Chapter 1349

"The biggest philanthropist in Yuenan?" Zhang Zhengyi"s face changed slightly. "Miss Cheng, you mean..."

"Five years ago, after my husband and son had an accident, I received a huge donation, but I never thanked the one who donated me." Cheng Ling said softly, then stood up. "I"m sorry, reporter Zhang, I have to go. I hope you don"t mention this meeting to anyone."

Cheng Ling quickly walked out of the room, while Zhang Zhengyi took out a stack of information from her handbag, picked up chopsticks, and began to check the information while eating.


temporary residence in summer.

In the evening, when she left the room in summer, she was a little relieved. The needle application process was very smooth. Ningjie had already formed a golden pill. She was carrying out the final consolidation of her Kung Fu. The whole process was not disturbed. It seems that Han Mingfei either did not know their current residence or did not immediately pursue them because he liked yeyumei.

In summer, it is determined that Han Mingfei likes yeyumei. Otherwise, yesterday afternoon, Han Mingfei has probably captured yeyumei.

In this situation, Han Mingfei doesn"t take the initiative to attack, and it"s impossible to take the initiative to find Han Mingfei in summer, unless he is sure to kill Han Mingfei, but now, he is obviously not sure.

Violence is the best way to solve problems, but it is not the only way. When violence can not directly solve problems, summer will consider other ways. His purpose is not to prove to others how powerful he is, he just wants to kill all enemies.

"If the long legged sister is willing to use a beauty trick to poison Han Mingfei, it will be easy." It"s a pity in summer. Long legged girls apparently don"t want to use beauty tricks.

"Am I going to use Beau"s plan?" In summer, he murmured to himself, but then shook his head. Although Huang Jingyi looks good, she is not his favorite type. In his opinion, Huang Jingyi is not as good as the foreign girl who suddenly appeared here today.

Thinking of that foreign girl, he got up and walked out of the villa in summer. Not far away from the lake, the human shaped clothes shelf with brown hair, blue eyes, long legs and small waist hanging two w.a.n.gzai buns was on the phone with people, saying predictions that he couldn"t understand in summer, but that he couldn"t understand doesn"t mean that he didn"t know anything in summer. He could hear the anger, helplessness and fear in the tone of this foreign girl, It"s not exactly the mood of a foreign tourist who comes here to enjoy the mountains and waters.

Today, when the woman first appeared, she was just a little surprised in the summer. She was so beautiful and unexpected. Then he was busy helping Ningjie to give needles and didn"t care much about the woman. But now, he suddenly began to feel something wrong.

Ningjie is his wife. Knowing that he has an urgent matter, she rushed to visit immediately after receiving the phone call. But how can this foreign girl named Caroline decide to travel with Ningjie so soon? She seems to be a model. Is she just so idle?

Maybe it"s because he uses his brain a lot these days in summer. He also becomes a little suspicious. He always thinks that this foreign girl is a bit out of place. Maybe it"s also the so-called sixth sense.

At this time, Caroline finally hung up the phone, then turned around, and saw the summer standing at the door of the villa. Her face seemed to be a little panic, but it immediately returned to normal. She walked towards the summer, with a sweet smile on her face, and said something in her mouth. Then she walked by her side in the summer and entered the villa.

"I"m so good at acting. There"s a problem." Summer talks to himself, then takes out the mobile phone, dialed Mu Han"s telephone, "wife, help me to check the individual."

************At about eight o"clock in the night, on the road opposite the patriotic building in Yuenan City, there is a black Santana car, in which a person is sitting, which is justice.

In fact, the patriotic building is only a five story building. The owner of the building is Xie Aiguo, and the building is also the headquarters of the patriotic charity foundation.

Yuenan city"s richest man is an old man named lilac, while Yuenan city"s first good man is this old man named Xie Aiguo.

Xie Aiguo, just over 60 years old, is a legend in Yuenan city. According to legend, Xie Aiguo worked as a soldier when he was young, a porter after retiring from the army, a security guard, and a lot of different industries. Finally, he opened a security company, and began to make his fortune. In decades, he has involved in all walks of life and earned hundreds of millions. Then, about ten years ago, he said He said that he had earned enough money and transferred all his industries. Then he set up this patriotic charity foundation and began to specialize in charity. Some people once said that almost all people in Yuenan city had directly or indirectly received Xie Aiguo"s help. Over the years, he has donated more than one billion yuan of property. In Yuenan City, Xie Aiguo, the first good name, is nothing Shame.

In Yuenan City, everyone says that Xie Aiguo is a good man, a good man. These days, such a good man is rare. Occasionally, many people will do good deeds, but it"s really difficult to persist in doing good for ten years. There is a saying that it"s not difficult to be a good man, but it"s difficult to be a good man for a lifetime.

Before today, Zhang Zhengyi also thought Xie Aiguo was a good man. Until noon, Cheng Ling said that, he began to find that things may not be as simple as they seem.

This afternoon, Zhang Zhengyi combed through the materials he had investigated again, and then he found some things he had neglected.

Six years ago, Xie Aiguo donated to a school, and Cheng Ling was the teacher of the school at that time. In the process of donation, Cheng Ling had direct contact with Xie Aiguo.

Five years ago, Cheng Ling"s husband and son were killed in a car accident. Then, Xie Aiguo donated a million yuan to Cheng Ling.

Four years ago, Cheng Ling joined the patriotic charity foundation and became an employee of the foundation. It is said that she thanked the patriotic charity foundation for its help, but there is an undeniable fact. Since then, Cheng Ling has become an employee beside Xie Aiguo.

Cheng Ling told Zhang Zhengyi at noon that he had never thanked the donor. Maybe it was because, in fact, it was not a donation.

Zhang Zhengyi also investigated several donations. Some enterprises in Yuenan City donated a lot of money to patriotic charity foundation. After careful inspection, the owners of these enterprises had some contacts with some things he had investigated. These people, and the baihualou he had been investigating, had some business contacts.

With years of professional sensitivity, Zhang Zhengyi has a seemingly inconceivable figure in other people"s eyes, but in his eyes now, it"s quite reasonable to speculate that if Xie Aiguo is the real successor of baihualou, if Xie Aiguo"s Charity Foundation receives those donations, they are not actually donations, but the business income of baihualou Xie Aiguo"s donation to Cheng Ling is not donation, but the price at which Cheng Ling sold something. Then, all this can be explained!

It"s just a guess. After all, he has no evidence, and Cheng Ling hasn"t said it clearly, so he hasn"t told Xia his name yet. He wants to investigate again by himself. Only when the evidence is more sufficient, can he tell Xia. Because he"s afraid of making mistakes, Wanyi makes mistakes and kills a real good man, he can"t forgive himself in the next half of his life Oneself.

At this time, a car stopped at the gate of the patriotic building, which made Zhang Zhengyi return to his mind temporarily from his meditation. When he saw the familiar figure coming out of the car, his brow couldn"t help wrinkling. It was Cheng Ling.

"This is the time. What is Cheng Ling doing here?" Zhang Zhengyi is a little confused. Looking at the light on the fifth floor of the patriotic building, he secretly guesses that it was Xie Aiguo who let Cheng linglai?


president"s office, 5th floor, patriotic building.

Cheng Ling came in and looked at the old man sitting in the boss"s chair. She scolded the old beast in her heart, but there was a sweet and charming smile on her face, and her voice was very sweet: "president, what can I do for you so late?"

"In the past five years, you have served me well, so I have given you more freedom." Although Xie Aiguo is 60 years old, he seems to be in a good spirit and has no obvious old-fashioned att.i.tude. "Unfortunately, you forgot one thing."

Cheng Ling"s face changed a little, but she returned to normal immediately. She still had a sweet smile on her face: "president, do you hear any gossip from others?"

"Cheng Ling, do you think I don"t know your little moves?" Xie Aiguo shook his head. "I know about your coffee with Tian Bofeng. I also know about your dinner with that reporter today. I know everything you"ve done. You never understand. You"re just a canary. You"re always in the cage. I"ve given you some freedom, just to make a bigger cage for you "

Cheng Ling"s face suddenly turned pale. She finally found that she might have underestimated the old beast.

"Fourth, come out." Xie Aiguo shouted again slowly, and then a tall man in black appeared in the office.

"What do you want to do?" Cheng Ling finally stopped laughing. She looked at Xie Aiguo and was angry.

"Fourth, get rid of her." Xie Aiguo waved and said lightly.

Cheng Ling suddenly burst out laughing: "ha ha ha ha Old beast, do you really think the fourth brother will listen to you? Fourth brother, kill the old beast! "

The man in black suddenly moved, but he didn"t rush to Xie Aiguo as Cheng Ling thought. Instead, he stepped in front of Cheng Ling and grabbed her by the neck.

"Well Fourth brother, you...... " Cheng Ling looks at the man in black with unbelievable eyes. She can"t imagine how things could be completely out of her control?

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