Xiao Qingyu sat motionlessly in the hall, quiet like a virgin and poised to face a storm.

But by closer examination, you would find something different.

Because there was murderousness in his eyes.

Penetrating murderousness.

Even the little cinnabar between the brows overflowed with killing.

The n.o.ble sons had already cuddled together trembling from fear. Having lived in greenhouse, they had never encountered such a scary incident.


Xiao Qingyu slightly frowned, thinking in heart, ‘Useless and c.u.mbersome people. If they were hurt accidentally, he didn"t know how to explain to their parents…’

He gently waved his hand, “Leave.”

“No one shall leave alive!” The man in black wielded his sword at the man who tried to run away! In the next second, the head would part the body, when a strike of golden brilliance flashed before everybody’s eyes, like meteors in a winter night—

At some time n.o.body could tell, the dazzling blade of the killer was entangled by a coil of gold thread. 

The other end of the gold thread was exactly in the hand of Xiao Qingyu!

He looked lonely.

The long thread was lightly twiddled between his thumb and index finger, his move graceful like holding a flower.

He sighed, “Why did you come here to die?”

The slender fingers exerted strength! Just like his sweeping on the guqin strings.

Cras.h.i.+ng sound came—

In the astonis.h.i.+ng eyes of the killers, that blade made of refined steel was broken into pieces!

With such a thin gold thread?! — What kind of weapon was this?!

Seeing his peers got frightened before fighting, the killer lead scolded with rage, “Kill him! Or none of us could escape!!”

The four killers yelled in unison as if just waking up from dreams!

Immediately, four sabers rushed over in all directions, from the left, right, up and down!

They aimed to smash this pale, calm, delicate, disabled youth into pieces!

Yet, the white-clothed youth in the wheelchair briefly moved his wrist, and the gold thread should create dreamy golden glows in its dancing and swinging. Every now and then, he tilted his head and plucked the thread, easily deflecting the attacks of the four killers!

“Brother. This prey is th.o.r.n.y.”

The one being called brother said furiously, “I don"t believe we’ll be defeated by a cripple! Hit his legs!”

Saying that, the man dashed over, threw away the saber and pulled out two staggers, which glistened with blue poisonous light and targeted right at the youthful lord’s legs!

Xiao Qingyu’s eyes turned chilly, two iron lotus seeds slipping into his palm from the cuff.

“Done!” The daggers were about to cut into the disabled youth’s legs, when the leading killer suddenly saw a hand.

A snowy hand.

With slender fingers.

A soul-stirring hand!

Two fingers of it flicked, and two things shot out in a rush.

The things were tiny and speedy. At a time, all others present didn"t see clearly what they were.

Yet the leading killer did—

Two iron lotus seeds!

However, these were the last things that he saw in his life.

Before he could react, he saw blood red covering his eyes!

And then,



He squealed!

Xiao Qingyu sat in the wheelchair safe and sound, calmly watching the killer shrieking and rolling on the ground.

“You want my legs, and I took your eyes.” His countenance remained clam and composed, “It’s fair.”



The leading killer stopped screaming and pa.s.sed out from the pain.

Everybody felt a surge of chill from the bottom of their hearts.

A killer roared with anger, “Destroy his wheelchair first!”

Childe Wushuang used the wheelchair to walk, so destroying it meant destroying his legs.

Five people dashed to the wheelchair at the same time.

Xiao Qingyu patted the armrest with both hands!

A small hole emerged from the armrest, and a string of chilly flare burst out!

“Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.” Five sabers fell on the ground in a row!  

Fang Junqian inhaled long! Five silver needles had hit right on the blade of the five sabers and neatly knocked them onto the ground…

His skill of hidden weapon was horrible!

Xiao Qingyu lifted his right hand, and a thin line of gloss pa.s.sed by, speedy like a shooting star—


The five killers crouched on the ground, eyes wide open, dead! There was a fine bloodstain on the throats of them all.

Xiao Qingyu was grabbing a gold thread along which dripped down a string of blood beads.

He winded up the thread, eyes calm and quiet, as if the killing had no effect on him at all.

Six corpses lay under his feet, but Xiao Qingyu didn"t take a look and only turned back to Fang Junqian, “Can you walk?”

The elixir he had given Duke Fang could only temporarily suppress the toxicity from the arrow. He must leave immediately to get radical treatment.

A playful smile still hung on the lips of Duke Fang, “I’m a bad guy. Bad guys won’t die easily. I’m fine.”

“That’s good.” Xiao Qingyu patted the armrest, and the wheelchair with hidden gears ran forward automatically towards the door.

“Watch out!!!” Mo Yuyan shouted!

The words were still in the air, when a saber sprinted to Xiao Qingyu head-on at a lightening speed— it was the newly blinded leading killer!

He had been lying on the ground, and everybody had thought that he was dead. Xiao Qingyu didn"t pay attention to him either after dealing with the other five killers.

It turned out that he had been pretending and waited to give Xiao Qingyu a fatal blow when he let down his guard!

The saber was chopping downwards.

The light on it reflected on Xiao Qingyu’s face!

The killer suddenly felt an acute pain in the back! 

He turned around and found Fang Junqian holding the sword in his back.

Fang Junqian quickly drew off his sword.

As the blood surged, the killer finally collapsed to the ground.

Fang Junqian coughed successively! That movement drained up the last bit of his strength. Now the toxicity couldn"t be suppressed from running to his heart!

Even in this situation, Fang Junqian maintained his playful face, joking while coughing, “Qingyu, I’ve saved your life. Don"t forget to pay me back, better with yourself…”

The white-clothed youth just sat quietly, his features delicate and voice pale and chilly, “As long as I’m here, you’ll be fine.”

He gave a hand to support Fang Junqian who pa.s.sed out.

“Childe!” Mo Yuyan called out for him hurriedly. “I wonder if childe would accept me if I get rid of this place.”

Just now when the storm of weapons and dangers took place, everybody tried to escape. Only Mo Yuyan took the risk of being hurt accidently and stayed in the hall.

Xiao Qingyu’s voice was indifferent, “We seem to meet for the first time.”

Mo Yuyan lowered her head, “It’s good enough.” For you, childe, it was insignificant. But for me, it was enough to decide my life…

“If so,” Xiao Qingyu paused briefly, “Come to find me when you get your freedom.”

On that day, Xiao Qingyu, the Right Prime Minister of Daqing was attacked, Duke Fang injured and poisoned. None of the six killers survived.

Afterwards, Mo Yuyan, the top prost.i.tute of Pavilion of Mist and Rain, spent all her belongings to get rid of the brothel, left it forever, without any news later.

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