Forbidden Love

Chapter One (Part 2)

Chapter One (Part 2)

Clang! Clang!

Early in the morning, on the streets, a resounding gong was heard, attracting a large crowd which surrounded by a young boy.

"Bao Da Ting, did something happen?"

"Yes ah! Did something happen in Luoyang City?"

The crowd of people, everyone had a word to say and wanted to ask the young boy beating the gong, nicknamed Nosy. Nosy this t.i.tle, was well deserved, no matter how large or small the event was, as long as what happened in the city of Luoyang, it will never ever escaped his eyes and ears.

Nosy proudly picked up his head, closing in towards the crowd, opened his mouth to release the latest event in Luoyang city:

"Something went wrong in Dong Fang House last night." At his words, the crowd uproared, voices exclaimed one after another, people"s" faces paled and anxiously asked: "What happen? Quickly tell us, do not just leaving us hanging! "

The crowd talking, their faces were of clear concern.

The crowd quickly lost patience, Nosy quickly appease everyone"s mood and replied, "Dong Fang House called up every doctor last night, a mishap occurred in the bamboo patches, the young master hurt his eyes. I heard all the doctors were unable to cure him, Dong Fang House has now sent out people to find the other three young masters, it seems that the situation is very serious. "

"What? Young master hurt his eyes? Oh, what are we going to do?" Aunt w.a.n.g asked anxiously looking right and left at the other people in the crowd.

Everyone looked at each other, in addition to the same look of worry, all of them did not know what to do. Dong Fang House was well received in the city of Luoyang, very popular; they often covered the priced of paving bridge-building, helped to repair schools, as well as regularly giving food to the poor, as long as the Dong Fang House can afford it, no lawful request was usually rejected. And because of these philanthropistic actions, the House was well liked by most of the residents in Luoyang City, explaining the cause of concern from the crowd.

"You said it was Dong Fang"s master, Luoyang City"s richest man, he who also ranked Taishi during his lifetime, one of his four sons?" From the crowd suddenly sprang a slender and delicate figure and in a blink of an eye, grabbed Nosy’s sleeves, her tone urgently pressed.

"That’s...... That’s correct."

Because of this unexpected situation, Nosy was left aghast, leaving him blankly staring at the beauty, this girl...she looks really beautiful!

Luo Bing-er’s exquisite face paled, reluctantly let go of his sleeves.

She’s finished!

Nosy sighed after his sleeves were free, looked in wonder at the seemly shaking girl in front of him.

    "Miss, you are from out of town, correct? Never thought you would have known the Dong Fang House, I wonder if you know one of the young masters of Dong Fang House?"

The still paled Luo Bing looked up, her lips quivered, but continued to question: "From what you said, the one who hurt his eyes, he is the eldest of the four sons? "

    "Yes, he is the eldest, his name is Dong Fang Ling." Nosy replied. Seeing Luo Bing-er’s shoulders collapse and walking dejectedly away, thought: Is that girl ok?


Dong Fang"s Amethystine Manor

    From last night to this morning, every doctor of Luoyang City was called, doctors came and went, all of them seemed to unable to help, this sent Dong Fang House to an unprecedented panic.

All of the servants were sent away, Dong Fang Ling’s tall stature sat up from the bed and crossed his legs, his handsome face had a unrecognizable expression, his eyes looked straight ahead, but with a closer look, one will notice no center of focus in his eyes. Even though the doctors have announced that there was a high possibility of blindness, he remained calm, as if the diagnosis was not his. This was indeed admirable. But Dong Fang Ao did not agree, he was desperately holding down his impulse to find the culprit, although his eyebrows had knotted multiple times, he still endured patiently, he finally opened his mouth to ask: "(Big) Brother can you tell me now? Who is the d.a.m.n person that has harmed you?" He bared for the whole night and can finally ask out. Brother’s martial arts was not weak, in the end, who can actually hurt him like this?

Thinking back to last night, his brother awkwardly returning home with his hand clutching his eyes, it alarmed the whole house; as expected of his brother, he remained calm and actually commanded to find a doctor, the wounded him, actually somewhat appeased everyone’s panicky mood.

After a long silence, Dong Fang Ling, with his unfocused eyes “looking” at Dong Fang Ao replied to his younger brother’s murder intent filled question: "Second brother, she was careless, I do not blame her."

Yes, although he did save her, he turned when she was still dressing, and because of that, he accidentally saw her wearing only pink bra/underwear, which lead her to spread out the poison powder.

So he did not blame her, after all, he ruined her reputation. Dong Fang Ao eyes flashed with interest, Listening to his big brother’s tone and expression, could it be... "Brother, the person who harmed you was a woman?" 

Dong Fang Ling nodded.

"Even if you do not intend to blame her, we still need to find her, since she can poison you, she may as well have the antidote." 

Since his brother will not pursue her, then he can only give up, perhaps it is best to find the person as soon as possible, afraid that if he brother’s condition is not treated anytime soon, then he might become forever blind. Dong Fang Ling pondered for a moment to a.s.sess his brother"s words, he then lightly replied: "The person was about fifteen-year-old girl, very beautiful and with an intelligent looking face."

Dong Fang Ling’s eyes at that moment did not just include interest, but as well as mischievous, the slightly raised lips pertaining a deeper meaning. Really unusual! The big brother who usually never cares for external appearances of women, actually noticed that girl’s looks.

"Never thought Brother’s impression of her to be so deep, I will send a command to find that person. And I have also sent for Third Brother, I believe he will come back soon."

Ignoring his words of ridicule, Dong Fang Ling remained silent and maintained motionless.

    "Big Brother should rest, you were awake for the whole night." Having asked and gotten the answers he wanted, Dong Fang Ao glanced at the not-so-tired looking man, closed the door and left.

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