Golden Assistant

Chapter 8

Golden a.s.sistant Chapter 8
Translator: Polarbearadise

Wungheng Gu stand in front of Luzhou, maintaining the bowing position while Luzhou turning over the memorial.


“I had told you many times!” Luzhou throwed the memorial straight at Wungheng Gu and snapped, “Who told you to search their house?!”

(T/N: During filming the ‘I’ Luzhou you is always superior, while the ‘you’ is inferior)

Wungheng Gu startled, bowing his head, glancing back and forth, a look of uncertainty.

“Both men performed well,” the female co-ordinate whispered: “Wungheng Gu could able to catch up with Luzhou.”

Xiao Yi asked: “Wungheng Gu also receive professional training?”

The female co-ordinate nodded, Xiao Yi stood, watching two man act, previously his idea is that every actor could act easily, but he gradually discovered his thought and the reality is a worlds apart. In fact acting is very difficult, if he were taken the role of Wungheng Gu, he definitely couldn’t act like that.

Luzhou briefly say a few words then delegate an a.s.signment for his younger brother played by Wuheng Gu, the director was satisfied with the two performance after filming is finished.

At 5:50 pm, everyone busy packing things up, pa.s.sing out lunchbox and Luzhou’s dinner also arrived in time. Obviously, everyone would be tired in the afternoon, only taken two or three bites then head to the car and rest. Xiao Yi gave Luzhou a cough drop, another a.s.sistant is giving him a ma.s.sage, but he feel uncomfortable and called out: “Xiao Yi, come here.”

Xiao Yi switch place with the other a.s.sistant and ma.s.sage Luzhou’s shoulder, he understand Luzhou is exhausted, therefore he decided to stay silent. A moment later someone called to inform they are switching location, Xiao Yi then drive the car.

The sky gradually faded, the lights and props members arrived first and had set up everything in advance, screening off a section of the palace, then placed the dazzling vertical lights. Luzhou changed his outfit in the car and walked out, looking at the bright light making him dizzy, he moved aside and let the staff member fix his make-up.

Luzhou first put on a nocturnal robe, folding his arm while talking with the director about a scene in the script, after that he then put on the emperor robe as an outer garment.

Supporting actors walk along the corridor in the summer palace, the photographer’s a.s.sistant lie on his stomach, pushing the camera while crawling.

Xiao Yi: “……….”

Xiao Yi always thought that the camera following the actors is moving on the railway, he actually didn’t expect that instead of the railway, it’s the people who lying on the floor and pushing the camera…..once again he was surprised.

The staff members hold up the reflective plate, while slowly moving.

Luzhou clasp his hands behind his back, walking in front with two men behind him.

“This matter, well be in the hands of you two….”

Xiao Yi start feeling tired, holding Luzhou’s clothes, he lean against the car and waited. After this there will be another scene where the supporting female character accompanied by her maid, walked over and meet Shulu Ping.

The scene takes 30 minutes to film.

Again another scene, the messenger riding his horse to send message.

Xiao Yi drowsily fell asleep. Feeling his head is leaning against someone shoulder, he opened his eyes and saw Luzhou standing next to him, supporting his head with his shoulder.

“It’s finished?” Xiao Yi said.

“Still early.” Luzhou said, “There is still some interlude scenes left, if you’re tired, go lie down in the car.”

Of course it was impossible for Xiao Yi to sleep, after a moment, a roar make him startle.

“Die La—!”

Hearing such a loud sound, Xiao Yi know Luzhou is currently filming, he immediately got up to watch.

(T/N: Die La is A Baoji’s brother)

“Die La!” Luzhou chased after another supporting male actor playing the role of Die La, then gradually stopped.

“Cut!” the director shouted, “Die La run off-screen, and again.”

Luzhou: “……..”

Filming start again.

“Die La-!”

“Die La!” Luzhou has caught up and stopped.

Director: “Cut!! Luzhou you ran to close,”

Luzhou really feels defeated by them, the third time chasing, Die La still facing his back toward Luzhou, he bitterly said: “Even you want to leave my side?!”

Although Xiao Yi doesn’t know what scene this is, but his body fall into a strange world, he can feel the grief within Luzhou. Die La choked with emotion, back facing Luzhou and utter: “Your majesty, An Duan is death, all his property was seize, now you doesn’t need Die La anymore, I humbly beg you, your majesty leave me a way out!”

Die La stopped, turned around and knelt, Luzhou immediately help him up, the director then shouted “Cut!”

“Don’t help him, kneeling too fast and the words isn’t emotional enough. Again.”

Everytime Xiao Yi was moved by a scene, the word ‘cut’ suddenly stopped him, it is like missing oxygen, making him unable to breathe.

Repeatedly, filming back and forth, Xiao Yi was almost exhausted from all the emotional feelings until Luzhou painfully cried,

“Die La–!”

Luzhou explosive voice shocked everyone watching, the director immediately shouted cut, and said: “Standby, ready!”

Following after, a ladder was placed on the palace wall, the subst.i.tute climbed up, Die La threw himself into Luzhou’s arms, he was shot by the in the distant. Xiao Yi thought ‘F****, the screenwriter although wrote the this ridiculous script, but still have a little skill! Who killed Luzhou….No, A Baoji’s brother? Actually dared to kill someone in front of the emperor’s face?

Did Shulu Ping send the! Xiao Yi quickly flipped open the script and indeed it is!

Luzhou let out his suppressed anger, choking with his emotions while Die La lying in his arms. The co-ordinate, props, photographer’s a.s.sistant and Hou Qin click their tongue in synchronize fill with admiration.

Luzhou whole body was trembling, he lower his body and bury his head in the supporting actor that playing the role of Die La. His hand shakingly caressed the other man face, the girls watching couldn’t bear it anymore, they said in a low voice: “Beautiful… beautiful…”

Xiao Yi seem to able to hear them, he completely captivated by Luzhou, even his nose ache, from 10 steps he could feel the pain and bitterness Luzhou feels. His brother was shot by a poisoned arrow in front of him, no one could even bear the pain. It was his blood brother, the feeling of losing a member of your family is heartbreaking, Luzhou tremble, touched his forehead very sincerely.

He suddenly looked forward to this drama, but don’t know after all the editing, how will this turn out, the amount invested in it is no joke.

After finished, the staff members clean up the scene, Luzhou was panting, eyes still fill with tears, he sat down on the bench where Xiao Yi is and breathe in deeply, taking the bottle of water from Xiao Yi and drink a mouthful of it.

Xiao Yi was a bit frightened, seeing his expression Luzhou waved his hand, indicating everything’s fine. After that Luzhou take off the emperor robe he is wearing, exposing the nocturnal robes under it.

He stood in front of the camera, face was hidden behind a black mask and start running away. At the bottom of the palace wall, he demonstrate some martial art movements that the martial art teacher previously teaches him and give him some pointers.

“Perfect!” The director said, “Let’s end it here, we’ll call it a day!”

Everyone exaltedly removing their make-up and taking off their outfits and ornaments.

Xiao Yi looked at his watch, it is currently 11:00 pm.

“Go back and rest, especially the people who just joined the group, look at the schedule for tomorrow and arrive at 7 o’clock at the dressing room.” Said the director, “In the morning, we will be taking picture with makeup and costume.

Xiao Yi is dying of exhaustion, waiting for Luzhou to change out of the costume, arriving at the hotel is already pa.s.sed 12, Xiao Yi asked: “Dinner?”

Luzhou sitting on the couch, look a little lonely but didn’t speak a word.

Xiao Yi asked the second time, Luzhou then snap out of it and said: “No, you can go.”

Xiao Yi: “…….”

Luzhou waved: “I hasn’t recovered yet, go to sleep.”

Xiao Yi went back to his room, only thought about one thing: Filming is truly difficult.

(T/N: What Luzhou mean is that the feelings of A Baoji witnessing his own brother dying is still linger in him)

After taking a shower and prepared clothing, it is 1:30, 6:30 he have to wake up, only have 5 hours to sleep.

The next day, Xiao Yi wake up, unaware it is only 6:00. Xiao Yi quickly helped Luzhou with the daily routine and taking him to the dressing room. Today, he begin to get a hang of how the studios operate, knowing when he have to stay by Luzhou side and when he could leave.

In the morning Luzhou will be shooting for his second poster, Xiao Yi accompanied him, after watching the picture being PS, he then drive Luzhou to the shooting location, leaving one a.s.sistant behind with an instruction. Xiao Yi then left to prepare lunch for Luzhou, glancing at the schedule, they still have to film at night, therefore, he also need to prepare dinner too.

Finished preparing lunch, he head back, at the same time Luzhou just finished the military meeting scene. After the scene was successfully filmed, it is lunch time, today the producer isn’t here, yesterday Xiao Yi promised to prepare Hubei cuisine, he make 4 different dishes, only Luzhou will be eating it all.

“Why are you making more foods today?” Luzhou said

“I thought the producer want to try it.” Xiao Yi said

Luzhou yelled: “Ai! They just randomly said it, don’t take it serious.”

‘Is that right?’ Xiao Yi also actually take a joke as something serious, Luzhou educating him and said: “Why are you so serious? Meet people talk like people, meet demon talk like demon, you understand?

Xiao Yi quickly nodded, the foods seem to fit with Luzhou appet.i.te, today he eat more than usual, the producer then appear.

“I always see you guys eat together everyday. “The producer laughs.

“Teacher w.a.n.g.” Luzhou said, “Xiao Yi especially prepared for you, let’s eat together.”

“Oh my, how thoughtful.” The producer said with a smile, while carrying a chair back to sit down. He patted Xiao Yi’s shoulder and quipped: “Pretty good, not bad.”

Luzhou said: “Xiao Yi isn’t lazy, he is honest, if you asked him to do anything, he’ll do it.”

Xiao Yi laughed sheepishly, the producer won’t stop complimenting his cooking skill, a moment later then said: “Oh my, I can’t just eat for free, what should I do?”

Luzhou said: “Teacher w.a.n.g, you can come and eat with us everyday.”

The producer said: “Next time if there is a chance, you need to reveal your face in a drama, ha ha ha ha!”

Xiao Yi: “……….”

Luzhou: “Hurry up and thank teacher w.a.n.g?!”

Xiao Yi at once was shocked and said: “Thank you….Teacher w.a.n.g!”

The producer waved his hand, after eating he want to talk with the director. Xiao Yi thought ‘Is this really true? I can appear on drama?

In that evening when it is rest time, Xiao Yi asked Luzhou something making the corner of his mouth twitch, he said: “You just listen to what he said, in a couple of days he’ll forget about it.”

Xiao Yi thought, ‘Well, you two doesn’t keep your words, keep promising like drinking water, ha! It just too easy for you guys, I almost taking it serious.’

Everyday in the studio is tedious and boring, it keep repeating over and over, filming, market, sleep and occasionally, some people will come to visit the set, fans of Luzhou brought food, while others brought small gifts, as well as Luzhou idol friends come over to say h.e.l.lo.

At night when there isn’t schedule for filming, Luzhou would hang with his friends at the karaoke, build connection with director, producer, the company boss, etc. Xiao Yi waiting outside of K karaoke, he only been sleeping 4 hours, one or two-days is fine, but if it stretch to a month, there will be a problem.

Everyone was impatient, everyday they didn’t get enough sleep, most of the time they would be in the car, at the studio, all the places that they could lean against was occupied, they still have to worry the fans would sneak in and take picture.

Xiao Yi bought a stack of face mask on Taobao, everyday when Luzhou is resting, he would put it on for him.

Many artist also came to find Xiao Yi and eat the fruit he bought for Luzhou, his popularity within the studio rises quickly. He doesn’t gossip behind anyone back, if hearing something he would just laugh and move on. Also because he is Luzhou’s personal a.s.sistant, most people would intentionally or unintentionally try to gain his favor.

“You have constipation, eat more apples.” Xiao Yi said.

“You…….” Luzhou ferocious said, “ Don’t say that! I don’t have constipation!”

Xiao Yi said: “In the morning you squatting in the toilet for a long time…..being constipated for too long will make you get angry easily……eat a little more fruit.”

Luzhou: “………”

There isn’t any other way, having an a.s.sistant is like that, there isn’t even any privacy when eating. Luzhou took the apple and angrily said: “You nag even more than my mother!”

Xiao Yi’s expression look sincere, but inside he is using all his strength to control himself from spitting cursing at Luzhou, afraid he’ll hear it.

“Who are you calling everyday?” Luzhou was alert, asked.

“My girlfriend.” Xiao Yi cutting apple for Ning Yaqing, while replying to Luzhou.

Ning Yaqing sat down, looking toward Xiao Yi and smiled. Luzhou warned Xiao Yi many times, people will flatter him, trying to gain his favor, be polite to him all because he is close to Luzhou. If one day, he lost his position, they would immediately become cold tea. No matter how nice they seem to be, don’t get to close or they would easily taken advantage of you.

Xiao Yi thought about it countless of time, ‘between people and people they aren’t so sn.o.bbish, working in the studio is like being in jail, if they could be happy, why not?

“What are you calling her for.” Luzhou educate him, “Are you even a man, a good horse doesn’t come back to the same pasture, understand?”

Xiao Yi said: “She turned off her phone, no matter what I need to explain.”

Ning Yaqing said with a smile: “A girl’s’ mind is hard to predict, most of time it is like that.”

“Really?” Xiao Yi asked expectantly

Luzhou snort, didn’t bother to a.s.sess anymore, Ning Yaqing teach Xiao Yi: “She turned off her phone, you can call her home phone, QQ, WeChat, weixin, anywhere you could find her. If you care about her, you need to find a way to contact her, there are many things girls don’t say it out loud, there are things you need to understand on your own without her telling you.”

(T/N: QQ, Wechat, Weixin – Social Media like facebook)

Xiao Yi thought about it and said: “Thank you, I understand.”

Ning Yaqing kindly smiled, looked at Luzhou and said: “Mrr. Lu probably very familiar with a girl’s mind, being the man, they need to take the initiative.”

Luzhou vaguely make an agreeing sound, Xiao Yi smiled and asked Ning Yaqing, if she think the same things when she is in love. Ning Yaqing replied that she had never been in love.

At the same time, the fans came visit the set, shouting from faraway and taking pictures. Luzhou’s expression changed, Xiao Yi immediately got up, walk over and said to them: “Don’t take pictures, come here, I will arrange a time for everyone to take photo with Luzhou okay??”

“It can only be group picture.” Xiao Yi said, “Can’t be an individual photo, come, everyone waited for a moment, we’ll take picture before filming.”

When Xiao Yi head back, he see Ning Yaqing sat in his seat, sitting next to Luzhou, talking and laughing.

“Can we take picture?” Xiao Yi asked

Before coming here, Du Mei and Lin Yao both give Xiao Yi the authority to organize taking picture with fans in appropriate times to increase fans’ affinity toward Luzhou. Luzhou looked impatiently and got up, Ning Yaqing smiled and walk over, about to head over, Luzhou instantly changed into a kind and gentle expression.

“The weather is cold.” Luzhou said, “Don’t come in these few days, I have to film outside.”

All the fans yelled, the male G.o.d speak to us, ah! The indescribable excitement, a boy was responsible to give the gift was excited, only could stuttered.

“We brought you, brought you….brought you.” the boy came up, it seem a bit like he want to hug Luzhou.

Xiao Yi standing aside, silently encouraging ‘hurry go hug him, kiss him too, in order to save his image, he won’t shout and curse at the fans. Lick his nose too, hurry! I’ll support you! I’ll see how you will die! Go!’ Xiao Yi really want to see how Luzhou embarra.s.sed by fans in front of everyone….

Luzhou said with a smile: “What is your name?”

“My my my my name is…….¥ The boy’s tongue was twisted in a knot, he continue: “I like watching you act, I I I…..I will learn from you!” The boy realized that kissing Luzhou wouldn’t be appropriate considering his gender, Xiao Yi though this time, ‘All Luzhou need to do is pat his head or wrap his arm around the boy, it should be enough to make him faint happily.

Luzhou gently smiled and said: “Next time you guys came visit, don’t buy gifts, I’m not lacking anything, if you guys want to watch me, just come.”

Luzhou then reached out and wrap his arm around the boy’s shoulder, Xiao Yi laughed, suddenly feeling a little empathy, this beautiful feelings is almost contagious. Seeing the boy stand close to Luzhou, he could see a reflection of himself, everyone suddenly feel the spring breeze pa.s.sed by, even if it acting, it good enough……If Luzou can keep this current state everyday while talking to him, Xiao Yi will feel……something indescribable.

“Everyone gather, we’ll take picture.” Luzhou casually said, “Ning Yaqing…..Xiao Yi where are you going? Come back here!”

Xiao Yi want to go outside, but Luzhou didn’t want to let him go, he wants Xiao Yi to stand in between him and Ning Yaqing, the fans object, wanting Xiao Yi to be the photographer.

Xiao Yi said: “I’ll take the picture, hurry, move closer.”

Therefore Luzhou and Ning Yaqing stand in the middle, the fans standing on both sides, *Ka Cha* the picture is taken.


Du Mei called, Xiao Yi is currently organizing the gifts fans gave Luzhou, heat pack, scarves, gloves, and snacks.

Luzhou answered the phone, his tone wasn’t good at all, he said: “I will not call her!”

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