Chapter 1126

"It"s worthy of being a son of the Zhao family. Young Mr. Zhao is quite responsible." Gu chilly breeze light smile, "since so, that I satisfy your wish!"

"Hey, stop!" Seeing that Gu Hanfeng really wants to break Zhao Xiaozhuo"s hand, the little goblin who didn"t speak before is finally in a hurry. She gets out of the car quickly and stares at Gu Hanfeng with her beautiful eyes. "If you dare to break Xiaozhuo"s hand, I will let my husband break your hand!"

Gu Hanfeng turned his head and looked at the goblin, his eyes slightly coagulated: "this must be the genius girl of Zhao family, Miss Zhao Yaoyao, right?"

"Yes, I am Zhao Yaoyao. Let Xiaozhuo go quickly, or I will show you!" The small demon spirit breath of say.

"Miss Yaoyao, I will let him go after I break his hand." Gu Hanfeng smiled faintly. As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly twisted his wrist and clicked. Zhao Xiaozhuo"s wrist bone broke.

Zhao Xiaozhuo burst out in a cold sweat because of the pain, but he didn"t hum. He just endured.

"You, you really broke Xiaozhuo"s hand?" The little demon spirit was surprised first, and then he was furious. "I warned you not to break Xiaozhuo"s hand!"

"Let Miss Yaoyao down." Gu Hanfeng finally released Zhao Xiaozhuo at this time, and his voice was still bland. "Unfortunately, even if your eldest brother Zhao Gongzi is here, I will still do what I want to do. Although your Zhao family is the first family in the capital, I want you to know that I am not afraid of you."

A cold look swept over Zhao Xiaozhuo and the goblin, and Gu continued, "I don"t want to take the initiative to be the enemy of your Zhao family, but my family members will not let you bully me. I hope you can tell this to your elder brother when you go back."

"Ah, I"m so angry!" The goblin is angry. She yells at the summer when she is still sitting in the car, "honey, come on, help me break this man"s hand!"

When he heard xiaoyaojing calling him, he finally got off the car slowly in summer. In fact, he didn"t really want to take care of it. After all, Zhao Xiaozhuo was beaten by others, and his relationship with him was not very big. When he saw Zhao Xiaozhuo was beaten by others, he was even a little upset. Who made Zhao Xiaozhuo not polite to him.

However, now that the little demon spirit has called him, he can only come out, so he slowly goes to Gu Hanfeng and says lazily, "Hey, do you want to break your hand or let me do it?"

Gu Hanfeng"s eyes immediately fell on summer. He stared at summer for ten seconds. Then he said lightly: "I always think that it"s not good for children to fall in love. Children are too impulsive. They can work hard for a little girl. For such a little girl, Mingjun has broken one hand, and xiaogongzi Zhao has also broken one hand. I I sincerely hope that you don"t want to break your hand for a little girl just like them. "

"h.e.l.lo, who is the little girl? I"m almost seventeen! " The goblin is very discontented and stares at Gu Hanfeng, then pulls his arm again. "Husband, don"t talk nonsense with him, give him a beating for me, this man is too annoying!"

"All right." In the summer, I stretched out and said to myself, "it seems that I haven"t hit anyone for a while."

Summer seems to forget that he kicked yuan Shifeng in the white jade building not long ago. Of course, maybe he didn"t forget, just didn"t treat yuan Shifeng as a human being.

"Come on, honey!" The goblin starts to cheer beside Zhao Xiaozhuo, who can"t help crying and laughing. The girl is really interested. He can"t help but wonder whether she wants to help him or watch the excitement?

"Xiaozhuo, are you ok?" Qin Xiaoluo asked in a low voice. She looked timid and didn"t like talking very much.

"It"s OK, it"s just a broken hand." Zhao Xiaozhuo looks unconcerned, but he still doesn"t understand why Gu Hanfeng is such a b.a.s.t.a.r.d? What"s more, how come he didn"t know that he had such a master before?

At this time, Zhao Xiaozhuo also vaguely began to understand that his eldest brother should know something, so that eldest brother would let him not start with Gu Mingjun.

When Zhao Xiaozhuo thought about this problem, he had already started there in summer. He walked to Gu Hanfeng at will and suddenly clapped it.

"Beyond my control!" Gu Hanfeng has a slight disdain in his tone. In his eyes, he can see that there is no threat, strength or speed in summer"s palm. It seems that summer is a person without any skill. This palm is just like the palm of an ordinary woman who can"t do martial arts.

Gu is also very casual hand, two fingers to the palm of summer, and before dealing with Zhao Xiaozhuo, he was very smooth to clamp the palm of summer.

The two fingers are pinched hard. Gu intends to teach the guy who can"t help himself in summer, so he has two success forces. He plans to break a bone in summer.

But at this time, Gu cold wind suddenly felt that the palm of summer gushed out a powerful force, the strength of the big, completely beyond his imagination.

"G.o.dd.a.m.n it, you"re belittling the enemy!" Gu didn"t think it was right, but it was too late. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his two fingers. At the same time, he also felt the sound of bones being broken.

Just as the so-called ten fingers linked to the heart, the pain from the fingers almost made Gu Hanfeng groan, but he still gnawed his teeth and swallowed the groan. At the same time, he quickly closed his hand, but he found again that he was a little late.

Suddenly, the wrist was caught by someone, and a sharp pain came again. Gu Hanfeng"s face was so sore that there were big sweat beads on his face. His wrist was also broken!

"You, how could you..." Gu looked at summer with unbelievable eyes. He didn"t understand why he couldn"t feel any fluctuation of real Qi in summer at all.

"Nothing is impossible." Summer lazily said a sentence, "Hey, do you know what is back to nature? Well, I"ve broken your hand. By the way, I"ve broken your two fingers. You can roll away. "

Didn"t wait for Gu Hanfeng to speak, summer has turned to look at the goblin: "wife, this is OK?"

"Yes, but you have to help Xiaozhuo to cure it." Said the goblin quickly.

"All right." Summer a little helpless, a hand to grasp Zhao Xiaozhuo"s wrist, first to connect his wrist bone, and then take out the silver needle, in his wrist for a while.

Less than two minutes later, he took back the silver needle in summer and said lazily, "OK, don"t beat people in half an hour."

At last, summer also complained: "you are not good, young Zhao. Go back and Practice for a few years before you come out and mix!"

Poor Zhao Xiaozhuo is dying of summer"s words, but he can"t refute them. After trying his wrist, he found that he can"t feel any pain in his wrist. He can"t help admiring summer"s medical skills. No wonder that this guy soaked his sister and his sister. He has real ability!

"Who are you?" Gu cold wind eyes shoot two cold light, cold stare at summer, bite a tooth a word ask a way.

"You don"t know me?" Looking at Gu chilly in summer, I was a little surprised, and then I suddenly realized on my face, "I"ll tell you why you dare to fight with me like an idiot. You don"t know me at all. It seems that you"re not an idiot, just a bit of information block."

"That is, I don"t know how you mix, even my husband doesn"t know!" The goblin also looked at Gu Hanfeng contemptuously, "I tell you, my husband is the most famous..."

Gu Hanfeng suddenly thought of something. His face changed a little. Before the goblin finished, he interrupted her: "are you summer?"

"Well, since you know it"s me, get out of here." Summer wave hand, say lightly.

Gu Hanfeng"s face darkened for a moment. He gave summer a strange look, then turned around and left. Obviously, although he didn"t recognize summer just now, he had definitely heard the name summer.

"Wife, let"s go back." Summer at this time to the goblin said.

"Good!" The goblin nodded, and she thought of it. She was still in a hurry to go home to practice.

At Zhao Xiaozhuo"s glance, the goblin was a little worried: "Hey, Xiaozhuo, can you still drive?"

"He can drive, but, wife, let"s not take his car, he will give us trouble." As soon as summer stopped, he picked up the goblin. "Let"s run back like this!"

Without waiting for the promise of the goblin, the summer flashed away and disappeared in Zhao Xiaozhuo"s sight.

Zhao Xiaozhuo was stunned for a while. Then he finally thought of something. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhao Gongzi. It"s time for him to talk to brother about what happened today.


after summer and the goblin return to the goblin"s other garden, the goblin will really start to meditate and practice immediately. Then, summer begins to become a bit boring, which makes him a little depressed. How can there be no one to accompany him with so many wives in the capital?

Bored, summer will take out a mobile phone to make a phone call, not to the wife of the capital, but to the cold in Jianghai city.

Unfortunately, although Leng Bingbing answered his phone, he hung up without chatting with him. The police station is busy.

"It seems that I"d better go to find Yi"s wife." Summer said to himself, he actually knew that he lived in the Iraqi Pavilion, but when he got up to go directly to find someone, his mobile phone rang again.

It"s a strange phone number, but it"s boring in summer, so I answered the phone right away: "h.e.l.lo, who is it?"

"Boy, it"s me!" Over the phone came a voice that made summer a little unexpected but not strange. "Are you in the capital now, kid?"

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