After the two left, Zi Hua went into the Heaven-defying artifact. Once the matters at hand are sorted, she"ll set off with her subordinates and head to the next continent, so she needs to breakthrough to Martial Honor in order to go against her enemies.

She could always rely on her powerful spirit beasts but revenge is sweeter and more fulfilling if it"s done by your own hands, plus Zi Hua would always want to do her things that"s in her means by herself and only if she is unable to will she ask for other people"s help.

"Master!" A familiar little bun jumped into her arms for a hug.

"I missed you so much, I thought you forgot about me"

"Of course not, I would never"

"Now, now, go and play with Xiao Hong and the rest okay? I"m going to cultivate" Although it pained her to leave the enthusiastic "child" she set her priorities right (for once).

Likewise, Xiao Shen understood, he too wanted revenge for the previous master, it pained him to see his master getting ambushed and injured by others.

"En" He nodded obediently and left.

Zi Hua headed to her paG.o.da, it was her haven and always gave her a feeling of home, after "that" happened she had never seen anywhere as her home until now.

She sat down crossed-legged in a lotus position and started cultivating.

Minutes pa.s.sed...

Hours pa.s.sed...

Days pa.s.sed...

Weeks pa.s.sed...

All in a flash for Zi Hua in her cultivating state.


Finally after a month, she broke through into Martial Honor, truly frightening speed, what would take others years of repeated seclusion only took her A MONTH!

Zi Hua then spent some time consolidating her power before going up to check on the other floors.

She walked all the way to the eighth floor, if she was a regular person she would"ve already collapsed by the fifth floor, master are you an S?

Surprisingly this time when she pushed the door, it opened, but at the same moment she collapsed onto the floor and felt something chaining and restraining her, sweat trickled down her smooth, jade skin, her eyebrows knitted together.

When the feeling subsided, she saw a projection of...

"Master?" Zi Hua was frozen in shock.

"Disciple greets master" Zi Hua immediately gave a low bow of respect.

"Dearest disciple, this is just a image that I have left for you, I have restrained your powers at Low Stage Martial Honor, meaning that you cannot breakthrough to Martial Venerate and to break-through to Mid Stage Martial Honor will be several times more tedious. But it will not be like this forever, once you collect all the Immortal Flame"s fragments, you can use it to dissolve the binding yourself. This is for you to push yourself to the limits as well as to stabilize your cultivation, although consolidating it helps but advancing too fast can affect your growth"

"Here is a fragment of the Immortal Flame, the remaining 6 are in Starlight Continent, Moonlight Continent and Sunlight Continent, there will be maps to lead you to the approximate destination" When the words grew quieter and faded, the projection disappeared too.

Only when her master disappeared did she rise.

"Master I understand, I will definitely use this time to improve myself" Zi Hua was feeling rather proud to have such a ingenious master, she chose the perfect level, her current level will make her the strongest in Moonlight Continent and she won"t face too many dangers even if she were to go to Sunlight Continent.

Zi Hua gave two mental thumbs ups to her master.

Zi Hua sat down and started absorb the red flame but it took her some more time to absorb the flame fragment than expected.

She immediately left the Heaven-defying artifact, they must be starting to get worried.

When she left the room, she saw Gardenia standing there.


"Report" She has been away for two months so she doesn"t really know what"s been happening.

"We have followed your instructions, the recruits have returned yesterday"

"Good, bring them to the guest room" The guest room was where she had brought Xue Ying and Mu Qing last time.

All of them gathered and stood neatly, looking highly expectant, it"s been a while since they were admitted but this was the first time they were going to meet the Sect leader, the SECT LEADER BLIND b.u.t.tERFLY!

They were like a bunch of fangirls and fanboys waiting to meet their favorite idol.

The door opened and a beautiful maiden walked inside, they were flabbergasted by her appearance, especially her endless amethyst eyes that seem to be able to see through you.

"I"m your Sect leader, I believe that the 12 Light Phantoms have told you what you need to know so I won"t dally with that" Zi Hua used Truth"s eye to get a more specific answer on their personalities, they were all exceptional but quite a few had suffered.

"I will apply a spiritual imprint on everyone, this is to signify that you are one of my people and a member of Light Phantom Sect, here we don"t accept slacking, everyone has been to the Refinement Fountain already and taken the pills, from today on you will all be training under the 12 Light Phantoms" Remembering the Refinement Fountain made them all shiver, although they felt refreshed afterwards but the process was... *shiver*

"About a month from now on we will be holding a banquet to welcome everyone, during this period you will familiarize yourselves with the workings of Light Phantom Sect, if you have any problems or questions just consult your brother and sisters"

"However, unfortunately some things may occur so after the guests leave we will have a proper welcoming banquet"

"Thank you master" It was already such a honor for them to be admitted into Light Phantom Sect, not to mention having a welcome party.

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