Chapter 1191

"Team leader, something"s wrong. We checked the address of the express delivery. It"s a nonexistent address." There was a disturbing voice on the phone.

"And the courier? Did you stare at him? " Meier asked in a hurry.

"I"ve been staring at him, but there"s no problem with that courier. He"s just an ordinary courier. He"s trying to deliver that courier at the moment." Said the man at the other end of the phone.

"I see. You"re on call." Meier hangs up the phone and wants to say something to summer. However, she finds that summer has gone to the locker. Then she slaps the locker open.

Meier flashes to the front of summer and looks inside the locker. She can"t help cursing: "d.a.m.n it, we"ve been fooled and things have been taken away!"

The two plain clothes agents who were staring came over at once, and when they saw the empty locker, they were stupid.

"Before we came here, are you sure you didn"t see anyone move this locker?" Meier asked.

"No, we"ve been watching." Agent a replied positively.

"And this one by the side?" Summer asked.

"Someone has saved this, but no one has ever taken anything from it. It should be OK!" Agent B replied.

Summer is a slap, opened that locker, but found that it is empty, and then touch, eyebrow immediately wrinkled up.

"What"s the matter?" Meier saw that he was not looking right, so she asked in a hurry.

"It"s open in the locker. The middle thing can be removed." Summer replied, "well, not only these two are connected, but all the way to this. These five are connected."

"h.e.l.l, someone in that locker pulled out something!" Agent A"s face changed greatly. "I didn"t care too much because I was separated by several. Besides, the packing bags on the outside were different. I didn"t even think of it!"

"Let me see." Meier pulled away the summer, and then began to check the situation inside. After a while, she shook her head: "the package of the bag was changed by them, and the tracker in it was found by them, and it was pasted in this locker, so it seems that the thing hasn"t moved. In fact, they didn"t know where to take it."

After a pause, Meier said, "fortunately, I"ve got a camera installed. Now I"m going to let people check the surveillance video to see if they can find out. In addition, you"ll immediately arrange the protection of an Xiaobei and Shi Pengfei, just in case!"

"Yes, chief. We"ll make arrangements." The two agents nodded.

"Come on, let"s go. I"ll deal with the business here." Meier waves.

The two agents left quickly, while Meier picked up her mobile phone and called. A few minutes later, she hung up and looked at summer. "We"ll wait a few minutes, they"ll find people from the video immediately, and when they send the photos, we can find people."

"Meier wife, I don"t think we need to wait for the photos to come." Summer says.

Meier is a little strange: "why?"

"Because I should have found her." Summer pointed not far away, "Meier wife, I think that thing is still on her!"

Meier looked at it and couldn"t help but stare at it a little: "you mean the supermarket clerk?"

"Yes, she is." Summer nodded, "actually, I just came in and found that she looked at me from time to time. Originally, I thought I was so handsome. It was normal for a woman to peek at me, so I didn"t care."

When Meier heard this, he couldn"t help but give summer a white eye. He is handsome!

Summer continued: "but after a while, she didn"t look at me deliberately. I"m so handsome, she didn"t look at me. It must be abnormal, so she must have a problem!"

"You have too far fetched a reason!" Meier said angrily, "there are many women in the supermarket who don"t see you. Do they all have problems?"

"Meier wife, in a word, you believe me. There must be something wrong with that woman. You can catch her and search her. Maybe you can find it. Even if you can"t find it, you can know where she has hidden it." But I still insist on my opinion in summer.

"Well, tell me, how did you find out about her?" Meier looked at the salesman and asked, "don"t tell me you are handsome. She doesn"t look at you. You must have other reasons."

"Meier wife, if you don"t catch her again, she will run away." In summer, I smile.

Before summer"s words were finished, the salesperson suddenly ran to the supermarket. In her run, Meier naturally determined that the salesperson had a problem. She didn"t argue with summer any more. She rushed to the back of the salesperson as soon as she got out of the way and grabbed the salesperson"s shoulder. The salesperson groaned and couldn"t move any more.

"Help, rob There"s a robbery! " The salesman suddenly shouted.

For a while, it attracted countless people to look this way. Now there are many people in the supermarket, and several supermarket staff are also running this way, apparently ready to help.

"The police handle the case!" Meier snorts coldly. She handcuffs the salesman. Of course, she is not a policeman, but sometimes she pretends to be a policeman. After all, for ordinary people, it"s easy for them to accept the police. If she says she"s a secret agent, they don"t know who she is.

Meier doesn"t care if anyone is watching. She searches the salesman like this. Soon she tells summer, "it"s not on her."

Summer has come to Meier"s side. He stares at the salesman for a while, then shakes his head: "Meier"s wife, something is wrong. She seems to be an ordinary person, not an agent."

"Say, where did you put the things you took in the locker?" Meier stared at the salesman and asked in a cold voice.

"No, it"s none of my business, I, I just help others to take it..." The salesman stammered.

"I asked you where it was!" Meier"s voice is colder.

"There, there..." The salesman raised his hands and pointed not far away. "Someone, someone gave me a sum of money and asked me to help him to take the things in the locker. I, I don"t know who he is..."

Meier soon found the information prepared by an Xiaobei, but she was not happy at all. Obviously, this salesperson was not the person in the organization with the code Yi Zhiyan, but an ordinary salesperson who received some benefits from others. That is to say, this action was basically a failure.

"It seems that the other party has not been deceived. What are you going to do now?" Meier asks about summer in a low voice.

"Take this woman back and have a good inquest." Summer think want to say.

"Well, let"s take her back to the base first." Meier nods, but she can"t think of any better way.

Just finished, Meier also received the photos found in the surveillance video. After comparing them, she found that it was the salesperson. She didn"t wear the salesperson"s clothes at the beginning. After taking the things, she changed into the salesperson"s clothes.

Ignoring the onlookers, Meier takes the salesperson out of the supermarket, shoves the salesperson into the car and prepares to return to the dark group base.

"Meier wife, wait a minute." In summer, it"s time to talk again.

"What"s the matter?" Meier asked.

"There"s a guy upstairs looking at this side with a telescope." Summer pointed to a tall building opposite the supermarket, "I feel like he is looking at me Eh, no, that idiot seems to see me and want to run. There is a problem indeed. I will catch him first! "

Summer suddenly disappeared. At the speed that ordinary people can"t see with their eyes, they flew directly to the high-rise building opposite the supermarket. In a room in the high-rise building, a man with a telescope was in a hurry to leave. Unfortunately, his speed was not fast enough. He just walked to the door, and in summer he had broken the window.

The man who was shocked by the noise turned around subconsciously. When he saw summer, his face suddenly changed. Unfortunately, before he could say a word, he found that he had lost his ability to move. Then he found that he could not make any sound at all. After another second, he felt that he was flying. After another second, he found that he was already alive In an Audi.

"Meier wife, let"s go!" While talking in summer, he took out a silver needle and put it on the unlucky salesman. The salesman went into a coma immediately. Then, the silver needle in summer was put on the man who had just caught it.

Meier doesn"t ask anything. She drives to the dark group base.

Ten minutes later, she heard that in the back seat of the car, the man who had just been caught had a question and answer about summer.

And back to the base, summer is also a relaxed face: "well, another one, Meier wife, this person will be handed over to you next."

"When Muhan wakes up, let her deal with it." Meier looks at summer with strange eyes. At last, she can"t help asking, "Hey, did you hypnotize him just now?"

"Yes." Summer is honest to admit.

"After being hypnotized by you, will he do whatever you ask him to do?" Meier asked again.

"Of course." Summer still nods without hesitation.

Meier opens her mouth. It seems that she wants to ask something else, but she doesn"t ask it at last. She is a little worried at this moment. Will the wolf hypnotize her?

After thinking about it carefully, Meier feels that his worry seems to be a little superfluous. At least the wolf should not hypnotize her now. Otherwise, he would have done what he wanted to do to her?

"Maybe Mu Han was hypnotized by this wolf, or why did Mu Han treat him so well?" Meier murmured in her heart, and decided not to mention hypnosis. In case that the wolf was reminded by her and really hypnotized her, it would be terrible. She didn"t want to be a real doll at his disposal.

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