Golden Assistant

Chapter 6

Golden a.s.sistant Chapter 6

Translator: Polarbearadise

In the evening, Xiao Yi received a call from Lin Yao, asking him to come over to get the car and also greet Lin Yao’s five a.s.sistants, four men and one woman.

Lin Yao told his a.s.sistant: “During this time, you guys will listen to Xiao Yi, do what he tell you to do.”

The a.s.sistants excitingly greeted Xiao Yi, he immediately have a feeling of  the fox exploits the tiger’s might——–Now I can control people?

(T/N: The fox exploits the tiger’s might – Use powerful connections to intimidate people)

However, the facts proved that Xiao Yi is thinking too much, the a.s.sistants consist of all young people, soon they’ll already become familiar with Xiao Yi.

Lin Yao informed him, these a.s.sistants are only temporary and Xiao Yi’s position is completely different from their, every month their salary only 2 or 3 thousand, everything can depend on them. However don’t be too familiar with them, more people more mouth will blabber, the more they talk, the more wrong it will become, don’t let them gossip online.  

They will be responsible for Luzhou in this period of filming, one person will responsible for cooking, one will ma.s.sage Luzhou, one will run errand, one will hold umbrella and fan and one will responsible for the schedule. They also will carry everything outside the studio, even serving Luzhou’s meal…..

“Will they even responsible for feeding him too?” Xiao Yi asked curiously.

“You can ask if there isn’t any outsider.” Lin Yao replied, “I don’t think Luzhou feel comfortable with unfamiliar people feeding him, you can give it a try, but think about your personal safety first, pay attention for the appropriate time before feeding him, if he showed obvious reluctance, then don’t even try it.”

Xiao Yi: “………”

That night, the a.s.sistants followed to Luzhou’s hotel, Xiao Yi saved five phones number and receive a SUV, driving Luzhou back and forth while they filming. Lin Yao know that Xiao Yi doesn’t have money, however he can’t give him his salary in advance. Instead he give him a credit card contain the amount of 50,000 and 20,000 cash, tell him to carefully hold onto it and if it is insufficient, the company can give him more.

Xiao Yi was busy running around in circles, after driving Luzhou to the restaurant, Lin Yao was thinking of sending his a.s.sistants to take Xiao Yi around to familiarize with the place, then he won’t get lost in a hurry.

The a.s.sistant director is from Hong Kong, the whole way he speak Mandarin, even half a day pa.s.sed, Xiao still couldn’t understand a sentence he was saying. He is afraid when they have to communicate, if he still couldn’t understand, all he could do is nodded in approval.

Following the a.s.sistant director for half a week, Xiao Yi start to become crazy,

First of all: He isn’t familiar with the areas

Second: He is completely clueless of what the a.s.sistant director is saying

The phone suddenly rang, Luzhou called to come to the restaurant and Lin Yao also want to introduce him to some people he knew. Xiao Yi quickly head back to the restaurant, waiting outside for a moment before Lin Yao told him to come in. The female lead, director, female lead’s manager, executive producer, producer was all present.

Luzhou introduced Xiao Yi and refer to him as his personal a.s.sistant, when hearing the names of all supporting actors/actresses, it’s like thunder piercing the ear, he carefully nodded and nodded, watching Luzhou, who seems to be unhappy.

(T/N: Thunder piercing the ear – Shocking/surprising news)

“Good, now you can go.” Luzhou said.

Xiao Yi then left.

Outside, there is tables fill with crew members, someone called out to him: “Did you eat? Let’s eat together.”

Xiao Yi smiled in a humble way and sat down, the female co-ordinate he met earlier warmly greeted him. She introduced him to the make-up artist, stylist, photographer with his apprentice in one table, lights and props in another….Xiao Yi feel dizzy from trying to absorb all the information, basically doesn’t know who’s who.

“You are……”

“Hou Qin.” A young elder brother sitting next to Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Xiao Yi chatted a few words with the crews, it seems they all familiar with each other, moreover, arrived earlier than him.

The female co-ordinate said: “Mr. Lu isn’t arrogance, making me feel at ease.”

Xiao Yi thought to himself, being like that isn’t arrogance…your requirement is quite low…..He smiled and said: “Ah yes, brother Zhou treat others very good, never hit me, scold me or yell at me, he speak very gentle not even hint of hatefulness. This is my first time joining the crews, please take care of me. If I did something wrong, please feel free to scold me.”

“Oh–” Everyone seem to have an understanding expression visible on their faces, he could heard the loud OS sound inside his heart beating out of his chest clearly inside his head.

For example, they are thinking this person who reach heaven in a single step, probably is Luzhou’s male gigolo,

didn’t know Luzhou also into this kind of thing,

he actually know how to pick.

Is he the attacker or the receiver?

He probably is the receiver by the way he look, aiya, nowadays if one want to blend into this circle, they have to sell their body blah blah blah…….


Xiao Yi thought, ‘these f****** people’ you can’t even control your inner thought? your expression is clearly shouting out what you are thinking.’ In order to clarify the misunderstanding, he said: “My college cla.s.smates is president Du’s nephew.”

“Oh–” Their expression changed again, the female co-ordinate smiled and said: “You probably have seen sister Xiran.”

“Yes, I have.” Xiao Yi said, “Sister Xiran is very pretty and have possess a great characteristics.”

The female co-ordinate said: “I was her fan, if one day I could be able to work with her, that’s would be great.”

“I’m very antic.i.p.ate to see Mr. Lu and Ms. Xiran working together.” The make-up artist smiled and said, “Definitely very compatible.”

“Ah yes, yes.” Xiao Yi said with a smile.

“In the film studios, everyone feels like a family.” the co-ordinate said in heartfelt way, “A lots of newcomers, after finish the jobs they feel reluctant to leave, even cried, the relationship between the crew members and director is very good, spend a certain amount of time in the studio and you will get used to it, getting to know others, making connection, you’ll gradually blend in.”

Xiao Yi is indeed looking forward for making good connection with the crew members, even if it a short period of time, hanging for 10 days to couple of weeks will able to become good friends, the whole crew members going through thick and thin together, of course, will build up feelings.

Luzhou waited for everyone to finish their meal than exited, everyone wanted to get up along with him, but the producer said: “Everyone eat slowly, I’ll we go have a talk with director Li.”

Everyone could eat slowly, but Xiao Yi doesn’t have that privilege, he couldn’t even touch a piece of chicken in the bowl, stand up and follow Luzhou out. The two of them bid the director goodbye, entered their car and disappear.

Lin Yao also got into the car, Xiao Yi asked: “Where should we go?”

“Back to the hotel.” Luzhou’s face was darken.

Xiao Yi thought to himself, ‘I’m done for, who stepped on his tail this time.’

Lin Yao suddenly laughed and said: “What are you competing with the newcomer for.”

“Oh.” Lu Zhou exhorted coldly, “Fen Fen Zhong want to become the movie queen, do I dare to not cooperate with her? She have her G.o.dfather carried the sky for her.”

(T/N: Carried the sky – Support behind one back with power and money)


“Alright, alright, calm yourself down.” Lin Yao said.

Xiao Yi couldn’t guessed what the female lead said, he estimated that she might be kneeling and turning her face upward while speaking with Luzhou, making him feel uncomfortable. Thinking about it he started chuckling quietly, Luzhou noticed and tap him on the head, almost making his head falling on the steering wheel.

He angrily said: “You’re on my side, when going in why are you keep bowing and bending your knee! Making me losing face!”

(T/N: ‘You’ that Luzhou use is in an informal way)


(T/N: Keep bowing and bending one knee – Showing exaggerated flattery or affection toward someone)


“I I I…I didn’t know.” Xiao Yi thinking to himself, cursing at Luzhou ‘You even know about the idiom to bow and bend the knee, very cultural’, but he said: “I didn’t think about it, I’m sorry brother Zhou, I’ll correct it next time…..”

“Don’t pour all the blame on him,” Lin Yao said, “He performed well, modest and prudent, it isn’t common for new person.”


“I’m sorry.” Xiao Yi quickly explained, “I only seen them on the television…I really didn’t know how to react.”

“There are many people.” The arrogance expression on Luzhou’s face make Xiao Yi want to punch the heck out of him, Luzhou continue: “Who is more important than me? Ask yourself that, who is more popular than me?

Xiao Yi: “………..”

“Yes, yes.” Lin Yao said, “New people doesn’t understand completely, look at Huang Jun, isn’t he very respectful toward you?”

“Just one of the suck up.” Luzhou sneered, “And you, look at yourself, chatting all happily with the female co-ordinate outside, what do you want to accomplish?”  


(T/N: Again the ‘you’ in Luzhou dialogue is informal)


“Ah?” Xiao Yi didn’t know what he did to provoke that man.

“Why don’t you pay more attention?” Luzhou said, “Most of the scandal on tianya was all started by staff member.”


(T/N: ‘You’ is informal)


Xiao Yi thought ‘If you be more careful, then everything will be good, don’t look down on my ability like that’ he then quickly said: “Next time I won’t socialize, I’ll pay more attention.”

Lin Yao said: “The entertainment and television circle is very mess up, just remember don’t gossip about Luzhou to the staff members.”

Luzhou asked: “What did they said about me?”

“Nothing.” Xiao Yi thought, ‘Even if there is any criticism, they won’t tell me, you really……’

“They said that you are great, isn’t an idol that plays around, well-matched with sister Xiran.”

Luzhou said: “Minus the time I’m not there, otherwise you always need to follow me, if the manager invited you to eat, you can go, everything the staff members said, you have to inform me, be more careful when you speak, don’t just socialize with just anyone.”


(T/N: ‘You’ is informal)


Xiao Yi: “Yes.”


Lin Yao have to head back to Beijing on the next night, when arrived at the hotel, he carefully reminded Xiao Yi again: “Tomorrow the filming was postponed, it moved to the day after tomorrow, remember for thousands and millions times, don’t come late, don’t let everyone waited for one person, that is a taboo.”

“Yes.” Xiao Yi start to have cold sweat, Lin Yao give him a few encouraging words before leaving.

When arrived home, Luzhou immediately dial a number, Xiao Yi sitting in his suite, prepared to be orders and wait until Luzhou fall asleep. Luzhou received a few more phone calls, Xiao Yi temporarily doesn’t have anything to do, therefore he cook instant noodles.

Luzhou said: “Why are you eating instant noodle? It smell to death!”

Xiao Yi immediately grabbed the bowl, fork and head into the WC, continue eating, but Luzhou ordered: “Come back here! You haven’t eaten yet?”

“Not yet.” Xiao Yi said.

“Call takeout.” Luzhou thrown the menu at him, Xiao Yi quickly said: “No it’s alright, it is currently night, I don’t want to bother anyone, beside I like to eat instant noodles.”

“You have money, how will they be bothered?” Luzhou said without looking at him, “Throw away the instant noodles.”

Xiao Yi had to call takeout, sitting on the couch eating, while Luzhou is still talking on the phone, also looking at Xiao Yi from time to time. Xiao Yi was very hungry, eating without stopping, Luzhou speaking on the phone with his friend, laughing, but in spite of being busy, he still found time to scold Xiao Yi: “Why are you eating so little!”

Regardless of what Xiao Yi do, he always get scolded,  he obliged and brace himself, opening the lunchbox and continue eating.

Luzhou speak to the other line: “I was scolding my a.s.sistant, he’s like a child. Zhang Xiran…..Don’t even speak of her…..I already had enough of her….”

Xiao Yi listening to Luzhou complain on the phone, while cleaning up after himself. He poured an ice water for Luzhou, fortunately Luzhou is a little tired today and didn’t toss him around for too long, after the phone call, he immediately went to bed.”

“Tomorrow will be turning on the equipments, prepare an appropriate outfit.” Luzhou cautiously reminded

“Tomorrow…..” Xiao Yi thought and said, “Do you want to wear this scarf?” Xiao Yi hold up the scarf on his left and another on his right hand, he thought Luzhou was going to choose an expensive one over there, but Luzhou just glanced at it and casually said: “Okay.”

“Where’s the clothes?”

Xiao Yi laid off three different outfits for Luzhou to choose, he chose one, then finished and went back to bed.

The next day


Xiao Yi drive Luzhou to where the crews a.s.semble, a table was prepared with a wide rectangle plate of roasted pork (whole) on the table. It was packed with people, media, fans, staff members and security, they were pushing Xiao Yi, even his mother wouldn’t recognize him. The camera taking picture of Luzhou non-stop, the light flashed continuously, the weather was cold and wet, Luzhou wore a scarf, wear, the scarf is very fancy, it was the one Xiao Yi chosen for him. It was woven and given by a fan of Luzhou, Xiao Yi secretly hide it, wanting to wear it, but unintendedly Luzhou somehow understand what Xiao Yi wanted, but didn’t say anything about it.

The scarf was made with full of love, on the scarf, there is chibi version of Luzhou and Zhang Xiran. Countless of fans was crying happily, the fans shouted “Luzhou, Luzhou!” loudly the whole way. Being pushed in the crowd, after five minutes, the fans started a riots. The media and reporters was pushed back and forth,  as the result, a reporter was pushed below the altar.

Xiao Yi and Lin Yao was scared, that their soul flies away, they hurriedly ran over and apologized to the reporter.

Luzhou and the female lead, Ning Yaqing lit the burning incense, pour wine and turn the equipment on.

“Today the scarf was a good choice, leave a good impression for the fans, you prepared for him?”

“He selected.” Xiao Yi said in a low voice.

Lin Yao give a thumb up, Xiao Yi asked: “Because of starting the equipment, we have to organized the G.o.d Worshipping Ceremony?”


(T/N: Before turning on all the cameras and equipments they must have a G.o.d Worshipping ceremony for good luck in the whole process of filming)


Lin Yao replied: “No…..It is a custom, Worshipping G.o.d on the starting day will bring good luck, if we didn’t do that and bad luck occurred, they will blamed because we didn’t perform the ceremony.”


Xiao Yi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, the media began the interview, Luzhou stood in front of the camera, immediately changed his expression, talking and laughing, from time to time, complimented Ning Yaqing. The expression on Ning Yaqing was like a fawn, several times she mentioned about the dream of cooperating with the male G.o.d, nervously.


Luzhou smiled and nodded, after the interview, the director lead them out. Luzhou entered the car, in a blink of an eye his expression take a 180 degree turn, angrily said: “F***, earlier who laughed at my fans fighting each others? Did you heard them?”


“I don’t think so ah…Your fans fought??No no….They just give each other a friendly push….???” Xiao Yi heart was thumping, he feels like he is finished, Lin Yao then said: “Quickly, greet the fans over there, put your head out and say something.”


Luzhou wiped his face and instantly switched to a cordial smile, taking off his, roll down the window and stuck his head out, blowing kisses at the uproar fans.


“I love you!” Luzhou said loudly.


Outside, the scream was like when zombie attack or atomic bomb fall, Luzhou pull up the window and face changed instantly, said to Xiao Yi: “From now on paid more attention, listen for who talked about me behind my back, I suspect in the studios, there is someone who is trying to mess with me.”


“Yes, I will.” There are three black lines going down Xiao Yi’s forehead (-_-|||), thinking to himself ‘You are thinking too much, how can there be that much anti-fan’

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