Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3288: Unt.i.tled

Chapter 3288: Unt.i.tled

Escaping from the ambush of three terrifying robots was a form of luck.

But it did not mean that they were free from the mud of h.e.l.l.

At first, the off-road vehicle was completely wrecked and blown to pieces. Then, a lot of a.s.sets were burnt to the ground in the raging flames, including the most precious solid compressed drinking water.

The rest of the journey could only be completed on foot with the few supplies, guns, and ammunition.

The worst part was that they saw circling eagles in the sky to the south.

The three terrifying robots exploded one after another. The smoke rose to hundreds of meters in the sky. The falcon would definitely discover them.

In other words, the Scorpion Gang and the Vulture Gang had locked onto their location. It was only a matter of time before they were found.

Thankfully, Boss Gold Tooth found a dry river.

He knew the terrain of the area like the back of his hand. He told the two kids that the river might have been one of the most beautiful rivers in the past. Many wineries and wineries were scattered on both sides of the river.

The workshops and wineries all had wine cellars. According to the local customs, most of the wine cellars were underground. In order to maintain the stability of the temperature and humidity, they had good sealing and temperature-regulating facilities and even independent energy supplies. Some large underground wine cellars could even accommodate trucks so that the raw materials and finished products could be transported easily.

Therefore, as long as they were lucky enough to find a well-preserved wine cellar along the dry river, they would have the opportunity to collect sufficient supplies or even a vehicle.

There was nothing they could do about it. Bai Xiaolu and Wan Canghai could only pick up their bags and pray that there was always a way out. They followed Boss Gold Tooth slowly.

Asking a traveler who had been on the train for days to walk on foot was undoubtedly a form of torture.

Besides, they were all wounded. The wounds caused by the terrifying robots were still leaking blood and body fluids. Every step they took brought them excruciating pain.

Boss Gold Tooth and Bai Xiaolu were both demons. They were used to physical and mental pain. Yet, Wan Zanghai, a young man who had been living a comfortable life in the underground world, did not utter a single word. Bai Xiaolu was secretly impressed.

Of course, he did not forget his ‘ident.i.ty’. He moaned on purpose because he could not hold it any longer. Now and then, he dragged his feet and asked for help from Wan Zanghai. Eventually, he pulled away from Boss Gold Tooth and took the opportunity to test the pa.s.sword of the cutting-edge water-cleaning technology with his ‘strength of heart’.

After the fierce battle against the terrifying robots, Wan Canghai and Bai Xiaolu seemed to have grown close to each other.

But the secrets that concerned his life could not be leaked easily.

However, except for the pa.s.sword, Wan Zanghai poured everything out to Bai Xiaolu, who knew the background and personality of the underground teenager like the back of her hand.

After walking for more than half a day, they arrived at a heavily weathered stone forest. Their physical and mental strength had finally reached their limits. They stopped to rest for a moment.

Boss Gold Tooth gestured to Bai Xiaolu in secret. Bai Xiaolu listened to him obediently and hypnotized Wan Zanghai into a sleep state. In fact, there was no need to hypnotize him at all. Wan Zanghai was already on the verge of collapse. He could fall asleep just by blowing at him.

Without the interference of Wanzang Ocean, Bai Xiaolu reported the information she got from the hypnosis to Boss Gold Tooth.

Of course, they could not stop fighting, either. They had to make the best use of their time to apply anti-inflammatory drugs, change bandages, and bandage Boss Gold Tooth’s wounds. Boss Gold Tooth was their only reliance when the Scorpion Gang and the Vulture Gang were coming after them.

It was indeed terrible. Boss Gold Tooth’s wounds had been seriously torn open in the morning, and dozens of broken pieces had been embedded in the explosion of the terrifying robots. He had also carried most of the weight and walked a long distance. But right now, new meat sprouts had grown out of the wounds and tangled with each other, barely affecting his movement.

Was he still a human being?

Right. He was not a human being in the first place. Like Bai Xiaolu, he was a devil.

While listening to Bai Xiaolu’s report quietly, the leader of the Gold Teeth Brotherhood was coughing black blood, which was probably the only thing that could prove that he was heavily wounded.

Bai Xiaolu wanted to say something but hesitated.

“Anything else?”

Boss Gold Tooth keenly captured his hesitation and uneasiness.


Ignoring her brother’s dissuasion, Bai Xiaolu bit her lips and asked, “Is Wan Zanghai’s a.s.sumption correct? Are—are you really an elite warrior of the United States who still loves your country and wants to restore its glory?”

The boy pointed at the logo on the chest of the dominator of the desert, the blood-stained land.

Boss Gold Tooth was dazed for a moment. He grinned. “Is it important?”

“I—I don’t know.”

Bai Xiaolu lowered her head and looked at her feet. “The ‘Contract’ lied to you and caused both the ‘Citi Gang’ and the ‘New Gold Mountain’ to suffer heavy losses. Yet, you are still sending the ‘Advanced Water Purification Technology’ to the ‘Contract’? Will it lead to the soaring capability of the ‘Contract’ and the complete defeat of the ‘Alliance’?”


“I didn’t know that you were so concerned about the safety of the ‘alliance’. Are you also an ‘alliance’?”

Bai Xiaolu was rendered speechless for a moment. Naturally, she could tell that Boss Gold Tooth was mocking her.

How was he qualified to be an ally? He was not a human being; he was a devil.

The two of them were silent for a long time, long enough for Bai Xiaolu to believe that Boss Gold Tooth was not going to answer his question directly. Then, the dominator of the desert leaned against a stone pillar that was riddled with holes and stared at the red flag on his chest and arms.”Search our nℇwnoƲel.ϴrg” He said gloomily, “Yes. A long time ago, I fought under the flag. I was an elite… Navy Seal Raider.

“At that time, I believed in the flag and the country. I sincerely believed that it was the ‘country at the top of the mountain’, the ‘lighthouse and hope’, and that the man could make it ‘greater again’. Hehe. I was willing to defend and believe with my life.

“However, as you know, a total thermonuclear war has broken out. The war has changed everything beyond recognition, including my face, my body, and my soul and my beliefs. A war is a war that tears apart the most beautiful things and exposes the ugliest side of them, both human nature and the nation.

“Now, you are asking me whether or not I still love the country that has pa.s.sed away? Hehe. What a good question. It’s a pity that I don’t know the answer, because I don’t have the qualifications to love the country. Do you understand? In my ‘motherland’, only 1% of people are qualified to love it. The remaining 99% are all manipulated chess pieces, enslaved consorts, waiting to be harvested, waiting to be used as cannon fodder.

“A chess piece doesn’t have the qualifications to love a player, a prince consort doesn’t have the qualifications to love a whip, a fruit doesn’t have the qualifications to love a sickle, and cannon fodder doesn’t have the qualifications to love the cannon that fires it. A nation, a nation, a nation. A nation is an insatiable beast. It neither needs your love nor does it care about your hatred. It only needs you to stand obediently and wait for its command.”

The leader of the Gold Teeth Brotherhood was coughing, sneering, and saying things that Bai Xiaolu did not understand.


Bai Xiaolu pointed at the Citi on the chest of the gold-toothed leader. “Since you no longer love your… ‘motherland’, why are you still wearing the Citi and shouting ‘MAGA’?”

“Citi, hehe!”

The gold-tooth leader smiled. He suddenly ripped off the cloth on his chest and spat on it.

“I once fought under this flag for love and belief.

The gold-tooth leader said, “Right now, I’m still wearing it and shouting the slogan ‘MAGA’ because it will make the people of the ‘contract’ think that I’m a hopeless idiot with a simple mind and a red neck. They will treat me like a good dog and even loosen the leash occasionally. That’s all.”


Bai Xiaolu was speechless.

“Hey, kid. I’ll give you a few words of advice for free so that you won’t be fooled by others.”

Boss Gold Tooth said casually, “It is your freedom to fight for a certain flag or a certain force whether or not you are willing to be a compatriot. However, those who call you a compatriot are often those who stab you in the back; those who wave the flag hard are those who are ready to sell it; those who ask you to sacrifice everything you love are those who will make use of or even swallow your sacrifices.

“Remember, ‘contracts’ and ‘allies’, flags and glory only belong to the 1% of human beings. It’s a pity that you are a demon, and the most abnormal one at that. You will never be 1%. So, keep your ident.i.ty in mind and try to live longer. Do you understand?”


In fact, Bai Xiaolu did not know.

Or rather, he knew it clearly, but he was not willing to admit it.

“Come here.”

Looking at the boy’s aggrieved and stubborn face, the leader of the Gold Tooth Legion suddenly sighed and waved his hand. “Tell me what you’ve learned over the past few days. If there’s anything you don’t understand, I’ll explain it to you. There are other skills that you want to learn. I’ll teach them to you. When your tuition fees are of greater value, you can return them to me with interest.”


Bai Xiaolu did not expect that Boss Gold Tooth would be so polite to her.

As it turned out, it was not just courtesy. Boss Gold Tooth had taught him everything he knew.

Over the next few hours, Boss Gold Tooth explained the content of Yuri’s notes in great detail. It was not just hypnosis, but also the utilization skills of the ‘power of the heart’, not just theories, but also Boss Gold Tooth’s own experience in real combat.

He even tried to teach Bai Xiaolu his famous ultimate skill, ‘Legion’, or at least let Bai Xiaolu understand the mysteries of ‘Legion’.

Bai Xiaolu didn’t know why Boss Gold Tooth was doing this. He simply didn’t look like an aggressive overlord of the Wasteland, nor did he look like an ambitious man who was about to meet his doom with ill intentions. He was more like… more like someone who had never appeared in Bai Xiaolu’s life before.

Looking at Boss Gold Tooth’s thin but solemn face, Bai Xiaolu wanted to ask but did not dare to. She could only widen her eyes and p.r.i.c.ked up her ears, trying to engrave every word that Boss Gold Tooth said into her heart.

Boss Gold Tooth pointed at Bai Xiaolu for almost five hours.

It was not until the mental power of the two was somewhat insufficient that the somewhat unbelievable ‘teaching’ came to an end temporarily.

“Hey, kid—”

When Bai Xiaolu was going to wake up Wan Canghai, Boss Gold Tooth suddenly stopped her. He paused for a moment and said softly, “In the day. Thank you.”


Bai Xiaolu was surprised again. She waved her hands subconsciously and stammered, “It—it can’t be helped. We have to kill the terrifying robots, or we won’t survive, either.”

“I know.”

The leader of the Gold Teeth Gang coughed and smiled. It was an ugly smile. “Thanks anyway.”

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