Chapter 979

Zhao Yuji decided not to worry about how summer would appear here, or whether he built his wooden house. She simply didn"t say a word and went on ahead.

"Goblin wife, where are you going?" Summer Leng Leng Leng, hurriedly chased over to ask.

"Climb the mountain." Zhao Yuji did not return.

"Goblin wife, you"ve been climbing for a long time. What else? Go and have a rest in the house. " Summer begins to bewitch Zhao Yuji.

"I"ll climb to the top of the mountain and rest." Zhao Yuji naturally won"t be fooled. Go to the house to have a rest? Hearing this, I knew that the rascal didn"t have a good idea.

"But, Goblin wife, you can"t climb to the top of the mountain!" Said the summer.

"I"ve heard that too, so I"ll try." Zhao Yuji said lightly, "if you are interested, you can climb with me. If you are not interested, don"t disturb me."

"Well, the goblin"s wife, climb slowly. I"ll wait for you." Summer thought about it, and then turned back into the wooden house.

Seeing this move in summer, Zhao Yuji was stunned again. She thought that this rogue would climb the mountain with her in summer. How could she know that this guy unexpectedly didn"t come with her? Besides, what did he say to wait for her? He meant to wait for her here?

Although confused, Zhao Yuji decided to ignore the matter for the time being and continue to move forward.

Time pa.s.sed unconsciously. Zhao Yuji didn"t know how long she had gone, but she found that there was no end to it.

"It"s strange. Can"t the mountain really climb up? Did I go the wrong way Zhao Yuji thought to herself, looking up around, and then, silly, because she found a wooden house, this wooden house, looks so familiar!

A more familiar scene appeared again. A man came out of the wooden house and said to her, "wife of the goblin, you are a little slow!"

"d.a.m.n it!" Zhao Yuji suspected that she had hallucinations for a while, otherwise how could such a strange thing happen?

"Goblin wife, you don"t see ghosts. There are no ghosts in the world." Summer said with a smile.

"Don"t tell me, you just ran in front of me and then built a wooden house in such a short time!" Zhao Yuji stared at summer and said angrily.

"Of course not." Summer giggle a smile, "the goblin wife, don"t you find that this wooden house is the one you saw before?"

Zhao Yuji stared at the wooden house for a long time, then asked incredulously, "how can this be possible? What the h.e.l.l are you doing? "

"Goblin wife, it"s none of my business!" Summer a face innocent expression, "just because you walked around Qingfeng mountain, and then came to the old place."

Zhao Yuji is dazed again. She has just left so long, but she is actually walking around Qingfeng mountain? I dare to say that Qingfeng mountain can"t climb up. It"s actually the reason?

"How do you know I"m circling Qingfeng mountain?" After a while, Zhao Yuji looked at summer suspiciously. "Why do you seem to be familiar with this place?"

"Goblin wife, because I know everything." Summer solemnly said.

"Do you know how to climb it?" Zhao Yuji asked angrily.

"Yes." Answer immediately in summer.

"Then tell me, how can I climb up?" Zhao Yuji crooned.

"Very simple, Goblin wife, you call me husband, beg your husband to take you up, and then you can climb up." Summer said with a smile.

"You think I"m an idiot?" Zhao Yuji angrily said a word, and then angrily walked forward. She didn"t believe this guy"s nonsense, and she would not call this guy"s husband.

Looking at Zhao Yuji"s beautiful back, summer said to himself: "why do I always believe when I tell the truth? Do I look like a liar? But no, the fairy sister said I look honest. "

Murmured two sentences, summer did not continue to wait for Zhao Yuji in the wooden house, but to chase Zhao Yuji in the past.

"Goblin wife, I see a beautiful cliff. Would you like to go over and have a look?" Summer quickly ran to Zhao Yuji and asked.

"Beautiful cliff?" Zhao Yuji is a bit confused. "It doesn"t look like there is a cliff on the mountain, does it?"

"The goblin"s wife, Qingfeng mountain is actually very big. There are not only cliffs, but also many interesting places!" Summer said quickly, and then looking forward to Zhao Yuji, "do you want to see it?"

Zhao Yuji took a look at summer, hesitated a little, then nodded: "OK, you take me."

As soon as summer reaches out to hold Zhao Yuji, and then gallops on the mountain, Zhao Yuji is dragged by him and runs with him involuntarily. For a while, she can"t see clearly the situation nearby. If she wants to break free of his hand, she can"t do it. This makes her a little angry. The hooligan takes advantage of her!

After about ten minutes, Zhao Yuji found that she had stopped. Looking again, she could not help but stay a little bit. In the sight range, the fog was dense, just like a fairyland, and her current position was just on the edge of the cliff.

"The goblin"s wife, you see, is it beautiful?" It"s like inviting contributions in summer.

"Let go of me!" Zhao Yuji earned the hand that was held by summer, but she did not.

"Don"t be so mean, Goblin wife." Summer is a bit depressing. It"s just pulling hands. What"s the big deal.

"Do you have to make me angry to be happy?" Zhao Yuji said angrily.

"Of course not." Summer let go of Zhao Yuji"s hand, "goblin wife, if you are not happy, I will make you happy."

"Men talk empty." Zhao Yuji gave a light hum.

"Goblin wife, I never talk empty." Summer seriously replied.

"Is it?" Zhao Yuji snorted, "I"m not happy now, are you willing to do anything as long as you can make me happy?"

"Well, Goblin wife, I"ll do whatever I can." Summer think want to say.

"Then I"ll let you jump, will you?" Zhao Yuji said angrily, "don"t say you can"t do this!"

Summer looked at Zhao Yuji, very seriously asked: "goblin wife, I jump down, you will be happy?"

"Yes!" Zhao Yuji said angrily that she didn"t believe that this guy would jump. If he did, her goal seemed to be easily achieved.

"Oh, I did." Summer said a word, and then jumped off the cliff.

Zhao Yuji suddenly becomes Zhao Muji, standing on the edge of the cliff, blank in her mind.

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