Golden Assistant

Chapter 5

Translator: Polarbearadise

That night Luzhou went to sleep very early, Xiao Yi didn’t urge him to read over the script, because they didn’t have to go to the company tomorrow anyway. Staying in bed, he finally could have a good night—In fact, the life of an a.s.sistant is pretty good.


Du Mei called, Xiao Yi inform her that Luzhou looks better.

Du Mei replied, better is good and then tell Xiao Yi take a trip to the company tomorrow.  

Xiao Yi lying in bed, playing on his phone, looking for the posts related to Luzhou and Zhang Xiran’s relationship. Scrolling down, there is a bunch of fans cursing at Zhang Xiran, saying she isn’t good enough for Luzhou.

Zhang Xiran’s fans defended her, eagerly cursing back making the corner to Xiao Yi’s mouth twitched, he then  decided to put down his phone and sleep.

The next day, at the company.

“He probably still sleeping, if noon don’t arrive, he won’t wake up.” Du Mei said, “You can head back after eating lunch, take these gifts from fans home to him on your way.”

Xiao Yi then look at the heap of gifts in the corner.

Yesterday, he already thoroughly explained what happened, Du Mei got a headache from it, Xiao Yi didn’t dare to intervene and just sat there quietly.

“Did he said anything about Zhang Xiran?” Du Mei said, “After that, did she said anything?”

“He said……” Xiao Yi recalled for a moment and said, “During the fight, brother Zhou said something about you will invited some hacker……No, no, I mean the PR in the company to join in the public discussion.”

“This is really a hot topic.” Du Mei said, “We don’t want to do it, but this topic will create a scandal to boost of his popularity even more, this child, can he just coax her a little?”

Xiao Yi sigh, thinking to himself,  that’s the reason? It turn out, you guys actually want to cling onto Zhang Xiran’s thigh, she got angry isn’t wrong. Presumably, Du Mei turn a blind eye, letting the fans believed Zhang Xiran helped him rise to fame, after both sides finish fighting, this will create a long-term topic. Thereafter, Zhang Xiran is just being deceived by Luzhou, in the end this is just a game.

Xiao didn’t eat lunch, he received a call, Luzhou shouted: “Where did you run off to! Do you still want to work!”

Xiao Yi panicky answer: “I’m helping the fans moving your company….Wait no! I’m at the company, moving the fans gifts, I’m almost there!”

“Psycho.” Lu Zhou then hung up.

Du Mei had told him to hurry back, reminded him again to urge Luzhou to read over the script, Xiao Yi mumble to himself ‘you’re the crazy one, you’re the crazy one…you psycho’, while loading all the gifts in the company car and then drive home.

Back home, the auntie are cleaning and preparing foods, Xiao Yi standing in the living room, holding the pile of presents. When Luzhou got out of bed, he hasn’t fully awake yet, seeing the present causing him to frown and said: “Didn’t I said not to bring these things home?”

“It’s from your fans,” Xiao Ti said, “The gifts is from their heart, how….how….” Xiao Yi was about to said ‘How can you say that!’, but after thinking carefully, he decide not to and said: “How could I reject, the fans all gathered at the company, I didn’t have a choice, but to put it all in the car and close to the house, there isn’t a trash can.”

“There’s one in the garage, throw it all away, it taking up s.p.a.ce!” Luzhou bluntly said.

“Ah yes.” Xiao Yi said, after Luzhou went back upstair, he didn’t throw its aways but rather tearing open all the presents to the point his hand is ache. Inside, there is a lots of fan made alb.u.m, books, and lots of fan letters. Xiao Yi slightly glance at it and spot a letter from a junior high school girl addressed to Luzhou, he couldn’t help but smiled.

The letter was folded very neatly, the pink letter carried a sweet fragrance, every words and sentences fill the heart with awe—–like the first time Xiao Yi meet Luzhou, the feeling of trepidation of unable to crawl down the ground and come back up as an adorable sprout for him to look at.

(T/N: Remember how embarra.s.sed Xiao Yi was in there first meeting ^^, he want another chance to make a perfect first impression in front of his male G.o.d.)

Sadly, it was ruined by that Kuang Quan Bing!  

(T/N: Kuan Quan Bing = someone who have rabies, technically saying he is a crazy maddog)

While Xiao Yi busy cursing at Luzhou for feeding his fans feeling to the dogs, he let out a deep sigh, putting the letters in a box.

(T/N:  feeding his fans feeling to the dogs – Throwing away his fan’s feelings)

“Didn’t I tell you to throw it away?” Luzhou suddenly appeared on top of the stair and angrily shout.

“I……” Xiao Yi said, “All the things that take up s.p.a.ce I already threw it away! These are the tissue box you bought on Taobao”

“Tissue box?” Luzhou at first was surprise, then regain his composure and said: “Nevermind, that isn’t important, quickly clean the table, we’re eating.”

The phone rang, Xiao Yi thought ‘thanks G.o.d’, Luzhou then disappeared, ‘why don’t you throw yourself out, the one that taken most of the s.p.a.ce is you…..……Chocolate, handmade candies, fluorescent mushroom lamp, pot of bonsai, letters, Jiaxiang specialty, Xiao Yi really want to shout out, how can you throw away all of these stuff, you’re wasting it!

Xiao Yi try to decide what will stay, opened over 40 items, he isn’t willing to throw anything away, therefore, sneakily carrying a giant doll, biting a pile of letters, looking like a thief in the living room. Seeing Luzhou turned his back toward him while on the phone, he ran into his room in full speed, hiding everything, just like moving into a new house, everything was completely transported.

Walking downstair once again, all the boxes and wrapper was cleaned up by the auntie, after Luzhou ended his phone call, he let out a deep sigh and entered the dining hall. The auntie served the foods and the two begin to eat their lunch.

“What did sister Du said?” Luzhou asked warily.

“She talked about what happened yesterday.” Xiao Yi followed what Du Mei teached him and said: “Today, Zhang Xiran couldn’t bare it anymore and called the company several times….”

“She called the company?!” Luzhou roared, “What a joke! Yesterday she and her friend was very HIGH! Don’t know which director she enticed, they keep calling me!”

“Because….sister Du said.” Xiao Yi said, “I don’t know.”

Luzhou didn’t speak again, after finish his lunch, he sat on the couch and read a book.

Xiao Yi took the script, coming over and carefully said: “Brother Zhou.”

“Don’t want to look at it right now.” Luzhou said, “Stop the idle talk.”

Three in the afternoon.

Luzhou was exercising in his gym inside the bas.e.m.e.nt, listening to music while running on the treadmill.

Xiao Yi took the script over, Luzhou was wiping off the sweat, still doesn’t speak.

Luzhou exhaustedly took off his short-sleeved shirt, sweating and panting while opened the bathroom door, the water was ready for him.

After bathing, Luzhou lie on the sofa and said: “Read.”

Xiao Yi: “????”

“Read the script!” Luzhou said

Xiao Yi went to pick up the script, thinking to himself, ‘you probably can’t read, Luzhou you really are arrogant.’

“First act: daytime, prairie, shattered mirror…”

“Skip that part.” Luzhou impatiently said, “The first act have nothing to do with me.”

Xiao Yi have to look down farther and said: “Second act: day, at Xilamuren, storyteller, Shulu Ping have three female companion….”

(T/N: Xilamuren is a gra.s.sland located in inner Mongolian region, there will be picture of it at the bottom ^^)

“The vast prairie, filled with mist, Lu Ping take a bath, a teenager was watching her on the side…..”

Xiao Yi: “…….”

Xiao Yi thought, ‘What kind of drama is this?’

Luzhou: “Read my part!”

Xiao Yi: “Brother….Zhou, what is your part?”

Luzhou: “……..”

Luzhou looked at Xiao Yi and said: “The Emperor A Baoji of Liao.”

(T/N: He is also known as  Emperor Taizu of Liao)

Xiao Yi is a student of art, completely clueless of who is the emperor A Baoji, Luzhou said: “He is the founder of Liao dynasty, do you read the history book on the cat’s back!”

(T/N:  Read the history book on the cat’s back was refer to a person who born in their birthplace, but doesn’t know the history of it.)

Xiao Yi: “Who is Lu Ping?”

Luzhou snap at him and said: “His wife, also his cousin, Liao’s law allow relatives to get marry.”

Xiao Yi make an agreeing sound and replied: “The one that peep at Lu Ping while she take a bath, might be Da Baoji…..”

Xiao Yi thinks about all the history books he once read, this drama is about the original history! It seem to fill with the 3L, he then look down below and said: “There is your part, second act

(T/N: 3L is a slang term for Luxury, Large, Level up. Use to describe/complimenting or criticizing something.)

consist of a teenager spying on the girl while she bath, and then….his friend came running in the distance, holding bows and arrows while shouting.”

“Baoji! A Baoji!”

Luzhou was like struck by lightning, grab the script and glance at it, shouted: “What kind of play is it! The emperor Taizu of Liao started as a boy who peep at his cousin bathing??!”

Xiao Yi: “………”

Luzhou: “………”

Luzhou: “Not reading anymore.”

Xiao Yi: “I’ll reread it, sister Du said…*hiccup*…..”

Xiao Yi continue: “A Baoji rushed into the tent, kneeling in front of his grandmother.”

“You Baoji feeling wronged and shout, Why can my friends allowed to play outside, go hunting! And I’m not allowed to do anything! Why! Why! Why!”

“Grandmother (Speak with earnest): Baoji ah, there is a saying from Han people, when the G.o.d give a person important duty, that person first have to suffer, bitter hardship…..”

Luzhou couldn’t hold it in, feebly waved his hand, indicate for Xiao  Yi to stop reading and at the same time, the phone rang. Xiao Yi got up and answered the phone, whoever called probably looking for Luzhou, Luzhou start talking on the phone from south through North, while talking, he motioned Xiao Yi to bring the script over, reading over the script absent-mindedly.

(T/N: Talking on the phone from south through North mean talking for a long time)

Xiao Yi sitting in the table, playing on his phone, he overheard Luzhou talking about investing in a red wine manor, the person on the other line probably a friend inviting him to collaborate, the manor involved a clubhouse, the price was more than 10,000,000. Xiao Yi thinking to himself ‘he’s really rich, How much is his net worth? Wealthy people really have  strange habit, surfing Taobao and invested in a wine manor.

(T/N: Clubhouse – It is not a club/bar, it a place where people/organization set up an event like charity, celebration, etc.)

Xiao Yi is somewhat curious about Luzhou’s net worth, certainly it is impossible to ask him about it, afterall, it is very impolite to ask. In Xiao Yi whole life, he never held more than a million, of course 1 million or 2 million isn’t any different with him, even 5 million and 10 million only a symbol for another zero.

Luzhou often film tv drama, probably make tons of money, this house of his probably over 100 million? Xiao Yi look around, 100 million  seem a bit too much, minus 50%, 50 million is about right.

He estimated Luzhou’s wealth, if he given Xiao Yi a fraction, he would lived well off in Beijing.

Some people born to be bright and beautiful, they could they anything they want, some people ‘s life are mediocre, it is very unfortunate. Xiao Yi took a deep breath, thinking his luck isn’t that bad, thanks to Duma given him such an opportunity, or else he would be a frog stay at the bottom of the well his whole life.

(T/N: Be a frog stay at the bottom of the well, mean he just stay where he is in life and never attempt to rise up.)

Luzhou turned three pages of the script while on the phone, he throwed it on the sofa, didn’t even touch it in a couple of days. Xiao Yi wanted Luzhou to read it over the next day,

Luzhou replied: “Already read it.”

Xiao Yi tried to read slowly, but still wasn’t able to understand, therefore he looked up Emperor A Baoji.

This is a historical drama, although it is implausible…..Luzhou played A Baoji, the female lead playing Lu Ping is the popular newcomer in Li Star entertainment. Lu Ping is Baoji cousin, a woman who could stir up bee and b.u.t.terfly, every young man feel affection for her, just like the image of Mary Sue who suffer because of love.

(T/N: Stir up bee and b.u.t.terfly – Make people attract to you)

(T/N: Mary Sue – A fictional character who is perfect in all aspect)

Xiao Yi usually watch American tv shows, first time experience the impact of the domestic drama, the drama rating only part of Luzhou’s drama.

Even Though it implausible, it still contrived and very attracting, Xiao Yi finished reading the script, Luzhou exercise frequently everyday, playing games and occasionally went to karaoke with his friends while Xiao Yi waited for him inside the car. The whole week pa.s.sed by in a blink of an eye, then the morning of monday came, the company car came to pick them up and drive them to the airport. Lin Yao was waiting for them at the airport and said: “I a.s.signed 5 a.s.sistants for you, they already head to Hengdian yesterday.”

Xiao Yi thinking to himself ‘five….five people for 1 Luzhou, do you need that many people to serve you.’ Yesterday Luzhou went out drinking and got a hangover when he woke up, he casually said: “On the plane, don’t call me to eat.”

Xiao Yi, sitting in the first cla.s.s for the first time, feeling extreme excited inside, but have to put on a straight face. On the plane, Lin Yao handed him a stack of schedule and precautions package to look over, when he arrived to Hengdian, he’ll call Yao’s a.s.sistants and plan about Hengdian in details.

Hotel arrangement, accommodation, cars, spending……Xiao Yi looking at the list make him feel dizzy, he understand that his status is equivalent to Luzhou’s butler. Originally most actors filming in Hengdian isn’t allow to pick the hotel they want, they’ll be staying where Hengdian’s arrangement crews stay, however A-list like Luzhou and Zhang Xiran allowed to pick whichever hotel they want.

That’s why Luzhou didn’t allow the company to arrange a five-star hotel, he just took the money out of his pocket and give it to Xiao Yi to arrange a hotel.

Xiao Yi glance at Luzhou, at this moment, this person is tilting his head, mouth slightly open, sitting against the seat, snoring with his gradually falling.

The flight attendant came over to inquire, seeing the sleeping Luzhou, at once recognized him and put on an shocking expression, “Male G.o.d!”

Xiao Yi quickly put Luzhou’s back on, waved his hand to indicate not to disturb him, he is sleeping.

After settle in the airplane, Lin Yao ordered foods, eating while talking to Xiao Yi.

“In the future, when the filming start, I can’t be there for the entire process, that time, you’ll have to worked hard.” Lin Yao said, “First time at Hengdian is confusing, if you don’t understand anything, just ask Luzhou.”

Xiao Yi quickly nod.

“Hold yourself back from asking for signature from other stars.”

“At night, unless it socializing, the majority of matters absolutely unnecessary, if someone want to see him, said he’s tired from filming, meet him some other times, we’ll take the initiative to contact them. For fans or friends that came visit, you have to clearly identify them, stop them if it appropriate, don’t be rude…”

Lin Yao talked all the way and finally said: “It’s not that I’m worry about your temperament, I’m just afraid you couldn’t refuse them.

“I will remember.” Xiao Yi said, “a.s.sistant Lin, you seem to be very familiar with it.”

“I’ve also worked as his manager.” Lin Yao laughed, “President Du was Luzhou’s manager when he debut, since she always busy, he pa.s.sed the job to me.”

The airplane arrived in Yiwu, Luzhou was being awakened, when entered the car he continue his sleep. When arrived in Hengdian, the co-ordinate will pick them up, Xiao Yi didn’t know what to do, instead Luzhou smiled and greeted, “Where is Li Dao?”

(T/N: Yiwu – A city located in central Zhejiang province, China)

(T/N: Li Dao is director Li real name)

The co-ordinate is a female, she smiled and said: “Director Li is currently in a meeting with a few writers, he’ll meet with you at 6 o’clock at night for dinner. will be shooting for two months, Mr. Lu have the most lines, it going to be exhausting for you. This is this week schedule, the script hasn’t been put together yet.”

“There isn’t a script yet?” Luzhou slightly frown, the co-ordinate said: “G.o.d worship day is tomorrow, your first scene will be film the day after tomorrow, we will film the flying scene first.”

“Will not—–” Luzhou said, “What’s happened?”

The female co-ordinate apologized: “The project was in a rush, right now we only have the script for that scene, the script hasn’t finished yet.”

Xiao Yi: “……….”

That is possible? Xiao Yi was speechless.

Luzhou said: “Forget it.”

Then the co-ordianate guide Luzhou and Xiao Yi out of the room.

Xiao Yi took the schedule, his head fill with many questions, while Luzhou sat on the sofa, “Tea.”

Xiao Yi got up and boil tea, Luzhou still hasn’t completely awake yet, he yawned and went in the bathroom to wash his face.

“Ask if you don’t understand.” Luzhou said impatiently

Xiao Yi finally spoke up.

“Without the script, how can we shoot?” Xiao Yi asked.

“Film randomly,” Luzhou said, “All the implausible drama all filmed like that, even actors change script.”

“What is the…flying scene?” Xiao Yi asked

“Filming the later part first, jumping off the cliff, crying, kissing, so on.” Luzhou finish washing his face, taking off his shirt and walking out of the bathroom with his upper half revealed, he asked: “Where’s my underwear?”

Xiao Yi hastened to find a change of underwear while asked: “You doesn’t like filming flying scene right?”

“Don’t like it.” Luzhou impatiently said, “Don’t even know the actor yet, already have to film a kiss scene with them in the beginning, who can stand it?!”

Xiao Yi let out a agreeing sound, Luzhou turned on the water, the sound of water crashing down.

Xiao Yi asked: “Do we need to prepare anything for tomorrow shooting?”

“No need.” Luzhou said, “When the time come, just block the fans. The crew is responsible for security, just pay more attention and don’t let fans rush in.”

“Yes….yes.” a black line going  Xiao Yi’s head (-_-)


A BaoJi (Emperor Taizu of Liao)

Luzhou as A Baoji 

Xiao Yi when seeing in Luzhou lol

Shulu Ping


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