Forbidden Love

Chapter 7 (Part 2)

Chapter 7 (Part 2)

Her pink lips let out a sigh, what should she do to let him not be angry? As she was thinking a blue figure could be seen walking towards her.

"Binger, what are you thinking about?"

Xiao Qing placed a dish of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and a pot of tea onto the stone table, and asked. At her questioning voice, Bing’er was pulled back into reality.

"It"s nothing."

Bing’er acted nothing as if was bothering her, she let out a forced smile, pretending to look greedily at the cakes, she quickly took a peice and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Do not pretend, you can not hide from me, you can talk to me, I am your friend and not an outsider." Xiao Qing smiled at her.

Ugh! Only to seen through, Bing"er gloomingly laid on the stone tabled. She look depressed as she took a small bite of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, but did not continue to eat anymore.

"Bing’er, thank you for helping me get back that paper, after this lesson, my father had deeply repentant. No longer he will gamble, you are the benefactor of our family."

After Bing’er had helped them take back the doc.u.ment, she was afraid that the people of Yi Hong would “pay them a visit”, she had young master send Elder Jiang to their house. Several of Yi Hong"s bodyguards were sent, but they dare not to offend the Dong House and could only angrily retreat away, and it was all thanks to the help of Bing’er.

"Do not say that." Bing’er sheepishly looked up, seeing her red eyes, for the first time being viewed as a benefactor, she could not help but feel a bit uncomfortable.

"My friends are in trouble, how can I not help? It was not much trouble." After Xiao Qing mention this, she thought back to the shabby hut in Yi Hong, were those girls forced or was it another reason? Why were they locked all together?

"Bing’er, are you troubled by young master?"

“What?" She looked blankly at Xiao Qing’s worried face, as she did not hear her words.

"Young master had always been cold and polite, we rarely see him angry. Although he found out about the the night raid at Yi Hong, you can see he was not angry, I think young master can not bare to get angry with you, you do not have to worry.”

Strange! Last night at her wound, he had been furious, almost scared to death of her. This morning, although he was not angry, it was more frightening, for him to ignore he.

She sluggishly made her way into Purple Dawn Manor. Her lazy eyes swept and saw a certain tall figure, she quickly shot up, her previous half-closed eyes were now alert. She quickly made her way towards him, following him into the study room.

Dong Fang Ling glanced at her, he then took a book and began to read it, completely ignoring her presence.

“Dong Fang Ling....." Binger stammered, her eyes slowly reddened, she felt wronged and stranger like. Even when the two first met, he was not this indifferent.

"Is there something wrong, Miss Luo?"

He did not look up and replied, his deep voice full of indifference.

She’s finished! He was still angry! Her chest was uncomfortable hearing his distant words. She rather him shout at her than to treat her like a stranger with cold and polite words. Just how can she break through this wall..... ah!

"It hurts……"

At her crisp voice, his dark eyes lifted seeing her figure bent and holding onto her injured arm, his face changed and his tall stature flashed quickly to her side.

"Bing’er, what is the matter? Is your wound acting up?"

Dong Fang Ling repeatedly asked her, bring her into his embrace, at her pale face, his heart felt pain. He immediately picked her up and kicked the door to go out and to the adjacent bedroom.

Into the chamber, he gently placed her onto his bed and quickly remove the help replace the old bandaged with new ones.

"It is done." When he was helping her reapplying the medicine, he figured out that she had fooled him so he quickly finished to get up and leave.


Seeing his cold face and figure about to leave, Bing’er quickly got up and wrapped her arms around his neck. Dong Fang Ling was stunned for a moment, his heart raced but he hugged her back. He looked at her elegant face in his embrace, her beautiful eyes looked at him as if she was wrong.

"What are you doing."

Her self initiated gesture, does it mean that she had understood his intentions, did she reciprocated his love?

"Dong Fang Ling, don’t be angry any more, I know I was wrong, do not ignore me." With her head buried and arms around his neck, she said with panic.

"Binger, why do you care about me ignoring you?" Dong Fang Ling smiled, he placed his chin on top of her head, his hand stroked her silky black hair, the other held her waist.

".....I know you like me, I....too, so stop ignoring me, I will be very sad." Her clear voice sounded, she blushed but did not move.

Dong Fang Ling"s smile deepened, from her self initiated hug, his heart was already overwhelmed with ecstasy, this girl had finally understood his feelings for her.

"Promise me, you are not allowed to go on adventures, and also do not ever get injured."

"I promise."

She promised without hesitation and her blushing deepened, secretly relieved that he was no longer mad. If she had knew that confessing would be so effective, she would have done so earlier.

"What if you break your promise?" Understanding her personality, he could not put very much weight into her words.

"Then I shall leave Dong Fang House and never see you again."

Suddenly her face was lifted, she was forced to looked at his dangerous eyes. "Are you punishing yourself or me like that?"

Bing’er swallow her saliva, her arms hastened to hold him, resting her head back into his chest and said: "Sorry, I misspoke, then the punishment, I’ll leave it for you to decide...."

Hearing so, Dong Fang Ling’s face calmed and tightened his hug, he patted her back lovingly, and warned "Remember what you said."

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