Episode 3 [Glory to earth magic!]

Glory to earth magic! , By : Torimaru Karasuma / 已己巳己

1 month has pa.s.sed since I was being taught magic.
During this one month, the magic teacher …… Armando had been earnestly teaching me how to control magic.
Thanks to that, I was able to firmly remember how to control magic.“Full-fledged magic is taught in elementary school so I’m teaching you the rudimentary. In the first place, what do you know about magic?”Magic ….. in games its use mp to shoot magic.
Chant to activate a spell. Make a contract with a nature spirit is shown in manga with a variety of situations.I say the answer summarizing my own knowledge.

“Uh, borrow the power of nature and unleash it?”

“Simply put, that’s right. However, the power comes from the four G.o.ddesses and the chief G.o.d. Spells so to speak with, it is like a contract with G.o.d. It’s like if you want to cast fire magic with help from the flame G.o.ddess Agni. You can say a spell to G.o.d with something like 〈〈I want to borrow your power!〉〉 which is asking for permission”

Armando is trying as hard as he can to clearly explain it to a 5-year-old child.

“There is also the possibility to cast magic without a spell or technology called no chant, that is the people who are the most liked by the G.o.ddess could easily achieve it ….. this can’t be done with acquired attributes, only inherent attributes. Not a lot of people can master the no chant, but they have to use advanced technology to do it.”

Well, the point is ever without cheating permission one by one with contribution to G.o.ddess we will be able to use magic.
No chant …… it’s a word that tickles anyone’s heart.
I’m a bit anxious that other attributes might be originally good compared to earth without getting acquired attributes, but I had already decided to raise the earth attribute.

“Imagination is the key when using magic. You could use the image of ice to use ice magic and the image of flames to use flame magic…… This depends on the imagination of the individual so definite advice isn’t possible. It completely becomes the qualities of the person. An extreme example of this is when you use the image of ice to unleash flame magic it won’t activate.”

Oh, so simply it’s that.
Well in novels, the protagonist does not use fire, but the phenomenon that creates fire as an image sort of thinking.
Though I understand the image of fire and water ….. What is the image of earth?

Is it stiff, or is it ….. Sand?
This is strange, come on thinking.


“By the way, spells are necessary because when using advanced attack magic and recovery magic, it’s made from nothing. Such that fire is a concentration of magic power, it is possible to cast if with no chant once you get used to it with practice, but it’s not used in daily life as it’s much less effective than magic using a spell.”

I see ….. if it’s cla.s.sified with earth, then there is a degree of things you can manipulate once you get used to things.
Maybe there’s a big advantage or something around here.
In a broad sense, it’s that there are many places where earth is.
Rock, soil, sand, and stone, there might be a greater freedom than other elements of nature.
The reason it’s unpopular is probably because there has not been much research put into is and it’s absolutely plain look.

“Since Alba-sama has the earth attribute, it’s unfortunate but I can’t teach finely. I think that in the first place, the magic school in Imperial city has very few people who use the earth attribute so it may be hard to learn.”

Well, I don’t know a person who would master an unpopular attribute.
It would be better to apply for an acquired attribute which is more desirable.

That day, I learned about light magic and the cla.s.s ended.
Daily, I remember how to control magic and train the control of magic mainly for around 2 or 3 hours.
The reason seems so I don’t stick to a strange habit before I enter school because I’m still a 5-year-old.
It’s to say that I should learn magic control so there are no accidents when I start earnestly study magic.

Oh, I forgot to say this but in this world, magic has been developed more than science that there are appliances that run on magic power as a subst.i.tute to electricity.
For a refrigerator, you use a magic stone with the correct property to store up magic power, then release it on a regular basis.
There is also a clock application too, it’s calculated at 24 hours a day so that the kid’s of today can also check the time.
Even though magic and science were different, they eventually ended up in the same street.

After the end of cla.s.s, I’ve been wondering if I could use any simple magic in the mansions garden.
A magic spell is necessary, but I was told by Armando that I did not need to practice magic before entering magic school so using magic was prohibited.
It’s a dream to go into an advanced cla.s.s with other attributes because earth is such an unfortunate attribute.
First of all, I need to understand the earth attribute.

Sitting on a bench, I grab a handful of soil I saw.
Armando said without chanting, the spell is inferior unless you get used to it.
But I expected that it may allow a certain automatic defense with sand like a certain ninja in anime. (EN: Naruto reference spotted.)

While I was looking at the soil, I was praying to the G.o.ddess  to move the soil.
However, the soil shows no sign of moving.
The imagination is also important because it’s bad to use vague instructions.
This time I clearly concentrate in my mind and clear picture the soil moving.
The image begins to move in a way that it’s swelling into a mountain, I start controlling my magic power to my right hand where the soil in on.
At first it did not react, after several times as my concentration grew sharper, it happened.

Because I had closed my eyes, it wasn’t clear but I certainly felt that the earth had slightly moved.
For a moment I thought it was the wind, but there was no wind at the moment.
I suppressed that feeling before I went any further, I took a deep breath once and repeated the process from a little while ago while staring at the soil in my hands.
The soil was indeed moving.
⌊Zuzuzu⌉, the soil begun to subtly gather into the center of my hand while forming into the delicate form of a mountain …..
The great fact that I had manipulated the soil was indescribable.

“I …… I ……”

I wanted to express my feelings, but the words wouldn’t come out of my mouth.
It was natural as it was my first time using magic.
I was so happy that I challenged again and again afterwards.
The soil became active a number of times and became a proper mountain form on top of my hand, I seemed to understand it more to an extent.

After playing crazily with the soil I forgot the time until my consciousness was suddenly cut off.

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