God of Music

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Rock ‘N Roll, Hotter Than The Sun (part-1)

TL: Riil Me

ED: Frozen Ink

August 2011 .

There was a disturbance in the music Industry which was calm .

The storm started at Yoonseul Entertainment .

It’s DiaTeen’s comeback after resting for more than half a year!! Not only she was preparing for a comeback as a girl group around August, but she was delaying the other male idols and even the singers from other genres to comeback . Even without Eddios, their power was tremendous . There was a rumour over this alb.u.m that President Choo Man Ji had gritted his teeth, so everyone just breath for their life .

The stage will be held in two weeks in August .

The beginning of the stage was a live music camp comeback stage of DLE Station .

– It’s okay to steal a kiss — my lovely oppa’s — S-curve waistline that curled charmingly, bright smile . The short tees that slightly revealed their stomachs and accentuating their abs . It gave the DiaTeen’s ch.o.r.eography, which is full of fighting spirit, a lively and colorful ambience .

“Gasp… . . !”

“Daebak, daebak!!”

“Uwaaaa! Sekyung! I love you!!”

The fans who were already in the field have already fallen for the lyrics . Lastly, together with the words ‘I love you oppa’ sung by all members of DiaTeen, one wink from them s.n.a.t.c.hed and shot the heart of all male fans right away .

The song this time, ‘I love you oppa’ was a song that was aimed directly to the male fans . Retro and unique , it shows totally different unique color with DiaTeen’s unique features and their transformation succeeded .

The reaction on the spot seemed to blown up . Although the lyrics were meant to be cheesy, but even female fans fell over the powerful ch.o.r.eography, it was enough to make them show eyes full of respect .

The great scene naturally spreads to broadcasts, articles, and music .


In the president’s office, President Choo Man Ji saw the report and burst into laughter . Only in three days, they were ranked in three days that they were selling the sound recordings, and even in the event it got unprecedented explosive response .

Some of the articles have already started to report that Eddios’ place has been threatened . There was also a fan who wrote down the number of the fan club in the specific article . Even if the public opinion was like that, they did not imagine that the market reaction would turn over like this over an alb.u.m .

“This, this soundtrack, I have to pay it . Hahahaha!!!!”

There were more payments due to contractual performance . However, President Choo Man Ji did not bother at all . He could not help but feel that this alb.u.m was a success, as it shook Eddios’ place which did not shake even when he tried so hard . Moreover, it was the early stage . The more he moved on to the middle and the latter stage, the better .

President Choo Man Ji called Kangyoon . The signal went on and soon he heard a voice .


– Yes, Kangyoon speaking .

“h.e.l.lo? This is Choo Man Ji from Yoonseul . ”

– How are you?

Simple greetings to each other, and the story about this alb.u.m came out right away . Kangyoon was also pleased with the response of this alb.u.m . But when he heard the voice, it was kinda good, but it was difficult to see if there was any luck .

President Choo Man Ji continued to say pleasing words and didn’t worry about it .

“Great, it was great . I will do my best to promote my boss this time . ”

– Thank you for your concern .

“Let’s do well as a partner in the future . I knew I was going to hit the jackpot, but I did not think it would work so well like this . Male fans are constantly growing without end, you know . ”

The biggest effort that President Choo Man Ji did was the male fans . It was also the greatest strength for Eddios . They were fans who are not good enough for DiaTeen . But, because they moved on to this alb.u.m, the goal has been achieved .

– It was great . I am glad the goal has been achieved .

“Hahaha . I guess I have to celebrate it big . I will invite you soon . ”

– All right .

After talking with Kangyoon, the laugh did not leave President Choo .


President Choo watched the report again and again, and enjoyed the feeling now .


“Now, there is not much left . ”

Kangyoon looked around the performance hall where the sound test was in full swing . The speaker was positioned in the air and its balance with the woofer was adjusted .

‘By the way, I would need a manager here . ’

Kangyoon thought while seeing an engineer who adjusted the balance in the broadcast room . He could not have tied himself here . Although during the White Moonlight Concert, Manager Kim Daehyun had to adjust a sound, but it did not make sense to leave it to him until the performance of another band . He needed the professional personnel .

‘It’s hard to make money, but it’s easy to spend it . ’

Kangyoon shook his head as his money went out of his pocket as if it has a hole . This is why the bosses even heard of the word ‘It is better than become the evil president who gives the salary as big as a booger’ . But still, he said that although he thought that the company will work well if he takes care of the employees well .

Kangyoon left the office and returned to the company . When he came back, the office was full of young people .

“Ms Hyejin, who are they?”

“It is the people who came for the performance hall rental . ”

“Ah . ”

There were five young men and women sitting on the sofa . They stood up at the spot when they saw Kangyoon . Jung Hyejin has already given them coffee and there were empty paper cups in front of them .

Kangyoon and the young people simply greeted . They were an indie band called Wish . As a one-year band, It was a band with Kang Minchul as the leader and main vocalist Gong Seunghye .

Leader Kang Minchul speaks business with Kangyoon on behalf of everyone .

“I want to rent the performance hall . ”

“What time do you want?”

“It’s 7 o’clock on Sat.u.r.day . ”

It was the prime time . 7 and 8 o’clock, the most expensive rental time .

However, when Kangyoon talked about the rental cost of the hall, all the band members including Kang Minchul, their eyes widened .

“What? Wa, wait a minute . That is really cheap… . ”

Kang Minchul was rather taken aback when the rental fee was much lower than expected . Other members also whispered that the facilities were defective . Kangyoon, who listened to them nods, talked about the equipment list with the photo materials .

“Huh… These are expensive equipment . Besides, the sound level is … . ”

Kang Minchul rolled his tongue while looking at the hall’s pictures . Among the High ceilings, sound absorbing materials on the walls and speakers hanging in the air then a mixer in the broadcast room, and the other equipments were none but high quality . Rather, they confused why the rental fee was too cheap .

“Sorry, but isn’t it too cheap?”

In the end, Kang Minchul asked directly to Kangyoon . It is worth being asked . He got this ridiculous fee for a facility that is not comparable to other venues .

It can lead him to be in a bad mood, but Kangyoon did not respond badly .

“The purpose of the venue is to enable indie bands so the price is very low . If we came out with a low price, then the other venues around might also lower the price . At such price, you can play at such a good facility, so there is no reason for you to go to other venues with expensive price . We will lower our cost to be compet.i.tive . ”


“If the cost goes down, will the hungry singers get any better? So this price is not a ridiculously low price . It’s the price that other venues have kept in the past . It will not be a loss . ”

Kang Minchul and other Wish band’s members were impressed by Kangyoon’s words . It was the moment when the image of a small company called World Entertainment was firmly imprinted .

They made the contract neatly and left the office .

Kangyoon gave a contract to Jung Hyejin . It was an unspoken request to manage it . She took it as it was, scanned and even copied it, then kept the original separately .

After his work at the office done, Kangyoon stopped at the rooftop and headed to the studio . In the studio, Kim Jimin was in full swing with her guitar .

– When you open your eyes, the sweet sunshine freshly —

It was a very familiar melody especially for Kangyoon more than anyone else .

‘Let’s stay together?’

The song that Kim Jimin sing, Eddios’ debut song, ‘Let’s stay together’ . The Eddios’ melody that he listened to after a long time came to the end pleasingly .

– We’re soft and tender — Will it be okay if I love you?

There seemed to be no arrangement . But the girl group’s song with guitar that he listened, felt new . The dance song that was coming with a unique lightness of the acoustic sound felt totally different .

“If it is rearranged, it will be good, right?”

Kim Jimin’s play was also good . The notes that is coming out of the guitar and her voice, made a white light . He wanted to keep listening to it . Like the song when Eddios just got debuted .

‘It has the same feeling like their debut song . ’

Listening to Kim Jimin’s ‘Let’s stay together’, Kangyoon remembered Eddios . It was because he made DiaTeen’s song, and it made him think about them more .

Kangyoon, who is more pa.s.sionate than anyone, Jung Minah, who followed him the most .

Along with the sound of the acoustic guitar, he could see each of the girls .

‘I asked them to go to the end together . ’

Kangyoon seemed unable to take responsibility for what he said, he felt bitter .

‘Huff . Oh my, those kids are pro . That’s how they taught . But… . it still felt bitter . ‘

Relationship and feeling are different . No matter how correct a matter is, the feeling is not going as what he wanted . Kangyoon was like that now . But he knew, if his face the same problem in the future he would make the same choice .

“Uh? Sir . ”

When the music is finished, Kim Jimin lifted her head . She was too immersed in her practice and did not even notice Kangyoon .

“Did I interrupt you?”

“No . Did you listen to it?”

“Yes . You practiced a lot, didn’t you?”

“I couldn’t practice a lot . How was it?”

Kangyoon thought for a while and talked .

“It feels good . Because you play a girl group’s song in acoustic, it felt new . Don’t you need another accompaniment?”

“I don’t know yet . It might need to be rearranged . ”

“Tell me if you need anything . ”

“This time, I’ll try by my own power for once . ”

Kangyoon’s eyes filled with curiosity .

“Will it be okay?”

“Didn’t you want something like this?”

Kangyoon nodded .

“Then try it . And ask me if you find it hard . ”

“Yes . I’ll try it while asking everywhere . ”

“Yeah . ”

Kangyoon left the studio without saying more . As soon as he left, Kim Jimin took her cell phone .

“Soyoung unni . It’s me, Jimin . ”

– Jimin . What’s up?

They started to talk on the phone . The trivial conversations come and go started from how they practiced, how they felt bad because of the make up, etc . And after a while, the main subject is coming out .

– You want me to rearrange ‘Let’s stay together’?

“Yes . Is it possible?”

– I love it . It became another experience . But does Kangyoon oppa not want to? You said it will be a song for the open stage?

“I said that this time I tried to do it by myself . ”

– You are amazing as well . Kangyoon oppa, who trusted you, also amazing . All right . It is a burden but I’ll try .

“Thank you . ”

– No . I thank you for trusting me . Then I’ll bring it to you in two days .

“Yes . ”

After ended the call, Kim Jimin took the guitar again .

“Should we start?”

And she continued to practice again for quite a long time .

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