Episode 2 [Glory to earth magic]

Glory to earth magic! , By : Torimaru Karasuma / 已己巳己

I had decided to master the earth attribute, once I told my parents, they had a subtle expression of support.
They really are good parents.
n.o.bility in fantasies usually will think of earth as an unfortunate attribute and give one or two remarks with sarcasm, this made it seem anti-climactic.

Cla.s.ses started immediately the day after I told them.
I thought about whether or not it was to early for a 5-year-old, but since being taught the correct information better before anything bad happens when I use magic and it became irreparable.
Thought they don’t know about j.a.pan, it’s not so strange to learn and study in a nursery school or kindergarten.

A difficult looking man wearing gla.s.ses who was called here by my parents from the Imperial City was speaking while opening a book.

“You see, Alba-Sama, there are several attributes of magic.”

I already knew this from reading it inside the book, but I’ll be in trouble if I were to say something so I stayed silent, this had worsened my mood because I couldn’t learn properly.
The man read the air, people call him a KY man. (EN: KY is something like clueless.)
This? I can’t see a negative image.

“There are attributes of flame, ice, wind, earth, light, darkness, and 7 attributes of nothing” (EN: I think the nothing are special? Or translation error.)

The later explanation didn’t change that much with the content from the book.
After all, this seems to the basis of the foundation.

“The most flashy attribute with high heat is the flame attribute, a majority of those with that inherent attribute becomes part of the flames of the Imperial City and become a first cla.s.s mage.”

Again, with that sort of magic, is it easy to succeed in life?

“Next is the ice, but ……it does not have as much power as fire.However water can be manipulated and you can use recovery and protection magic with the blessings of the ice G.o.ddess Ca.n.a.l, your mother is flame, your father ice, they have attacks and top-cla.s.s recovery which is even admired in Imperial City.”

Oh , my parents were that great?
Oh yeah, the G.o.ddess ice that came into the story a little while ago, are one of the four G.o.ds responsible for this world.
This world is being watched by the four G.o.ddesses in charge of four elements, the wind G.o.ddess, Raf.a.ga, flame G.o.ddess, Agni, ice G.o.ddess, Ca.n.a.l, and earth G.o.ddess, Wilderness.
It seems you get a blessing from each G.o.ddess of your respective inherent attribute.

The chief G.o.d Akiri contains light and dark and does not seems belong to anything.
It’s said that the chief G.o.d is the boss bundling of the four G.o.ddesses.
The attributes of dark and light appear rare as only 1 in 10,000 people who enroll in the school in the Imperial city has it.
Anyone who belongs to this country can enroll into the magic school which is rare in this world that is in a medieval like age, tuition fees are also being paid by their house.
It seems the found of the magic school was a talent, and will reach out to other talents regardless of birth or condition and develop them.
I guess I’ll say the acceptance diversity of the magic school is wide.
You can enter from the age of six, the earliest you can graduate is in a year which is an extreme story, or you could graduate at the basic age of 15 years old.
Your employment will be mediated by them depending on the results you made.

“If you are admitted into the magic school a year later, there are preparations necessary so you can learn about magic. I’ll be teaching you the best I can before then, thank you for understanding.”

Saying so, the teacher lowers his head down.
A large adult lowering his head to a 5-year-old. I am again bewildered by the power of n.o.bility.
After he had ended the explanation of magic, he then taught me how to control magic.
Using magic itself is for a later date. First you have to learn to control the magic so there are no accidents with setting magic off.

“First of all, please close your eyes, feel the flow of magic.”

I closed my eyes as I was told to and stay still.

“Magic even if you are not aware of it, is going around your body everyday. It’s like the blood coursing through your body, you aren’t aware of it because it’s continuous.”

Are there any words you don’t know of heard of? I was asked because there were 20 adult words that I may have not understood, but I answered that I could understand .

“After all, you are those two’s child, it’s no surprise your intelligent . Now, close your eyes, breath in twice, breathe out once. Please repeat this slowly.”

I did as told and was breathing in and out several times, I started to feel something different around the blood in my body.
However, rather than disgust, it started to feel like I was being embraced by a mother and felt a great sense of security.

“Somehow, I feel like I’m being hugged by something warm.”

“That is magic. It’s said it’s that feeling is like a G.o.ddesses warmth. Alba you have the earth attribute, that’s why you have been embraced by the earth G.o.ddess, Wilderness”

Feeling the earth G.o.ddess, Wilderness ….. Teacher had said it was a common belief, but there was no basis for it so I didn’t feel convinced.

“So please, do not forget the feeling of magic. While remembering the feeling, please try to gather it into your right hand.”

Teacher then wraps his hand around my right hand.
I try to focus the magic into my right hand as I was told to.
There was a lot of trial and error, teacher saw me and gave me a lot of advice, then after 1 hour, I was able to gather the magic into my right hand.

“Oh! Alba you were finally able to do it, it seems you have talent in magic.”

Because I’m the son of n.o.bility, it feels like the praise is being stretch, but I’m happy either way.
Although teacher looks like a very picky type, he’s a obligated person and taught me meticulously.

“You might be tired now, but you have learned the fundamentals of magic control, you can take a break now but let’s do our best from now on!”

So says teacher as I nod while making eye contact with him.
That day, I was able to directly receive lessons about magic control.

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