground and angrily questioned the policemen.

Those police officers look like they didn"t see or hear anything, and they didn"t even pay attention to Korean stars. It"s not surprising that they have this reaction. Because these police officers, who happened to be one of those police officers who saw the powerful power of summer more than a month ago, are now asked to catch summer. How can they do such stupid things?

"I want to complain to you, complain to you, you police do not do..." Korean star is very depressed, quite depressed, was. .h.i.t by the same person three times, can he not depressed?

But if Han Xing knows the real ability of summer, he should be glad. These days, people who are still alive after being beaten three times by summer are very rare.

************Zhao Yuji thought that she would be back to the county soon, but gradually she found that it was not so. At first, she ran very fast in summer, but later, his speed became slower and slower. After walking on the road for a long time, they didn"t get out of the mountain.

"Hey, are you tired? If you don"t have the strength, let me down and let me go. " After a while, Zhao Yuji finally couldn"t help it.

"Goblin wife, I have strength!" Summer replied.

"Then why are you walking so slowly?" Zhao Yuji asked angrily.

"The goblin"s wife, I heard that she can"t walk too fast." Summer replied solemnly.

"Stupid, the faster a wife is to be carried, the better, or she will be robbed!" Zhao Yuji said angrily, and then she found out that it was not right. Didn"t she admit that she was his daughter-in-law?

"Is that so?" Summer a do not understand the look, "well, then I run faster."

With that said, the speed of summer finally got up again, but he was a little sorry in his heart. After a while, he could not enjoy the unique back ma.s.sage of the goblin wife.

Towards noon, summer finally carried Zhao Yuji back to her temporary villa.

"I"ll take a bath first." Zhao Yuji quickly went into the bathroom and left her alone in the living room in summer.

In the summer, he took out his cell phone and dialed Qiao Xiaoqiao.

"Husband, are you back?" As soon as the phone was connected, Qiao Xiaoqiao asked a little eagerly.

"Yes, I just came back." Summer replied.

"Then, has anyone found it?" Qiao Xiaoqiao naturally knows that summer is for people.

"I found it." Answer truthfully in summer.

"That"s good." Qiao Xiaoqiao didn"t ask about the specific process, but hesitated a little. Qiao Xiaoqiao asked again, "honey, we are going to have dinner. Do you want to come here?"

"I"ll be right back." In summer, I took a look at the bathroom and then made a decision.

Hung up the phone, summer toward the bathroom shouted: "goblin wife, I go first, you take a bath to call me!"

"I see." Zhao Yuji answered in it, but at the same time, she murmured that the ghost called him.

A few minutes later, summer appeared in the restaurant on the first floor of Dongsheng Hotel, and Qiao Xiaoqiao and Qiao Fenger and Qiao huanger"s three daughters have been waiting for him here. When they saw summer, Qiao Fenger was a little annoyed. This d.a.m.ned rascal didn"t come back yesterday, and didn"t give her that part of the body to continue ma.s.sage. I don"t know if there would be any bad influence.

Now there are many people here. Qiao Fenger can"t say anything but wait for another chance.

"Honey, where did you go? How can I get through to the phone? Did you go to Qingfeng mountain? " At the table, Joe asked.

"Yes, the goblin"s wife has gone to Qingfeng mountain to climb alone." Summer nodded.

"Then, did you go to the mountain?" Qiao Fenger hesitated a little and asked softly.

Qiao Fenger is a little confused. Isn"t this hooligan just going to Qingfeng mountain to find someone? Why does Miss Qiao ask such a question?

"Almost, but I didn"t." Summer shook his head, but he understood the meaning of Qiao Xiaoqiao"s words. She was actually asking if he had gone to find the fairy sister. G.o.d knows, in fact, that night, he struggled at the entrance for a long time, but finally he couldn"t resist going up.

Qiao Xiaoqiao is trying to talk. In summer, the mobile phone ring rings again. In summer, he takes out his mobile phone and looks at it, and immediately answers the phone.

"Sister Meng, where are you?" Summer asked, this call is Liu Meng.

"Little villain, no, my mother seems to have been kidnapped!" Liu Meng looks a little anxious.

Summer Leng Leng Leng, Liu Meng"s mother, that rather old lady? Who hasn"t pursued so much, even an old lady kidnapped?

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