In a world inhabited with different races -

Humans, Demihumans, Demons, Angels, Beast, Monsters, and many others, war always occurs.

The Demon Lord, the Heroes, the Holy Empress, the king of elves, the Beast King - were the leading forces that lead and starts those wars.

Killing each other, slavering the survivors, and eventually taking over the world. At first, revenge was everyone"s only reason for every war that happens, but soon, pride, greed, and hate took over.

This is happening for thousands of years already...

But as the time pasts, peace seemed to have dominated the world and the war between races started to cool down as they all have tried to recover and gather their forces; preparing for the next war to happen.

All they needed was the trigger for it to start...

Inside a large and well-designed, luxurious room, there gathers and a.s.sembles all the leaders and important soldiers of each country that are allied with each other to plan and prepare for their attack.

From the countries of Humans, the countries of Elves, and the single country of the Dwarves.

Their kings, princes, and heroes serve as their leaders, while the others are only there to listen and wait for anything that they would come up with.

[ We need to immediately take him down! Sooner or later, he"ll enlarge his army of monsters and demons and invade our beloved country! We don"t have much time! ]

The words came from Prince Harlot; one of the most respected and influential people of the country he"s representing. As the leader of his own army, he was able to survive and defeat many battles and accomplish many invasions of smaller countries, and so he was confident in his abilities. He was confident of his abilities and he never once thought of being defeated, hence he never rushes in a battle and he never panics.

Yet right now, out of all the people inside, he was the most that are making rushed and unreasonable comments out of desperation.

[ Harlot, you need to calm down. All that you"ve had said so far... are nothing but outrageous stupidity. ] a calm and gentle voice replied to Harlot.

Looking at the direction to where the voice came from, he saw a silver-haired man with the same age as his.

His name is Max. Out of all the heroes that are gathered, he stands out most because of all the rumors and stories that cover his ident.i.ty. Said to be a man who can kill a high-level demon with just a swing of his silver sword, he"s considered as one of the strongest people in the world.

[ We need a proper strategy if we want to do this. Our enemy... Is not something to be underestimated... ]

[ Max... You"re said to be the strongest swordsman there is, why are you being a coward to an enemy who only has himself and his demons? We have our reunited forces and heroes from all countries gathered! We have no reason to fear that b.a.s.t.a.r.d! ] with his face twisted, he angrily shouted at Max.

[ ... ] as though he felt he would not be able to reason with the prince who"s soon to become a king, he did not respond.

[ I agree. ]

The king of another country - raises his hand and turn side to Prince Harlot.

He was King Darius. One of the few kings that came to this meeting.

His kingdom was said to be the most feared out of all the human countries there is. In his peak, he invaded much smaller and weaker countries and added them to his reigns, enslaving then its people and selling them to other countries including countries that are non-human.

Naturally, the king of a country is not allowed to have a meeting outside their castles, but the kings that are gathered here today were experienced fighters. It can be said that they stand equals to the heroes or even greater. But still, as a king, King Darius is only here to partic.i.p.ate in this meeting to provide help and give tactical advice.

[ Prince Harlot is right, we need to attack this devil as soon as possible. We already have everything we need; I say we attack head-on with our full power. ]

In the past, he and Prince Harlot were enemies, but because of the circ.u.mstances, they are now allies who share the same opinion; he would not hesitate to side with him.

[ Un. That"s right. We can attack with our full power. That"s our strategy. ] he declared with his voice resounding in the entirety of the room.

[ Then what should we do about the dungeon...? If we can"t go past that h.e.l.lish dungeon of his, we won"t even be able to arrive at his castle. What should we do about that? ]

The question came from another person - another hero.

The said dungeon - there are already many people who had tried to conquer it, but none of them came back. Unlike many dungeons, this particular one they need to accomplish is a tower-like structure that"s sticking out of the ground. There is an unknown number of floors in it, but one known fact about it is that the castle of the person they"re about to hunt down stands on top of this dungeon. Hence they need first to conquer it before they could stand in front of their enemy"s castle.

[ Aren"t heroes accustomed to conquering dungeons? ]

[ ThThat"s right... But his dungeon is on a different level...! There"re even monsters there that even us heroes do not know! ] he added with fear itself forming in his eyes.

[ Hmm...? Monsters that you do not know...? That would not be a problem, us Elves knows every single monster that exists. How about we share with you all our knowledge so that you become prepared and understand how to fight all monsters that might appear. ] one of the three representatives of the elves confidently offered to everyone in the room. His and his companions" appearance was the most grandeur of all people inside the room, even the way he talks differentiates from the others.

[ Elf... You won"t understand the horrors that exist in that dungeon! That dungeon is the incarnation of h.e.l.l itself! Even if we know and understand the weakness of the monsters that exist there. ]

Everyone turned silent from his words. And looking at him slowly turning insane as he tells his story, they gulped, imagining the horrors he must"ve experienced in that dungeon.

[ Hmph! What are you afraid of!? Aren"t you ashamed of being a hero!? Prince Harlot, let us take on the dungeon by ourselves! ]

The person with the most intimidating presence demanded to prince Harlot while also mortifying the disturbed hero.

This tall and muscle-built person was Kaiba. He"s one of the most renowned adventurers in the world. He was most famous for the number of the dungeons he was able to conquer and the sheer amount of monsters he had slaughtered.

[ Yo-You...! ]

[ There is no dungeon in the world I can"t conquer. If you pay me enough gold coins, even the mightiest monsters, people, and dungeons, I would kill. What do you say, prince, if you pay me enough, I"ll lead the expedition inside this dungeon and I"ll take you to this person"s castle...! ] he said as he sneers at everyone inside the room, including prince Harlot who seems to be leading the meeting.

[ Fine... Tell me how much we need to pay. ] without hesitation, he humored Kaiba.

[ Hehe... I won"t hold back, okay? ]

[ Don"t worry, there"s nothing in this world I won"t be able to give you. ]

[ Huu-Huu~ Then... Give me ten thousand! no! a hundred thousand gold coins and a bunch of young ladies I can toy with! ] with his face twisted and dirtied, and his fingers moving in an odd manner, he demanded to the prince.

He was waiting for the opportunity, for this chance, and now that he got it, he did not hold back. Kaiba is a greedy man, there was already a payment ready for him just for joining this subjugation as an ally and back-up, but if he could still push the amount of money he could get, he definitely would.

[ Hu-Hundred thousand!? ] every person in the room exclaimed with their faces in shock.

[ Hmn... Are you sure that you will be able to lead us past the dungeon? ]

[ Of course! There is no dungeon me and my group won"t be able to handle! ]

[ Fine... I will provide the payment. ] nodding his head to Kaiba, he accepted.

[ Hehe... I"ll make sure to conquer that dungeon for you. ]

Everyone again, for the second time, turned silent to the casual reply of Prince Harlot. They just couldn"t believe that he was able to accept the absurd amount of payment Kaiba had demanded just like that.

[ Now... All we need is to prepare our soldiers and start our move. Since an army won"t be effective in conquering dungeons, we will only gather a total of 1000 foot soldiers on our side. But there"s no need to worry since we also have two hundred people that have the strength equivalent to a small army! ] with his fist lifted parallel to his chest, he gave his words of motivation.

[ Are there any questions!? ] turning his head to every person in the room, he waited for someone that will disagree with his plan.

But a while had pa.s.sed and not even one of them said a word.

[ Great. ] he nodded in satisfaction.

[ The person we"re about to fight... No... The evil we need to kill... Might even be stronger than the demon king himself! He had already destroyed two human countries just by himself and his army... But with our strongest fighters! We will defeat and vanquish him! ] with the expression on his face like in anguish and hate, he declared his and the goal of every person in the room. And with his words, the hatred of all people that are gathered in the room took form in the twisted expression on their faces.

It was easy to say that every single one of them wants the head of their enemy.

[ Vlad Alucard! Soon, your reign of terror will end... ]


[ That concludes my report, Master ]

A small figure of a person can be seen kneeling, kneeling in front of a shadowy figure that casts shadows on his surroundings.

The eyes of the person hidden in the darkness of the room glowed in red, giving the room a heavy atmosphere of pressure and menace.

[ ... ]

It took a while before he reacted to his words, but as soon as he did, a shiver was sent to his spine and cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

[ Fine... ] as if he felt boresome, he sighed and laid his chin on his fist.

[ Alice, go send this message to Shin... ]


With those words, the kneeling person could only gulp...

[ ... ]

[ Leave none of them alive... ]

It was a cruel order, but it came to the person who owns the throne. There would be no hesitation to accept it.

[ Yes, Master. ]


With wings and horns of a devil, a face of an angel, and the fangs of a carnivore -

His name is Vlad Alucard, formerly known as Shiro Kagayami. He stands in the middle of the war between humans, beasts, and demons.

He was merciless, cruel, and ruthless - and a person only brave and insane people have the guts to fight and mess with...

Or at least that"s what people think...

[ Haah.... ]

( Just how did it come to this...? )

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