Chapter 1295

"Here is..." Qiao Xiaoqiao glanced around, but couldn"t help crying out, "ah, this is Fairy Island?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao has been here before. Although it"s night, the island is full of lights, so she can easily recognize this place.

"That"s right. This is fairyland." Summer giggle a smile, "wife, I said to take you home, here is our real home."

Qiao Xiaoqiao nodded gently, and then couldn"t help but ask, "but, husband, it"s not built here, is it?"

She has been following up on the progress of Shenxian island. She knows that only the most important buildings have been completed here, and some other supporting buildings have not been completed.

"It"s not built yet, but our new house is ready." Summer took Qiao Xiaoqiao, pointed to the front, "go, I will take you."

Qiao Xiaoqiao nodded, not talking, but let the summer lead him to the large Chinese and Western cla.s.sical building in the center of the island.

"This is our future home!" Entering the gate of the building, Qiao Xiaoqiao felt a little bit that although it has not been decorated, people can not feel the luxury of the building, but it has been enough to let people see the atmosphere of the building, and as long as it is completely built in the future, the luxury here will not be worse than any other building in the world.

Qiao Xiaoqiao also knows about the specific design of the building. She also knows her own bedroom, which should be on the second floor. There are many bedrooms on the second floor. In order not to distinguish everyone"s differences, everyone"s bedroom size is basically the same, but the specific decoration will come according to everyone"s favorite style.

Of course, the second floor is not everyone"s bedroom. There will be a big bedroom on the third floor, and that bedroom will belong to yueqingya. This is also a special manifestation of yueqingya"s uniqueness. In this future home, yueqingya is unique, while others are the same.

Come to the second floor, Qiao Xiaoqiao immediately found his bedroom, not because she is familiar with here, but because she can see the red character at a glance!

"Honey, here..." Joe is a little surprised.

"Our bridal chamber, of course, is different." Summer giggle a smile, pull Qiao Xiaoqiao to the door, push the door to go in.

Inside, it is also a festive color. There is no light in the room, and a pair of red candles have been lit.

"Hee hee, wife, you can put this on again." Summer picked up a thing and handed it to Qiao Xiaoqiao.

Qiao Xiaoqiao is stuck again. Isn"t it red? At the beginning, she was on the mountain, and she really went to the church in summer, and she also wore this red cap.

But soon, Qiao Xiaoqiao was back to her mind, went to the bedside, put on the red cap, and then sat gently on the edge of the bed. Although it seemed strange to wear an evening dress with the red cap, she didn"t mind. She knew that her husband wanted her first night to have a different life, and she, no doubt, was the first one to really start living on the island of immortals Hostess.

"Wife, I"m going to raise your red cap." Summer then said.

Qiao Xiaoqiao didn"t speak, but nodded slightly. Then she found that her red head had been lifted by summer.

In the light of the red candle, Qiao Xiaoqiao"s white face is a little more red. At this moment, she looks more delicate and charming. She is the Begonia that is about to bloom.

"My wife, tonight is our real wedding night." Summer gently bowed his head, kissed Qiao Xiaoqiao"s lips, the two slowly fell on the bed.

Three years ago, on Qingfeng mountain, Qiao Xiaoqiao"s red head was raised in summer, but then she just hugged and slept with her on the bed. At that time, she was delicate and could not bear such intense exercise. But now, three years later, Qiao Xiaoqiao is no longer that Qiao Xiaoqiao. Her body has been better conditioned than that of ordinary girls, and her body is more mature, She has been able to meet this holy time in her best condition.

She always believed that she was different in summer. Although she spent more time with other women after going down the mountain in summer, he didn"t seem to stay at home for long every time when she went home, she always believed that she had been very spoiled in summer. What she did tonight and summer proved that. He chose a special place, To finish the candle night they should have done.

************The next day, it was sunny.

In the morning, the North Lake has a cool wind. In this time when the temperature difference between the morning and the evening is still very different, the cold wind blows on the body, making people unconsciously shiver. Just came to the island with a lot of money, they shivered a few times, subconsciously fastening their coats.

Qian Duoduo is now working as a supervisor in person every day. Although he is not a professional, it doesn"t matter. He has a group of professionals under him. As long as he manages these professionals well, they can make every place perfect. Although building a house is not his profession, he is now doing this as the most important thing.

As for making money, although it"s also important, no matter how much money you make, you need to spend your life. And what happened in the capital a few months ago, when he was discouraged, he was a little frightened. Although it was his brother who started to work on him, he was more aware of it. It"s not just that his brother envied him so simply. There are deeper reasons behind it White, that is, in the capital, someone else wants to start with him.

When his brothers can"t be relied on, Qian Duoduo knows that he needs an ally, or he needs a shelter. The powerful Qian family has always been just making money. Money can change many things and buy many people, but often can"t buy the kind of people who can save lives at the critical moment.

Qian Duoduo knows that summer is the kind of person who can save lives at the critical moment. No matter he is ill or meets a strong enemy, he can solve it in summer. Of course, he also knows that summer is not a person who can be bought with money. What"s more, unlike Zhao Gongzi, he keeps a large number of beautiful sisters. Their money family is not without girls, but they are really beautiful Yes.

If you can"t attract summer with beautiful women, you can only help summer with more money. Now he is helping summer manage money, but he knows that the most important thing in summer is not money, and building a house is really important.

Qian Duoduo is very clear. He attaches great importance to the house in summer. He also believes that if he can build the house, he will definitely remember him in the summer. If there is something to help him, he should also help him in summer. Moreover, even if he is unwilling to do it himself in summer, Qian Duoduo thinks that he can find his wife directly.

In the past few months, Qian Duoduo found that the biggest gain of building the house himself was that he had more or less friendship with his wives in summer. When he met with big and small matters in the future, he asked them for help, which should not be a big problem.

"There"s a lot of money. How about enjoying the cool in the morning?" Suddenly a voice came from behind, waking up Qian Duoduo.

Qian Duoduo looked back and was stunned, because he saw not only the summer, but also the bright and moving Qiao Xiaoqiao, Qiao Xiaoqiao in a red dress. He was nestling in the summer like a bird, with a white face, but there was still a faint blush that had not completely faded. There was still a spring feeling between his eyebrows that had not completely dissipated. When he saw this, let alone Qian Duoduo There are some experiences in this field, even if there is no experience, he can guess that Qiao Xiaoqiao has officially evolved from a gifted girl to a gifted young woman.

"Good morning, Miss Joe, in the summer!" Qian Duoduo said h.e.l.lo with a smile, but he was relieved.

Last summer, he asked him to prepare the house, and then he asked him to make some red candles and red caps. Although he was ready, he was still a little uneasy. He always thought that summer was going to harm w.a.n.g Xiaoya, who was only 12 years old. Although he told himself over and over again that w.a.n.g Xiaoya would be hurt by summer sooner or later, now it was only a few years in advance, but he always had It"s like I just pushed a little girl into a fire pit.

When he saw Qiao Xiaoqiao, Qian Duoduo finally understood that last night, he didn"t want to take w.a.n.g Xiaoya here for the night, but to spend the night with Qiao Xiaoqiao. He also couldn"t help telling himself that it seemed that he had been right about summer. Although this guy was unreasonable and often came in disorder, he didn"t have animals to harm the 12-year-old girl.

"Mr. Qian, it"s hard for you to come so early." Qiao Xiaoqiao smiled a little, then pulled summertime, the voice was lower, "husband, shall we go back to me?"

"All right." Summer nodded, and then, he hugged Qiao Xiaoqiao and walked away.


Qiao family, Qiao Xiaoqiao"s villa.

"h.e.l.lo, Fenger, get up!" Qiao Fenger wakes up by Qiao huanger and realizes that she slept on the sofa all night.

"It"s eight o"clock!" Qiao feng"er looked at the time, mumbled, and then asked, "huang"er, is Miss Qiao back?"

"Not yet." Qiao huang"er shook her head and added, "summer hasn"t come back."

"The dead rascal, as expected, did harm Miss Qiao." Qiao Fenger said angrily.

"If you don"t want miss Qiao to be harmed, you"ll send herself to be harmed in summer." Said Jo huang"er half jokingly.

"I don"t give myself to that rascal!" Qiao Fenger said angrily.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, a voice came from the door: "I"m too lazy to harm you!"

Qiao feng"er and Qiao huang"er are all in a daze. They turn their heads together and look at the door. They are watching Qiao Xiao Qiao walk in in the summer.

"Ah, crazy girl, make us breakfast!" Summer wave, "I and Joe have not had breakfast!"

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