Episode 1 [Glory to earth magic!]

Glory to earth magic! , By : Torimaru Karasuma / 已己巳己

Three years have pa.s.sed since I had reincarnated.
For why that much time has just pa.s.sed so suddenly, when I became 3 years old, my field of activities increased.
Although that was limited to the house, it did not matter because there so much freedom.
When I was a baby, there was just a lot of free time leisurely resting, I could not even collect information.

Walking around, I was able to find out new information about this world.
First of all, this world is different from the Earth I know.
The reason, is because to everyone, “magic” is a common dream.
For example, when there was laundry inside the house avoiding the rain, a wind came in drying it, or a fire appeared out of nowhere, saying that it was magic is not wrong.
When I asked my mother …… Marielle …… , it seems that magic is very common, I hear that everyone with magic has and attribute of some sort
I wanted to hear more about magic, but it was still to early.
It seems that magic is fair knowledge that until the age of 5, you’re still an ordinary man until magic awakens in you.
In other words, I must wait another 2 years to see what my attributes are.
Protagonist are usually p.r.o.ne to the strong flame attribute, for coolness there is the ice attribute which will make the protagonist look cool which when in a pinch it’ll become the protagonist power?
There’s also the light and dark attribute which in most anime tend to be special……
The day to see my attribute will be pleasant.

Later I found out …… Apparently my house is of n.o.bility, and in the mansion there are maids and butlers to be seen that are usually only in the world of anime, or rather …… it’s widely shown in television and manga how they act to n.o.bles, when everyone who looks and come talk with me smiled with a “Young master”.
I had dreams of becoming a millionaire, but it always melts away. Now that I’m really one with people treating me like they are my subjects, I feel a little ticklish.

Well, I’ve been looking around the house everyday a lot because everything in this other world looks so fresh.
As my appearance is of a 3-year-old child, I am heading towards my father’s room with a child like behavior as to not rouse anyone’s suspicions.

By the way, father’s name is Mercurio, he is also a refreshingly handsome man with red hair that matches well.
Since I was born from such a beautiful couple, I verified my face and let me tell you this, it’s on a whole different level from when I was on Earth. Taking over the blood of my parents blood, I also have a fiery red hair.
I was drooling over my replaced neutral features I used to have.
I give thanks to the parents who gave birth to such a pretty face.

My father works in a place called the Imperial City, it seems he works somewhere far because after staying here for about 2 days on the weekend, he leaves again probably to the Imperial City.
The flow of the time in this world is the same as Earth, 7 days in a week, two days in a weekend as a holiday, 1 month is 30 days, and 12 months is a year.

From the Imperial City to this city, the distance takes up to three days if you use something like a horse-drawn carriage, but it seems there has also been established magic that’s like s.p.a.ce transition, after connecting the specified points to each other, you can go to that other location in a blink of an eye.
The cost of maintenance is high, you can’t use it unless you’re someone important like a n.o.ble.  (EN: Exactly.)
The general public seems to travel long distances by using a, for example, horse-drawn carriage or airship.

That’s why on weekdays, I indulge on reading books when the owner is gone.
It is fun to read a book with a fresh print for the first time, it was pleasant.
In particular, the books about magic relationship was enough to immerse in an unforgettable amount of time.
Oh, by the way, I can normally read the characters.
There was no memory of studying it so it’s probably a deal I had when I reincarnated or something.
Glory to opportunism!

For the magic, it the same things that were common on Earth.

The attributes were, light and dark in addition to the four elements of flame (fire) ice (water) wind (thunder) earth (ground), and seven attributes of nothing that do not belong to anything.

In this world, those are called inherent attributes and everyone has one of those attributes.
Inherent attributes can not be changed, the basic seems to train your inherent attribute.
You can only have one inherent attribute except for one exception, you train for other attributes then get acquired attributes.
Acquired attributes, unlike inherent attributes, are not limited to only one, but they are weaker compared to inherent attributes.

By the way, my parents are in possession of contrasting attributes with my father with ice and mother as flame.
The attribute is likely to be based on the qualities of the person and not through genetics.
Parents, without regularity, have given birth to a child with ice while both parents are flame, it is unknown why this happens.

In addition to this world, having a flashy magic will give you special treatments as they tend to be a mage with high magical powers.
Flashy magic in a high heated ranking is often flame attribute as the most popular, ice as the runner-up, and wind after it.
Light and darkness, is the first place inherent attribute as it’s rare and gives special treatment.

The image of earth is a modest look with strong defense which is unpopular among people. Mage’s who receive the earth inherent attribute will most likely give up and die or work hard for acquired attributes.

It was like that in my world, but they still say earth is often a misfortune.
It’s the hero with the high flame attribute.
Hero set with a flame attribute is a full stomach.

Personally, I liked the powers of the forces of darkness – dark hero.

“Alba. Are you there~? It’s meal time!”

I can hear the voice of the maid while I was indulged in reading a book.
It was already time?
I closed the book without finishing the statement and went towards the voice.
Somehow two had years pa.s.sed since and I became a 5-year-old.
Magic is a bit tedious, even if it can’t be used in an ordinary daily life. It’s a fantasy so I hope it doesn’t take much longer for me to use magic.
…… I wonder who you are talking to.
Well, I’m now, sitting in front of a huge crystal ball with such a feeling in my head..
inherent attribute are confirmed in this way it’s a 5-year-old confirmation of their attributes.
It’s serious because education policy is determined depending on the attribute.

“So Alba ….. please place you hand on the crystal ball.”

An old woman with a long nose and black robe giving off the vibe of a witch urges me to do so.
I put a hand on top of the crystal ball without hesitation because I wanted to know soon my attributes were.
A brown fog pa.s.ses inside of the crystal ball for several seconds then starts to move in a spiral inside of it.
My parents and the people around me were watching my back while holding their breaths.

What is it? Is this perhaps a protagonist has no attribute that occurs rarely reincarnation product, cheat deployment, or something that grants me multiple attributes?
I had inflated my chest in such expectations in my mind that those expectations will be shattered.

“Inherent attribute of Alba is …… earth.”

Oh, earth. Well,the fog was softening brown and… the earth! ?
The earth attribute was very unpopular in this world …..
I turn around involuntarily, but my parents and the servants don’t show it on their faces, you could feel the disappointment, you should at least speak to me because the air around here is turning strange.

“A …… Alba! It’s earth! Earth! Earth attribute is the forces that’s specialty is defense! The power which everyone is protected by!”

Father, saying such a thing while he stroked my head while slightly twitching a smile.
No way, as a 5-year-old I have to maintain some knowledge about magic then follow fathers plan.
Mother and some employees come up and follow what father has done.

“You surely got it because you have such a gentle personality that you got an attribute that specializes in defense instead of offense!”

“Well, Alba he’s a friendly and sweet child is what we know best.”

Because these people think so importantly of me I cherish these feelings, they are desperately trying to choose their words and got the message they conveyed leaving and indescribable amount of mixed feelings.

“Yes! Thank you! I will study so I can protect everyone!”

I don’t forget to act like a 5-year-old by acting innocently and expressing my thanks to be as unnatural as possible.
My parents who heard those words make a very subtle face that look like they’re either going to laugh or cry.

“I have been to nervous that I tired out so I’m returning to my room!”

I no longer endure the air of that place, I ran into my room keeping my smile.
Although my parents seem to be talking about something at the back, it doesn’t reach my ears.

When I returned, I lied down on the bed remembering what had happened earlier.
I knew the having earth attribute was a misfortune from the books, I did not expect it to appear so blatantly there.
In this world, there is a tendency to prefer the more flashy magic.
Of course, there is also recovery magic with high demand, thought there are individual differences, it’s usually that flashy magic = status.

“Even so, earth ……”

I remember the previous result.
It’s not the attribute a hero has at least.
Well, I own the reason as to why it’s presumptuous to be a hero.
I was born handsome so I’ve already had enough victories.

But and idea of reversing it.
It’s because earth magic has no achievements that it has unfortunate treatment, if there is one, people’s may change their minds about the earth attribute.
It’s as if the character unpopular and unfortunate were in my nature..
So called mine workers in net games use characters that are weak in general in a fighting game, it’s a feeling that to deliberately become an unfortunate profession.
I was surprised at first to hear the earth attribute, but now I’m calm, I can feel a seeping motivation.

Don’t protagonist who start from the bottom in a story not look cool?
It’s just I didn’t want to be a protagonist earlier, I say that because I’m not as cool as they are but I’m a man still.
I am yearning to be that hero.
Fortunately, I’m a geek with the knowledge from Earth.
If I can use magic that this world has never thought up of, even I could gather up everyone’s attention.

I have the determination to raise earth attribute magic into a better standing.

This took so much longer than I thought ;-;

Still not sure if this is the average or longer than average. Just have to wait and see.

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