Forbidden Love

Chapter One (Part 1)





Yo guys, I"m not the best translator, so bare with me. Comment if you find mistakes, my grammar is not the best, I don"t even know why I kept everything in past tense, or I tried to....
Oh well...
Yeah, so it took a lot of time to translate, because I"m not the best at my Chinese, especially since I can"t read most of it. Aha, yay for Google Translator.

So yeah, here is part one of chapter one. Enjoy! 

Chapter One (Part 1)

In the West Suburbs of Luoyang:

Deep in the patches of bamboo, faint splashing sounds, accompanied by laughter were heard. There was a shadow which halted behind the bamboo, the tall statue of a man"s shadow can be seen, whose head looking back at the source of the sounds...

A distance of about several feet, the man stopped and stared at the lake where a naked girl who was playing in the water, his eyes pa.s.sing hinted different light.

The full moon reflected, basking under a silver lake, light shining clearly reflected on the girl’s beautiful face.

The girl had a waterfall-like long hair, which spreaded out into the lake, the snow-white flawless arms and hands probed into the bottom of the water, picking up the water and splashing it into the air, clear crisp laughter from the petal-like pink lips. The girl who was immersed in the comforts of joy did not notice her every move fell into the tall man"s dark eyes.

The man was aware, inadvertently peeping was not appropriate, he was prepared to leave, but suddenly stepped on a branch, resulting in an abnormal "crunch" sound.

"Who is there?" the girl’s clear voice could be heard, along with the sound rippling water as the girl hastened to reach out towards the clothes laying on the stone to cover her chest.

The man hesitated for a moment, then decided to walk out of the dark, the moonlight clearly reflected his handsome face, along with his tall height. He replied ,"Who are you, and how long do you intend to play in there?"

Luo Bing-er’s pretty face defensively glaring at the man in front of her, seeking only to blame herself for playing in the water and failed to notice if someone approached.

"Miss, for I to inadvertently intrude, if I have offended you, please forgive me; however, a girl alone in the middle of the night playing in the water, are you not afraid of danger?"

Although the man’s tall stature faced her, his eyes were looking at the sky, as if the gentleman looking at the bright moon seemed to enjoy the beauty of the scenery.

Luo Bing-er’s alert eyes stared at him for a while and had felt that he was no evil person, she was relieved and the weight on her (shoulders) seemed to have lifted.

"It is none of your business. Now, you, immediately turned backwards, I want to put on my clothes." His eyebrows lifted, at her discourse command, his lips curled down but his tall stature turn the other way.

Seeing that he obeyed her words and turned, Luo Bing-er quickly scramble to put on her clothes, but watched him, afraid that he would suddenly turn back around. Suddenly a faint, yet abnormal gra.s.s movement sounded, the man’s ears picked up that from behind came rustling of clothing, but in addition a rapidly approaching hiss. The tall stature slightly bent, pick up a small stone, listened attentively, quickly turned around when a green snake was about to bite Luo Bing-er"s leg, throwing the stone and perching its head.

"AHH!" Luo Bing-er, who had yet to finish dressing saw the man suddenly turned toward her so she threw a handful of powder, the man jumped back to dodge and hurried away, leaving her anger, yet crisp voice: "lecher!"

Determining that no one was around, Luo Bing-er hastily proper her clothes, while tying her belt, her pink lips constantly let loose a series of curses: "d.a.m.n lecher, just as I put my guard down, did not expect him to.....”

Her cursing suddenly halted, she suddenly remembered that she had used red scorpion powder. Although he hastily departed, she remembered it may have entered his eyes. That man"s eyes...he will not be blinded, right?

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