Pavilion of Mist and Rain, the land of softness and beauty for all the men in the capital and, of course, the bottomless hole absorbing gold. In it, there were the best wines, most appetizing dishes, most attentive service, and certainly the most ecstatic beauties. In one word, as long as you had money, you could get whatever you wanted!

"This Pavilion of Mist and Rain is famous across the capital city. Qingyu, have a try here."

The clinking sound like jade-collision was pleasant to the ear, and the procuress of the brothel subconsciously glanced over to the door. A proud n.o.ble young man wearing a red scarf pushed an elegant childe and paced in.

The young man in red scarf casually looked around. Just standing there, he presented a courage and confidence to look right in the eye of an emperor. Or probably, he was one.

Such a man now was pus.h.i.+ng an exquisite wheelchair taken by a young childe who obviously had difficulty in walking. But he sat there quietly, clean like the moon, with soft eyes and brows and a dot of red cinnabar that couldn"t be forgotten by any be-holder. He had a calm and faintly careless countenance, the whole of him displaying a blowing of unearthly beauty.

The appearance of such a special combination instantly cut into a moment of silence in the hall. The other n.o.ble lords behind them were totally ignored.

The procuress had met numerous people in her life. Her sharp eyes told her that these weren"t ordinary men. At once, she drove away other servants and motioned to them herself, smiling before speaking, "Oh, dear Duke Fang haven"t visited us for a long time. My girls miss you so much. This childe looks unfamiliar to me. I guess this is his first, isn"t it?"

Xiao Qingyu watched Duke Fang thoughtfully—he seemed to be popular here… Alright. Either in terms of appearance or learnings, power and social status, he completely met the standard of "a handsome childe against the earthly world and a dream for million girls". It was natural that he was popular among women.

At this moment, this "dream for million girls" was taking a bunch of others to enjoy themselves in a brothel.

Besides Xiao Qingyu and Fang Junqian, there was at least one girl sitting on the thighs of each man. Some even couldn"t hold it anymore, touching and kissing around and deeply sunk in the pleasure.

The girls here knew that Duke Fang was so picky that even in a brothel, he wanted to find an impossibly good-looking one instead of ordinary pretty girls, so they weren"t confident to approach him.

As for the elegant childe next to him, he just sat quietly and enjoyed his tea, as if there was a s.h.i.+eld around him against the dusty world. Even in the clamoring brothel, he still remained calm and courteous. He must maintain the same countenance when he played musical instrument, appreciated a poem or chatted with others.

These girls all had met countless men, from the n.o.bilities to the street peddlers. They could always figure out what was in the men"s mind. After all, men just wanted that, and the girls just gave.

However, this childe was different. Not to say to approach him, they felt their one more gaze would be a blasphemy.

Mo Yuyan, the most beautiful girl of Pavilion of Mist and Rain, was now peering silently at Xiao Qingyu at the entrance of the staircase…

Mo Yuyan was a stunning beauty, long eyelashes flapping in front of her dark eyes on the face cute as a peach blossom, with an air chilly as snow.

It was most appropriated to describe her as "enchanting as peach blossoms and icy as frost".

She had been adopted since she was a child by Mama Rong, the procuress and owner of Pavilion of Mist and Rain. Having been brought up here, she was used to human"s enthusiasm and cold-heartedness and apt at observing people"s expression to figure out their intention and satisfy them.

She, clever and smart, certainly knew that what she had learnt was merely to please men. If lucky, before she got old and ugly, she might be selected by a rich young man and married into a luxurious mansion as a concubine, ridding of the miserable flesh business of "being touched and kissed by a thousand men".

—Until she met this youth in the wheelchair.

That young childe sat so quietly that he seemed to have waited for her for five hundred years…

So good-looking that he seemed to be illusory. 

So lonely that her heart ached continuously.

In that moment,

Mo Yuyan finally understood

—the reason of her existence was to wait for him!

At whatever cost…even to fall to a purgatory!

"I"m Mo Yuyan. Glad to meet you, childe and Duke Fang." Mo Yuyan made her way downstairs, snaking her waist and bowing to them seductively.

Never nervous in front of men, she at this moment was restless.

She feared that her clothes might be untidy, her makeup unnatural, and herself not attractive enough… In a word, she worried that the childe didn"t like her!

Xiao Qingyu was inhumanly calm and clear.

At this moment, the immovable eyes were glancing at Mo Yuyan through dusts of the mortal.

Mo Yuyan stepped forward, wearing a smile brighter than stars. The smooth tender hand brushed over the face of Childe Wushuang and climbed to his eyebrows. She said gently, "Childe, your eyebrows are as beautiful as mountains yond."

The fingers slipped down— "This pair of eyes seem to have absorbed the soul of flowers and extracted the brilliance of the moon into the bottom…"

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