When the aspiring new members returned to their rooms, they went to choose the style of sect uniform of their choice.

Zi Hua had designed and made some clothes, as usual purple and white, using the fabrics her master left her then had Xiao Shen spend 3 days and 3 nights duplicating enough for all the sect members, she had also specially designed a male and female set for the 12 Light Phantoms.

(Images that I found on the web to show how the outfits look will be on the chapter on wattpad when it is published, I"m really bad at describing how stuff and people look so I usually just leave it, it"s also fine if you want to imagine how the characters/outfits look using your imagination. But then again wuxia novels usually don"t have much description for appearances)

Previously, she had had Anemone and Gardenia to change so that they would be less conspicuous, but the clothes she made for Light Phantom Sect were much more comfortable and easy to move in.

You need to fight in style after all. (*Hair flip*)


Rows upon rows of carriages lined up outside Light Phantom Hall with several n.o.bles and their families entering. Young misses dressed up to extravagantly, adorning themselves with rings and bangles, hoping to catch others" attention and possibly win the favor of someone from Light Phantom Hall.

The banquet room was brightly lit and decorated magnificently, the decorations were all extremely valuable, making the guests ogle and drool, if this wasn"t the Light Phantom Hall they would"ve s.n.a.t.c.hed those treasure to make a fortune for themselves.

But, alas, this was Light Phantom Hall, so they could only watch those treasures slip away from their grasps.

All of them entered and found a place to stand, after that they nervously talked to their companions and acquaintances, there were rumors that the mysterious sect leader will make an appearance today!

When the people of General"s Manor arrived, it caused a commotion, the second and fourth misses were publicly humiliated by the Light Phantom Sect at the test, even though the General"s Manor held great power and their eldest young lady was even said to be poached by a power from a higher continent, they still couldn"t do anything against Light Phantom Sect.

The guests searched for the fourth miss among the bunch, people soon spotted a veiled lady walking near the back, everyone immediately recognized her as the fourth miss. However, she was very peculiar today, usually she would be dressed in an expensive and eye-catching outfit to get attention, never once had she been low profile.

"Maybe she"s too ashamed" The crowd thought, but only those who were close to Xia Hen Chun understood the peculiarity, the arrogant girl has never been so docile.

Xia Hen Chun"s mother, Xia Ling Xin, was especially worried, she understood her daughter"s personality the best, how could her daughter be like this, for the past few months the girl had shut herself in her room with minimal outside contact and her other daughter was the same.

Xia Ling Xin, formerly known as Zhang Ling Xin, the only young lady of the Left Prime Minister"s Estate, although called first wife is in actuality the second wife. Xia Fei Yan"s mother had been General Xia"s wife but when Zhang Ling Xin seduced the general, due to her mediocre background she was demoted to being a concubine and later Zhang Ling Xin plotted against Xia Fei Yan"s maternal family destroying any backing that she had.

In the first place, Xia Li married Xia Fei Yan"s mother due to love at first sight but when he fell in love with Zhang Ling Xin, he lost all affections for the poor woman, what man would not like power. As the only young lady, the Left Prime Minister doted on her, marrying her would be equivalent to gaining the Left Prime Minister"s backing in court.

Unlike his father, the Old General, Xia Li only had above average talent and if not for his father he wouldn"t have much standing in court at all so he needed another backing.

In addition, after Great Master Dai came here they had been expending a great amount of experts to locate that thing, weakening General"s Manor in the process.

After the General"s Manor"s people settled down, those of the Crown Prince"s Estate also arrived, after that issue the Crown Prince had wanted to divorce Xia Wen Ya but the emperor had objected, many thought that it was out of respect for the Old General.

Like her sister Xia Wen Ya had also covered her face with a veil and her relationship with the Crown Prince seemed quite distant.

At first, when his imperial father objected he only held a bit of displeasure because after all, Xia Wen Ya was the Old General"s granddaughter, in this world fists spoke but after Xia Wen Ya"s detachment he became extremely furious.

The guests quietly gossiped while waiting for the start of the banquet.

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