Glory for the Earth Magic! , By : Torimaru Karasuma / 已己巳己

“Eek! What is this child?! Cute!


The next day, I introduce Aldi to mother, she is in high spirits and lifts of Aldi with glee.

“Hey, Alba. This child is something Alba also made?”

Aldi is suddenly hugged by mother in a ⌊Watawata⌉ when mother asks me, Aldi acts violently loving it one way or another.

“Well, the child is a earth spirit, I made the clay doll because Aldi was not able to speak without it.”

“Oh, so it is indeed a spirit that my son made a contract with.Well Aldi-chan ….. is it? My name is Marielle, Alba’s mother.” (EN: I’m no good at honorifics.)

“Thank you in advance Alba-sama’s mother.”

When Aldi gives up trying to escape from mother, she is bound there and greeted with honorifics mode indifferently.

“No! You know you don’t need to talk to me so stiffly? Feel free to call me Mae-chan?”

…… Mother. I think whether Mae-chan’s years were good enough for this.Well I think she  who gave birth to me at 20-years-old, that now is 25-years-old was young. Still, Mae-chan, no, mother clears her throat with a ⌊Gohon⌉ once she noticed my cold gaze.

“N’n’. It was all just a joke just now, it’s just that I was feeling good. I thought that I was the mother?”

On mother’s words to Aldi, she looks back to me to confirm it, I give a nod in reply. I see Aldi hugging mother with a smile.

“I understand! Best regards mother!”

Mother lured by Aldi’s big smile brushes her cheek wearing a smile.

“Oh, I can’t take it anymore! Amazingly cute! It’s almost like your my own daughter!”

Mother is admiring Aldi’s earnestly until her face suddenly becomes serious .

“I know Aldi’s cuteness but I want to hear this from Alba. Why is it that Aldi is only wearing that one piece of cloth?”

Though it’s not too much a part of my hobby, mother asks about the light clothes. Of course I explain that I used affordable fabric because the situation was unexpected. Then mother claps her hands and proposed a good idea.

“Well, I understand! I’ll make the clothes for Aldi-chan!”

“What? Mother can make it?”

“He he, I’m good at sewing, I made several clothes before. You may not remember, but I also made the clothes you wore when you were a baby. “

Seriously? In this era, I had thought it was made with and old sewing machine where you step on a pedal with your foot, I did not think mother had hand sewn them. It was also a quality that could be commonly sold.

“Then may I ask?”

“Please! Hey, come with my Aldi-chan. Let me take your measurements so I can make you cute clothes?”

Mother goes somewhere with Aldi while roughly sorting ….. Somehow mother seemed like a pervert tinged from Earth, but I’ll keep that closed out of my mind.
Then for three days except for meals, mother worked intently on making clothes for Aldi in her room. In the morning of the fourth day, it was finally over! Mother was able to bear herself to not cry from the clothes she made for Aldi, it was black and white with frills ….. it was the so-called Gothic clothing.

“Now, Aldi-chan! Try to wear this!”

When mother pa.s.sed the finished clothes to Aldi thrilled, Aldi put the clothes on and thanks mother while puzzled.
Having Gothic clothing strangely matched Aldi with the red hair, but that is also to say that the body is that of a doll, the atmosphere that it was a human being or doll seemed to drift apart.
Aldi laughs joyfully when I praise her clothes.

Then once father returned, father was pleased with Aldi and seemed to see her as a daughter. A few days pa.s.sed after I introduced Aldi to my parents.

“This weekend, we are going traveling.”

In the middle of dinner, father suddenly says such a thing. Mother must have heard about it already because she was not especially surprised.

“Where are we going?”

“We’re going to a Smith inst.i.tute in a blacksmith city called Wayland. They have faith in the G.o.ddess of flame and earth, I thought I should take you there before you enter school.”

Hmm, the place where there is faith in the G.o.ddess of earth. My parents would go give a prayer to the G.o.ddess of earth and make a connection. Of course I’m in no objection, the appeal of the word blacksmith city is a lot.
After all, I yearn for swords like long swords because I’m a man. Mowing down enemies side by side with a big sword is my dream along with using magic.
I tell father that there was no objection to the decision about traveling on the weekend. Until it was they day of travel, no incident happened as the days pa.s.sed. Unlike the time we were transferred to the Imperial City, this time we went aboard a magic ship. There were four people on this family vacation, my parents, me, and Aldi.
Although I was worried that there was no escort, father told me to have self-confidence because I was with both of my parents.
The magic ship is an expensive method of movements and as the name says, it runs on magic power. It’s a vehicle that is popular among rich n.o.bles and merchants because it’s safe from bandit attacks and faster than horse carriages. Along our way to the blacksmith city Wayland, we enjoyed the view from the window.

“Wow ……”

I leak out a breath of admiration once we made it to the blacksmith city Wayland, it was lively like the Imperial City, but it had a different type of vigor.
Here and there had the sound of metal being struck, the atmosphere really is that of a blacksmith city.

“It’s said in the past the that G.o.ddess of flame Agni taught how to use fire, and the G.o.ddess of earth Wilderness taught how to use earth to process ores, those two methods were put together and made the current blacksmith technology. This city of blacksmiths is very famous as it’s said to be the best in the world of the blacksmith industry.”

Father has very good knowledge of this place and tells me the history proud and fluently.

“This is also a holy place for adventurers because the individual quality of the weapons and armor is long-lasting.”

Well is that so? Now I want to prepare equipment from this city when I graduate from school and become an adventurer. (EN: First time I’m hearing this.)
While listening to the commentary of father, we came to a church that was dedicated to the earth G.o.ddess. In the church, towards the back, there was an image of what is supposedly the G.o.ddess of earth, it seems the image of church don’t differ much with ones from Earth.
The G.o.ddess of earth controls over fertility, taught the method of processing ore, and teaches handling of agriculture in some other places. I’m sorry but chest come to my mind when you refer to fertility, though I guess it’s just a patent nature of man what our eyes do.
My eyes went from father to the G.o.ddesses breast, then mother pinches my cheeks.

I observed the city aimlessly after having worshiped inside the church. I was crazily impressed because of the fantasy color with weapons like a basic long sword and a huge ax.
…… This old boy is did not lose his enthusiasm being engrossed in the content because of his loneliness since Aldi was on my shoulder …… Accurately, from the eyes of a third-party, you’d definitely see a lost child.

“Ahahhahha … did I.”

Since the contents of this situation were 5-year-old contents, I cry on the inside because I’m a nearly 30-year-old man.  I am not upset about this. German soldiers will not panic, no, I’m not a German soldier!

“Hey, Aldi …… do you have any sign of where father and mother are?”

“Mm, a lot of magic is mixed so I can’t tell.”

Aldi answers and a troubled expression floats on her face. Well, I know the name of the inn because I came by once to the inn. I will understand if I ask someone from the crowd.
Huh? A place even I would know? Oh, it’s sweet. If only I was an ordinary adult instead of a child right now, in other words the height is to low because in addition to the crowd scenery, I admit that it’s barely visible to see far away.
This means I don’t know where to find the inn!

“Who this? Alba-sama?”

Now I heard a voice from behind me. There, when I turned around Armando-sensei stood.

“Armando-sensei! Why are you here?”

“Actually, this city is my birthplace. Occasionally I had come back here to visit my parents. It’s because when I was shopping in my hometown and saw Alba-sama, I spoke out.”

I see. To be able to meet an acquaintance here is good fortune. I explain the situation to Armando-sensei.

“So you’re staying with your parents? If you know the place of the inn I will take you there.”

Armando-sensei says he’s going to guide me, that’s good.
After that, I aim for the inn holding Armando-sensei’s hand so as to not stray while doing a silly conversation. At first I did not care, but as we advanced more and more, I got more anxious so I ask Armando-sensei.

” …… Teacher …… The hotel where I stay at did not feel like this……”

“I ah …… It’s okay, please do not worry.”

Armando-sensei floats a smile on his face at my words, but the smile combined with the locations seemed awfully suspicious.

(Aldi, can you hear?)

I try a conversation with telepathy I learned from Aldi during this period. It seems you’re able to communicate telepathically if a master-slave contract was agreed to.
However, I did not use this before since I was talking effortlessly by mouth, now I asked telepathically because I did not want this conversation to be heard.

(What is it sweety Alba?)

(I have a bad feeling about this. Look for father apart me as to not be noticed by this man.)

(What does Alba have to do?)

(I’ll run away if it seems dangerous and there’s a chance, if you don’t come back even if I waited for a while.)

Aldi is uneasy about being separated from me, but goes back to town unnoticed by Armando after I persuaded her.
I’m intact and proceed while holding Armando-sensei’s hands, then I got surrounded by guys with a bad vibe that don’t seem to compliment.

“That brat is of the earth attribute?”

One of the men spoke.

“Ah, people please be respectful because the talent retention of the earth attribute will not stay you know?”

Armando changes completely from a while ago and has a bad smile.

“Teacher …… these people are?”

“Oh, Alba-sama, it’s okay. These people will take you to your parents.”

Armando-sensei …… No, Armando handed over me but I took the chance to slip between the men.

“It ran away, chase it! The Hunt! Huntーーーー!”

I hear a roar from behind me, but I don’t mind it. Since the footsteps were coming closer, It hit my hand to the ground and imagine the uplift of ground.


I improvised it, but it seems to have gone well, I made a small bulge near the feet of the man chasing me and the man falls over unintentionally. I fight off the guy with brute force in the same manner for a while, but I have magic of a 5-year-old. I was finally caught when my magic was depleted.

“Get off me! Go away!!”

I was struggling with rage, but it was a child and adults. Since there was a difference in force, it was impossible for me to run away.

“Stop raging…. take this!”

That moment, I felt dull pain in the back of my head and I lost consciousness.

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