Glory for the Earth Magic! , By : Torimaru Karasuma / 已己巳己

“I ……”


I wake up from the vibration and swaying. Strangely my head is throbbing in pain and both my hands are sore for some reason. I….. what was I doing?

“At last, you woke up.”

Looking at the person whose voice I heard, it was a girl about the same age as me sitting with her hands and feet bound. The girls body is wrapped in expensive looking clothing, her hairstyle is a blonde vertical roll and has lovely features like a doll.

“Here is ….?”

To grasp the situation, I ask the girl, she surprising lets out an amazed surprise with eyes of disgust. Strangely this child is doing adult-adult gestures at her age which is near mine. Well, I also do that in front of people but ….

“We were kidnapped, I don’t know the outside situation but I think we are on a horse-drawn carriage.”

“That’s some tone for a blonde vertical roll. Well, yes I like that kind of princess character. In this high-handed situation it should be good!”

“Are you thinking such a stupid thing even when you are kidnapped?”

“I do not remember that? Was it a bunch of bad guys who put you into this?”

I view by body again, the legs are bound in rope, the hands are tied in what looks like rope, there was even something like animal skin on it which made it look very thorough.
There I remember it. Yes, I was caught by Armando and those strange people. My head probably hurts because I was beaten unconscious. When I looked around, I saw children who were likely to be wealthy and general rank-like, they were all about 5-years old to 10-years old were also caught, they were crying and depressed.
Hmm ….. judging from the clothes, there seems to be to be some children who aren’t n.o.bles. If this were from ransom money, I’m worried about the unevenness of the social positions of the children who were kidnapped. Another matter of concern is the….. “talent retention of the earth attribute” Armando spoke about.

“Hey! Are you listening!?”

Vertical roll came to talk about the reason why we were kidnapped.

“What. I was just thinking about it now.”

“Hey! That’s some smooth way of speaking! You must be a n.o.ble from the way you dress and speak!”

Vertical says that in anger angrily. We can not afford to have this situation and focus on the situation we’re in now. Nonetheless I still don’t understand the situation even when I gave it much though, it’s also a troublesome idea to be angry so I become the adult in the room. (EN: The anger angrily makes sense to me.)

“Sorry young lady. I suddenly ended up in this situation so I was confused, please forgive me for my rudeness.”

Hehe, what do you think? I received education on manners and now it shows. Well, some honorifics might be wrong, but considering it’s a 5-year-old, there’s no problem. Vertical roll talks to me with a healed mood from anger in it.

“Hehe, if you know it’s done. Come on, let’s talk about something.”

What an absurd mood swing that was.

“To suddenly talk like that, what the ….?”

“Oh! I do not know that? Listen this cute girl is scared from being kidnapped, aren’t I? Shouldn’t a gentleman be trying to take my mind off that?”

Oh, this useless child. It’s a troublesome type. In recent years, the young lady type has been doing well in a variety of work, but the ones that praise themselves are the most worthless these days. It might be prejudice, but it applies to the works I know at least.
This is where you want to go through with all my effort, but making noise and offending the kidnapper is bad. I don’t what kind of kidnappers these are, they could even kill a  child like myself plainly.
I inwardly sigh while smiling and introducing myself.

“I’m sorry. My name is Alba Fontecium Lambert. Would you tell me your name young lady?”

My full name is revealed here. It is a truly n.o.ble-ish name.

“I am Fram, Fram Albert…… the daughter of the world’s largest arms merchant!”

Although we were tied up, vertical roll Fram introduce herself so importantly for some reason. I wonder ….. Can I get a good weapon after I help the daughter of an arms merchant here?
When thinking such a stupid thing, the horse carriage stops and the man who hit me entered.

“Alright, come and follow me quietly! If you run away I will kill you without haste, do you understand?”

The children are crying from being pushed by the man with the threatening att.i.tude to where the other men were.

“Hey kid, come over quickly.”

For a moment I was wondering if Fram remembered the things I told her about. Fram did not seem to be tame and there didn’t seem to be conscious of having been kidnapped.

“That is not my name. Also why must I go under and listen to such lowly fellows?”

“Oioioi …… Don’t you know your situation? Don’t you know that you’ve been kidnapped?”

The man was approaching her smiling with a blue vein, but Fram instead of being intimidated stared straight back at the man.

“Fun’n, it is you guys who will get wasted as soon as you get caught by father. If you treat me respectfully, I will put in a good with father to let you off with maximum capital punishment you know? “

” …… This little s.h.i.t!! “(EN: The first swear word!)

Man rides on Fram’s provocation and easily raises his fist about to hit her, but then I stood in front of Fram to soothe him somehow.

“Well, well, please calm down. What was it that Armando-sensei said? Respectfully treat us ….. So will you somehow control your anger?”

I try to convince him with a smile while secretly having cold sweat.The man felt that his anger was settled but wildly went out of the carriage and started yelling in spite when he remembered Armando’s words.

“You as a cool knight but you couldn’t help me better….? I’m laughing so much, are you not ashamed as a man?”

I thought it might have been….. good not to help. No matter how much of a cheeky brat I helped, I can’t overlook violence but I regret is slightly. (EN: I would too.)
Anyway, I somehow take Fram out and keep up with the men even is she I still angry at the main from a little while ago.
We were taken to a prison through a road and many intricate places like caves. It seem he has already caught other people since there were already other children in the cages.

“Good? Of course, don’t even try to escape….. At the same time, if there’s any one of you who think it’s not impossible to while using magic, I’m quite salty right now.”

The mans points his finger to me referring to that time.

“You’re a bratty d.i.c.k ward who’s at the bottom with the earth attribute, you can apparently use earth magic without chanting, but it’s okay because you can only use it with your hands so it’s safe and blocked, also something might happen if I find anything strange, you know?”

The man went out of the room while saying such a thing. Understanding reached. Certainly I hit the ground with my hand when I uplifted the ground during my escape. I was using magic that way because it was efficient, but they seem to have thought it was a type of magic action. So that’s why my hands were wrapped in animal skin so I couldn’t use them.
Indeed, as a 5-year-old I can’t solve my restraint since I’m powerless. Well, if I thought about it ….. it’d be seriously cool if I could.
I don’t know what their aim is, but I want to believe it’s just a ransom. Our lives are guaranteed until the end of the deal.

“I did not expect you to have the earth attribute, it’s a deplorable and pathetic attribute.”

Fram who could not read the air came and talked to me. In fact, it might be that she’s anxious and is. .h.i.tting me with abusive language to cover it up, but when I tried deducting it, that was a small chance. I surely think it’s childish, but there is no adult here.

“…… What about young lady?”

“Me? I, of course have the supreme attribute! A very n.o.ble attribute appropriate to me that everyone envies, it has an overwhelming offensive power, flame!”

…… I see, is this conceited character with strange confidence related to flame inherent attributes? Well, the personality is because of how their parents raised them.
Then I explore the area looking for a way to escape when a man with a familiar face speaks to me.

“Hey hey, how is “Alba-sama” feeling?”

Armando was leering at me with a nasty smile, he spoke in the usual tone which was downright fake.

“…… Why did you kidnap me?”

“Oh, you’re surprisingly calm. Again, you seem different from normal children.”

“Give me a better answer.”

“…… Well, since your going to die, it’ll be nice if you knew the story to why you’re dying.”

I involuntarily take a deep breath from the fresh word die, everyone including the unfortunate girl Fram who couldn’t read the air went silent.

“First of all, it’s because you have talent in the earth attribute that I kidnapped you.”

This was the thing Armando said when he kidnapped me, I was interested about why it is.

“Simply put, everyone has a talent for an inherent attribute. Some guy could have the flame attribute and have no talent. We need children with such talents. I am well aware of your talent because I’m your teacher.” (EN: I was really hoping it was a fake Armando…)

Armando continued explaining while saying so.

“Then why children? It’s because when they remember acquired attributes, they’ll grow from there. We just kidnap because it’s easier after all. Children who only have inherent attributes are necessary, our G.o.d is not satisfied by impurities from acquired attributes being mixed in. To you, I am grateful because those with only inherent earth attribute in particular like you are not readily available since earth is the parent of vanity.”

Our G.o.d, those words were worrisome that I wonder whether Armando is drunk on his explanation when he continues to talk. Why do villains like exposing all their evil deeds…..

“I went to various homes as a magic tutor to find children who have not become impure and had talent, once there was a chance I’d steal it…… “

” …… I think someday you’d come out in rags? Also ….. Why aim a children who have high social position like us? “

Do not get me wrong because I did not mean to instead aim for the children of the slums who didn’t have relatives. I was worried about why they chose children with high social positions.

“Hehe, to a child such as you…… You couldn’t even imagine the amount of darkness in this world. That’s how I wanted Alba-sama to be. Are you implying that there may be a child in the slums who could have talent?

Armando puts on a fearless smile while saying so.

“Of course we also aim for such children. However we don’t know if they have talent, we also have to specially examine their attribute here. Doing that much work is to much of a ha.s.sle for a human to take role in”

” So …… what is your purpose?”

“Our organization 〈〈Grateful Dead Savior〉〉…… has the purpose of saving the world. Our G.o.d is asleep right now and need magic power from various attributes.Therefore I’ve kidnapped you guys.”

The important pattern about cults is that they cause genocide under the term relief. So they are sacrificing children that have talent with no acquired attributes….. My magic has been sealed and we are greatly outnumbered, I don’t see any elements of winning.
Fram was also scared, she was grabbing the hem of my clothes trembling.

“Now the explanation is over. Scaring children is not my hobby. I’ll be easier on you guys from now on, it’s to honor the fact that you’re going to be a part of our G.o.d.”

After the explanation, Armando makes a signal and robust men come in taking the children to the prison one after another. The children who were frightened from Armando’s explanation are violently crying and are taken without any resistance in vain against the power of adults.
Fram who had a brave heart was completely scared and was taken quietly, even I who did not think I could make a breakthrough as is went quietly.

Following the man, I arrived in a room with an ominous statue of a false G.o.d on an altar which had been enshrined, huge guys were lined up in the center of the statue wearing truly heretic-style black hoods.

“Oh! Our G.o.d 〈〈Sacred Evil Agnakia〉〉-sama! Now please give us relief from this innocent soul we dedicate to you as a sacrifice!”

One of the heretics sits in front of the false G.o.d statue saying that.

“Now, sacrifice them one by one!”

The heretics wearing the black hoods standing on both sides grabs the children one by one when they got the signal. The children shriek and acts violently, but they are placed onto a pedestal with their limbs restricted.
I wanted to avert my eyes from such an unusual sight, but for some reason I could not. Help, I wanted to help them. Impatience had dominated my mind.

“I will give relief here and now!”

It happened when the guy in the black robe lifted up a knife in both hands to swing it down.
The statue of the false G.o.d suddenly exploded and broke the walls, two figures appeared.

“Alba A Aaaaa Aaaaa! Where are you u u u u u u!”

One figure who had floated in from the explosion had the features of my handsome father.

“It’s nothing! You guys! Catch ’em!”

“Noisy! Bury your stupid existence in the merciless freezing blade of the ruthless blue coffin, burial blade!”

Father quickly chants the spell and countless spears of ice rose from the ground a pierced a the man in the black robe.
When father beats the black robe guy, he notices and hugs me.

“Alba! Are you okay!? Not hurt!? Still have your virginity!?”

He was worried a lot and blurted out something strange in the end, but I’ll ignore that.

“Yes, it is okay….. More than that, where is this?”

Father smiles at my question and answers while removing my restraints.

“I felt the love of my son through the heavens”I found you!”….. Hey, do I not have to put up to many brackets.” (EN: We usually use “”, j.a.pan uses ⌈⌋, 4th wall I guess.)

Aldi appears from the back of father when he was trying to say something.

“I can also find you no matter how far because me and Alba are connected!”

I see, it was thanks to having a contract with Aldi that I was saved. In the world, you never know.

“Oh, speaking of mother is ….?”

“… She’s over there.”

To my question, father makes a sour face for some reason and points to the other side of the room with his finger.

“Antara Oh Oh! Uneeeeeeeee! Do not think you can freely mess with my son!”

Mom burns a black robe man who’s fleeing whole body.Wow, scary. Where did my doting mother who said Mae-Chan go?

“It’s been a long time since I saw this. Your mother, Aka, Flame Prison Empress …… Marielle’s pride magic where she converts the magic power in her body into flames and burns down enemies, Marielle became one of the young 4 knights of the kingdom eventually becoming a grand master before marrying me. I retired when I wanted to devote myself to child care after getting married. At that time, she was called two names as the queen of h.e.l.l.”

Father talks about such a thing with distant eyes. That is, I never expected mother was a person like that. I mean, you surely don’t need guards if you two were so.

“Speaking of which, father was also strong.”

“What? Well, the magic school I graduated from was much weaker compared the Marielle’s”

Father talks while removing the restraints from the other children.
It occurred to me that I came up with “my parents are juvenile monsters with no reason” like t.i.tle because it could not be helped..
Meanwhile, it happened in the place mother burned down most the enemies.

“Don’t move!”

Looking at the owner of the voice, Armando had disappeared and took Fram as a hostage.


Father and mother cry out staring at Armando hatefully, but Armando speaks with a frivolous smile.

“As expected by the two renown people called the emperor of ice and queen of h.e.l.l. In no way did I expect this branch to be annihilated in a matter of minutes.”

Armando shoves the knife towards Fram without losing his smile and kept talking.

“I also can’t get caught here, want to hear it from this miss?”

Father and mother could only grown and not make a move because of the hostage. Fram seemed to be ready to burst into tears with her teeth ticking in fear.
…… I won’t abandon her, even if she is cheeky brat, I’m not ruthless enough to forsake someone who’s in trouble in front of me. I think I have to much of a sense of justice, but it’s not one that I would go and save the world, but save those I can save.

(… Aldi, can you hear me?)

(What is it sweety?)

I make a request to Aldi using telepathy.

(Can you do it?)

(I don’t have enough magic power, and there’s a lot of nasty magic is mixed in here which makes it hard for me.)

(You can also use my magic power, even if it’s for a moment get that guy good.)

At my words Aldi nods, she leaves the doll body and dives into the ground.

“Armando! Release Fram!”

I shout toward Armando in order to buy time.

“I can’t do that ….. she’s my important hostage the shield that protects my life.”

Again, words are impossible with him. I enter contact with Aldi who’s ready. Timing it, I give a GO sign, and my body suddenly feels heavier. Aldi probably collected magic power from me.

“Well, long talk is over, it’s time to escape …… Whoa what!?”

In the direction Armando decided to go, suddenly Armando’s balance broke. The place Armando stood at was where soil was exposed from the last fight, there, hands of soil grabbed Armando’s feet.

“Fram! Run now!”

I start running at the same time Armando lost his balance. Fram became free once Armando lost his balance and could escape, by my voice she was startled and tried to take a step but fell over, probably due to fear. Father and mother also started running at the same time, but newcomers who were hidden came in and stranded them. My parents would have beaten them, but time lag will occur.

“This little s.h.i.t is § !!”

Armando’s mask fell off and revealed a heinous face, with a knife he headed towards Fram.


I can’t move my body as I wanted to since I lost a lot of magic power, I was growing impatient and shouted to Aldi while moving by force.


Aldi heard my voice and pulls Armando’s feet again understanding his intent. At the moment Armando’s movements were stopped, I was able to push Fram away in time.
That moment, severe pain runs through the back of my head several times. My vision blurred, my consciousness was cut off with the desperate faces of father and mother rushing towards me.

(AN: So chapter 1 ends with the outright cult appearance.
I’ll rush to finish 2 chapters next time……

The two chapters are connected even if I do not read it

Creating a spell if very difficult…..

I envy those who can come up with magic names and chants.)

The plot has begun to unfold!

Also I’m pretty sure I got Fram’s name right because it would be Fu Ra Mu where google translates it as Fullham.

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