Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3287: Unt.i.tled

Chapter 3287: Unt.i.tled

After another night of travelling, they successfully pa.s.sed through the hinterland of the “Northern Wastelands”. Although they encountered a few dangerous situations along the way, such as quicksand belts that were not recorded on the map, super-radiation zones, poisonous fog pollution zones, and several sandworm attacks, they were all resolved by the experienced Boss Gold Tooth without much trouble.

The night was dark and cloudy. There seemed to be no traces of the scout falcons of the Vulture Gang behind him. Maybe the Scorpion Gang and the Vulture Gang were too scared of the ‘North Desolate Desert’ to come to such a place.

According to Boss Gold Tooth, at their current speed, it would only take them one day and one night to reach their destination. Although he did not say exactly where it was, there was still hope judging from his confident face.

But there was a limit to one’s luck.

In a place such as the Furious Blood Wasteland, ‘joy turns to sorrow’ was simply the norm for survival.

When it was almost dawn, the lead clouds in the sky leaked out gloomy redness again. They were about to find a place to rest when they heard hissing noises in the desert not far away. Very soon, two silver-gray objects crawled out of the sand and stones and extended their long, sharp legs from their oval bodies toward the SUV at an amazing speed, as if they were two giant mechanical spiders.

“Terrifying robots!”

Their faces all turned extremely pale.

The ‘terrorist robots’ were the special units developed by the ‘Alliance’ based on the technology of the apocalypse. They were mini autonomous war machines that were best known for their agility and agility. They had infrared sensing, optical sensing, soundwave sensing, and other targeting modes, which were designed to attack the tanks, armored vehicles, and other vehicles of the enemy.

Although it did not carry long-range weapons, it carried powerful magnetic bombs inside. Once it crawled into the undercarriage of an enemy tank or armored vehicle, it would perish together with the enemy. It was a very good deal to trade a ‘terrorist robot’ for a main battle tank.

Of course, if the enemy did not have vehicles or plate armor, and there were only lone soldiers, the terrifying robots would not mind tearing the soldiers apart with their sharp legs.

During the long war between the ‘Alliance’ and the ‘a.s.sociation’, countless fully-automatic, terrifying robots had been deployed on the ground. If there were no enemies nearby, they would enter the hibernation state automatically and even absorb solar energy and radiation to recharge their batteries. Therefore, they could stay on standby for five to ten years. When the engine sounds were detected, they would immediately wake up and launch merciless attacks.

Terrorist robots were the last enemy they wanted to encounter right now.

Besides, there were two of them!

Two silver, four-legged mechanical spiders drew close to the off-road vehicle. In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two parties was only hundreds of meters.

“d.a.m.n it!”

Boss Gold Tooth spat hard and pushed Wan Zanghai to the driver’s seat. “Keep it steady, or we will all die!”

He had a body that looked like that of a boar and a rhino, but right now, he was as agile as a monkey. He crawled into the back seat and opened the part.i.tion and the tarpaulin on the back of the off-road vehicle, revealing a machine gun that was fixed to the firing rail.


Boss Gold Tooth roared at Bai Xiaolu again, “Hold the belt for me!”

The two terrifying robots split into two groups and surrounded him from both sides, drawing two insidious arcs as they drew closer and closer.


The machine gun of Boss Gold Tooth opened its mouth. The powerful recoil caused all the wounds on his body that had just formed scabs to explode. Shrill blood spurted out like the flying smoke caused by the bullets on the sand, turning into interconnected walls of sand.

However, the agility of the terrifying robot was far beyond their imagination. Boss Gold Tooth’s barrage only delayed the attack of the terrifying robot on the left. Even though one of its legs was broken, it did not stop it from staggering forward with its other three legs. Its speed was only slightly slowed down.

“Change the ammunition belt!”

Soon, Boss Gold Tooth’s armor-piercing bullets ran out, and he roared at Bai Xiaolu.

“But, on the right—”

Bai Xiaolu was greatly alarmed.

“Change the ammunition belt!”

Boss Gold Tooth roared.


When the new ammunition belt was in place, Boss Gold Tooth didn’t even bother to look at the terrifying robot on the right. He continued raining armor-piercing bullets on the three-legged robot on the left. After all, this terrifying robot was already injured and its agility had slightly decreased. Finally, after a few seconds, Boss Gold Tooth had completely locked onto it. The line of fire of the machine gun was like a th.o.r.n.y whip, firmly sucking it in. In the blink of an eye, it was riddled with holes, and the remaining three legs were all broken. “Boom!” the robot exploded on the spot.

However, as a result, the terrifying robot on the right was only thirty meters away from them.


The terrifying robot jumped high into the air and launched a fatal lunge at them.

“Go left and kill him!”

The leader of the Gold Teeth Gang roared thunderously. He picked up a compressed fuel bottle of a flamethrower that was scattered in the back of the coach and threw it into the air.

Wan Zanghai was trying his best to steer the vehicle. The off-road vehicle was spinning almost 360 degrees, but there was no sign that it was going to crash. It seemed that Wan Zanghai’s driving skills were not as simple as those of a beginner.

“West Virginia, Mother Mountain—”

Boss Gold Tooth threw away the burning machine gun and crossed his arms behind his back. He took out two yellow pistols from his waist and grinned hideously. “Take me home on the road to the countryside!

“Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!”

The compressed fuel bottle of the flamethrower drew a beautiful arc in the air and landed right in front of the terrifying robot, only to be torn apart by Boss Gold Tooth’s bullets. The compressed fuel inside the flamethrower immediately vaporized, expanded, and was ignited by the sparks of the bullets, turning into a dazzling sea of fire!

Hissing sounds of the terrifying robots came from the sea of flames.

Although it was very difficult to blow up such mechanical monsters with ordinary bullets, their sensor components were their weak points. Under extremely high temperatures, the sensor components were very likely to fail, causing them to lose the ability to seek out their enemy. If they were lucky, they could detonate the magnetic bombs that they carried with high temperature in advance and completely destroy them.

“Pa Da!”

Although the terrifying robot didn’t self-detonate, it was still burnt into a pile of black ash. It powerlessly fell from the sky and crouched in the sand.


The gold-tooth leader grinned. He waved the gold pistol and put it back to his waist. “MAGA!”

But right then, Wan Zanghai screamed.

The off-road vehicle seemed to have hit an invisible wall and came to a halt. Boss Gold Teeth and Bai Xiaolu both fell to the ground.

A third terrifying robot had crawled out less than fifty meters in front of them.

As it turned out, the hunting squad was made of three terrifying robots. The last two were merely bait, and the one in the lead was the real fatal attack.


The distance was too short. No matter how good Wan Zanghai’s driving skills were, he was still a teenager who had not grown up yet. There was no way that he could dodge the attack. He could only watch the third terrifying robot crawl under the SUV.

The off-road vehicle immediately started shaking violently like a drunkard.

“Five seconds. Take the necessary a.s.sets and guns and abandon the vehicle!”

Boss Gold Tooth gnashed his teeth.

The terrifying robot was firmly attached to the undercarriage. Unless a state-of-the-art maintenance factory appeared in front of them right now, even a G.o.d would not be able to save them.

They had at most five seconds before it exploded.

At this moment, the three of them had no time to bother about whose hands the firearms and ammunition had fallen into. They randomly grabbed the bags closest to them, made up their mind, and jumped down.

Thankfully, Wan Canghai had reduced the speed of the vehicle to the minimum, and there was soft sand outside. None of them were hurt.

Hardly had Bai Xiaolu landed on the ground when he heard an earsplitting explosion behind him. The blast knocked him over, and he could not breathe for half a minute.

When he finally calmed down the surging blood in his brain and chest, he heard a series of gunshots behind him. He raised his head, only to find that his face was pale.

Their off-road vehicles and a lot of supplies had been destroyed together with the third terrifying robot.

However, the second terrifying robot that had been burnt by the flames was not entirely sc.r.a.pped. It dragged its black limbs and crawled toward them like a deformed iron monster.

Boss Gold Tooth stood in the front, with one of his knees on the ground. He held two Gold Python pistols and fired calmly—it was a pity that pistols were not machine guns, and the bullets of ordinary pistols were not armor-piercing bullets, either. It was very difficult for them to cause effective damage to the terrifying robots.

“Let’s go!”

At some point, Wan Canghai had crawled to Bai Xiaolu’s back and pushed him. “When are you going to leave if not now?”


Bai Xiaolu was dazed for a moment. “Now?”


“Do you want to die together with Boss Gold Tooth?”


Bai Xiaolu stared at Boss Gold Tooth’s muscular and barbaric body in a daze. She shook her head and said, “We can’t go. This is the depths of the ‘Northern Desolate Area’. Without Boss Gold Tooth’s help and transportation, we won’t be able to get out of here. Besides, if we don’t help Boss Gold Tooth get rid of the terrifying robot, it might attack us one by one and kill us sooner.”

Wan Canghai was dazed for a moment.

“Fair enough.”

He looked the boy up and down as if he was meeting Bai Xiaolu for the first time.

“Boss Gold Tooth!”

Bai Xiaolu gritted her teeth. She didn’t care what Wan Canghai thought of her. Holding back the excruciating pain all over her body, she stood up, took out the automatic rifle from her backpack, and rushed over, “Let me help you!”


Wan Zanghai rolled his eyes and took out a weapon from his backpack. He hid a pistol in his pocket and a dagger in his boot. Then he picked up an a.s.sault rifle and rushed over, too. “Hang in there. We are here. We will fight side by side and live and die together!”


The three waves of firepower collided and forcibly halted the advance of the terrifying robot.

It was especially so for Boss Gold Tooth. After receiving the heavy firearms from the two kids, he was like a tiger that had grown wings and turned into a fixed turret.

The terrifying robot was covered in fuel from head to toe. It was sizzling because of the burning flames, and its defense ability had been greatly undermined. How could it withstand the crazy barrage of the three? After a stalemate of ten seconds, it finally exploded with a boom.

Huchi! Huchi! Huchi!

The three of them fell to the ground. It was not until then that they felt the pain all over their bodies. Looking at the burning debris and each other’s miserable appearance, they could not help but laugh.


After thinking for a moment, he decided that it would be more appropriate to call it ‘Yesterday’s Reenactment’, so he changed it a bit. If it causes any trouble for you, I’m really sorry.

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