Chapter 1221

Gu Hanshuang turns on the TV, selects a news channel, and then goes to boil water and make tea. She has done everything in an orderly way. This also makes her find in summer that Gu Hanshuang is actually familiar with modern life. At least, she should basically adapt to the life of modern society. If other people don"t know her real origin, they won"t guess that she is actually half ancient People.

Looking at Gu Hanshuang "s every move, the summer is more and more like, this servant girl is really good, even when making tea, that action is quite beautiful, the summer is also more and more admire yourself, he originally just decided to take care of Hanshuang as a servant girl, but the result let him get the best and most beautiful servant girl in the world.

"Young master, please have tea." Gu Hanshuang finally made a cup of tea and brought it to summer.

Summer took tea, drank a mouthful, just want to say what, but hear Gu hanfrost suddenly exclaim: "ah!"

"Frost girl, what"s the matter?" Summer is very strange, this frost girl is almost no matter what happens is very calm, now is to make a cup of tea for him, how to make a scream? If she really wants to call it that way, she should call again later!

In addition to bewilderment, I murmured to myself in summer. The voice of the frost girl is quite pleasant. It"s comparable with the goblin"s wife. I just don"t know if she is as enthusiastic as the goblin"s wife in bed.

"Look, young master!" Gu Hanshan pointed to the TV set, with a kind of eager voice.

"That"s TV. What"s the matter?" It"s even more strange in summer. This TV set is still turned on by Gu Hanshan himself. How can she act so surprised now, like the ancient people who haven"t seen the TV set?

"Young master, it"s not TV, it"s the man in the news. Do you see it?" Gu Hanshuang said anxiously.

In summer, I read the news carefully, but I found that the news was about a robbery against a cash truck. According to the news, three days ago, a cash truck was robbed, and three million cash in the cash truck was robbed. The suspect has been identified and is now wanted. On TV, the photos of the suspect have also been released, and the police are offering a reward of 100000 for clues 。

"What happened to this man?" In summer, I still wonder that the suspect is a man. He looks like he"s in his forties. He"s wearing a windbreaker. His hair looks very messy. He"s of medium height. There"s nothing special about him. He feels like an ordinary man. He can"t figure it out in summer. How could Gu Hanshan be interested in this man?

"Young master, I know him!" Gu Hanshan"s beautiful face showed a trace of anxiety and a trace of disbelief. "He called Zhuge to ask heaven. He was the immortal cultivator in the city of Shu, but he was supposed to be in Qingcheng Mountain. How could he run down and rob the cash truck?"

In the summer, he also stayed for a while: "ZHUGE asked Heaven? His name is a little strange! "

"Young master, he didn"t have this name before. Later, he vowed to cultivate himself into an immortal. Go to ask G.o.d and change it to this name." Gu Hanshuang calmed down a little. "But how could he be an immortal cultivator? How could he be reduced to robbery?"

"Nothing, frost girl. Didn"t you kidnap my wife before?" Summer casually said.

Gu Hanshan opens her mouth and wants to say something, but when it comes to her mouth, she takes it back again. She is silent and stops talking. At the moment, the news on TV has turned to other content.

In summer, he slowly drank the cup of tea that Gu Hanshuang made for him, put down the cup, and then began again: "Shuang girl, do you want to find the guy called Zhuge asking for heaven?"

"Young master, I don"t know if I should go to him." Gu hanfrost hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Well, you still want to find him, so go to him." Summer immediately made a decision for Gu Hanshuang.

In fact, he had heard the name of Zhuge"s asking for heaven from Yuan Tianzheng before, but he didn"t know what it looked like before.

Originally, he was going to eat the beautiful servant girl first and then go to solve Zhuge"s question. How could he know that this guy suddenly became a robber and wanted by the police? Most importantly, Gu Hanshan saw the wanted news. Gu Hanshan, who didn"t care much about anything, suddenly became a little upset.

This made summer a little unhappy. He finally found out one thing. It seems that the most important thing that the beautiful servant girl cared about was not the young master, but the things that had happened to the immortals who had been with her before. The things that had happened to the immortals had always affected her mood. So in summer, he decided to solve the problem by asking Zhuge to heaven first, and then taste the servant girl slowly.

In summer, if the other immortals are Zhuang Yundong and Yuan Tianzheng, it"s better to kill them all. Otherwise, it"s a disaster that the immortals stay in the world. At this stage, they can also pose a threat to his mother-in-law.

"But, young master, how can we find him?" Gu Hanshan asked softly, "the city of Shu is so big that we are not familiar with it. We need to find someone, just like looking for a needle in a haystack."

"It doesn"t matter. Isn"t the police looking for him? Let"s get the police to help us find it. " Summer casually said: "although I don"t think the police have any skills, they must be more familiar with this place, and they have many people. It"s easier to find people than we should. When they find people, we"ll catch them."

"Young master, are you going to kill Zhuge and ask heaven?" Gu hanfrost hesitated for a moment, then asked softly.

"Oh, it depends. If he listens to me, I may not kill him. If he doesn"t listen, I will kill him, or he will rob everywhere." Summer casually said that he finally found a fair reason for himself. Of course, in fact, he was not worried about Zhuge"s robbing everywhere. He was just worried that the guy would be like Gu Hanshan before, and would think of his wife. That would be a big problem.

After a pause, summer added: "frost girl, if you don"t want that guy to die, there is actually a way to lose his skill."

"But young master, if you lose his skill, he will die soon." Gu said in a low voice.

"No, I"m the best doctor in the world. I can make him live for decades like ordinary people. Well, in fact, I can also make him forget the past, even you frost girl." Summer said lightly that it"s not very difficult for him to do these things. If Gu Hanshan doesn"t want other immortals to die, he can also save their lives, but only if those immortals don"t pose a threat to him.

"Young master, I have known them for a long time. Over the past hundred years, I have seen them die one by one. In the end, we are the only ones left. If they are the same as Zhuang Yundong, I don"t mind if you kill them. But if they are not so bad, I hope young master can keep them for one life." Gu Hanshuang said softly, "if they are alive, I will at least feel that in this world, I am not alone."

"Frost wench, you are not alone, aren"t you accompanied by me?" Summer a little unhappy, "I have dozens of my wife will accompany you, more lively than you used to be."

After a pause, summer said, "well, girl frost, you"ve always been very good. For your sake, I"ll make you happy. If you really don"t want them to die, I"ll let them live. Now let"s go to the police station and let the police help us find people."

"Thank you, young master." Gu Hanshuang looks up at the summer. There seems to be a little more emotion in her originally dead eyes, which makes her eyes more beautiful.

"Don"t thank me. Just give me a kiss." Summer casually said.

"Yes, young master." Gu Hanshuang seems to have hesitated for a while, but he still put his lips together and printed on his cheek in summer.

"I"ll say you"re the best girl, frost!" Summer is very satisfied, stand up, pull Gu Hanshan toward the outside.

When walking out of the door, Gu Hanshuang asked again, "young master, will the police help us?"

"Don"t worry, they will obey." Summer is very confident about this. After that, he pulls Gu Hanshan into the elevator. Then, he takes out his mobile phone and dials out a phone.


the case that the cash truck was hijacked is a big case everywhere. The shumetropolitan Police Bureau has set up a special task force for this case. The deputy director in charge of criminal investigation is in charge of the group leader. Of course, the deputy director is only a name. In fact, he is the group leader of the important case group of the Bureau, Tao Zhize.

At the beginning of taking over the case, Tao Zhize thought that although the case was large, it was not very difficult, because according to the existing data, the anti investigation ability of the robber was not strong at all, and he also found the photos of the robber smoothly. Although he could not find the ident.i.ty of the robber from the database, he still believed that the robber should be arrested and brought back to the case It"s not difficult.

In the next three days, some of his conjectures were confirmed, that is, the robber"s anti investigation ability was really poor, and it seemed that he would not hide his whereabouts. In a short period of three days, the robber"s whereabouts were reported nearly ten times by the enthusiastic

But Tao Zhize began to be unhappy, because he found that although the anti investigation ability of the robbers was not strong, the anti arrest ability of the robbers was super!

After the robbers were reported by the enthusiastic, the task force arrested them at the fastest speed every time. Four times, the robbers were surrounded by the police who arrived in time. However, they still failed to catch the robbers, and the police lost a lot. In the four arrests, the police killed two people, four people were seriously injured, and the other policemen who were not fatal, more than ten !

Because of this, ten minutes ago, when the police received the report again and got the whereabouts of the robber, Tao Zhize did not know what to do. He was afraid to give an order to let him go after him. Because he was worried that his order would hurt his subordinates and even kill them!

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